• long running

Free Credit Score (Dun & Bradstreet) @ Credit Simple


I thought this was worth posting because it completes the trio of recent deal posts for free credit scores based on Veda and Experian credit records, with Credit Simple's score being based on Dun & Bradstreet's records.

Credit Simple features:

  • Find out how you can make your credit score work harder for you
  • Get targeted offers and insights based on your profile.
  • Tools and tips to help you understand your score and take the next step towards financial freedom.
  • Credit file monitoring with periodic email alerts when certain changes occur on your credit file

How does it work?
We'll give you your credit score and credit info, and show you how your credit score compares by age, gender and community. You'll also be able to access insights on what it all means, plus get deals based on your credit score - such as credit cards and loans.

You might also find this infomercial helpful as it explains a bit more about Credit Simple's aims to help customers to get better deals based on their good credit score.

It's not clear how often you can check the credit score, and of course read the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use before deciding if this is worth free to you.

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Credit Simple
Credit Simple

closed Comments

  • I still don't see why there needs to be 3 websites, can someone just make one to show all 3….

    • +3

      Why do you need more than 1 brand of petrol.
      Or a million other duplicate things in life?

      • +10


        Credit ratings shouldn't be something to profit from. Should be a centralised database maintained by the government for free as a public service. Never going to happen though.

        • +4

          Companies provide their own ratings. Banks themselves often use internal ratings. I don't trust the government to design a single rating for use.

        • Sounds like a convenient way to discredit those who disagree with the government.

  • +2

    Is a credit score somehow more detailed or different to a credit report, which you can get for free?

    • +4

      A credit report is a record of the credit checks that have been done on you by companies.
      A credit score is a number betwee… well read the linked article.

      • I was under the assumption that VEDA gave a score with the report?

        • No

        • @Dacs:

          Yes they do.

          Source : worked on b2b with Veda.

        • +2

          They do? The last credit score (the annual free one) I got from Veda in April 2016 showed only the credit check report.
          The credit score was only provided by GetCreditScore. Maybe Veda includes a score for paid reports?

        • +1

          @ms: No they don't, I just got my free credit report last week from Veda (and I got my family to do the same) and none of them had a credit score. Only credit report.

        • @Dacs: see above ^^ they don't as far as my credit report from last week was concerned.

        • @eltito:
          VEDA do give a score to business subscribers. 0 to 1200 … and red to bright green.

        • @whoopdeedoo:nooooo but I'm talking about the free credit report that the OP (Scab) originally asked about.

          The free credit report that is available to anyone - which I'm assuming is consumer only, that credit report does not have any Veda credit scores.

          No idea about the business subscribers thing - but Scab asked about the free credit report, and I am assuming the business subscription is not free

        • @eltito:
          oh yeah, sorry, i'm not sure about the consumer version.

  • +9

    I just tried this and it showed that I am in the bottom 22% for being a Sagittarius…

    • +1

      I'm in bottom 17% for being Gemini….lol!

      • +10

        I'm flagged as a credit risk because I visit porn sites.

      • +2

        Being a Gemini, you can add the 17 for each personality to make 34

    • Aquarius
      Top 2 %

  • +3

    There is no standard for credit score, and companies can produce a different score based on whatever they decide to measure it on.

  • +4

    "Get targeted offers and insights based on your profile."
    And so, once they get your profile & email address, you will be inundated with junk?

  • +1

    I have score of 981 and it correctly shows all credit enquiries.

    • -4

      Well aren't you special? :p

  • +1

    OP the title should say Dun & Bradstreet.

    • UGH! Thanks. I'll have to get a mod to fix it.
      Edit - Okay I could edit the title myself. I thought only mods could change a title

  • +2

    Credit Savvy - Very Good
    Get Credit Score - Good
    Credit Simple - We can't find you on the D&B bureau records. This means you don’t have an active credit file with D&B – this can happen if you’ve never applied for credit.

    • I used my passport and they couldn't find me. But I got a result when I used my medicare number.

