[Price Error] Mac Pro at Qantas Store for 93K points, or 5K points + $520

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A friend brought this to my attention on Sunday morning, but you can get the last generation Mac Pro for 93,000 points (using barometer for 4230 points for $25 Myer gift card, that's only about $549. If you use the Points + Pay slider to reduce the points to 5,000, you only have to pay $520. Not sure if it's a mistake or just clearance, but I ordered one Sunday. Hasn't shipped yet, but should in the next day or so.

Price error (moved to forums): Emails are now coming through confirming the price error. As compensation Qantas are providing 2000 points and a 20% discount code for those who unsuccessfully ordered.

9 News Article - Shopping frenzy as Qantas store mistakenly sells Apple computer at $4000 discount. Thanks cheaper

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    • +3

      sorry but calling shenanigans on this one.

      news is news but this is a simple pricing error and a whole load of greedy fools (me included) rushed in on a micro chance that it is real

  • +10

    My friend that also works for apple and owns 2 cats and 1 cavoodle said apple will be pulling the mac pro off its website globally so Qantas could fulfill these orders.

    • +11

      My friend that works for Wall Street that owns 1 parrot, 2 goldfish and 1 turtle said that Apple shares is expected to hit all time high after the Dow Jones open tonight. Something about unusually high demands for Mac Pro.

  • +3

    I seriously don't see why Qantas would honour this given HN and JB Hifi sometimes have pricing errors and able to cancel the order. How is this any different?

    • +1

      I have a Sony power bank from this deal
      and JB HI FI honoured all of them which gave it a huge PR image boost.

      So it really depends on whether Qantas think this loss is worth the PR hit, all about that opportunity cost!

      • I remember that deal. Bought one and it stopped working after a few weeks. Sony sent me 2 new ones to replaced the broken one. So basically got 2 for the price of one.

    • +2

      It depends on how much of a pricing error it is. If it's a $1,000 TV for $1 then that's hard to absorb. If it's a $1,000 TV for $800 then they might take that on the chin, depending on what their wholesale cost is. Frankly, they may still make money on the deal so will honour the price. If it was advertised for $400 and their wholesale is $500, so they will be losing $100 on the deal - they may still honour it as the cost of processing refunds as well as negative publicity may be seen as not being worth it.

      With this, well it's a significant discount on the retail price - including the points it's probably around the $700 or $800 mark. That's around an 85% discount on the RRP of $4,899 so will definitely be less than wholesale. Having said that, it also depends on what people might be thinking when they bought the item. If you buy that TV for $1, well you pretty much can assume most people would know that was an error and accept it if they don't get the goods. If they buy the TV for $400 then they are far more likely to be expecting to get that TV, so will be angry if they don't.

      So. The Mac Pro was released in 2013 and the specs have not changed including HDMI V1.4 (not 2.0) and thunderbolt ports for displays that Apple discontinued last year. I think there is an argument to be made that this was a good deal for what it has, but (ignoring it's from Apple so major discounts are rare) not an amazing deal. I can easily imagine people looking at this and thinking it's a discontinued model on clearance, and $800 or so for a desktop that doesn't even come with a monitor, keyboard, or mouse is not out of the ordinary.

      Basically if people complain about not getting a TV for $1, well the general public will go 'fair enough'. If people complain about not getting an old desktop for $800 then, even if Qantas say 'but it's worth nearly $5k!' it doesn't look good from a public relations perspective. Will see what happens, but my bet is they will either deliver the hardware or (more likely) refund the money/points along with a bonus eg the equivalent to the 93.450 points…

      • Considering the markup on the specs of this machine; depending on how much of the RRP markup goes to Apple and how much goes to Qantas, they probably aren't losing too much.

  • +48

    I spoke to some people and have it all fixed for us. http://imgur.com/a/GrmKb

    • He's already got the tomahawk missiles primed in case they renege

    • I would plus vote this 10 times if I could XD

  • +1

    If, that's a big IF, they honor the deal, I hope they limit the orders to one per person.

    • +1

      If some people here really ordered 10; etc, then there's no chance they'll be able to ship fulfill orders.

