Hello everyone, i am sick and tired of my ever growing weight. Need to find some tips that can help me loose some weight.
P.S: I have tried going to a gym, but have not been successful. Buy a subscription and stop going after a week.
Please help.
How to Lose Weight? Can Someone Provide Some Tips?
Last edited 09/02/2017 - 17:07 by 1 other user
Blow a disc in your back. Nothing like the burn of sciatica to remind you have crossed the fatty line. Lost 7kg in 2 weeks cant look at food.
Pretty simple. Energy out must be greater than energy in.
Otherwise you get fat.
That is literally all there is to it. No, it's not genetics. Have some control.genetics has a great deal to do with it, as does a variety of other factors such as the gut's microbiome. chances are a young, naturally lean, person is not counting calories and is eating whatever they want. people's bodies defend weight set points and some people's set points are higher than others'. it's easy to lose weight in the short-term but the critical question is how do you permanently alter your set point for lower long-term weight.
I ate a peanut butter and jam sandwich for breakfast, Vegemite on crackers for lunch and chicken wraps for dinner yesterday.
If I ate Macca's for breakfast, hungry Jack's for lunch and KFC for dinner, I'd get fat.
Genetics is an easy excuse.
It is literally energy out must be greater than energy in. That's it."Set point" is a complete load of bullshit lmao, you're misinterpreting any study you claim to be getting that information from. Energy in/Energy out is the law of thermodynamics, you cannot dispute it. People don't like to admit they are responsible for their bad lifestyle choices so it's easier to throw their hands up in the air and say "muh genetics!" "muh high set point!" and other bullshit than accept the extra weight they are carrying is a direct consequence of the choices they make on a daily basis.
I totally agree with mtg on this, in spite of the two "Energy in/Energy out" opinions above.
Professor Amanda Salis struggled as an overweight teen trying to control weight, before studying and researching issues such as body weight set points.
For example, imnotarobot could go onto a high calorie junk food diet, and might find the weight remaining the same, but burning off more energy through being more active and fidgeting more (yes, that's a big fat burner, call NEAT Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis!) On the other hand, other people with different genetics might put on weight. The difference between individuals can be quite dramatic.
When overweight people start dieting, their bodies sometimes defend their original weight by becoming more efficient, and consuming much less energy. It's a famine reaction, and is a great survival attribute. However, it makes it immensely difficult for these individuals to actually lose weight, as they must eat even less food. Or use tactics developed by Amanda Salis to break the famine reaction.
In the past, these unfortunate overweight individuals have been treated badly by the medical profession, who have use the unhelpful "Energy in/Energy out" arguments and insisted that patients are not sticking to their prescribed diets.
The understanding about the complexity of the body's reaction to feeding and weight control is still developing, but there's still a lot of ignorance in the community.What a load of #@$ing $#!@. No offence.
Calorie King app/site is very useful
Hi OP, lots of good advice here. The hardest part is starting a routine, gaining momentum and breaking old habits. Don't be discouraged if you don't succeed initially, don't punish yourself and berate yourself. Don't worry about watching the scale daily, it doesn't mean anything. I would aim to exercise daily, keep the momentum up and be mindful of your food as that will undo any good. If you like any particular sport, do it. Good luck! You can do it!
I dropped 20kg using Myfitnesspal: https://www.myfitnesspal.com/
I bought a $5 food scale from Aliexpress which also to helped me because it's very easy to overestimate your portions.
If you can't even handle a week in the gym i suggest you just give up and accept the fat. People have put more effort into their responses than you did in the gym.
It's very simple as everyone else has suggested. You lack thenwill power to keep at it or want to make permanent changes. Posting about it is all well and good but make you need to have your head fully in the game. Speak to your doctor or dietitians, eat properly and regularly. Don't overeat. Invest in maybe a personal trainer or get a friend to go with you if you lack the motivation. But post in here saying you've tried everything and your sick of it. Also you don't need a gym membership, go walking, or swimming there a so many things you can but only when you are 100% ready to do so. Until that's point you don't have the mindset to succeed I'm sorry to say.
My experience as someone already said. Healthy food and reducing junk food. Gym is bit boring but it keeps active, personally I find cycling helped me to reduce weight,increasing the distance periodically & systematically then afterwards started doing yoga.
DietOne step at a time. Need discipline & perseverance else 100 good tips are no use.
heres one major tip:
80% diet
20% gymif your diet is crap, dont bother with the gym. plus, the older you are, the harder it gets. if your one of those 19 yr old instagram fitness models who claim its so easy to stay fit, ok, come back to me when your into your 30's, and then see how "easy" it is to stay nice and slim :)
Don't give the OP excuses. Sure it's easier to stay fit at 19 but it is very doable in your 30s. It is just mmuch harder.
this worked for me:
Swap soft drinks/juices for water. ( This made a huge difference )
Cut down on alchohol
Eat what you normally do but use smaller plates and only have one serve.
