For the next 3 days Cardlimbo will offer you (ozbargain members and visitors) a free $5.00 buy coupon for every $100 in gift cards that you sell to Cardlimbo - in addition to Cardlimbo's Cash Offer!
Great for those that receive unwanted gift cards from their employer as an end of financial year bonus.. or round up a couple of buddies and sell their cards for themtoo.
Offer Conditions:
Offer valid (10 August to 13 August inclusive)
Validity period applies to the time at which the order is placed at
The offer applies on a transaction basis. This means that multiple cards can be added to the one transaction to qualify for the coupon.
Coupons are cumulative, i.e. $200 worth of vouchers sold will earn you 2*$5 Buy Coupons.
Cardlimbo will email the coupon to the seller within 5 business days of receiving the sellers gift card vouchers in the mail.
Buy coupon valid until the end of September 2010.
Never heard of a sight like this. Thanks for sharing the site. Don't think your prices are the best but you've got to make money haha :)