Site & Guideline Updates (Announcement Thread) - Updated 24/3/25

We are continually making small changes to the OzBargain rules & guidelines and also adding new site features or making changes, many come due to requests in the comments / feedback / suggestions thread or via other threads within site discussion or TWAM.

Whilst we often return to the original discussion/request to update once it's implemented, often the requests are made in private (TWAM) or come internally after moderator discussions and users aren't always aware of site or guideline changes (unless it is something major and an individual forum post is made).

We thought it'd be a good idea to keep this thread running as a central place to announce all site and guideline updates/changes. Note that whilst we welcome questions/comments about any of the announcements, should you have a new request then please use the existing comments / feedback / suggestions thread or make a new forum post within site discussion (if one doesn't already exist).

We'll make a new top level comment below for any new announcements, feel free to reply to the comment directly for any comments/questions etc.

I've included a few important updates from the past month to get things going and also will add a new announcement today as a comment below (which will be the method moving forward).

27 January 2017 [Guideline Update] - Refund policies: Added new guideline for Refund policies

9 February 2017 [New Feature] - Upcoming Deals in store page: Added "Upcoming Deals" to the store page (Store pages now have Long Running Deals / Active Deals / Upcoming Deals / Expired Deals in that order). Example here - Nando's

3 March 2017 [Guideline Update] - Referrals: Referral guidelines updated for "Deals where the referral system is the offer". Comment/details

14 March 2017 [New Feature] - Subscribe to users: Added the ability to subscribe to users. Details here

14 March 2017 [New Feature] - Expiry date on classifieds: There is now an optional expiry date field within classified postings, if you are selling concert tickets for example for an event in 2 days, you can set the expiry date for 2 days so if your listing isn't sold it will automatically expire when the event is over.

27 March 2017 [New Feature] - Competition Requirements Updated: The competition requirement checkbox for 'Like/Follow/Share' has been updated to 'Like/Follow/Comment/Share'.

28 March 2017 [New Feature] - Expired Deals on Category Pages: For users who have the 'Do not show expired deals' option turned on in settings > edit > deals. This previously only applied to the front page, it now will hide expired deals from the category pages. Details here

10 May 2017 [Guideline Update] - Negative votes The number of negative comment votes required to revoke a negative vote by the community has increased slightly (to keep in line with growing member numbers). Details here

16 May 2017 [Site Update] - Competition front page criteria: The competition front page used to include competitions with more than 5 votes, but will now be based on comps with more than 15 entries to be a better reflection on the interest level in the individual competitions. Comps that are gaining entries fast may appear on the front page before 15 entries are added.

24 May 2017 [New Feature] - Exclude International Competitions: We have added the ability to exclude international competitions via the filter on the Not Entered section. It's also available under my account > settings > competitions (these settings will be the default filter options on your Not Entered competitions page).

2 June 2017 [New Feature] - Related Deals Tab: Coupon deals that have multiple deals posted for them will now show a 'related' tab at the top of the deal which easily shows all deal posts with that particular coupon. Details here

14 June 2017 [Guideline Update]: Referrals codes/links are no longer allowed at the end of deal descriptions. Details here

18 July 2017 [New Feature]: Ctrl + Enter to submit/post your comment. Opt in feature, found in settings. Details here

18 July 2017 [New Feature]: Bookmark option added to comments. Each comment will have a bookmark option below it. Details here

21 July 2017 [New Feature]: Third Party Tags. Users linking to a third party website in the deal description will have a dedicated tag for 'Third Party', instead of previously using the ambiguous 'Referrer' tag. Details here

2nd November 2017 [New Feature]: Web Notifications Users now have the option to receive subscription notifications by web instead of just email (threads, users and stores). Details here

19 January 2018 [Guideline Update] eBay Guidelines eBay deals that require the use of a discount coupon code which is not yet active can only be posted on the day that coupon becomes active. Details here

15 February 2018 [New Feature]: Insufficient quantity deals will now be merged to dedicated forum threads where (instead of being unpublished completely). Details here

14 March 2018 [Guideline Update]: Amazon Australia deals for third party sellers must have a minimum of 90% feedback based on at least 10 in feedback. Details here

11 April 2018 [New Feature]: External links open in new window - Now covers external links in description/comment section.
The 'External Links Open in New Window' setting previously only opened the main deal link in a new window, it will now also open external links in a new window that are in the description field and comment section. Details here

30 April 2018 [New Feature]: Changes to New Comment/New Reply Notifications and Default Delivery Method for Subscriptions

23 May 2018 [Guideline Update]: Banned Items Following discussion here, Guns & Ammunition have been added to our banned items list.

7 July 2018 [Guideline Update]: Solicitation of Votes Do not ask users to vote on a deal or comment, or attempt to solicit votes by any means. Details here

18 July 2018 [New Feature]: Show most voted comments Users can now show the top 8 most voted comments using the 3 stroke menu in the bottom left hand corner. This is an old feature (previously known as 'top comments') which has returned, under a new (more accurate) name, in a new position and slightly different functionality.

24 July 2018 [Guideline Update]: Third-party posting limits are now imposed per site as well as per user.

9 August 2018 [Guideline Update]: Solicitation of subscriptions Asking users to subscribe to, or linking to your user profile or to the related store of a deal is no longer allowed. More details.

23 August 2018 [Guideline Update]: Items fulfilled by Amazon will be exempt from the Amazon Australia minimum feedback requirements (90%/10 feedback). See full guidelines here. More details.

7 September 2018 [New Feature]: Show Online Status Users now have the option to hide their online status in their settings page. More details here.

