This was posted 10 years 1 month 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Wet'n'Wild (Sydney) in March - Free Entry for Various Professions, Select Weekends


Wet'n'Wild Sydney is celebrating our community heroes - valid dates below.

Wet‘n’Wild Sydney is celebrating our community heroes. On selected weekends in March members of the Australian Emergency Services, Doctors, Nurses and Carers, Defence Force, Teachers and Educational staff are extending FREE admission and a discount for up to 3 friends and family. Guests simply present a valid industry Photo ID and / or proof of employment with photo ID on the identified weekend at any open ticket box to claim free admission and discount.

Credit to Forenti - discounted price for family and friends is $30

Book here:

Emergency Services
(Police, Fire Brigade, Ambulance, SES assistance and Lifeguards)
7th & 8th of March

Doctors, Nurses and Carers
(Enrolled nurses, nurses practitioners, midwives, aged care and direct carers (care workers, foster carers))
14th & 15th of March

Defence Services
(Royal Australian Navy, Australian Army and the Royal Australian Air Force)
21st & 22nd of March

Teachers & Educational Staff
(Preschool, primary and secondary school teachers, tertiary teachers, lecturers and professors)
28th & 29th of March

Please note: Guests must provide valid Industry Photo ID and / or proof of employment on advertised industry weekend to claim free entry and discount at the point of ticket collection. All admissions are valid for one day entry only. Industry member must be present to claim discount. One (1) free entry and three (3) discounted entry per day, per ID only.

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Wet 'n' Wild Sydney
Wet 'n' Wild Sydney

closed Comments

  • +2

    FYI the discounted price for family and friends is $30

    • +6

      Thanks Forenti, added to description.

      Would make a good work staff party for those professions listed…

  • +8

    Finally something free for doctors.

    • +62

      Yes you guys are really struggling for cash.

      • +11

        Tell that to my sister who earns 60k a year in the public health system working 60 hours a week, including 2 graveyard shifts on Emergency. This after 11 years of study.

        • +3

          What your suggesting is she earns less than $20 per hour which is not believable .

        • +10

          @Memo14: Doctors don't go from graduating uni, to working and earning $100k+, you realise?

          They do have to work their way up from the bottom. They might be called 'doctors' once they finish uni and are thrown into public hospitals, but they're still noobs and their pay reflects it.

          Junior doctors, yo. It ain't easy.

          FWIW - I'm not a doctor, but I've worked in hospitals closely with them and had colleagues go off and become docs. The reality isn't as glorious as it seems. I was surprised myself. They do it tough at the start… but depending on which avenues they take in their career later on, sure, the money can/does make up for it later on :)

        • +4

          i think she's telling you that so she doesn't have to buy you expensive birthday presents ;)

        • +4


          you'd be surprised how common practice it is for junior doctors to work as much as 60-70 hours per week without being paid overtime. so less than 20$ per hr on a base salary of 60k pa is about right

        • @xbai:
          Sounds like your average IT job - without the gore… (hopefully?)

        • +2

          @xbai: Second this. We only get paid from 8am-4:30pm but my friends are sometimes working until 9pm depending on the workload. Also they don't pay meal allowance as stipulated by the award if they work after 7pm.
          Don't forget the extra courses we have to do every year to put ourselves ahead to be selected for training positions. Often costing between $5-10k per year.

        • +5

          And all doctors are the same, are they? All one level? All on the same salary? All doing the same work? All sitting around doing nothing while raking in the moolah?

          lol for real?

        • +11

          I'm not a doctor, but for the amount of study and having people's lives in their hands, the doctors deserve every dollar.

      • -1

        Doctors at public hospitals deserve every cent but those in private earn way too much.