Buy lots of fruit and snack on them throughout the day.That's it.
Don't bother with gyms, it doesn't do much to help you lose weight.
What does work is high intensity exercise. ie, sprint till you exhaust yourself then call it a day.Daily exercise, do weights, even if it's starting with dumbbells, eat clean, portion conrol, drink only water.
Cut down on carbs, sugar, fat and salt.
Do that for a year and I guarantee, you will lose a lot of weight.
I'm 33, 5'5 and 56kg just for reference, I was up near the 70's about 4 years ago but now maintain my weight by sticking to those simple guidelines.
My go to meal at the moment in this heat is a salad of cos lettuce, tomatoe, red onion, 5 bean mix and tuna with lemon juice, black pepper and crushed chili add a bit of avocado and char grilled capsicum, even better!
all it literally takes it to get rid of all carbs from your diet (serious). Avoid all rice, bread and you'll see results fast.
Keep an eye on the weightwatchers meals, i got 51 assorted weight watchers dinners for $150 (free delivery) from coles. Found the deal on ozbargain in the coles catalog post.
Better to spend that money on fresh produce, those weight watchers meals would be high in sodium, no doubt.
The OP asked how to lose weight. Not how to be healthy. Fresh produce is ideal but when one is already struggling to do what it takes to lose weight, making things more inconvenient (cooking your own food from scratch) is going to make them more likely to fail.
Try read this: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/quick_start_guide
It's what I've been using too!
Apologies in advance for the long post:
There are only 3 things you need to do to lose weight.
- Eat Less
- Exercise More
There is no secret magic to it. All this other fancy stuff like detox, keto, clean eating whatever make only a small difference. Some people recommend low sugar, some people recommend low fat, some low carb. Which is it? The answer is it doesn't matter. Drink tea, eat chilli, boost your metabolism… all that stuff matters not.
Which exercise program is the best? P90X? Heavy weights? light weights? Only do cardio? Also the answer is that it matters little. One exercise program might be better than another but the fact is if you do not stick to an exercise program, it doesn't matter whether you're using the best or worst program.
When it comes down to it you need to eat less calories than you burn. Whether those calores come from 'good' sources or not (whatever that means) doesn't matter. If you eat too much of that 'good' stuff you will put on weight. Deep down you already know this, you need to eat less and move more. You come on here and are hoping to get some magic advice that will tip you over into being successful with weight loss. I have a crap ton of experience in this area and I can tell you that people on all different kinds of diets and exercise programs have succeeded in losing massive amounts of weight. The only common theme is: CONSISTENCY. The only difference between the person that succeeds and the person that fails is that the person who succeeds goes to the gym even when he doesn't want to. When he's had 3 hours sleep he still get up in the morning to go to the gym. That's the difference. The person that fails will use any excuse (tired, no time, getting my period etc) to not be consistent.
Without consistency you will NOT succeed. Like I said if you are on the 'best' exercise program and the 'best diet', you still won't succeed if you don't stick to them. If you are only on those diets and programs for 2 weeks before falling off, then you will not succeed. If you are on a substandard 'diet' and exercise program, as long as you are consistent you WILL succeed. It is a certainty.
If you want to succeed you will have to make weight loss the number 1 priority in your life. You should think about it at least 10 times a day. Everytime you eat something, everytime you are deciding whether or not to go to the gym. Honestly you need to have that burning desire to change your life. I know a lot about losing weight but unfortunately I haven't figured out how to give a person that burning desire to change themselves. I suspect it cannot be done for everyone. It has to come from you.
Be honest with yourself right now. Are you willing to make the sacrifice and change your lifestyle? If you say you want to lose weight but you really deep down aren't willing to make the sacrifice of eating less (read: lowering your enjoyment out of food sometimes) and exercising more, and consistently for the rest of your life then you won't succeed. If you love food and are not willing to be a gym rat, you will have a body that reflects that. Just make peace with that and be happy with yourself because if you know from the start you are not willing to do what it takes, there is no point swimming against the tide on and off, in and endless cycle of weight loss and gain that will just make you depressed.
You have to think of it as a permanent lifestyle change. Not a 'diet' to lose the weight and then think you can go back to your old ways once you have lost the weight and it will magically stay off. If you want to succeed it will be a journey that takes a long time, a lot of effort and a lot of learning. If you genuinely think you are willing to make that sacrifice, let us know and I will be happy to give some advice.
start logging your food, it makes you consider and plan each meal and its calorie and nutrient intake much more carefully. has worked well for my partner who's dropped 10kg in 2 months. myfitnesspal ap is great for this. eat more protein less processed carbs and less processed food in general. you'll eat less and feel fuller for longer.
Checked your thyroid?
Here's a step by step procedure for losing weight. Please follow each point in the listed order:
1) Eat less.
