There's been a lot of credit card deals lately. An average OzBargainer would probably apply for one just to get the points, cancel it and then move onto the next. Would it hurt their credit score?
Similar to the other deal on Credit Savvy that I posted earlier, this is another free tool that offers a monthly credit score that is used for lender's risk assessment.
The differences between the two is that Credit Savvy provides you an Experian score while Get Credit Score provides you a Veda score. Majority of credit companies use either systems or both for risk assessment.
You can use both tools to better evaluate your ability for credit.
Credits to orange123 for suggestion and ingster for clarification.
Note: Your personal information may be used for business and marketing purposes as per this comment. You can opt out anytime by contacting them using the link at the bottom of their website.
Might like to note:
(emphasis added)
Seems to be in direct contrast to CreditSavvy.