• expired

Up to $200 off Your Premium & up to 60,000 Bonus Flybuys Points for New Members Who Join and Commence Hospital and Extras Cover


ahm health insurance are giving new members who join and commence any applicable hospital and extras cover in February up to $200 off the cost of their premium, as well as up to 60,000 bonus flybuys points. For joins via direct debit only. Available via ahm.com.au only.

Here’s how many flybuys points you can earn when you join:

• Singles on hospital & extras: 30,000 points.
• Singles on hospital only: 15,000 points.
• Singles on extras only: 7,500 points.
• Couples, families and single parents on hospital & extras: 60,000 points.
• Couples, families and single parents on hospital only: 30,000 points.
• Couples, families and single parents on extras only: 15,000 points.

Referral Links

Referral: random (294)

Referrer gets $100. Referee gets 6 weeks free after their first 60 days. Plus, any 2 & 6 month waiting periods on extras waived.

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ahm Health Insurance
ahm Health Insurance

closed Comments

  • How to waive off the waiting periods now ?

    • Via transfer certificate if you have served the time already at your current.

    • wait waved for combined on extras, i dont think its waiver for hospital pre-exisiting as thats 12 months

  • +1

    You have to keep the membership for six months to receive flybuys points and you will only receive $100 if you are single and take up hospitals and extras.

  • Do you wave-off waiting time as well?

    • -2

      As if.

  • So is that $150 worth of flybuys? Might be worth considering.

    • $150 if single, $300 if family.

  • Nice tactic to force you to stay with them for half a year if you intend to sign up for the bonus points. Flybuys Points will be received after 6 months of joining. Your ahm membership must be current for 6 months before flybuys will credit BONUS POINTS.

    • Why would you quit before 6 months? Unless transferring from another cover, you'd only be serving the waiting time and get nothing out of it. You're pouring money down the drain.

      • I didn't mean quit the health fund. I prefer to be able to jump from one health fund to another depending on what promotions other health funds offer. To take advantage of this offer, that means you are stuck with AHM for 6 months and if there are other offers from other health funds around, you will not be able to take up the offer until the 6 months is up with AHM.

        • If they give you a $200 rebate + $300 flybuys deal with Coles and let you switch after 1 month, there's not much in it for them.

        • @lostn: true.

  • Regarding $ off premium. It's only for someone who join both hospital and extra right? If I join extra only. Do I get $ off premium?

  • I'm currently with AHM. Can you give me some flybuy points?

  • How is AHM comparing against Frank Health Insurance? Anyone got experiences on both?

  • How is AHM in general? I've been looking to change providers for ages as it feels like i'm being ripped off by Medibank Private..

    • AHM is owned by Medibank Private Ltd.

  • guys, the ahm cashback is if you signed up for both hospital and extra only.

  • +1

    They are supposed to be a budget Medibank Private, yet their policies are expensive as Medibank Private. No wonder MPL stock is up nearly 30% compared to January, last year.

  • This really annoys me when companies do stunts like this to attract new customer

    What about the existing loyal customers that have been with them for a number of years - I have been with ahm for nearly 20 years and what do I get , SFA is the answer

    Companies need to look at and ensure that their existing customers are serviced best, this is the number one rule in business

    A call to AHM will be forthcoming first thing tomorrow as last time they tried something similar ( one months free premium ) I complained and they extended the offer to me as well

    • All companies do it , you have to ask ans in many cases vote with your feet

  • Black extras 60 (60% off upto limits) is a great deal. Everyone should have this at least!
    https://goo.gl/N2h00h < value spreadsheet comparison i keep updated for my family

    • Looks like a nice comparison table @srhardy, what exactly does the 26.79% row do/mean?

      I might have to steal this and do some research myself. May need to signup for private health before the 4.8% increase in April.

  • Just a PSA.

    Most of the big well known PHI companies are poor value for money.

    I would recommend having a look at the "for members" health funds. They pay out more and are generally better value.

    Teacher's union and railway union health funds for the respective unions seem to pay out generously.

  • Does anyone know if there are any consequences (tax / Medicare levy surcharge) when owning two private health insurance?

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