As everyone else has stated, discipline, watch what you eat and train.
That said, I can't emphasize enough that you should properly pace yourself, in both what you eat and how you train.
Don't suddenly switch completely to healthy food and eat half of what you usually do instead - it's unsustainable. Try on a fortnightly basis, cut down one junk food and switch one meal item for something healthier and slowly get accustomed to it.
Similarly when you train, don't try and do a million things at once… your body isn't use to it and wont be able to keep up. Running for 5-10km every day out of the blue will damage your knees (hell, will damage your knees even if you're fit), lifting weights aimlessly and the same actions over and over again destroys joints and adds to the fatigue not to mention you absolutely need to know correct form.
The key is to eat and train for sustainability. Ease your way into a healthy diet and train safe (put in effort but make sure the movements and motions are safe)
Firstly, don't go too hard at a diet (unless you have a medical condition telling you to do so). If it's too overbearing you aren't going to stick with it (just like you aren't sticking with the gym). You are better off increasing your knowledge of why you get fat, and which foods cause it.
Here are some rules that I live by, this isn't a strict diet but it is something that is pretty easy to get used to, and a good place to start. I am not overweight but sit at the top of my BMI, I am not very active due to my job, I don't go to the gym, and my exercise is primarily walking around a few blocks each day.
1) Bread: Eat less bread, and when you do eat bread try to eat wholegrain. Also, put bread into the junk food category, because in most cases that is exactly what it is.
2) Filler food: Find something that is decent that is your 'go to' food when you are peckish, and always eat this before you go for junk food. Often you will find it satisfies you and you forgot about looking for something more. This must be something easy. My filler foods are a teaspoon of peanut butter, and/or wholegrain vitawheet crackers.
3) Get used to water: Make this your primary drink, I personally have about 1 can of soft drink per week. Once you get used to water it just becomes a habit and you won't look for other drinks as much - in fact you will end up finding most soft drinks too sweet. Sometimes in summer I drink a bit of cordial just to mix things up since you often need to drink a lot more.
4) Redefine junk food: Cut back on the quantity and increase the quality. What I mean by this is, buy the EXPENSIVE good junk food that you REALLY like, and whenever you eat junk food, take a bite and think about whether you are REALLY enjoying it. If you aren't, then throw it in the bin. This is one rule I live by, and there are a lot of people out there that are eating junk food that they don't even really like. Seriously, it's not good for you, so even though you paid for it it's actually better just to throw it in the bin than finish the packet. Overall this makes junk food more enjoyable, but since you are buying more expensive junk food you don't tend to indulge as much.
5) Start building muscles: I would love to have the time to go to the gym, but I don't, and I won't stick with it. However, there are some pretty quick weight exercises you can do that only require dumbbells, and only take 20 minutes each day (you keep increasing the weights and do them to failure). This does very little for your cardio health, but it does improve your metabolism so that your body is constantly burning energy, thus it can help lose wait.
6) Ditch alcohol: I don't drink much anymore, and this is probably one of the reasons I can maintain my weight. Drinking can add a lot of calories, so if you can ditch it, do it. If you can't, then you are going to have to put more effort into other areas to lose weight.
Keep in mind that most of this comes down to habits, so instead of thinking about this in terms of "diet", think about it as retraining your habits. Remember also that it takes a month or so to learn a new habit, and once you keep at it for a while it will just become natural to you.
"teaspoon of peanut butter" - mmm i thought there may be more sugar and fat in it, i shall try. Thanks for the share.
It depends on the brand and such, but afaik peanut butter is actually a decent thing to eat. It can have good fats, protein, be low in sugar and other things.
Eating it on a teaspoon is healthier than having it with bread in most cases (because most bread is junk) and it tastes pretty good anyway.
I think there's a big misconception about how difficult it is to actually lose weight. I'm not going to advice all the usual carb/calorie jargon but if you go and starve yourself for a few days (just snack on dried fruit or something) you might find that once you pass the first few hunger pains that it's just as easy Not to eat.
Btw. Fasting is actually advised by many dietitians so don't tell me it's horrible advice.
No chocolates
No sugar
No cheese
Start Zumba dancing
Just eat as you always do…Good luck 😉!!!
@Shopaholiccdesi: Have you tried zumba dancing? How does it work for you?
Not me, my friend lost 16kilo in a year
May I ask how often does he/she do zumba dancing? And for how long at a time?
How much do you weigh?
Oabargain is full of junk food deals…I've gained more than 15kgs since I've been coming here !!
Not sure if anyone mentioned this, but this worked for me 4 kilos in a week: Ketogenic diet, no exercise.
Just read Lyle Mcdonald
- Get phone app myfitnesspal, keep track of everything you eat. Every single person who says shit like "I can't lose weight no matter what I do" is eating too much. It's extremely easy to not realise you're overeating.
- Do whatever exercise you want, exercise doesn't matter much for weight loss, it's more for general health.
