Receive 2,000 bonus Woolworths Rewards points (giving you $10 off your next shop) when you purchase a $50 Netflix Gift Card.
Combine with this for another $10 bonus.
2,000 Bonus Points (Worth $10) with $50 Netflix Gift Card @ Woolworths

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Shouldn't need to cancel the current sub at all unless it is through Apple or Google.
When you enter a gift card onto your account, it will use that balance before trying to deduct from your autopay facility.
If you use iTunes you can pick up 20% off iTunes gift cards most weeks and use that to pay for Netflix.
To maximize savings - you can buy 5% off Woolworths egift cards if you are an NRMA/RACV, etc.. member and use these to buy the iTunes gift cards. Total discount is 24%
I did just this tonight. 24% off when combined with Woolies eGift card. Pretty sweet deal in the end.
Are we able to purchase multiple GCs and receive multiple bonus points?
Doubt it. But that would be interesting if you could.
Nothing mentioned in the cat but i assume its one transaction per membership ;)
Was able to get multiple bonuses last time they had similar deal. Was Woolworth dollars then though, but I feel it shouldn't change their policy.
Did anyone try this today? Does multiple work?
Can confirmed it worked. Got 4000 points from it. Thanks Op!
It's actually more efficient and cheaper to buy Apple iTunes cards at 25% off if you are purely going after this deal for Netflix only.
I must be behind the times. Can you buy netflix credit via itunes?
You can subscribe to Netflix via iTunes using iTunes credit. So instead of $12 a month for the HD plan you can effectively be paying $9 if you buy iTunes cards on the cheap at 25% off. 4k Plan becomes $11.25 making it cheaper than the full price HD plan.
where abouts in the iTunes app do i find this? i'm turning up nothing
does this mean, you need an iTunes account?
or is it just a matter of buying the iTunes cards, but using some kind of voucher code found on the iTunes card,
and using this voucher inside NetFlix to pay for it (e.g. entering it in some field, and choosing 'iTunes gift card'?)i just suspended my NetFlix account, but if it's "cheap" enough, i might switch back :-D
@whyisave: You need to subscribe to Netflix from an Apple device. You can borrow someone else's iPhone or iPad once if you don't have any devices yourself.
can this be done on an existing account or do you have to sign up for a new account via itunes?
Existing. You can log into your Netflix account via a Apple device. You can actually probably do it via Android aswell but i haven't tried as there usually isn't a good discount on Google Play credit.
Where can we get iTunes gift card at 25% off? I think most of time it's 20%? Thanks
I agree. Even 20% off is getting harder to find now that officeworks doesn't discount that high anymore.
So im on the standard 8.99 plan. UHD movies available are differet to those in standard? So essentially you have more content if you have the higher plans?
You can still watch all UHD content but quality will be capped at standard definition.
You couldn't be more wrong. $14.99 and I watch at least 2 hours a day. Always something on, and the offline viewing is awesome.
Great value.
The comment is pure trolling.
someone is late to the party
It's my party and you weren't invited ;)
woolies staff now madly going around the store removing most of the netflix cards
hiding them under the 50% off easter eggs prob
I haven't seen iTunes cards at 25% off. There seemed to be quite a few deals at 20% off but recently this became 15% off (e.g. at Coles this week?)
Just doing the math:
$50 iTunes costs $42.50 (at 15% off) - which is an actual savings of $7.50
$50 Netflix card which costs $50 but gets you a $10 savings (assuming you use it) - $40 which works out to 20% off (which you can find sometimes for iTunes)
The other thing if buying a $50 card through Woolies, do you also get 50 rewards points (a whole $0.25 worth) - which I guess is still worth something?
I guess most people wouldn't need to buy more than $150 of netflix credit (which gets you > 1 year of HD and almost a year of UHD)
normally your use egift cards (that you buy at 5% off) to buy iTunes cards at woollies/big when they have 20% off itune card sales.. so total 25% off
but it seems like it's 15% now
Oh, I forgot to factor that in as well - so if you buy a $50 Netflix card, you're actually paying $48.50 for it and getting $10 back, so technically a saving of $12.50 - which is a 25% discount all up (or 25.5% if you include the 50 points for the purchase..)
One thing I've never worked out - does the deal stack internally (i.e buying 2 x cards gets you 4000 points ?) or do you have to buy them in separate transactions ?
Kmart have had iTunes cards at 25% off 2x$20 cards for $30) for last 2 weeks, ending today.
Will this work if my Netflix account was set up in the US?
Averaged "43% off" in Coles last round as $30,$20 were nicely available as well as their once-per-household condition was not enforced but worth 4k points - aim for separate transaction rewards/Flyb.
I'm yet to import an android TV/ mi box to evaluate kody or similar alternative setups, preferring at this stage to just revive the one abandoned cheap Netflix ac.. . (-8
Signed up originally to 2xHD using regional pricing on AU $8/m equivalent ($96/yr) which it seems went up- by today's 2017 conversion $9.78=Brazil. OptusNetflix vouchers offset this regional sub to zero covering several months, fortunately stretching out the plan.
I wonder if giftcredits now have been tested lately with regional prices for $50 to cover five months, though probably no longer accepted ?
Possess a generous amount of Google Play store/netflix credit in Telstra prepaid legacy freedom plus account to be worried about methods, counting giftcards for merely backup.
No Netflix giftcard sold in Perth CBD one :( not even listed on the bonus points ad they put up
They were sold out in my local woolies (had 4 woolies people looking for them!) in Wollongong. Will be trying to look in other Woolies tomorrow..
So i found some last night (called ahead to check they had some). Was interested as the person said they had a bunch but had to check with the manager whether they were allowed to release them (what ? it's in the catalog..)
I'm pretty sure you could buy these all in one transaction and get $10 for each one but I chose not to do that.
Bought first one for $50 (paid using egift card so it really cost $48.50). Generated $10 credit Bought second one for $50, and it took off $10 (previous credit) so it became $40 - and actually cost $38.. and it generated another $10 credit.
So actually paid $86.50, got $100 of netflix and another $10 of credit waiting for next stop (so net cost of $76.50)
This works out to almost a year of Netflix - or a couple of months free. No huge saving but it's nice as we just couldn't get the 3 months free deal no matter what we did when we switched over from US to AU..
Netflix inception. I bought one but didnt think to try buying another. Thanks for confirming - Question though.. Did you use the same Everyday rewards card?
I did use the same card. I am pretty sure that buying multiple cards just triggers multiple credits but as I didn't know at the time I thought I would buy them sequentially.
Reading the T&Cs I do note that you don't get points for buying any gift cards.. (so I assume this doesn't create any additional points..)
How do I cancel my current Netflix monthly auto payment by CC and use this?.