- Steel Tube Dimensions is 60mm x 60mm x 2mm.
- Assembled Dimensions: 211cm (H) x 110cm (W) x 105cm (D).
- Weight Capacity: 300kg
- Packed item weight: 57kg (will require two people to carry item)
- The pull up bar is not adjustable in height. It is fixed to the side supports via screws.
ALDI Pull-up Squat Rack $199

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closed Comments
This guy lifts.
Weight Capacity: 300kg
I think this isn't enough weight capacity for Mister Popo either.
Mister Popo might end up popping a pooper valve.
Mister Popo is top of the pecking order
@alebox: It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, popo's stool, kami, THEN POPO. (.)_(.)
what's wrong with KY?
Just don't rub one out afterwards..
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Is this what gym junkies are referring to when they shout 'Feel the burn!'?
everyone underestimates Mr Popo. He's stronger than Goku!
But is he stronger than Saitama?
Remember when Anakin Skywalker said that?
You got a door. You got a gym
Will this get me huge within ALDI's 60 day return policy?
Yes, huge in your tummy, if you also buy all the food there.
Forgive my naiveness. What is this stuff for ?
squats and pull ups.
the bars are so if you fail a squat by chance, the bar doesnt crush you and gets stopped by the rack (also easier to rack the weight)The bars also allow you to bench press without a spotter.
If it Doesn't can you take it back?
There is also a Battle Rope for $70 that I have my eye on.
K mart doesn't have it on their website anymore
but they did have a black 15m battle rope for the $20-$40 mark not too long ago
might be worth a look there first before the aldi one
what's a battle rope?
those thick ropes (4cm-5cm thick) that people use to either climb, or do arm/carido exercises with (something like create waves in the rope constantly)
and they have a bit of weight to them tooIt's what they use to tie up Mister Popo to keep him away from the protein drinks.
So pretty
I wish I had space for this!
Might still buy it anyway…
You mean a curl rack?
Eat clen and tren hard.
Eat what ever you want and TREN hard ;)
Lots of bodybuilding.com/fit/ lels. This is great
Anavar give up?
r u aware? hnnnnggggg
you know what they say..
curls get the people on the preferred gender based on individual preferences
Deep down, everyone's a little bi-curious.
How many will they have in a store? Good luck.
I went in the morning when the ALDI Bonnyrigg store opened and there was 5 available. Another gentlemen and I took 1 each.
Training partners.
this seems to indicate that they lifted them both on their own. amazing feat.
That's a great price for a solid piece of equipment.
Keep in mind you need to buy a bar and weights on top of this and probably a bench too.
yep and that's where the costs escalate
Still way cheaper than gym membership.
Depends on the gym and your level of commitment. I've spent around 3500 on my setup over the years and thats just dumbells upto 25kg and about 200kg in plates, bench rack, bench, various bars, rubber mats. If you lack commitment or are inexperience, get a gym membership (and a PT for a bit if you lack experience so you don't hurt yourself and learn what you're actually doing).
Not necessarily
It might be cheaper if you only do squats, bench, rows etc but once you start going heavy the weights will add up
If you need to use machines as well and occasional cardio ;) , it might be better to get a membership
Other than that if you like lifting at home, have the room and aren't lifting too heavy it might be better to get this squat rack + barbell + weights
And a better love story than Twilight.
@Stegles: Yes. If you don't care too much then you could use a $200 bar, but a quality bar (like they will have in proper weightlifting gyms) will cost over a $1000. Cheap weights are about $1/kg, but if you want ones which actually weigh what they say on the label - and are rubber coated or bumper, then you're probably looking at $3/kg minimum. If you want to get 200kg of weights, a bar, and then put them on this, then you've spent over a thousand already - and you don't have a bench.
Most importantly, if you're serious about lifting weights, go somewhere and get some coaching so you don't hurt yourself! Lifting weights is great for you and pretty safe if you do it right, but if you do it wrong you can injure yourself in ways which might take years to recover from - assuming you recover fully.
I train at a powerlifting gym, membership is under $500pa. I get to use all the facilities whenever I want, and there are experienced lifters to help you and keep you safe.
@macrocephalic: +1 to this. Just watching youtube videos and going beastmode in your home gym is not a substitute for a good coach actually watching your form and making adjustments.
You only have one body. It can very easily be irreversibly damaged even when you've only got a relatively small amount of weight on your back. Then not only could you lose all the precious gains you worked so hard for but also seriously affect your everyday life. I learned the hard way.
I considered the bar + bumpers + rack from Aldi and compared to 16 online stores across the country to get an idea.A good quality bar that will last 30 years/lifetime (if treated with respect) - $300-500.
Cheapest bumpers - $3.72-$4.33/kg buying in a set of 100-120kg, or about $4.50/kg individually.NC Fitness - $650 for 100kg + bar
Redback - $629 for 100kg + bar
Little Bloke - $899 for 150kg + barRacks anywhere from $300+ depending on what you want - Squat rack with safeties, half-rack, full-rack, etc etc.
Obviously shipping will be a killer and so in most cases, you'll be restricted to online stores that allow pickup and are a driveable distance away.
Some may decide to use a cheaper bar, Say a $100 20kg bar, for deadlifts or others where the risk of damage is higher.