That's it. Eat less calories than your body needs, you'll lose weight. Simple.
" Every single person who says shit like "I can't lose weight no matter what I do" is eating too much. "
This is correct. It's physically impossible to eat a calorie deficit and not lose weight, it would be violating thermodynamics. It it easy, however, to underestimate your food intake or overestimate how many calories your body burns per day.
Try telling that to the people in this thread and they all get triggered.
Have a kid. Run around after kid
Instant weight lossIf you had soft drinks (sugar), snacks (sugar/fat) and junk food as your current dietary, an easy start would be:
- No soft drinks / juice / flavored milk, only lots WATER everyday, even when you feel hungry
- No snacks, or like others suggested only have one snack as reward a week, etc, but could have a few nuts or raisin everyday
- 3 healthy meals a day at set time, best to be homemade with fresh things and try to arrange dinners smaller than lunch (if it is too hard for some ppl can't sleep when feeling hungry, then drink some milk before go to bed)
- keep your normal daily routine, maybe adding 30 minutes jogging after dinner.
If you did everything above for a whole week and didn't lose any weight, that is NORMAL as your body may still digesting Macca's you had last week. So at least wait for 1 month before give up.
EDIT: filter out those junk food and pizza deals on ozbargain
2 words…dodgy kababs…guaranteed to lose 5 kgs in 2 days (depends on how old the kababs are, how long it was kept outside on a 40 degree day, etc)
Here's the mathematics of weight loss.
eat less, move more.read bout gastric sleeve 🤓
Stop drinking alcohol, soft drink, or anything else that will add calories but not make you feel full. Start drinking a lot of water, water based (thin) soups, eating salads. You can spend a lot of time enjoying a soup or a salad — the former with a lot of flavour and the latter with a lot of texture if it's fresh — and come away without the feeling of guilt. Then drink more water. Drink it with anything you eat and whenever you feel thirsty, and between meals even if you don't feel particularly thirsty. Eventually you won't miss high calorie drinks, but you'll still crave high calorie foods because:
You're going to start exercising at every opportunity. Drive a car? Every time you use it you're cutting exercise out of your lifestyle. Find something to listen to whether it's music, an audiobook, a podcast or an actual radio station, and focus on that really hard while you're walking to the bus stop or the train station. Allow extra time for your commute and use that time as 'leisure time'. The short amount of time you spend walking between public transport options will add up as, despite it being low intensity, it can be high frequency (twice a day) and reasonable in duration. Put a pair of free weights somewhere in the house where you sit a lot (on a chair, bench, ottoman, or some other firm surface). Put an exercise bike somewhere in your home where you have entertainment. Put a punching bag in the hall where you pace when you're stressed. Make exercise something you find around every corner and is integrated in to your other activities.
When you crave high calorie food, make it nutritious enough that you can portion it out and feel reasonably satisfied. My favourites were milk and cashews, but now I prefer soy milk and almonds. I indulge in chocolate. You should be able to count all the high calorie foods you enjoy on one hand, and if you're omnivorous then count the steak as one too. As regrettable as this is for cows, steak and salad are a great combination because you can carefully portion the meat and then add as much salad as you desire (within reason). I'm talking lettuce, cucumber, celery, tomato. No dressing. Portion a very select number of high calorie choices carefully, eat lots of salads and veg, stay hydrated, and cut out virtually all calories in place they shouldn't be (sugar in your drinks or your salad dressing, cream-base in your soup). Rice, pasta, bread and cereal are also high calorie enough that you need to portion carefully. Even if you don't like salads or vegetables, the perk of being able to eat a lot of them will soon make them your favourites.
Generally: make very small lifestyle changes and stick to them. Diet and exercise are interrelated, so a change that makes your lifestyle more active might make you hungrier, which makes it even more important to carefully consider what you eat. If you limit your high calorie foods to ones that are nutritious, you can portion them carefully and make sure everything else you consume is extremely low calorie. If you're relying on a lot of salad and veggies you're unlikely to feel bloated so exercising should be easier. Make a small change, watch how it plays out, repeat.
Book a months hiking trip in Nepal. Annapurna base camp or circuit or Everest region. Cost wise you can do it on $20 a day after flights. You will walk at least 10km a day and eat wholesome vegetarian. you will loose weight guaranteed.
Plus you will have an amazing life changing experience
Loose wait have so much sex because I married a young wife I was 130KG now 75
Does she get on well with your other wives?
4 wives yeah all good
What has worked for me:
1. A goal e.g. going on a holiday and wanting to get to a certain weight
2. Counting calories/kj using an iPhone app - 8,000 maximum for 6 days a week
3. Going to the gym in morning a few days a week - feel good for the rest of the day and helps with any cravingsMy issue is then once I get to the goal and have the holiday, it is tough to keep going and I put the weight back on
There are many ways to lose weight and you can lose weight as long as you have determination, steadiness and continuation.