  • C'mon surely someone has received shipping confirmation by now…didn't order one but am super excited for someone to get one…apparently 5000points=$5000 on certain days

    • +1

      Maybe, but when I put my order in it said 'ships within 5 business days', so it could take up to that long to get a shipping notification.

    • +1

      If it's anything like the gift cards I've ordered in the past, it You don't hear a thing for a couple of days, then they ship them out to you.

    • +1

      Clearly its obvious that they put all order on hold until they figure out the best way to handle this situation.

  • So I bought mine around 10am. I had 5,060 points in my account (I use velocity ff normally).
    Now I have 0 points, so the remaining 60 points are gone.
    Seems like a glitch in the matrix. They probably won't honor it.
    A shame, I wanted to release my app on iOS…

    • +2

      I had 5080 points, and initially I moved the slider to the minimum of 5,000 points. I then fluffed around a bit and went back and finally bought it. As I clicked the 'do it' button, I realised the slider had gone to the max points so it ate all 5,080 points. Suspect that may be what happened to you as well. Just check the invoice - it should show how many points were actually used.

      • haha yep, looks like I did the same thing you did.

  • +7

    A while ago they had an item that was also priced lower than it should be (not by a factor of 10 though, was around 25% of the initial advertised value). After placing the order - points and money deducted, nothing happened for a week. Then I get a call from a rep telling me that they had a glitch and that I either transfer more QFF points to my account so they could deduct the appropriate value or accept a full refund - no compensation offered.

    So for those crossing their fingers and rubbing their palms in anticipation, particularly those on eBay who jumped the gun and placed listings, I'd say forget about it.

    And the fact that Qantas corrected the value this afternoon - with available stock further confirms the view that all orders will be cancelled.

    • +9

      You found a product with 75% off and didn't share it with us? Shame on you! And thanks for saving us chasing a non-existing bargain at the same time!

  • +6

    Now it is available again at Qantas Store for 719,690 points or 5000 points +$4864.89

    • +3

      That's a bargain!

      • I would buy 10 if I were you

    • +7

      Did you pick it up from the domestic or international terminal?

      • +3

        Qantas city store on Pitt Street

    • Wow, that's amazing, did they say anything, like you got the deal of the year?

    • +1

      Proof or never happened sorry

    • +1

      I call bs becasuse you didn't up-vote the deal!

    • +3

      Can confirm that you're getting negged hard.

  • Did anyone get any calls regarding this? I had two missed calls with No Caller ID about 4.37pm AWST. I presume it would be Qantas telling me I am one of the lucky ones…but on a more realistic note, it would probably the notice of cancellation of order!!!!!

    • I had a missed call from a private number at 5:47 pm. No message left. 😕

      • +6

        That was me calling asking what's for dinner.

        • +2

          Well I wish you had tried calling again, because I would have told that I couldn't afford the groceries until Qantas releases the hold on my $$$.

    • +1

      I had a missed call from a private number at 5:42 it said:

      You missed a call from a Private Number, who said "Hi my name is Aaron and I'm a worker at the Heyfield(?) Mill. In a small regional town. My job is under threat but it's the Victorian." This message was provided by Telstra at no charge to you.

  • -4

    This is most likely a publicity stunt so Alan Joyce keeps his job. Send the bastard back to the UK! LOL

    • +1

      He was born in Ireland? And has lived in Australia for 21 years?

      • -2

        still has that horrible accent though

        • +4

          So do a lot of Australians

        • +1

          @Gozzhogger: Cont!

  • -1

    Back to full price now!

  • +4

    I can't wait to see how this goes.

  • +21

    "#RidewithAnsett" if Qantas doesn't honour this.

  • My new enterprise is riding on this computer. If AJ doesn't honour it I'll never fly qantas again #ridewithansett

  • My CC transaction has gone from pending to being actually charged yo

    • I received an sms instantly after i placed the order. Don't think that means we're still getting them though. They can easily reverse the transaction and issue refunds

      • +1

        Yes absolutely! Just thought I'd update. It's all speculation until Qantas tells us something hahaa!