  • +4

    This is interesting. (Well at least they're being honest :D)

    Storage and Security

    We will use all reasonable endeavours to keep your personal information in a secure environment, however, this security cannot be guaranteed. Our procedures are designed to prevent your personal information being accessed by unauthorised personnel, lost or misused. If you reasonably believe that there has been unauthorised use or disclosed of your personal information, please contact us using the contact details below.

  • +17

    These guys (d&b) came after me for centrelink debt as part of the recent crap in the news. So they're debt collectors, and tried to get me to pay BEFORE appealing the debt. They said they'd give the money back afterwards, and that if I didn't pay they'd just take it out of my bank account or salary anyway

    Luckily the appeal didn't take that long so I didn't experience being literally robbed on behalf of the government

    • Thanks for sharing. I hope people read your comment as this is some blue chip scamming going on. Im surprised D and B are involved.

      • D&b have a few different businesses, commercial and consumer credit reporting, and debt collection. They don't own any debts, they collect on behalf of companies looking to chase people up. The guys on the phone are just trying to do their job. I feel sorry for them, they must cop a lot of tish

    • Woah, they can do that?!

    • +4

      "Welcome to the Turnbull government, bitches!"

  • +3

    it completes the trio of recent deal posts

    What if there's a fourth post?

    • +3

      Australia only has three credit bureaus is what Dacs meant, so this completes the set.

    • +2

      Refer to Douglas Adams' hitchhikers guide to the galaxy series.

  • +1

    Why is my score different across the three sites ?

    • +1

      Because they all have their own way they calculate their own scores…

  • I got "Smashing".

    Looks like all the credit enquiries are listed correctly.

  • Thanks OP. I did one with using an unused email address. Enquiries from AMEX are missing on mine.

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Funnily enough these guys seem to have more info on me than anyone else.

    My score is rubbish (560) but I have never paid late or defaulted on anything.

    Probably should slow down my balance transfer surfing…

    • I use to work for a company who did credit checks, anyway the default score was 480 (with Veda), anything above that was good to go to get the product. So 560 isn't all that bad. To be honest, thinking back, you were probably in the average score range.

  • I also have three different scores across three different sites. Credit Savvy being the highest, shows only my cc applications. THis one shows all the phone/internet/utilities enquiries too. As far as a credit score or from a banks perspective utilities and mobile account related enquiries aren't an issue?

  • Hmm… i'm bottom % for everything but still got "Decent effort"

  • +1

    So one enquiry (from a dodgy Telstra employee) and nothing else in my profile at all. Yet only a score of 7xx. Have a new loan in the past 12 months, credit cards, multiple other home loans etc. No accounts listed, nothing other than the enquiry.

    How's that work?

  • Much nicer web site than the other ones I used.

  • Just read about this website mentioned in news.com.au

    • +3

      Haha.. I read that article and can sum it up in an easy TL:DR

      Couple are in debt.
      Move to WA during mining boom and get good jobs.
      Debt paid, bought block in Melbourne and subdivide at peak cycle.
      Begin blog about "Anyone can turn it around!"

  • Got a score of 1000 "Smashing"

  • how many credit cards can you apply within 12 months? I'm certain the number of credit checks CC companies placed on your profile is a factor for credit assessment….

    • +1

      You can apply for as many credit cards as you like within 12 months.

      However, they might not be all approved.

    • +1

      You're right. I applied for 7 credit cards within a couple of months when I first got into Oz Bargain. My credit score took a hit because of this. I don't believe there is a set recommendation, only that applying for a number of credit within a short period of time, can look like you're in financial difficulty to the reporting agencies.

      • The credit report doesnt record if the CC company has accepted / rejected your application so it's not totally a bad sign. I think it matters more if you default on repayment (a few times?) then the CC company will record something against your name and it will make life difficult afterwards.

        • Yeah, I agree defaulting would be worse. None of my applications were declined, so it was just a case of applying for too many within a short period of time.

  • A bit worrying apparently my gender is invalid. Tested it on two different browsers and health card and drivers license.