These are the things you NEED more in your diet to lose weight safely and effectively.
Omega 3
WaterThis was my diet regiment for about 3 months and I lost 22kgs.
Wake up at 6:50am and go for a walk for one hour with a 10kg weighted vest. (Do not eat or drink anything in-between waking up and going for your walk)
After your walk do 4 sets of 40 deep squats still wearing your weighted vest and resting in intervals of 30 seconds.
Take 1x1000mg wild fish oil (odourless if you prefer) and 1x1000mg vitamin c and Blackmore's bio zinc
Drink 500ml of 1% fat milk with 30g whey protein (low fat milk) preferably chilled but can be room temperature.
After finishing the 500mls of low fat milk drink 1 litre of water after 5 minutes.I don't have lunch at the regular time. I have my late lunch at 4pm.
In a high speed blender you will need
100g of Kale or spinach
60g of carrot
60g of celery
100g of Apple
And fill the blender up with water.
Blend till it becomes a smoothie. Drink and after you are done you will be full.Nightly workout (8pm)
Put on your weighted vest again
Do a group of different stretches to warm you up for about 10 minutes
Do 4 sets of 40 deep squats in resting intervals of 20 seconds
Do 5 sets of 40 kettlebell lifts with 2 hands. Start the kettlebell near your stomach and lift it to your chin. Rest for 30 seconds. My kettlebell is 12 kilos. Don't push yourself too hard. Find a weight that you are comfortable with and then add 2 kilos.Take 1x1000mg wild fish oil (odourless if you prefer) and 1x1000mg vitamin c and vitamin k2 + d3
Drink another 500ml of low fat milk with 1 tablespoon of fiber (pysllium husk) which you can get at chemist warehouse for $10 for 500g which can last for about a month.
Wait for 5 minutes than drink 500g of water.Go to sleep at 11pm at the latest. Preferably earlier, if you can. Whenever you feel hungry just drink cold water.
This regiment is for Monday to Saturday (6 consecutive days, your choice which days)
On your 7th day you can eat meat, as much meat as you can stomach. But make sure it's lean healthy fresh meat. Nothing cured or aged or smoked, etc. No sausages. You can go to woolies and get yourself a whole roast chicken for $7.90. take of the skin and throw it out the window. Eat the chicken by itself or with some apple cider vinegar dressing. Cook yourself a lean porterhouse steak. Careful not to use too much salt and only use olive oil or coconut oil. Do not eat out. They put loads of butter and salt.
Can eat up to 4 eggs, prepped any way you want. I do poached.
Have fish, because of the Omega 3s like Salmon, tuna, sardines, etc you can eat as much as you like on the 7th day but you must stop eating at 5pm at the latest. DO NOT TAKE SUPPLEMENTS OR EXCERCISE ON THE 7th DAY!Stick to this plan and this plan only. Do not deviate. NO ALCOHOL, NO ADDED SUGAR, NOT MUCH SALT.
I was 102 kilos when I started and after 3 months I was 80 kilos.
The first week was a nightmare for me. It was extremely difficult to stay on the diet as I couldn't go out and eat and therefore not much of a social life. The excercise was actually quite simple for me.
I recommend you write yourself a list as to why you want to lose weight so when times get tough you can read about why you are doing it to help you to stay on the diet.
Best of luck to you.
Have you successfully kept that weight off?
Yes and no. That diet regiment was to get rid of the excess fat. I had no intention of staying at 80kgs considering my height is 194cms. Once I reached 80 kilos I continued with the diet for one more week and then started to eat chicken, broccoli, brown rice, turkey, chickpeas on a daily basis and upped by calorie intake to 2000 a day to build muscle. My body sits comfortably at 90kgs.
Excellent, you've achieved your goals! Personally, those diets and exercise regimens are unsustainable for me as I couldn't do that for the long term. I just strive for something balanced and moderate and healthy. I strive to do cardiovascular or sports 3-4 times a week for an hour and weights on 2-3 times a week and that's enough variety for me.
Almost 2 kgs a week, congrats :) !.
Thanks for the sharing the great tip and ideas.
Low carb diet would help, diet most important.
Look into salads with lean meat for lunch and dinner, breakfast have a couple poached eggs and 1-2 servings of fruit for snacks
Drink plenty of water, if you feel hungry drink a couple cups and see how you feel in 20 minutes before eating.
With exercise, going to the gym can be very boring. For weight loss cardio is the way to go!
It's much more fun if youre doing something you enjoy like social competitions (oztag, futsal) or do classes like kickboxing or bootcamps!
Most of these points have been covered already in greater detail, but the main tip is your water consumption! and don't drink juices or diet soft drinks, only water.
EDIT: Calories in < calories out isn't as simple as it sounds. Calories burned is influenced by your metabolism, and if you consume sugar you will struggle to burn those calories which is why low carb diets result in weight loss. Your hormones play a role in calories burned. Avoid sugar where you can.
