Hi all,
Looking to get some kind of car freshener that is not going to kill my wallet, but also smell nice.
My car doesn't smell bad or anything but I prefer it to be welcoming.
All thoughts are welcome!
Hi all,
Looking to get some kind of car freshener that is not going to kill my wallet, but also smell nice.
My car doesn't smell bad or anything but I prefer it to be welcoming.
All thoughts are welcome!
I'll pass on the milk suggestion… Vanilla however could be pretty nice!
My son got one of those air fresheners that clip on the vent. It was a vanilla scent, and it was rather overpowering.
Yeah the liquid ones are overpowering. I use Airwick bought from woolies, the one that looks like kit-kat. They are meant for room/toilet but I have left one block/finger inside the car.
yep the milk one is milder and better
I left a bottle of milk in the back of the car once as it somehow managed to roll under the spare tire cover.
1 week later I smelt the whiffs of what could only be described as the most pleasant fragrance in the known universe emanating from the back of my car. Went to check it out and eventually found the ruptured bottle and couldn't have been more pleased. The fragrance lasted a good few months (if not a whole year, I swear I could still smell faint hints of it).
All in all, a great choice for an ozbargainer as I really don't think any other product on the market offers the same dollar to duration of smell ratio.
If you can afford it poor some red wine on the carpet. A bottle of wine on a hot day smashed in the back of my car months ago, a faint smell still lingers
look at mr fancypants over here
These are early April fools jokes right right?
I use these things:
They are $4 at the moment at Coles, I usually stock up when they are 50% off (around $3)
How long do one of those usually last for? Damn, I was just at Coles 10 mins ago too!
They are small so don't last that long. 30 days max, not great value at full price but they do come up often for %50.
Yes I love that brand too. lasting smell :). If you decide to buy lots of them. I think it will be cheaper at COTD
Dont like them. Pretty useless after a couple of days.
I use these too. Vanilla is my fav fragrance.
Open the windows.
I'm usually on highways so I definitely keep the windows up! The fumes are horrible.
Eat apples and throw the cores in the passenger foot-well, picking them up at regular intervals (every few days) before they go mouldy. Your car will smell as sweet as apples. Bananas peels work too but I'm not a fan of banana smelling cars. Will probably work with many other fruits but I have no experience apart from apples and bananas.
Works with cigarette butts and XXXX bottles too, great for attracting that special someone.
Will try Durian, thanks!
Tried it already. Can confirm no one else wants to get into the car with me. Or within 20m.
Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants!
Been doing this for many years and never had a problem.
Best Archer reference.
With bananas beware if they fly out the window and create a slipping hazard…
Love black ice!
Walter White, is that you?
Black Ice smells like a 14 year old boy
pedobear seal of approval
I tried (and wasted) many car fresheners. Vent clip, spray bottles etc. Recently someone told me the black ice (little tree) is good ; so bought 1 (air vent) but i didn't like it.
The other day I was at RejectShop and saw a Balck Ice there. It was just $2, so bought it thinking if its not good, i can keep it in toilet. To my surprise, I found that is the best one I ever had in my car. its not too strong but very pleasant, esp if you turn on the Aircon. one prob is that its a cup model, so I opened and transferred the content into a bottle of California Scents (that I bought sometime ago. too costly but none in my family liked it. Even son refused to get into car and he said its just horrible and I also thought so)
The rejectshop Black Ice wrapper says it has natural contents but I dont think its all natural. Not quite sure if it will cause any health issues. Fortunately no one in family has any respiratory problems.
Thanks for the comprehensive reply! I may check out the reject shop today and see what they have. For $2, probably worth a go.
When it comes to being trapped inside a small space for a period of time, the best smell is no smell, IMO.
As long as your car or you don't smell bad, I wouldn't worry about wasting money and time on finding a fragrance for it.
Certain scents can make other people feel sick, or they could simply dislike it. Consider your passengers if you ever have any (which it sounds like you do since you are thinking about your car being 'welcoming').
Yea I guess no one has complained so. I may try the black ice suggestions above and if I get bad feedback, it's back to nothing.
Find a eucalyptus tree. Grab a few leaves. Crush them up a bit. Leave in car (pun intended). Personally I'm a no scent kind of person though, just keep the car as clean as possible and open it up whenever you can.