    • +2

      Thats… odd. Do you feel gender invalid ?

  • At present, there are three main credit reporting agencies operating in the Australian market. These are—in order of market share — Veda Advantage, Dun and Bradstreet and the Tasmanian Collection Service.

    • +1

      Strictly speaking there are four agencies.
      The biggest 3 being Veda, Experian and D&B.
      Tasmanian Collection Service is relatively small and localised compared to the other three agencies.
      Hope this helps.

      • Thanks for that, I tried to edit my comment to put it in "quotes" as I just copied it from a Google search.

        I just found that Credit Savvy uses the Experian network. So with the recent deals, everything should be covered.

        • +1

          Not to worry :) Mentioning Tasmanian Collection Service was definitely a valid contribution - especially for Ozbargainers located in TAS.

          Probably it's also worth mentioning for those people located in TAS that they can get a free copy of their credit file from TCS by using this form.

  • +1

    Places like Veda provide free credit c reports, so it's hardly a deal to get such things. Further whether a financial institution decides to lend you money is entirely of their own choosing - the report is a guide, not a rule. Having said that if you find anything amiss on your report you can take action to have it rectified.

  • +1

    In case it hasn't already been mentioned, be aware it appears VEDA has changed their scoring method just recently.


  • +3

    So… is this site actually reputable?

    I'm a bit wary of just going to some website I've never heard of and providing them with all my personal id information (name, address, sex, DOB, drivers licence etc). Sounds like a recipe for getting your identity stolen. Can anybody confirm that this isn't a scam designed to just scoop up as many people's personal data as possible?

    • Not sure why I'd get downvoted for asking a perfectly reasonable question, but ok…

  • only "Decent Effort" !! I guess all the credit cards I'm opening up due to Ozbargain are catching up to me.

  • They couldn't find anything at all on me (???)

  • +3

    DnB credit scores arnt worth the paper they are digitally printed on.

    No lenders, institutions, telco or utility companies use their scoring as a means for assessment.

    They are a redundant product. Veda controlls the sector and it is unlikely to change in the near future.

    Source: me - I have worked in credit for the last 10 years

    • +1

      I didn't think credit scores were a meaningful factor for any institution in Australia (yet).

      • Most finance companies use veda 1.1 as thr backbone of their assessment these days.

    • You might be surprised on which companies now use DnB and don't use Veda anymore,Telco market is primarily DnB.

      • Yeah, I thought Optus use them.

        • Telstra use DnB only, Vodafone is DnB whilst Optus is primary bureau with Veda.
          In addition apparently two of the major banks have give DnB 5 years of historical enquires and listings.

          The last two years has seen DnB taking some of the high volume consumer enquiry clients, which has been Vedas domain in the past. With the acquisition by Equifax completed, it will be interesting to see how they approach the market now.

        • @T0ken: ah, righto, maybe I was thinking of Vodafone.

    • SimplyEnergy has not started doing credit check for new connections. They use D&B, i know that because they refused my application of transfer of connection. I have good credit history, chasing D&B to get my credit file and check why their credit check failed.

  • Cannot verify me. Lol

  • Cannot verify me, unable to validate identify. I have same ID for years and works everywhere except this stupid website.

    • Couldn't find my wife's either using her licence, but could using her passport. Weird considering her passport is 6 months old and haven't used it as ID for any applications.

  • +1

    Why use this link when you can get a free credit report direct from Dun & Bradstreet at: http://dnb.com.au/personal.html#.WJ5F9W996Ul

  • +1

    Had a really bad experience with these guys. They came after me after a toll debt. Straight up emailed me asking to pay into some random account. Better still the email looked really dodgy and outlook flagged it as phishing. I would not deal with this business.

  • +1

    And this is the company that works on behalf of Getty Images and will literally troll you till you die to pay back a copyright infringement for an image your web developer may have used on your website. Sorry but I cant respect a company like this.

  • 800+ on getcreditscore, 601 with this website. Didn't pick up any applied loans/credit cards beyond 2015…

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