Try keto. It's low carb, high fat. It stops you getting so hungry, and when you do get hungry, it's not as quick or as intense. It's a much more manageable hunger - 'oh, I am hungry, I could eat soon' rather than 'holy shit I a so hungry I'm gonna die if I don't have a bagel'. You'll also find your energy levels are more even.
Note that it doesn't work on the first day. You need about two weeks to really see the effects. Yes it's hard, but I still find avoiding carbs is easier than trying to lose weight while eating bread and sugar.
Use a daily calorie usage formula that takes into account your body fat percentage to get a more accurate number. See if you have a friend with a body fat scale.
Get MyFitnessPal and a food scale and log everything you eat. Don't guess, weigh everything or go by the packet.
Also: don't drink your calories. Sugary soft drink, milky drinks, and beer are terrible for calories. Drink water, tea, etc. A little sugar free soft drink is okay, but it still contains tooth-destroying acid, and some people believe it makes them more hungry.
Also: exercise is good for you, and you should do it, but you can't out-exercise a bad diet. One donut and an hour's running is gone. You have to focus on your diet the most.
walk 2 hours a day. or 1 hour uphill
exercise + diet
If you cannot control what you eat (i.e. diets that restrict what you eat), then try fasting.
It definitely works and relatively simple as you only have to watch when you eat.
I managed to lose 15kg and keep it off.6 pack is made in the kitchen not in the gym.Diet makes you healthy and exercise makes you fit.before 2016 I was going for gym. I was running and exercising everyday. But I never lost a single Kilo. But last year I made drastic life style change.
This is how I lost 10 Kilos.
a> Stopped eating outside.Started eating only whole foods.Stopped eating bread in the morning and started eating muesli with extra nuts and frozen berries.
b> Home cooked lunch at work (actually saved a lot of money by not eating outside)
c> Diet is not about starving. Its about eating healthy. So i was eating every two hours. Never let myself to starve.
d> Started eating lots and lots of veggies.
e> Fruit and nuts for snacks.
f> Stopped adding sugar to anything i cooked.
g> Reduced my salt intake as well. This helped me a lot. Excess salt can make you retain more water in the body.
h> No Carbs after 6
i> Started sleeping early. Staying up late can make you feel hungry and you start snacking on things which is not helpful.
j> No Processed Foods.
k> Started drinking more and more water everyday and reduced beer to 1 or 2 a week.
l> In the beginning I was obsessed with weight. I was weighing myself everyday.Seeing no change can be demotivating.Then I reminded myself saying that this is a life style change and not just weight loss attempt. Then I started to notice that my clothes were getting lose.Took me about 8 months to lose 10 kilos. My waist size reduced from 36 inches to 32. I had to throw away all my size 36 Levis jeans.But it was well worth it.
Most of the people know that by doing all these things you can lose weight and get healthier but most people lack focus and discipline which is the most important thing in my opinion.Thats my 2 cents.
F45,eat,sleep repeat
Try following GM diet.. Google Gm diet..
This thread made me hungry, so I went to the cupboard for a raspberry jam drop (lol).
Personal experience
1 was told by a dr once that mostly depends on genes i.e. how lucky you were with body you are born with. My dad has eaten tons and tons of fats and sweets during his 78 yrs and always been skinny as. Unfortunately I took after my mums genes :(
2 look into carbohydrate moderation. Try not to eat anything with more than 10g of csrbs/sugar as said before. Mostly has worked for me when I try to fit into clothes for a spdcial event, wedding etc. Generally lose about 5kg in 2 wks without starving myself
3 eat minimal fruit as contains heaps of sugar
4 read up on fibre info. Sonetimes not a good idea to go crazy with fibre. Eat only the right amount. Negatives slows down absorption of nutrients and bulks up your stools for no additional benefit.
Eating fruit has more benefit than damage. I would avoid fruit with high amount of fructose such as watermelon and try to add more fruit high in vitamins and fiber such as blueberries and kiwifruit.
first and foremost, self discipline, followed by a good diet program that suitable for you.
for me, i am cutting down (not eliminating) my carbs intake, sugary food and drinks.
dropped 6 kgs just by doing those two without exercising within 1.5 months.
Pay for a PT if you're serious and unmotivated. (Do not give up.)
We can't help you with determination.
Basically the most satisfying means of weight loss is gaining muscle mass, which will significantly increase your calorie usage per day (assuming you don't eat any more).
The most EFFECTIVE means of weight loss is adjusting your diet, ensuring you're not over eating, and in the case of weight loss, you may want to reduce your intake considerably.
CUT SUGAR (for the most part), and drink SHIT LOADS of water.
