Over the last few years I have dramatically reduced my meat intake and over the last few months I have started to follow a strict vegetarian diet for moral, health and environmental reasons.
I would just like to start a discussion about how Ozbargainers view the topic.
This isn't an attempt to convert anyone or a means by which to make vegetarians and vegans feel superior. Rather I would be interested to hear peoples opinions.
Please lets keep the discussion rational and civil! :)
If we stopped all meat farming, yes, animal feed crops wouldn't be required. But likewise, the crops for feeding humans would need to greatly increase to make up for the dramatic decrease in our meat consumption.
So would the over all change be greater or less than current crops levels? And even if it is far less, we still have to factor in the greater death rate and lingering suffering of the small animals (and insects) associated with crop production. So the over number of deaths could be far higher even if crop-levels were reduced.
On top of that, the economically valuable and productive land that was previously used for raising meat would also be available for increases in non-feed cropping purposes, such as bio-fuels, building materials, etc. Again, the over all death rate and suffering could climb far more dramatically.
I haven't seen any estimates on the likely impact from these factors, but without such figures, no one can definitively say that not eating meat reduces suffering.