8 February 2019 [Guideline Update]: Classifieds Requirement Members less than a year old who have posted at least one deal are no longer allowed to post in the classifieds area. More details here.

27 February 2019 [New Feature]: Exclude targeted deals from Newsletter Users can now exclude seeing targeted deals in their newsletter. More details here.

1 March 2019 [New Feature]: Blocked users/stores now applies to Forum Posts Blocking users or stores now applies to the forum section (when applicable). See here for more details.

10 April 2019 [New Feature]: New Front Page In addition to the existing 'Grid' and 'List' front page options, users now have a 'New' option which is your personal customised front page. See here for more details.

5 June 2019 [Guideline Update]: Classifieds - What can Be Posted? Please see the Classified Guidelines which includes updates/clarification under the 'What can be posted?' section. Our classifieds is for personal use, to sell unwanted items. These updates specify that in clearer and greater detail.

12 June 2019 [Update] Changes to front page and popular badges criteria. Front page requires 30 votes. Popular deal badge requires 150 votes. Popular comp badge requires 150 votes + entries.

7 Nov 2019 [Guideline Update]: Duplicates Exceptions - Excessive Votes & Items Not in Title Guidelines updated: The duplicate gains an excessive amount of positive votes (100+) and the original deal was posted and had become active more than 24 hours ago. The item is not in the title of the original deal and the duplicate deal is active or will be active on the day it is posted. Moderator discretion can apply. Link to Guidelines. More details.

17 Dec 2019 [New Feature]: Event subscriptions by web. Event subscriptions can now be received by site (web) notification, instead of/as well as by email. More details.

3 Mar 2020 [New Feature]: Alcohol category has been added to the site. Previously, all Alcohol related deals were considered "Food & Grocery".

4 Apr 2020 [Guideline Update]: Deals Involving Opening Gambling Accounts. Deals that require the opening or use of a gambling/betting account, to obtain something, are prohibited as per the above ruling. Under the unpublish reason 'Gambling Sites Are Not Permitted. More details

14 Apr 2020 [Guideline Update] Hand Sanitiser Posts Cannot Make Unsupported Therapeutic Claims. More details

29 April 2020 [New Feature]: Official OzBargain Android App Is Available on Google Play Store

Download Here. OzBargain notification support was added in the most recent update (29/4). More Discussion/Give Feedback Here. iOS version is coming soon.

4 June 2020 [Guideline Update]: Upcoming deals can only be posted at most 90 days into the future.

See updated guidelines for upcoming deals. The deal submission form will also prohibit entry of starting dates more than 90 days away.

4 June 2020 [Guideline Update]: Duplicates Exceptions - Items Not in Title

The 7 Nov 2019 update has been partially scraped. New Guidelines:

  • The item is not in the title of the original deal. Moderator discretion can apply if the post is seen as excessive.

19 June 2020 [New Feature]: New dynamic page for Free Games.

Deals in Gaming category marked as Freebie can be found on the new page.

1 Sep 2020 [New Feature]: Hide deals from the New Deals page by tag.

Users now have the ability to hide deals with particular tags from showing on the new deals page.. Click on any tag below a deal post, click on the Tag Menu Icon (Ellipsis/ 3 Dots), click 'Hide on New Deals page'.

30 Sep 2020 [New Feature]: Show Unread Notifications Only.

Users now have the ability to only see unread notifications, in the notification bell menu. In my account > settings > click 'Show unread notifications only', under the OzBargain Settings subheading.

9 Oct 2020 [New Feature]: Newsletter Customisation Options.

Users can now exclude highlighted deals, competitions and/or forum topics from their newsletter. See more here.

10 Feb 2021 [New Feature]: Referral Randomiser Now Random Only.

The referral randomiser will no longer show the OP's referral code/link as a dedicated option, next to the random option, if the deal hits the front page. The referral randomiser will now show the random option only, however the OP's code/link will have a higher chance of being selected, if the deal hits the front page. See Help Wiki for more information.

15 Mar 2021 [New Feature]: Tagging Users.

You can now tag a user in a comment (beta only, for now). Type @, then begin to type their name, click the username from the drop down box. You will then see the option to notify then under the comment box which you can uncheck if you change your mind. All users will receive the notifications, even if they aren't in beta, unless they have turned it off in their settings (see below).

You can opt out of receiving notifications when users tag you, by going into settings > subscriptions > events > misc. notifications > "Notify me when: Another user tagged this account with @XXXXXX in comments"

16 Mar 2021 [New Feature]: Brand Reps.

New 'Brand rep' tag - Brand reps are reps that don't work for the store but for the brand of the product. This replaces the 'Product Rep' tag.
More information

23 Mar 2021 [Guideline Update]: Store Posting Limits are now Combined with Third-Party Posting Limits

Posting limits are now combined for a store's directly associated posts as well as third-party posts.
More information

5 April 2021 [New Feature]: Weekly Random Discussion Changes

The weekly random discussion post has been rather underutilised in the past. We picked 3 random questions from a pool, and every now and then we get some random answers. Meanwhile the original purpose for the weekly random discussion post was being a catch all thread for trivial / not-bargain-related posts, similar to many daily/weekly random discussion threads on Reddit. So moving forward,

  • We will continue to create weekly random discussion thread, and close old ones after 2 weeks.
  • Moderators will merge new forum posts that deem trivial opinions in natural, with that week's random discussion thread.

30 April 2021 [New Feature]: Classifieds section now hides expired/closed listings by default

The classifieds section now hides expired/closed listings by default. To view all listings including expired/closed, check the 'Show expired and inactive listings' checkbox before the first listing.