Do yourself a favour and fix your metabolism first. I don't eat healthly at all and just came off a 13 week stint on the lounge with a broken wrist and did nothing at all and gain no weight whatsoever. Been 70kgs for the last 20 years. How?? I thought I had a high metabolism but I have since learnt that I have a normal metabolism. Google metabolism correction diet and you will get your metabolism back on track and not have to exercise to maintain a healthly weight. How do you think skinny people who don't exercise do it. Their body gets rid of anything it doesn't need instead of storing it.
Think about it logically, the experts on losing fat and maintaining muscle are body builders. any diet can lose weight but you don't want to be losing muscle. Read something like rapid fat loss by Lyle McDonald.
Everyone is different, so you may want to get some advise from a natrapath or nutritionist or do some online research, although there is a lot of incorrect info regarding weight loss.
Have had some success with the following:
Using a quality digestive enzyme such as Enzymedica Digest Basic before meals.
Skipping lunch entirely, and/or only eating after when feeling hungry. If you have seen WW2 footage, you can see how skinny people were when there was food shortages. Im keen on doing some very long fasts of 15 days or more in summer, drinking lots of water, have heard that after 3 days its very easy to do.
Reducing calorie intake, and avoiding soda, OJ, fruit juice, and alcohol.
Walking everywhere, although running and cycling is preferred, I have tended to do very long distances such as 20Km daily walks, 30Km daily Cycling, 10Km runs, mainly as a means of transport but you can even do some paid walking.
You can also do exercise and the best trainers are those who teach a 10 minute or so rapid workout per day.
Many breakfasts have too high sugar content, so a good quality organic cereal or protein blend with Almond Milk is better.
Eating fats is also good for weight loss and something many people try and stay away from. Coconut is great for weight loss. But avoid chips and other fried foods.
Copying a version of what successful athletes do may also be a way to lose weight.
The CEO of Garden of Life has a great video on weight loss, and the CEO himself has been successful at weight loss.
It may also depend on which areas you want to lose weight as there are different nutritional profiles, as is the psychology of a person, so amino acids maybe important in weight loss as well as certain nutritional requirements unique to you.
Change your mind
Gym is seriously nothing if you still eat shit, this is my diet for a typical day, every day
Morning ; wakeup til 12/1 : coffee black with pinch of sugar
Afternoon: 100/150g rice with 300g chick breast and 100g vegetables
Late afternoon: coffee black with pinch of sugar
Night: 100g rice with 200g chick breast
You do this 3mths.. you drop weight.
No snacks, no extra sugar, just water or tea
Pure dilligence no bs, no keto bs this or that
I respect your diligence but that's a bit silly.
You need to spread your meals out and get more fruits/veg.
If that works for you though then that's all that matters, they say the best diet is one that you'll stick to.
No point spreading meals out, intermittent fasting is great for weight loss, compliance and general health.
they say the best diet is one that you'll stick to.
Lol, yes that is true, i have more juices/veges every alternate days, i find spreding out meals is irrelevant, it only purpose is to stop you eating exorbitantly at one time, if you can control it doesnt matter if you only eat once a day as long it satisfies your energy needs.
Totally agree. Spreading out meals to 'boost metabolism' is nonsense. Only thing that matters is the total amount you eat in a day, be it in 1 meal or 6 meals. Do whatever suits your lifestyle.
I agree there is a lot to be said for keeping it shit simple until you get a handle on your self discipline and build up some momentum and good habits.
As someone currently over weight but losing weight I'll tell you what worked for me. It may not work for you but hopefully anything I add can assist you on your journey.
1. Calories in calories out. Every thing you eat contributes to your weight so getting an app like my fitness pal while let's you log your meals and calories will let you track what you eat. You need a certain amount of calories each day to maintain your current weight therefore eating under that means you lose weight. This app helps you track those numbers.
2. Discipline. Learn to be hungry. I put on weight because any time I felt hungry I ate something. Now I wait for my meals. If I get peckish I drink water as that has no negative effect.
3. Accountability. You need to hold yourself accountable but if you need help with this join a boot camp or get a personal trainer. They can help with this.
But keep in mind you can work out all you want if you have an awful diet you will gain weight.
4. If you have bad portion and eating habits go on light and easy/weight watchers. My issue was portion sizes, going on LNE taught me how muh food should be on my plate each meal. Add that with calorie counting and I changed my portion sizing within 2 weeks. But if you are lazy and don't want to cook like me due to lifestyle or time limitations LNE or WW are your friend.Eat less and exercise more.
It takes a lot of self discipline.Eat Food*, not too much, mostly plants - Michael Pollan
- "Eat food" means to eat real food — vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and, yes, fish and meat — and to avoid what Pollan calls "edible food-like substances."
Stop eating
Losing weight is a real uphill battle OP, I'd probably just forget about it and resign yourself to being a fat bastard for the rest of you life.