    • Oh damn, so has mine. Oddly there is a pending transaction to Qantas now of $1.

    • I was charged instantly. Well appeared on my online banking. This is the equivalent to the lotto.

  • +1

    oh man so this actually could be a thing.. gahh why didn't i buy! Im here hitting refresh every 5 mins waiting for someone to confirm its shipped lol

  • +4

    lol my productivity is going to be low today since I'll be hitting the F5 button all day just to read the comments.

    • Same

    • it will be higher after you receive this awesome mac!

      • By the time I checked ozbargain yesterday it was already out of stock :(

        You snooze, you lose

        • THE donna's fault.

    • +1

      ask for compensation if you lose your job……just blame it on qantas.

  • Just confirming that payment has been taken from my CC in addition to the $1 authorisation.

    Additionally there's a $59.99 payment from the same time to STRIPE INC RICHMOND there too which is odd since I nearly never use this CC… hmmm

    • STRIPE INC is a payment system company, will probably drop off in next few days

      • Thanks for the heads up. Seems weird that they would mention a refundable $1 authorisation and not say anything about a $59.99 random charge though

  • +1

    Out of interest was it better to use; 1) 93k points or 2) 5K points + $520?

    • -1

      Depends if you had use for 94k points or not.

    • +2

      5k + 520. 93k points could be worth a lot more if used in the right way.

      • 90K + taxes is a one-way first class BNE/SYD/MEL to SIN for example.

        • +2

          Assuming there's availability that is. Gotta be pretty lucky to snap up seats like that unfortunately.

        • @mini2: yep can be difficult , I think the idea is to book well in advance. I was lucky enough recently though to book business from Vegas to Melb in July.

        • @F-22:

          J is easier than F. Think about it, there's more physical seats to begin with.

        • @mini2: No doubt, but business class is nothing to sneeze at either, well not for me.

  • +1

    lol..still comment going….people are dreaming too much ( like me)

    • +1

      Well I'm fine either way with $50 TRS at the airport and a possible points compensation. Win-win at this stage.

      • Maybe nothing.

        • What do you mean? They provided a tax invoice. Least I'll get is $50 at the airport

        • @nightelves: How to get $50 back at the airport with tax invoice only?

        • @nightelves: What, from TRS? You need the item in your carry on luggage. Good luck with that.

        • @MissKitty: hahahaha

        • @nightelves: don't you need to have the item with you?

        • @rollypollym:

          Nope there's a counter on ground floor where you can get the receipt sighted. This is particularly handy when you're carrying multiple receipts and have things that you need to put in checked luggage.

        • @nightelves: But you still need to have the item.

        • @ronnknee:

          You'll be surprise what they check and don't check.

        • +1

          @nightelves: Well, you're supposed to at least. It's going to be awkward if they want to check and you don't have it.

        • @ronnknee:

          uhm that's where the sights receipts comes in. The counter is not expected to go through every single item and how would a lady at the counter distinguish the difference between a macbook pro and a mac pro

        • +2

          @nightelves: seems risky given you have to sign a declaration. Unlikely you'd get caught but is it worth the risk for $50? Each to their own though.

        • @nightelves: You do know you're encouraging fraudulent activity, right?

        • @ronnknee:

          I'm not encouraging anyone to do what I'm doing. You're the one who's hell bent on trying to prove me wrong.

        • @nightelves: But technically you are wrong. Sure they might not check, but it's your risk.

        • @MissKitty:

          How is it any different to claiming back the GST when you travel abroad and not declaring it when you come back into the country.

        • @nightelves:
          making a positive action to sign a false declaration is certainly much more dishonest than failing to make a declaration - and the law sees it that way. failing to make a declaration could possibly be an oversight, while making a false one certainly is not.

        • @nightelves: That's because you are legally in the wrong and you're telling everyone that it's okay.

        • @ronnknee:

          Note to self. It's ok to do the wrong thing just don't let anyone on Ozbargain know.

  • -1

    The way I see it, if they took my monies, it's done deal. $1,041 gone from my CC already, and not even pending.

    • +4

      you can see it how ever you want

      • of course, did you even buy?

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