        • +1

          Re private doctors:
          Some do, specialists for example, but GPs are overworked these days, especially good ones who bulk bill (yes I do know some). I do feel empathy for them though, the medicare rebate doesn't keep pace with inflation and I am sure their insurances and other overheads must make their eyes water. Actually I feel for anyone with a large HECS debt and think that we should encourage people towards education more. These days we are just sending our intellectual property overseas when we educate full fee paying overseas students while doing our own nation a disservice by discouraging study through the high price of education. On a side note, I am shocked by the changes/increases to NSW Tafe costings this year. What are we trying to do, build a nation of unskilled workers? What happened to our lucky country?

        • HECS and gov subsidies are the incentive, most of us would be paying in the $100k for a degree lets say in america and probably doing some form of porn on the side to pay for our university fees. In australia the focus seems to be more on trades and tradesmen and they been having it good during the mining boom. Probably the only job where you can finish your 5years of tafe and land a mining job earning over 100k, better than what a doctor or lawyer would make. Actually im going to correct myself there are dump truck drivers and cleaners earning over 100k on a mine so there isnt even an incentive to get qualified in oz

        • -1

          @Miss Dior:

          Actually I feel for anyone with a large HECS debt and think that we should encourage people towards education more

          Did you mean we shouldn't encourage more people? The rates of students moving from secondary schools to university are likely at their highest in history. Almost all students are encouraged to move through to tertiary education of some sort.

          Also, I haven't met many graduates who feel HECS is an unbearable financial burden. The rates of undergraduate applications from lower socioeconomic groups are growing. HECS was and is, as @btdroppedbox mentions above, the incentive to make tertiary education more accessible. Not to mention, many Australians are happy to get into home loans with higher interest rates than the CPI adjustments HECS encounters.

        • +1

          @btdroppedbox: Many private doctors/specialist earn in excess of $500k, some up to $750k salary.

        • -1

          @bargainist: we are talking about their first year out. Its at least 10 years and a lot of study and sacrifice before a specialist doctor earns that sort of coin. A fresh out of med. school doc would be lucky if they earn more than the garbo

        • +1

          @btdroppedbox: Who's "we" because you're replying to my comment and I didn't mention anything about first year out doctors.

        • -1

          @bargainist: lol funny man. Maybe my eyes deceive me but This branch started all the way at the top comment posted by - r3d3mption 19 hours 10 min ago

          I meant "we" collectively.

        • +1

          @btdroppedbox: but you're replying to me about first year out which is irrelevant to my comment unless you're talking to waterlogged turnip who started that.

      • Don't forgot the guys at retail.

      • Someone is jelly.

        • Jealous of what? wanting to be a doctor shouldn't be about the money.

        • +1

          @bargainist: Don't expect our best and brightest to go clamoring for medical degrees if they're going to get the same pay as a Year 10 drop out working as a labourer.

    • +1

      doctors and nurses but not pharmacists. laaaame

  • +3

    Wouldnt be nice to see my boss in his underwear swimsuit

    • no

  • +18

    Firemen at Wet'n'Wild, eh?


  • +4

    Loan Sharks are never considered in such offers :(

    • only left sharks

  • Why aren't politicians on the list?

    • +3

      Do they ever pay for anything?

      • +7

        Why should we? As Tony says, if one of my party donors wants to give my daughter an unpublished scholarship as a sign of gratitude for my diverting increased HECS funds to their Mickey Mouse courses, surely that's a personal issue?*

        *may not have said that.

    • +3

      I see a captain's call coming soon

  • +6

    at least those events will be well covered in event of an emergency..

  • By "Doctors", they mean real doctors and not mad scientists with PhDs and a lab coat, right?

    • Medical doctors and quacks

    • …Nobody loves us :'( Well I wish I could say us in a few years… Well a lot more than few years.

      Though technically those guys are mad engineers, not mad scientists.
      What is their IV? DV? Where is their control group?


  • is there anyway students can rig the system? students can be teachers in uni…

    • +2

      If I'm free that weekend I'll probably try my NSW Teachers Federation student teacher card. Worst that can happen is I drive home empty handed with fellow pre-service teacher mates.

