I often saw dishwasher and washing tablet commercials claiming dishwasher uses less electricity and water than handwashing. I find it hard to comprehend so I did a bit search.
First I was redirected to this Finish tablet website, claiming:
But a team of scientists discovered that dishwashers actually save you money, because they use a fraction of the electricity and water you’d need to wash the same load of plates by hand **.
** 2009 Colmar Brunton Study - Sydney
I tried to obtain the "2009 Colmar Brunton Study - Sydney" through the contact page. Unfortunately it didn't allow me to submit after I filled in all the possible fields, saying "Please answer all fields marked with *". Not to mention they miss the label "Phone" beneath the State textbox.
I then turned to Colmar Brunton. Oops, their "contact us" form at the bottom did't work either, erroring "Your message could not be sent, please complete all required fields and try again.", despite all possible fields had been filled out.
I tried these websites on two computers and three browsers. If a research company cannot get their website straight we can imaging the quality of the research they are delivering.
Personally I don't believe dishwasher uses less water than handwashing unless the family always have a dozen dishes to wash under maximum running hot water. In most cases cold water plus detergent is good enough. How does dishwasher beat zero energy consumption?
Why ain't these marketing driven research banned? Obviously most of these research are carried out with a set result.
How do you wash you dishes and do you believe the title?
having a dishwasher makes the wife happy, because she isn't the only one doing them.