4 June 2021 [Guideline Update]: Referral links no longer permitted in competition posts.

Referrals can be added in comments only. See more here.

7 June 2021: Reminders set on Daily Entry Comps will Remind User Daily from Requested Reminder Date

Reminders set on daily-entry competitions (those with 'Once Per Day' entry limit) will now remind users daily from the reminder date until closing date of the competition instead of just once on the reminder date. See more here.

15 July 2021 [Update]: Change to Contributor and Store Fan badges criteria.

The Contributor and Store Fan badges now require +20 votes on each of the deals, instead of +5 votes. More details

20 July 2021 [New Feature]: Subscribe to new posts from particular forum categories.

You can now subscribe to new posts in particular forum categories. You will find a 'Subscribe' button in each of the forum categories, or you can subscribe/manage it from 'My Account' > 'Settings' > 'Subscriptions' > 'Categories' . More details.

10 Aug 2021 [Update]: Associated users can no longer + vote comments (within posts associated to their store)

More details here

6 Oct 2021 [New Feature]: Subscribe to Products (Beta).

When clicking on a Product tag, users will be able to subscribe to the products to receive a notification when future deals are posted. These subscriptions can be managed in my account > settings > subscriptions > categories.

How to enable beta and more details here.

6 Oct 2021 [New Feature]: Block Stores/Users/Tags directly from Settings.

You can now block stores, users, tags etc. directly from your settings page, rather than having to find a post or comment from that store/user to hide/block it/them. In my account > settings > edit > blocked you will find all existing blocked users or stores, and now the ability to add new ones at the bottom of the page. Picture/more details.

20 Oct 2021 [New Feature]: New event notification for a deal reaching +100 Votes.

Previously users could receive an event notification if a deal hit the front page (+30 votes). We now have an additional option to receive a notification when a deal reaches +100 votes. Users may find that receiving a front page notification is too frequent and this will allow you to only receive notifications for the most popular deals. As always you can choose between web notification, email notification or both. If you select the web notification you'll get a push notification from the OzBargain App.

To turn this on: My Account > Settings > Subscriptions > Events > Notify me when: A deal reaches +100 votes. Picture/more details.

02 Dec 2021 - No early posts for Epic Game Stores 21 Days of Free Games (Repeat of 2020 Ruling)

We won't be allowing any posts for the upcoming Epic Game Store 21 days of freebies, until the day they have started. See here.

25 Jan 2022 [Guideline Update]: Classifieds - Banned Items

Therapeutic goods (Such as paracetamol, rapid antigen tests, masks or hand sanitiser) are also no longer allowed. See guidelines.

25 Mar 2022 [New Feature]: Hide tags from Front Page.

Users could previously hide deals on the new deal page by tag, however this feature did not extend to the front page. Users now have the option to hide it from the front page additionally. To hide a specific tag from the front page and/or new deals page:

  1. Click on the tag, eg video card.
  2. Click the 3 dots menu in the top right corner.
  3. Click the checkboxes for hide on Front page and/or hide on New deals page.

15 June 2022 [Guideline Update]: Classifieds - What can Be Posted?

We have made a major update to our Classified Guidelines to list what can and cannot be posted, in more specific detail. This follows our prior update on 5 June 2019. More details.

21 June 2022 [New Feature]: New Event Notification - A deal reaches +30 votes in 30 minutes.

We have now added a third option to capture 'hot' deals that are have reached a large number of votes in a short amount of time, to give the users the ability to know about them sooner, rather than waiting until they hit 100 votes (which could be too late).

To turn this on: My Account > Settings > Subscriptions > Events > Notify me when: A deal reaches +30 votes in 30 minutes. More details.

12 Sep 22 [Guideline Update]: Deals from Amazon third party/marketplace sellers will no longer be allowed from associated users. Details

16 Sep 22 [New Feature]: New node subscription option Details

5 Oct 22 [New Guideline]: New guideline covering the advertisement of therapeutic goods.

12 Oct 22 [Enhancement]: Node subscription option change Details

13 Dec 22 [New Guideline] No early separate posts for Epic Game Stores 15 Days of Free Games (Modification of 2020/2021 Ruling) Details

We won't be allowing any separate posts for the upcoming Epic Game Store 21 days of freebies, until the previous day's free game has begun (excluding Day 1).
See here for details.

9 Feb 2023 [Enhancement]: New Store Options for Users to Mark Association Details.

17 Feb 2023 [New Feature]: Self Removal of comments now has no limit. Details.

17 Feb 2023 [New Feature]: 'Disableduser' is now 'Deactivated', reactivation process is now streamlined. Details.

5 May 2023 [New Feature]: Notification Grouping. Details

9 Aug 2023 [New Feature]: Subscribe to Brands & Product Categories Details

24 Aug 2023 [New Feature]: Telegram Channel & Notifications Details

9 Jan 2024 [New Feature]: Negative Comment Voting Increased Details

9 Jan 2024 [Guideline Update]: Long Running Deal Reposts & 6 Month Duplicate Exception Update Details

15 Feb 2024 [New Feature] - /lastcomment Added Details

4 Apr 2024 [Enhancement] - New competition residency eligibility of 'Australia & New Zealand', and filter option for 'New Zealand' Details

4 Apr 2024 [New Feature] - 'Go to Last Top-Level Comment' Option
The comment menu now has an option to 'Go to Last Top-Level Comment'. Details

11 Nov 2024 [General Updates] - Guideline Updates

12 Nov 2024 [New Feature] - Hide Hide 'Highlighted Competitions' and/or 'Highlighted Discussion Topics' from Front Page Details

20 Feb 2025 [Guideline Update]: Affiliate & Referral Links Details.

24 Mar 2025: RSS Feed Now Teasers Only Details

Related threads:


  • 3 March 2017 [Guideline Update]: Referral guidelines updated for "Deals where the referral system is the offer".