      • Student teachers at uni dont get 'nsw teachers federation student teacher card' though.. a lot of teachers dont get 'cards' to show theyre teachers.. I mean, its all too vague as to who is a teacher and whos not.

        • You don't automatically become an associate member of the union, you need to sign up yourself. The card bears on the front 'Student Teacher Membership Card'.
          I guess also if you've ever received a scholarship from UNSW you could print out a pay slip under your staff tab in myUNSW and pretend you are someone you're not…

      • university tutors don't get staff id cards…

        • a payslip might do?

  • Anyone know if major public hospital technologists ok for this deal?

  • +1

    No transport workers?..

  • +4

    No investment bankers? No lawyers? We are missing some of the greatest pillars of the community!

    • +1

      Sarcasm aside, bankers and lawyers are indeed essential for the other professions to be funded and to operate in the capacity that they do in this modern era.

    • They get free entry to Sydney Water's sewage treatment plants.

  • +7

    What about taxi drivers? Wet 'n' Wild are racist.

    • +3

      Taxi drivers are clearly allergic to water, so it would be a pointless offer.

    • +1

      A major filtration system upgrade would be needed before that.

  • so does a dentist fall under the doctor category?

    • +2

      Im wondering if a vet lwould qualify too?

      • +1

        And vet nurses!!! We certainly deserve some time off & a freebie!!!

  • WoW looks like some of these weekends will be full of testosterone!!!!!

  • +3

    What, no OzBargain Professionals?

    • +1

      Initially I misread this in the OP:

      and professors)

      and thought we were all invited :(

  • -3

    So would a Chiropractor qualifiy as a Doctor ?

  • +1

    Would we need to book these in advance? Can we just rock up?

    What happens if we pay the price and they don't accept the proof of employment for whatever reason?

  • Pity, I was looking forward to Lawyers day at wet n wild. Still need a couple of cpd points.

  • They need to invite engineers, without engineers we'd all be dead!

  • So do accountants qualify a ambulance officers? Loving some of the comments, if it was for everyone it would probably just state that.

  • +2

    I've always told my teacher wife that "she will be rewarded in heaven" for her low pay and selflessness for the children……But! It looks like she will be rewarded at Sydney WetnWild on March 28 or 29! Thanks OP.

    • +1

      Heaven can wait

  • Why all the talk about Doctors wages. Isn't this a gesture to thank groups of people who protect us and save lives.
    I work for one of the big 4 banks and the amount of people on more than your average doctor is sickening and none of them contribute to the community.
    Dammit you got me talking about wages

  • +5

    No IT workers!? We form the backbone of your infrastructure!

    • +1


  • +2

    I am not sure WnW are rewarding pillars of our community.

    My twisted minds sees it as an opportunity to get 1 person in for free while others have to pay.

    Brilliant marketing as they potentially have cash from the friends and family who would not otherwise have gone to WnW. I fit into one of the FREE categories (Emergency Services), but when I factor in admission for friends and family, inflated food prices, fuel and toll charges to get there, it still ends up as an expensive day out. I totally understand that a true ozbargainer would take a packed lunch and or scavange for scraps, but when you have kids, they always nag for a $20 plate of hot chips or a cold drink, slushie, snocone, etc.

  • Its not worth going in for free, the amount of time you have to wait, they should have to pay you..

  • What about the finance managers, lawyers and politicians who are the true pillars of a modern first world country?

    • true

    • +2

      Sex workers day at wet n wild sounds like a bloody good idea to me.

      • But just like any other ordinary day on the job for them, no? :P

      • +4

        All the KY residue left behind would make the slides super fast

        • superduper fast!

  • Requirements are much more rigorous to become a lifeguard but they do get paid unlike volunteer Lifesavers. It's disappointing they didn't extend it to SLS but at least others in the community are getting a good go. If only regular prices for adults were $35 and kids $20 as it is the standard pricing is exorbitant and too much for someone on my budget to attend.

  • Time to put my university staff card to use.


    Nevermind, I work weekends as well.

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