Hi SA residents, FREE water efficient showerheads and energy efficient globes, this is government initiative service and free of charge, they will come to install for you, save you to climb up your ladder. There are more services that these people do regarding environmental stuff. Check out the website or give them a ring.
FREE energy efficient lighting & water saving showerheads (SA)

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I had mine replaced 2years ago as well, still going on here in SA.
I hope there aren't many people left who will take up this offer.
Quality warm white CFLs have been priced under $6 each for over 5 years. The payback period for lights that are left on for a long time (porch, kitchen, living room, etc) is usually 6 months or less. Using normal incandescent light bulbs in most cases has literally been like burning money. Halogens are only an incremental improvement over incandescents.
CFLs keep getting cheaper (bought some for $1.25ea recently) while electricity only ever goes up.
Totally agree with you, use incandescent light bulbs are just burning money, hence I put this up and share with those people want some CFLs. Pass the words on guys:)
Anyone know when this promotion end?
ARGH!!! Those damn water-saving shower heads!
I must sound like a grumpy old man complaining so much, but these useless things caused us so much grief. We have a rental property with a number of flats and suddenly tenants started complaining that their hot water systems were broken. For months we spent hundreds upon hundreds of dollars on plumbers who came around to fix their hot water systems only to find that absolutely nothing was wrong, yet people kept complaining. Thankfully we came across a very good honest plumber one day who checked a flat after it had been checked three times already, and he said 'Ahh! I bet I know what's wrong!' - turns out some company had been sending out free water-saving shower heads and all the affected tenants were using them! They'd removed the original heads and attached their own water-restricting ones. The stupid damn things restrict water flow so much that the hot water can't achieve sufficient pressure to flow out of the heater tank, and you get no hot water at all. It can sometimes be fixed by turning the hot tap on all the way, but then you use more cold water trying to cool down the flow, but on anything above the first floor you may not have sufficient pressure to get any hot water at all!
And those damn energy-efficient light bulbs that are supposed to last ten times longer than normal globes but almost without fail burn out after less than two years? Which also take ten minutes to achieve full brightness, meaning if I install them in a bathroom I can't see where I'm peeing so I have to wait ten minutes then come back an mop up the mess? Argh!!!!
While there are definitely plenty of well-meaning people out there who want to do their part to recycle and keep our air clean, I absolutely despise thesedie-hard greeny-green types (my user-name does NOT reflect my views on global-warming or water-saving showerheads!) who seem to think there's an easy fix for stuff like using too much water while showering, or all using public transport or riding to work on a bike. These morons never think things through and too often cause more trouble than they solve. I can't carry a thirty kilogram server or a hundred kilogram commercial laser printer on the back of a bike, so I can't travel to work each day on a bike. I also like hot showers and hate cleaning the bathroom. Stupid environmentalists can get stuffed!
You sir, are a legend. Great post. I also hate the whiney low iq green morons that Australia is turning into.
Nice rant! :)
Like with most products there are different levels of quality, unfortunately when things become free or popular people will buy for the sake of keeping with the norm. This means they don't bother to think if the product is decent, 'who cares, it's free!'.
There are decent water saving shower-heads that put out decent pressure and are also hot, likewise there are decent compact fluro bulbs that do not take 2 mins to warm up.
Im in NSW but we had a guy come around last week and change all our shower heads to the energy saving ones for free (government initiative), and maybe my previous shower head was just terrible but Ive noticed no difference in water flow or really anything. It seems like a really good thing to take advantage of if you need a new shower head!
edit: I just checked the site and the one installed at my place is the exact same one they advertise on that website. So I can attest to it being a good quality shower head. Oh my shower is also on the second floor and Ive had no problems with losing hot water.
I had a guy come around recently too and he did a 'turbo' assessment for us, basically didn't even come into the house, just gave me the lightglobes and said 'tell the lady on the phone that I have come in and replaced them". I was happy with that as I didn't want him inside :)
Did anybody enquire about this?
They had something like this about a year and a half ago in the ACT. Got all my lights changed. Even desk lamps. Fair dinkum. I don't think they offered my a shower head though. ")