    Guidelines have been updated for "Deals where the referral system is the offer" aka Referral only deals. See the exact changes here. Previously referral only deals weren't allowed if it was already in the referral system, we will now allow this as long as it hasn't been more than 7 days since it was added to the referral system here. This is to allow for the fact that we are phasing out the referral wiki, instead of previously posting a 'referral only' deal and linking it to the wiki, users can request it to be added to the referral system then post it as a deal shortly after if they wish.

    The wiki will be phased out completely in the coming weeks, most sites have already been moved over to the referral system. Go to my account > settings > referrals to see all of the merchants supported and add your own link. We'll also be cleaning up the current referral system announcement and related threads to make it a bit more clearer what has been added and what is already supported. More info on wiki/referral system migration.

  • Thanks for the announcement. It has cleared a few things up.

  • 14 March 2017 [New Feature]: Subscribe to users

    You can now subscribe to individual users, to receive an email whenever they make a post. To do so, click on any users profile page (when you see a post/comment from them, or search for a user here) and click the subscribe button on their user profile (below the avatar):



    You will receive an email for any public post that user makes (deal, competition, forum post).

    This is in addition to the existing function of subscribing to a store - eg subscribe to Coles to receive an email everytime a deal and/or competition for Coles is posted.

    • That's great. So would you get 2 separate email notifications if a subscribed user posts a deal from a subscribed store?

      • Yes, you would get 2 email notifications in that case.

    • Thank you

    • Two things…

      • What's up with the stars next to the user?

      • How do you post pictures in comments?
        The pictures seem like a cool feature you should implement. It would aid in user site time retention.

      • What's up with the stars next to the user?

        To turn this on, go to:

        Settings > Edit > Accounts > Click "Show user rating widget"

        How do you post pictures in comments?

        Moderator only function sorry, too much potential for abuse/misuse otherwise.

        • Thanks…

        • +2

          Fair enough being moderator only…

          As for the stars-

          • Whats the point?

          • How can i know my rating?

          • How can i know a third persons rating?

        • @0p:

          +1 Interested.

        • @0p:

          Here is the discussion on the user rating widget

          As you can see there, it was an old piece of code that was never implemented - something like a karma system. Scotty removed it in 2013 however a number of users requested that it be reinstated for their personal use. For your 2nd and 3rd questions, you can never see what someone has rated you and no one can see what you have rated other.

          If you wanted to continue discussion there about this feature that would be appreciated, just to free up this post for announcements and announcement related discussion.


  • 14 March 2017 [New Feature]: Expiry date on classifieds

    There is now an optional expiry date field within classified postings, if you are selling concert tickets for example for an event in 2 days, you can set the expiry date for 2 days so if your listing isn't sold it will automatically expire when the event is over.

  • 27 March 2017 [New Feature]: Competition Requirement Checkboxes Updated

    The competition requirement checkbox for 'Like/Follow/Share' has been updated to 'Like/Follow/Comment/Share'. See competition submission form. See original request here.

  • 28 March 2017 [New Feature]: 'Do Not Show Expired Deals' option now includes category pages

    For users who have the 'Do not show expired deals' option turned on in settings > edit > deals. This previously only applied to the front page, it now will hide expired deals from the category pages. Eg Gaming.



  • 10 May 2017 [Guideline Update]: Negative comment votes to revoke a negative by the community has increased.

    Effective 10/5/2017 6:30AM. The number of negative comment votes required to revoke a negative vote by the community has increased slightly (to keep in line with growing member numbers).

    Related guidelines

    When negative votes are revoked:
    The community casts a number of negative comment votes to any comment by the user casting the deal votes.

    • How many hamza?

      Does that mean that our daily limit of 5 will increase?

      • We don't state how many publicly sorry (as was the case previously), however it shouldn't take too long to figure it out.

        Edit: The daily limit of 5 won't increase.


        • +1

          I'm on it….

  • 16 May 2017 [Site Update] - Competition front page criteria The competition front page used to include competitions with more than 5 votes, but will now be based on comps with more than 15 entries to be a better reflection on the interest level in the individual competitions. Comps that are gaining entries fast may appear on the front page before 15 entries are added.

  • 24 May 2017 [New Feature] - Exclude International Competitions: We have added the ability to exclude international competitions via the filter on the Not Entered section. It's also available under my account > settings > competitions (these settings will be the default filter options on your Not Entered competitions page).


    • Ah, I only just noticed this today!

      Thank you for adding this feature, much appreciated :)

    • Cheers :) I can certainly never be bothered with them but each to their own

  • 2 June 2017 [New Feature] - Related Deals Tab: Coupon deals that have multiple deals posted for them will now show a 'related' tab at the top of the deal which easily shows all deal posts with that particular coupon. Using the COVFEFE eBay deal as an example, you can click the related tab to show all deals with that coupon code. The related tab is updated immediately and doesn't require the user to leave the main deal.


    • +1

      Thank you!

  • 14 June 2017 [Guideline Update]: Referrals codes/links are no longer allowed at the end of deal descriptions.

    In Short:

    OzBargain no longer allows referral links/codes at the end of a deal post description. The only exception to this, is if the referral for the store in question has not yet been added to the referral system. However, once the referral is added to the system, the referral link/code will be removed by a moderator. You can read the guidelines in full here.