I see I have some fans :)
I lost 10kg in one month no gym no walk just changed food no soft drink no sugar I recommended black rye bread also marathon sex minimum last half an hour every second day Im in 50s looking young and fresh
The common ratios spouted for weight loss are completely arbitrary, it could be diet/exercise 80/20℅ or 90/10 or 60/40%, it can be whatever you want it to be, it can and quite often is 100% diet.
Calorie deficit equal weight loss, but that means fat and muscle, the best way to go is calorie deficit and strength training to minimise muscle loss, or if an obese person who hasn't trained before you'll increase muscle mass and lose fat.
I would suggest eating less, and moving more. Perhaps even exercising.
Find a fun form of exercise, or a smart personal trainer. The fittest I've ever been was when doing martial arts, and it was fun. It was a lazy school (Jim Fung's wing chun), so progress was slow, but that also meant that the pain was minimal, which meant I kept going. I even developed a six pack! The trouble was that they practice kicking you in the knee. Although they use pads, I reckon that eventually it would wear at your knee joins. I certainly felt discomfort, and sometimes pain.
So I looked around, and all martial arts have their issues. Ninjutsu put your neck and eyes at risk, and a real sword comes later. Judo put my neck at risk and the school had a super-sweaty guy, which made it very unpleasant. Other styles have hard contact. Aikido risks your neck and it's a bit lame. I reckon something like boxercise might be good, but I haven't tried it yet.
If someone ever develops a safe, useful, fun form of exercise, then they will be on a big winner, especially if they can make a franchise out of it. You see, some people are motivated by challenges - gyms and tough martial arts are for them. But others are motivated by fun, e.g. fat people, or by efficiency, e.g. time-poor business people. So use that! Create a form of exercise that is fun and efficient. Someone?
CrossFit? ;)
You might be surprised by how much you can eat if you are eating well, average male can lose .5kg per week at 2000 calories per day that's 3 decent meals a day if eating veg and protein, you won't be hungry, but quite often it isn't about hunger and more about breaking bad habits and making the right small decisions throughout the day, I.e; skip the muffin with the coffee, still have the coffee of course, you don't have to be ultra restrictive to lose weight. It's just a mind game.
The less garbage you eat the less you'll want it, you've just got to get a couple of weeks under your belt and your cravings reduce significantly, if you're eating chips, chocolates and ice cream every night, you'll have a period after stopping where you'll really want them, but that fades.
There is also Michael Mosley's 5:2 diet which I think is really good and many have succeeded long term on. This is as simple as twice a week only eating 500 calories for the day, if eating at maintenance calories (2500) for all the other days, this will put you at a 4000 calories deficit in a week, which is a bit over half a kg weight loss per week (7000 calorie deficit equals 1kg weight loss).
First thing you should do is work out your maintenance calories, you can get an estimate online, but the most accurate way is to log all calories for a fortnight and see what your weight does, go from there, it really helped me being able to quantify calories and weight loss.
From personal experience I see more people succeed on 5:2 or variants of it than any other diet. I think it mainly comes down to the fact that this diet is easy to stick to for most people.
Generally speaking:
- It's much easier to stay focused and eat much less on 2 specific days per week than to eat 'clean' or eat low calories every single day of the week forever without breaks
- On you non low calorie days you can still enjoy your favourite foods. No cutting out foods or food groups. Again, easier to maintain and less likely to binge or break your dietAlso great advice about counting calories
That is an excellent start. Keep on running and keep us informed.
Well done.
Fruits and vegetables are great to incorporate into your daily diet. Water can also help you stay fit. Exercising daily or throughout the week can help you lose weight.
My advice is to try convert your daily commute into exercising if you can't afford the time, or rather like my mindset, where you think a gym sesh of an hour all by yourself is very dull.
When I was in uni, I live about 6 kms from my campus. So I would get up early, and pace myself to it everyday. I tried jogging to it for a month, but gave up after my knee cap started to hurt. I usually spend a little bit over 1 hour and clock ~8000 steps to finish the daily commute - not terribly slow comparing to taking public transport, since you know, trams.
I think try set up a goal for yourself everyday - for instance, 10000 steps a day. And think what you can do to fulfill that, if the daily schedule is too packed? Walk to work? Walk to lunch? Walk your dog after work? Convert some legs of your daily commute into walking if you find it's hard to keep hitting the goal. Based on my experience, 10000 steps is the most attainable to me. If I raise the bar to 15000 I'll have to change my lifestyle to meet it, thus raising the risk of not adhering to it.
I steadily lost ~4 kgs of weight over a course of several months without even changing my diet. This will most certainly not giving you abs, but if your goal is just to stay fit and healthy, I think it's the easiest and easy-to-stick-with option for me.
The easy, 'magic pill' solution is stimulants. They decrease appetite (anorectics) and make people more active. Just don't take too much or you'll start hearing psychic, time travelling aliens talking to you.
Adding ritalin or dexamphetamine to the water supply would nail the modern obesity epidemic.