I don't know where my closest eucalyptus tree is…
-1 - UnAustralian! (Note that I haven't actually down voted you!)
Not my fault the councils allow developers to rip them all down for multi storey apartments…
Fabric Softener. Buy those fabric softener small packets/satchets at colesworth which are fairly inexpensive and place it under a seat or in the car door pocket. When the fragrance is not as strong anymore, you can use the fabric softener for your washing.
This is the best air freshner for a car - all our friends do it now too !
LMAO! i was just going to suggest this. Liquid laundry detergent in those small bags. Last a good few weeks and then you can use them after. 2 for 1 use in great OZB spirit!
leave a new-ish leather jacket in the car…car will smell like it has new leather upholstery.
I've got a 17 year old car which has been kept in really good nick…but after getting a new car I find it was like most dog owners - they get used to the smell and I find that it now smells tired and old…so might be time for a new leather jacket ;)
clean and vac regularly. I would imagine a lot of smell is in the carpet etc.
Mate had a new hilux that was a couple of years old, he said the best thing about it was you can just hose it out?!
Yep, same with the Hiaces. It is much easier than hopping in there with a vacuum!
Maybe if you fart in your car it will smell welcoming.
Only to me.
The one and only: Bacon Air Freshener
Even comes with a spray, for those hard to get areas…
Say no more…
In theory sounds like the best idea ever. In reality I'd probably get really hungry and start eating too much.
When the Overland pulled into Adelaide and the toilets had blocked in the sit-up car, they were blown back using the fire hose then cleaned down. After than, two to four drops of a product called "Nilodor" were used to ensure the carriage was good to go out again that night.
As an ex smoker, I use this stuff whenever I get my bi-annual $500 shopping carts if the car stinks of tobacco. It may look pricey,[~$7 for 1.5 ml] but I am still using one bottle I bought ~ 12 years ago. There are about 200 drops per bottle, you will need 1.
Must be some strong stuff. Do you know where they can be bought usually?
Coles and Woolies also sell it, I don't recommend it though
I'd be wondering why? Not a dig, it is strong stuff, but you can put on drop on a bit of scrap plastic or wood, leave it the vehicle for a short while [~m 15 minutes] and it would freshen the air without leaving that newly cleaned bus/train smell. I'd rather the one drop of this than the constant emission of the normal fresheners over long periods of time.
@nobarginsarehere: Yep, but it's not intended to be a deodorant, but a reoderant. If you can smell it, you've used too much - admittedly easy to do.
It will be in the isle at your local supermarket. I usually put one drop in the ashtray after cleaning it out, give it about 10 minutes outside the car, then put the ashtray back in and close it. The initial smell goes quite quickly and leaves that "morning bus' scent.
I use a $2.80 Daiso one that has a 2 sided sticker at the bottom. You stick it onto the dash. Pic here: http://www.daisojapan.com/images/product/large/31301.jpg
A packet of fabric softener concentrate. When you can no longer smell it you can use it how you are meant to.
Seconding this. Only heard about it recently but seems to work.
Nothing i like the smell of pure nothingness in my car, bought a bamboo charcoal deoderisor so good just sits underneath my seat and absorbs all smells and moisture
I'm a bit crazy with car air freshers, I've spent >$300 on them over the years haha
By far the best I've found are Air Spencer. Made in Japan from all natural products, no weird chemical smells, lasts for months and have the best smell.
You can order them in Australia from http://www.airspencer.com.au
I highly recommend:
Dry Squash - https://airspencer.com.au/product/dry-squash/
Grapefruit (smells wonderful!) - https://airspencer.com.au/product/grapefruit/
Wild Berry (purple hubba bubba) - https://airspencer.com.au/product/w-berry/
Lemon - https://airspencer.com.au/product/lemon-squash/
Lemon Lime - https://airspencer.com.au/product/lemon-lime/
Grapefruit is probably my favorite, but if you don't know what to get you cannot go wrong with any of the Squash's.