    Full Explanation:

    What's the referral system? Basically the grey box below any deal with random referral links.
    See here for more information. You can add your referral codes in settings > edit > referrals or click edit on any deal with the grey referral system box showing. Example deal. If there is a site with a referral program that you'd like to see added you can request so here with the relevant information - every deal post for that site will then include the grey referral box with your referral link/code and any other OzBargainer's in the system. If the OP of the deal has their referral link in the system, it will show their link in addition to the random links but only once/if their deal hits 25 votes.

    3 into 1: Over the past years OzBargain has had 3 methods of obtain referral links: (1) Referral wiki (2) Users manually adding their referral link at the end of deals (3) The OzBargain referral system. This resulted in complicated guidelines that must encompass all 3 systems and a lot of confusion as to where to go for referrals. We are now in the process of making the referral wiki obsolete by moving the few remaining sites on the wiki to the referral system and have now banned referral links at the end of deals. This means everything will run through the one system, the OzBargain referral system which is the grey box at the end of deals. Furthermore it allows users to be rewarded for posting good deals, without users 'double dipping' by placing their referral link at the end of the deals in addition to the referral system which was another main reason for this change.

    Why now? We previously weren't in the position as the referral system could only support certain referrals (basic links and codes). A number of improvements were and are in the process of being added, including PM support for sensitive referral information (full name or email address) or where there is no link/code to add. This means we can now completely phase out the wiki and run everything through the referral system.

    What's the goal? Whilst the changes may cause some confusion in the short term, we've now halved the length of our referral guidelines which previously had to cater for a number of different systems/ways of showing referral links and 'loopholes' that appeared. We hope these guidelines are now easier to understand with only 1 basic rule and exception. Furthermore, by running everything through the 1 referral system we're aiming to run a simpler and fairer platform that is easy to use and access. The previous referral wiki was not user friendly, could only be accessed by 1 person at the time, could be destroyed with the wrong keystroke and was also prone to abuse. By only using the referral system, moderators also have the ability to audit and remove stale links automatically amongst other functions which could not be done in the wiki.

    • +1

      You need to remove the mod hat so I can +1 this, so consider this comment a thumbs up :)

  • 18 July 2017 [New Feature]: Ctrl + Enter to submit/post your comment.

    This is an opt in feature and works on the desktop site only. If you would like to turn it on, it is found in settings > edit > Ctrl + Enter to submit comment. When writing a comment Ctrl + Enter will submit the comment to save moving the mouse to click 'post comment'.


  • 18 July 2017 [New Feature]: Bookmark a comment.

    Every comment on OzBargain is able to be bookmarked for future reference. Ref:



    Your bookmarks can be viewed/managed in settings > lists > folders, there you can view all your bookmarks. Within the settings tog of each bookmark folder you can also rename folders, delete bookmarks, change privacy settings and similar. Ref:



    Your bookmarks for deal/forum/competition etc. posts are also found in the same 'Lists' location, your comment folders have a different icon. Ref:


    • Ozbargain staff & volunteers: How many people use this feature?

      Are there any interesting lists so far?

      • +1

        I have 19 folders in total of which 10 are for comments. My favourite one is titled "To-be-negged" 😉

        I don't think any are share-worthable. Quite a few are part of my deal editing workflow.

      • -2

        @WookieMonster has a list of comments, deals and topics related to gift cards. I know because he mentioned my request for MCC related to Pamper gift cards. Perhaps you can share?

        Also asked:

        New Feature - Add Deals to Folders - OzBargain Forums

        Can additions to folders for deals or comments be allowed by other OzBargain members so we can work together effectively?

  • 21 July 2017 [New Feature]: Third Party Tags

    Following last months ban of manual referral links in the deal, we have found that the referrer tag was no longer needed, except in the case of users linking to a third party website in the description. These users previously shared the 'referrer' tag, however we've changed the tag to 'Third Party' to better indicate what that tag represents.

    For those who are unaware, users can link to their third party websites (price comparison, blogs, cashback etc. websites) at the bottom of the deal description (only). These websites give further information to the deal, however they aren't the direct source of the deal (unlike store reps/associated users who post directly to the store). They are bound by posting limits, which basically means the more votes the deal receives, the sooner they can post another deal linking to their site. Full guidelines here

    You'll see the third party tag rolled out as of yesterday, however please note that deals prior to July 20th 2017 will still show the old 'referrer' tag.


    OLD Referrer Tag:


    User represents press-start


    NEW Third Party Tag:


    User represents Cashrewards

  • +7

    hi, I like the bold start dates in the title. very good. clear. hopefully stop most people posting "the code doesn't work" when the coed is not yet active.

    • +1

      Probably one of the best updates ever.

      I'm surprised how many of today's front page deals are in the future. Normally I'm too lazy to read the whole title and other info.

  • 2nd November 2017 [New Feature]: Web Notifications

    Subscriptions (threads, stores or users) can now be received via the OzBargain notification system (web). By default it's set to email only, you can change it to web instead (or additionally) in settings > subscriptions > threads/stores/users. See below:


    You'll then get notifications previously by email only to your notification system:


    You can customise the notifications for each type (threads, stores or users). For example you may like to receive web notifications only for threads, but emails and web notifications for stores or users.

    What type of subscriptions / notifications are there?

    (1) Threads - When you click 'subscribe' on any post to get notified of new comments within that thread. Example
    (2) Stores - When you click 'subscribe' on any store (to receive an email whenever a deal is posted for that store). Example
    (3) Users - When you click 'subscribe' on a user's profile (to receive an email whenever a post is made by that user). Example

    These were previously email only, all 3 are now included as web notifications.

    (4) Categories and (5) Events (search alerts) are still email only, however support for web notifications should be added down the track.

