I just learnt an expensive lesson on the weekend and I wanted to let my fellow OzBargainers know.
I was driving along a two lane road in the right hand land with another car slightly ahead in the left hand lane. As I was passing that car, it drifted out of its lane slightly. I instinctively moved across to the right to avoid a collision. This caused me to hit the kerbing, which then split the side wall of my tyre. Replacing this one tyre has just cost me over $300.
I phoned my insurance company to see if I could claim as I had the registration number of the other car. Basically, I was told that unless I had hit the other car, there was nothing that they could do. So the lesson is, if another car drives towards you, unless you want to pay for all the damage, you are better off not changing course, but hitting it.
Presumably this post is being facetious. If you want to recover you $300 you could try contacting the car owner directly, continue to hassle your insurance company or talk to the Insurance ombudsman on whether the insurance company can claim this. Personally I would take the hit, or talk to the owner, because your premiums will go up when you make a claim and most insurance policies have an excess associated with them. BTW - What sort of tyres do you buy that cost $300 each?