The name Squash is misleading as it's a citrus blend, not actually Squash (i think it's a translation thing)
I always get people commenting on how good the Squash and Grapefruit scent smells
You guys that love the Black Ice (I think it smells like a 14 year old personally), try the Samurai Man
If you're car isnt smelling great without an air fresher, I recommend hitting it with a Meguiar's Air Re-Fresher (think bug bomb for your car)
It will coat all of the fabrics with a nice new car smell, then add an Air Spencer on top for the desired smell
These look quite big and bulky. Where do you store them in your car? Also how long do these last generally?
anywhere, under a seat works, back seat footwell
they last for 2-3 months
try one, you wont go back to those stupid trees
Don't go for Melon. Last night here in Kuala Lumpur the taxi I travelled in stank of melon. I commented to the driver that it was overpowering. He thought it was great: yeah right!
Just spray a bit of your own deodorant in the car, assuming it's not expensive.
Buy a secondhand Bissell Spot cleaner or Green Machine. 1 teaspoon of sodium percarbonate to a tank of water, mix well. Clean your upholstery/carpet once per month or so.
Chemical Guys - Stripper Scent, best air freshener I've ever used! Their leather scent one is also great if you have a leather interior.
baked beans at 4:30pm, before the commute home…. makes traffic enjoyable.
Cooked baked beans? Cus then it's a party on the commute!
I'm looking at retaining the new car smell.
Any ideas?
I think the leather jacket suggestion above is probably closest by description.
Once e new car smell dissipates, get a new car.
Jelly Belly from Kmart for $4!
Sorry earlier I thought it was just the jelly beans. I'm keen now!
The Jelly Belly ones are excellent!
My friend and I both have one. My friend's one lasts for well over a month and he parks outdoors as well.
Drop a couple of uncooked prawns into the airvents; admittedly smells bad in the first instance (this lasts about 4 hours, so recommend doing it overnight, or on a weekend; warm weather accelerates the process, cutting down the time significantly), but after putrefaction, the effect is reversed and the remaining proteins actually absorb all smells in the car making it smell newer than new. The newer than new smell lasts about 5-8 months, depending on the quality and size of prawn used, and also acts as an excellent spider repellent, making the environment seem sterile and insect free and making the spider look elsewhere, likely your neighbours car.
A highly recommended approach recommended by many luxury car manufacturers; the reason most people frown is that high adoption would increase prawn prices, but what's that got to do with the price of fish. Good luck!
I'd be willing to try this in someone else's car but not my own. I have to see it smell it to believe it.
Mother in law's car lol
But unlike 99.9999% of people, I actually like her.
@mafmouf: You're a saint. If you are the only person in 100,000 that like your mother in law. I haven't met her so can't comment.
Text me on 0428 200 670 and I'll tell you about what you need
Rgds Woodi14
I love the Jelly Belly air fresheners. Not for everyone because they smell really sweet, but I love the cherry scent!
They actually have a dedicated air freshener or is it just the jelly beans? I quite like sweet scents.
Yep sure do! As CVonC said above, they're usually around $4 at Kmart:
I love Bubblegum and Tutti Frutti! It's quite strong and I always get asked if I have lollies in my car ^^ It doesnt last that long, I'd say about a month tops. It's always $4 and sells out pretty quick. But they always get them in anyway.
It also comes in a liquid form that goes on the vent for $6. I haven't tried them yet as I like to use my vents. Perhaps I'll give them a go and put it on the passenger half of the middle vent ^^
Yeah it sucks they don't last long. The Cherry one is the goods…love that smell!
I find most artificial fragrances to be annoying (I'm probably one of the small minority). I'd look for something very subtle but something that lasts a long time.
mate i've been in your position many years ago…until i found the CALIFORNIA SCENTS range.
Those things sit in your cup holders and last ages. Also try the Palms which hang from your mirror:
try the Capistrano Coconut flavor. Makes ambi pur and all the others smell like toilet
You can get them on eBay.
Will check it out. Thanks a lot.
Little Tree or Treefrog Air Freshener
Fabric softener is the most cost effective for sure, I've tried everything.
Just a nice small cut of hardwood such as Cedar will do the trick, natural wooden scent. Never could stand air fresheners. If you want it a little more interesting you can soak in a scented or essential oil of some kind, such as peppermint. The wood will hold it.
That reminds me, if only I could get that new Christmas tree smell in my car!
Both work like a charm.
I'm sure your local Scentsy representative would be more than happy to overwhelm you with 50 different fragrances and 10 different forms of smellable products.
they all smell like shit
Apparently splashing a bit of milk on the upholstery and mats creates a beautiful long lasting scent.
Or vanilla Essence