    Store and user subscriptions / notifications are a great way to ensure you don't miss out on any deals for your favourite stores/favourite posters, users can also subscribe to comments within posts without the worry of getting 100s of emails for popular posts (or if something goes out of stock and you want to subscribe incase someone comments that it's available again).

    Please note: This feature is work in progress and will be fine tuned in the coming weeks. Please use this thread to report any bugs or issues.

    • Great adition hamza. Thanks to the team for implementing :)

    • +1

      Oh wow I have been wanting this!

  • 19 January 2018 [Guideline Update]: eBay deals that require the use of a discount coupon code which is not yet active can only be posted on the day that coupon becomes active.

    Related discussion thread & here

    See full guideline here

    Deals that require the use of a discount coupon code which is not yet active can only be posted on the day that coupon becomes active, to prevent cases where the deal is unobtainable from price fluctuations. For example, if the coupon code is scheduled to be active at 10:00am on 1 January 2020, then any related deal that requires use of the coupon code can only be posted from 00:00 on 1 January 2020.

  • +5

    I like how there's now a cross to let you know that a forum thread is closed before you go into it.

  • +1

    Infinite scroll is a major site change. It changes how the site is used. Therefore I think it should be on the list above.

  • 15 February 2018 [New Feature]: Insufficient quantity deals will now be merged to dedicated forum threads where (instead of being unpublished completely).

    Thread for eBay
    Existing thread for ALDI
    Thread for Everything Else

    Users interested in low quantity deals for eBay, ALDI or other stores may like to follow some or all of those threads.

    • Wanted this for quite a while but with separate threads. It's better than being unpublished at least.

  • +1

    Have low scored comments been hidden recently?

    I remember this being a feature years ago but it seemed to be dormant for the last few.

    Do we have an option to enable/disable it?

    • +2

      Click on [Hidden] on the yellow comment control bar at the bottom of the page will toggle between showing and not showing comments under the threshold.

      • +1

        Thanks, might be time for a phone upgrade. The screen on this has a mind of its own!

  • 14 March 2018 [Guideline Update]: Amazon Australia deals for third party sellers must have a minimum of 90% feedback based on at least 10 in feedback.

    See full guidelines here

    In a similar fashion to other marketplace websites (eBay, AliExpress etc.), we've also implemented some minimum requirements for deals on Amazon Australia (fulfilled by third party sellers). Recently we've seen a number of new stores appear with very little information to verify who they are, their location and their reliability. This guideline will remain in place indefinitely (pending any changes to third party seller requirements on Amazon's end).

    At this stage mods will need to manually remove the deals once they are reported. (the system won't stop users from posting them).

    • 23 August 2018 [Guideline Update]: Items fulfilled by Amazon will be exempt from the Amazon Australia minimum feedback requirements (90%/10 feedback).

      See full guidelines here

      The Amazon Australia deals for third party sellers guidelines have been updated to include the exception to the feedback requirement for items fulfilled by Amazon. This is due to the fairly low risk involved in purchasing an item that is fulfilled by Amazon, recent example.

  • 11 April 2018 [New Feature]: External links open in new window - Now covers external links in description/comment section.

    The 'External Links Open in New Window' setting previously only opened the main deal link in a new window, it will now also open external links in a new window that are in the description field and comment section. To turn this setting on visit the account section in your settings page:


    See original request here.

    • That's great, thanks!

  • Pinned comments is an interesting idea…

    Can there only be one? Does it only work on top level comments?

    • +1

      Can there only be one? Does it only work on top level comments?

      At the moment, yes and yes.

  • 7 July 2018 [Guideline Update]: Solicitation of Votes

    Do not ask users to vote on a deal or comment, or attempt to solicit votes by any means. Commenting guidelines and Posting a bargain

    We received some feedback that whilst we don't allow the OP to ask users to vote on their deal, our guidelines only give specifics of that in the store representatives section (however we apply that rule to all deal posters). We've updated the 'Posting a bargain section' and also implemented a further commenting guideline for all users (not just the deal poster) "Do not ask users to vote on a deal or comment, or attempt to solicit votes by any means". We appreciate that whilst those commenters intentions may be good, some users don't appreciate being asked to vote on a deal that they may not want to vote on (or can't vote on for various reasons), it also creates off topic discussion within deal posts.

    • +2

      Thanks for including this guideline. A few years ago I received a couple of private messages asking me to vote on a specific deal. I guess if I receive any more of these messages I should report them.

      • I only started getting them this year for some reason.

      • Yes please. OzBargainers rely on the voting system to be a true indicator of a deal's worth. Voting because someone asked them to, voting for friends, vote swapping etc. are all things that devalue that and we take seriously, even if it's the vast minority.

        • -1

          Great rule! I've always felt that even if a user benefited from a deal, they shouldn't feel that they have to vote on it.

        • +2

          You missed the point…

        • -1



        • -1

          OzBargainers rely on the voting system to be a true indicator of a deal's worth.

          Votes would become more meaningful if Members must comment before voting.

        • +5

          @PJC: You would end up with less people voting.

        • -2

          @sween64: We don't need their autobiographies, it takes only a few seconds to type "Thanks OP" and we would be a step nearer to the voting system being a true indicator of a deal's worth. It should also reduce sockpuppet voting.

    • -2

      If i could i would upvote this comment, however this should not be seen in any way as encouraging or indeed soliciting others to join me in showing support for this particular comment.

      AngryChicken not in Penalty Box!

  • 18 July 2018 [New Feature]: Show most voted comments

    This is an old feature (previously known as 'top comments') which has returned by community demand, under a new (more accurate) name, in a new position and slightly different functionality. Users can now show the top 8 most voted comments using the 3 stroke menu in the bottom left hand corner.



