This was posted 8 years 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Wet'n'Wild (Sydney) - Free Weekend Entry for Various Professions


This deal is back and this time it's for any weekend.

Wet'n'Wild are celebrating our community heroes this March and extending FREE admission to members of the Australian Emergency Services, Doctors, Nurses and Carers, Defence Force Personnel, Teachers and Educational Staff. Plus, they're offering up to $50.00 saving per ticket for 3 friends and family during Community Month. Community heroes can also visit the water park for a second day for $15.

According to the Daily Telegraph this offer includes Friday.

You must provide a valid industry photo ID and/or proof of employment for free entry.

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Wet 'n' Wild Sydney
Wet 'n' Wild Sydney

closed Comments

  • Omg been waiting for this, time to find my RFS badge!

  • +28

    Sadly Ozbargainer isn't listed as a profession.

    • +14

      Only Gerry considers us professionals. Unfortunately Gerry would never have an offer as kind as this one.

  • Terms and Conditions Apply: *Friends and Family can only receive discounted entry prices of $29 if they are present with one of our listed Community Heroes groups with a valid industry photo ID and/or proof of employment. *FREE entry will only be granted to Community Heroes with a valid industry photo ID and/or proof of employment.

    So, everyone else apart from the 'hero' pays $29 to get in

    • +15

      It's a nice thought though. Until this, the only things that I have ever received for free from a patient are a stab wound and various infectious diseases.

      • +7

        and various infectious diseases.

        That's the gift that keeps on giving. :)

        • they do say. sharing is caring. just like herpes.

  • +14

    damnit, millionaire banking exec isnt listed. We always get discriminated against

    • +9

      Millionaire doctors get in for free though…

      • +3

        So do millionaire Nurses and Carers, Defence Force Personnel, Teachers and Educational Staff..

  • +5

    Doctors must be happy because they are struggling to make ends meet with their salary.

    • +3

      Doesn't it depend on what speciality they are in? The cardiologists, dermatologists and surgeons seem to make an absolute fortune. Not so sure about the GP's and Emergency Department Doctors. The Emergency docs in our department seem to be there all hours of the day and night but don't seem particularly well paid compared to the other hospital doctors. I guess they either really care or love the adrenaline, or both. Not sure I would want their job though.

      • My GP makes over 200k.

        EMergency Department doctors varies. The specialists make over 200k.

        • Sounds like good value to me! Anyway, enjoy your Sunday, I'm just off to work. I'll say "Hi" to the docs in the department for you! :-)

        • -2

          The specialists make over 200k.

          Per week I'm guessing…

        • 10 years of training though.

      • +1

        they don't have time to be down at wet and wild having fun

    • +1

      You should lay off the doctors and go after bankers and the rest of the scum in the financial industry.

      • +1

        What about lawyers and taxi drivers?

        • There are bad apples in every industry. However, those in finance and banking are the worst. Good for nothing people who contribute nothing to society.

        • +15

          I know a postie who earned 5.6 million last year.

        • +1

          @sillysam: without investment bankers, there wouldn't be any capital raising for companies. We need bankers for world trade.

      • +3

        lots of scum in trades, spending all their coin on booze and meth.

      • 99% of bankers give the other 1% a bad name.

    • +8

      I get less than my wife did as a secretary.

      All I see around me are colleagues working their asses off for 15 hour days to help people and in return they get a good dose of Australian tall poppy syndrome.

      Meanwhile real estate agents and finance industry execs are raking it in and contributing jack all to society.

      The money hungry medics are few and far between and there are some pretty disappointing attitudes being displayed here

    • +5

      Many years at uni, lifelong learning/study, crushing hours (60 hours is a good week), and people's lives in their hands. They don't get paid well, all things considered.

    • +1

      What they do is very technically skilled and extremely valuable to society. Don't have a cry and get jelly when people get paid what they deserve. How about you go have a look at the banking execs.

    • My daughter is a doctor doing cancer research and gets paid sh1t money.

      • +1

        Is she a Medical Doctor or does she have a PHD?

        • PhD in immunology.

  • Which is the quickest profession or organisation in the list to get accredited/membership for?

    • +1

      Volunteer Fire or SES.

    • +11

      I just signed up with the Defence Force so I can get this deal.

  • +1

    I'm a jigglo so yeah I'm already winning

    • +2

      you must go through a lot of eneloops

    • +1

      I'm a Gigolo, so yeah, i don't have to go back to school.

  • Last year it was free day for these professions and we could take 3 people in for free if I remember correctly. I got in as I'm a teacher and brought in my husband and two kids

    • Last year (as per post) was $30 apparently, cool if you snuck them in for free

  • -2

    Friends, sucks to be a "doctor" but not a doctor in medicine.

  • +1

    What about mental health professionals? what are psychiatrist for instance?
    Or support staff in hospitals?
    IT or Security?

    • +1

      Health professionals and hospital staff would be covered. Show your ID and you're set.

      IT and security don't fit into the other categories.

    • +5

      Or support staff in hospitals?
      IT or Security?

      Or janitors?

    • +2

      Psychiatrists are medical doctors who have specialised into mental health field. Not to be confused with psychologists who have an entirely separate training but I would hope they would also be allowed free entry with an employee badge

      • The auto correct on my phone I tell you!
        Thank you for the reply.

  • +7

    I work at IT at a school, my ID card is the same as the teachers so I'll make use of this

  • -7

    Rant coming….. 'Defense' force LOL when's the last time they were used to defend anything other than US Oil interests?

    • +4

      Wow, I personally would advocate for a smaller military/less military spending, but that comment is just ignorant and disrespectful. Your criticisms should be aimed at the government, not our service men and women

    • -1

      B-bb-b-bbut they have natural resc- I mean WMDs! They must be stopped.

  • +1

    poppies, poppies everywhere

  • +1

    Imagine a weekend full of accountants.

  • what about lawyers? and investment bankers?


    • They should be in jail

      • but what if they like to get wet and wild?

        Also, welcome to the beginning of this month :)

  • Do corporate staff working for the department of education count as "educational staff"?

  • +3

    No Pharmacists?

  • +2

    I have found an even better deal where you can get ALL the WET AND WILD action all year round FREE and you can belong to any industry or profession - Join the State Emergency Service

  • -2

    Teachers? Heroes? ROTFLMFAO.

  • Would witch doctors and kinky nurses qualify?

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