    • +4


    • I think some consideration should be given to give this more prominence.

      If I was asked to suggest a location I'd say at the top in the same block where it says "COMMENTS" and "Subscribe"

      The highest voted comment is often highly valuable either in information or comedic value.

  • 24 July 2018 [Guideline Update]: Third Party Posting Limits

    Third-party posting limits are now imposed per-site as well as per-user for third-party website operators. This is to plug a (not yet exploited) loophole where multiple associated users for one site can exceed the intended posting limit.

  • 9 August 2018 [Guideline Update]: Solicitation of subscriptions

    Asking users to subscribe to, or linking to your user profile or to the related store of a deal is no longer allowed. This applies to all users and not just associated users. The deal posting guidelines have been updated to reflect this.

    Edit: OzBargain will look at ways of promoting the subscription buttons fairly/equally over the next coming months.

    • It would be nice if we could see who has subscribed to our profiles. I presume that's not the case due to privacy?

      • Yes that's correct, all types of subscriptions are currently hidden from other users. I don't think people would expect others to be able to see their subscriptions.

        • Makes sense. I'm sure it could cause some controversy.

    • I'm not getting notifications when someone I have subscribed to starts a forum post.

      • Your Web notifications are not turned on — could that be why?

        • I tried to set all of my notifications to email and was expecting the member subscription notifications to come by this method. I'll have a look at my profile to see if I can adjust the settings.

        • +1

          Okay, I thought I had to choose either web or email. I didn't realise I could choose both. I now have both ticked. I'll check from time to time to see what turns up.

  • With the new related stores have to click the 3 dots to go straight to comps adds another click which while not the end of the world is also not as convenient as before.

    Also would be nice for users to have the ability to add additional related stores when necessary.

  • 7 September 2018 [New Feature]: Show Online Status

    Users now have the ability to hide the 'Last Seen' or 'Online Now' status from showing on their profile page.

    To do so, click on My Account > Settings > edit > account > uncheck 'show online status'.


    online status

    Enabled (default):




    • Kinda surprised this option wasn't there until now, but good to see it added.

    • +1

      Instead of displaying "disabled" could this "Last Seen" line just disappear altogether? I don't see why it needs to be advertised that a user has disabled this feature.

      • Yeah, now everyone must think I'm "disabled"…not that there's anything wrong with that :/

      • Thanks for the feedback. Whilst we haven't removed it altogether, 'Disabled' has been changed to 'Hidden'.

    • +1

      Is it possible to have Last Seen like Telegram? That is vague enough to avoid stalkers/tracking but specific enough to let members know we're still active?

      Otherwise if not possible, is there a third way?

      My Emphasis in bold.

      Last seen & online
      Who can see my last seen time

      • Everybody
      • My contacts
      • Nobody
        You won't see Last Seen and Online statuses for
        people with whom you don't share yours.
        Approximate last seen will be shown instead
        (recently, within a week, within a month).
  • What if someone buys the bargain but doesn't bother to +1 the deal. If I ask/remind that user to consider +1 the deal, is it a breach? Mod can you please answer?

    • Yes, it is a breach, and you will end up on an exile to CheapCheapLah.

    • See here. Yes, we prefer that people don't pressure others to vote on a deal.

      To quote:

      We appreciate that whilst those commenters intentions may be good, some users don't appreciate being asked to vote on a deal that they may not want to vote on (or can't vote on for various reasons), it also creates off topic discussion within deal posts.

      I'll add also that all of our guidelines are blanket and very specific as there are always people who will exploit it to the maximum. e.g. referrals, classified selling, duplicates.

      So for example if you made 1 reminder to a user to vote, that seemingly could be ok, but then another person reminds 37 commenters in a deal to vote which no one wants to see. So do we make an arbitrary #, you can only remind up to 3 people per deal. OK and then say the reminder comment is something simple like remember to vote if you like the deal which may be OK but then someone writes a novel. All of this is in addition to the situations Hamza mentioned and just creates complexity.

      • +2

        Hi Neil, I have been giving this a bit of thought as I have been guilty of reminding members to vote, especially when I have seen a high number of clicks, many members saying they have purchased and very few + voting the deal, especially for members posting their first deals. Many members don't vote simply because they are out of the habit or just don't think of it and only need a small reminder.

        Instead of banning members from reminding others to vote, and I do understand your reasons. Perhaps we should instead place a reminder automatically on every page? Something along the lines of:

        If you think this is a good deal or have made a purchase please remember to vote.

        As we approach OzBargain's 12th birthday maybe you could trial it along the lines of previous themed months such as 'Title improvement month'. Maybe we could celebrate the backbone of OzBargain and November could be 'Please remember to vote' month.

        To quote the help page section:

        While voting is not compulsory, the entire system relies on user votes, so make sure to do your part and vote for the deals you feel are good!

        What do you think?

        • Instead of banning members from reminding others to vote, and I do understand your reasons.

          We don't ban members if they put a reminder to vote. In fact, most things we don't ban. We'll send a PM, a warning, and a discussion if warranted. Obviously if a user continues to ignore warnings, then we'll have to act accordingly.

          Perhaps we should instead place a reminder automatically on every page?

          As for putting a reminder on every page, we are reluctant to add any more text/button/etc atm strictly on a UI POV however maybe we can think of something on the votes tab.

          We have been discussing for a while a better way for a more dynamic front page that takes into account more than votes but a lot of other variables.

          • +1

            @neil: Thank you for responding.

            We don't ban members

            I said banned in the sense that members were no longer allowed to remind others to vote, not that they would immediately be sent to the Penalty Box.

            I am looking at ways to encourage more user interaction on the site. Think of it from the point of view of a new member posting their first deals, or members who don't post often. If they get only a few votes they would feel discouraged from posting more deals in the future but their deal may have actually done quite well.

            I was thinking something similar to the warning you place on the classfied pages, except instead of a warning there is a gentle reminder. ie.:

            November is Don't forget to vote month. If you think this is a good deal or have made a purchase please remember to vote.

            If it is on every deal page then it is fair, it encourages more user interaction, more members to post and more new visitors to the site to keep coming back.

            It's a win for everybody.

          • +3

            @neil: I agree with xev, neil.

            Far too often are there great deals, for example my most recent one (that judgement is purely based off the number of clicks and the number of members commenting, saying they've bought one), where the number of clicks (2586 as of now) and the number of votes (52 as of now) are quite disproportionate.
            I can count at least one comment where a purchase was made, but no corresponding upvote.
            Normally, it wouldn't matter, but it does feel, as a poster, that all the time, effort, blood, sweat and tears that go into posting an informative deal is not appreciated and/or people simply feign ignorance on the matter.

            People come to this site to get a bargain, and it is only right that they thank the poster for posting the bargains. After all, where would this site be without the users here that post the bargains? I make it a point to place a + vote when (a) I think the deal is great and (b) I've bought an item(s) from the deal and also leave a comment.

            As xev just said above:

            It's a win for everybody.

            • +3

              @MathNerd: Try being a store rep where your votes are less than 100 but your sales are 500+. Disappointing but such is OzBargain. People are too lazy or don't actually see the benefit it gives us as posters to upvote.

              • +1

                @Clear: Yeah, damn that's even rougher. Can't imagine how that must feel.

                • +2

                  @MathNerd: Not as bad as hitting just short of the 25 vote mark while still getting 100+ sales.

                  • -1

                    @Clear: Yep, here's all the evidence to show that forbidding simple reminders to people to upvote, has left devastating consequences. Whilst I am neither a Rep nor am I Associated to any store/business, I still feel the effect this has left (and that's just from posting some great deals that I've stumbled upon, as well as a few deals that I've setup with the merchant), and can't imagine what it must be like for you and all the others who are Reps or Associated and post deals for the benefit of the community.

                    Something really needs to be done because frankly, this is unacceptable.

                    • +2

                      @MathNerd: Unfortunately I suspect most of the sales come from visitors since the majority of users here are visitors.

                      • @Clear:

                        Unfortunately I suspect most of the sales come from visitors since the majority of users here are visitors.

                        Yes, this. I should figure out a methodology to collect visitor stats of members vs. guests however just looking at the current stats as of the time of this comment shows:

                        1,174 users 4,355 guests

                        Converting guest users to members is something we've always try to encourage but given people just want to see deals, there isn't a giant carrot for people to sign up.

                        As for voting, people are voting for deals increasingly. The voting average has almost doubled in the seven years I've been tracking these stats.

                        Year Deals not reaching Front Page Front Page Deals Vote Average
                        2011 11590 3641 16
                        2012 15148 3851 16.31
                        2013 21043 5084 17.63
                        2014 22975 5989 20.94
                        2015 21498 7085 24.66
                        2016 23329 7576 28.12
                        2017 24149 8115 30.45

                        It also make a huge difference as to what time of day you post the deal. For example on Sept 5 (random weekday) we had 1,160,273 pageviews equalling 48,344 avg per hour. However at 9PM we had 73,011 pageviews and conversely 5,880 at 4AM. That's a huge difference. This equals up to posting in the evening, then your deal potentially could get 51% more votes than if you posted at 4AM.

                        It also makes a difference on what day of the week you post. The same sample week had an average of 1,107,828 pageviews. Tuesday had the highest of 1,213,559 pageviews and Saturday had the lowest of 948,402. Again makes a difference.

                        Lots of other factors too including a properly worded title. This is something I see being complained about on Reddit Videos. Someone will post something and won't gain traction. Someone posts the same thing with a different title and it goes viral.

                        So as before, we'd like to even things out. Push up deals on quiet times, tamper down on hot times, try to de-influence influencers and of course the never ending battle with astroturfing and sockpuppeting. Sorry for the long reply, you got me started on stats.

                        • @neil:

                          Converting guest users to members is something we've always try to encourage but given people just want to see deals, there isn't a giant carrot for people to sign up.

                          Not everyone knows what is obvious to us, and some people need an extra nudge. At the bottom of every page there is a big empty space between "trademark owners" and "Follow Us" where you could insert something colourful saying something like …

                          FREE PERMANENT MEMBERSHIP!
                          JOIN ANY TIME - NO WAITING
                          YOU TOO CAN POST BARGAINS!

                          … and a smaller version at the top next to OzBargain.

                        • @neil: Thank you. Plus one to this post! Data driven decision making is what I like to see.

                        • @neil: We all know how much you love stats :)

                          I've always known weekends to be quiet and generally after 10pm. It would be interesting to see stats for a week/month of what days and time the site got more visitors and deal votes.

          • @neil: Could you trigger something after you click “Go to Deal”, add a tiny bit of latency, an overlay message or something with logic maybe like:

            if (logged in & liked deal) {instant redirect to deal like current}

            else if (logged in & not liked deal) {2 second delay + “Support OzB and remember to like this deal if its good… bypass this message next time” }

            else if (not logged in) {5 second delay + “Join OzB, Like this deal and support the community for more deals like this” }

            else {…}

            Would give user a tiny time incentive to like a deal and encourage more sign ups.

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