Based on your $500pa cost, you could 'pay off' a starter weight set in ~2 years that will last many many more (10, 20, 30?).
This discussion in the last few days on reddit is relevant re: Gym v Home.
https://www.reddit.com/r/Fitness/comments/5sd96t/gym_vs_home…I agree getting coaching is a good starting point.
I went to Aldi this morning, picked up the lacrosse ball and battle rope (for a bit of fun). I don't really have room for a bar/rack yet, so I'm waiting for when I do and will then invest, as I'll have additional costs, such as flooring (garage with concrete floor).
I think as well is that the gym atmosphere cant be understated.
You need to be an extremely motivated and disciplined person to do gym at home by yourself.At a commercial gym, once youre there, thats all you can do, and the people around create the atmosphere to work out harder as well.
But if you can do it alone, then all the power to the person and could be worth the investment.
@alebox: I agree. The club I train at is small, so I know most of the other members - especially the ones who train at the same times as me. It's not just a gym session, it's a social occasion.
Where'd you get the rubber mats from mate and how much did they roughly cost?
Just picked up the rack and want to get the mats sorted before putting it together@macrocephalic:
If you're buying a $1000 barbell and 200kg of Weights with a $200 squat rack…. Well just sigh.@alebox:
the hardest thing about going to the gym .. is just getting to the gym … once you're there its easy.the second hard thing about the gym is walking through the change rooms full of naked old men…
@alebox: I have worked out alone at home 6-7 days a week for the past 10 years. Previously I went to a commercial gym. On average the level of intensity I get when working out at home is significantly lower than at a gym with other people there. It's so true when you see other guys working hard, makes it easier to take it to the next level yourself. Plus the women in yoga pants give you a boost too… lol.
On the other hand, I have found it easier (and much cheaper) to just lift at home and be consistent. No travel time, can go straight to shower and bed after etc. I do miss going to the gym though.
the second hard thing about the gym
If you are getting hard watching naked old men, I've got some news for you.
Go to your local tip shop (if there is one). The two near me sell weights at $1 per kg, which seems a fair bit cheaper than when they're shiny and new.
Yep good point. Aldi are also selling oly barbell 16kg for $90.
never heard of any Olympic barbell weighing less than 20kg
Yeah its not a real Olympic barbell
Womens/Kids bars are 15kg. I imagine they've gone with 16kg to keep the one SKU applicable to everybody.
applicable to everybody.
I got a pull up bar that fits in a doorway on eBay for 14 dollars, works fine
Pair that with those copy TRX ropes, and you have a complete body weight gym.
You got a door?!?! You got a gym!!!
It slices. It dices…
Yeah but this isn't just a pull up bar. If you pick up a barbell and some weights you can do squats and if you get a bench you can bench press
True. But for people who don't have room, weights aren't really an option. Especially living in an apartment. Weights might piss the neighbours off. Body weight exercises are they way to go.
Here's some of the stuff that I do…
- Pull ups (overhand)
- Pull ups (underhand)
- Squats
- Jump squats - this one will piss off the neighbours below you
- Push ups (wide, shoulder width, diamond)
- Burpees - again, this can piss off neighbours below
- Lunges
- Planks
- Mountain climbers
- Sit ups
- Crunches
- Leg raises
- Other leg stuff for your abs… I don't know what they're called.
They're not as good as having weights and a squat rack or bench, but if you're restricted, having bunch of body weight exercises is a good way to keep fit.
Wait what - I didn't say anything contrary to what you just said. All I did was point out that it doesn't make sense to compare this piece of equipment to one that just attaches to a door for pull/chin ups.
Those are good exercises for a person who doesn't have the space for equipment but I don't think many people will look at buying this piece of equipment if they have no space.
Also, I can understand that weights may piss off neighbours if you're doing something like deadlifts but as long as you don't drop weights on the floor then you shouldn't really make any noise using this piece of equipment to do squats/bench press.
@Pulseidon: Sorry. I didn't mean to sound like I was attacking you. Just adding to your comment. Stupid forums.
I totally agree with you. I would love to have gym equipment at home. I could do so much more.
Pull ups (underhand)… so, a chin up?
@konrad2709: Ah, yes. Hahah! That's what they're called! Sorry. I'm terrible with remembering names. I suffer from CRS.
Great way to wear down the door hinges.
The pull up bar goes over the frame.
Will it damage the frame? Time will tell.
Ah okay, I thought it was supported by the door. That's not as bad but I would still be against it as the door frame is not designed to be load-bearing.
That's an expensive clothes hanger to be
exercise bike already performs that function ;)
If you pay attention to the street on council collection days, I don't know why you'd ever pay for an exercise bike!
good idea, multiple clothes hangers
Now I just need a bigger house.
move back in with your mom, her place is huge.
So is she.
Just lift her then.
She is huge because she kicked him out of the house so she could use his room for her perfect home gym set up.
legit question, will this fit in the car boot? small sedan.
Saw a couple of guys this morning have to open it up to fit in the car. The box is flat but quite wide and long.
Hell no, it is about 40cm wide, and 175cm long.
It only just fit in my toyota corolla hatchback with my back seats down, and the box leaning on the drivers seat headrest. I was crouched up like a little midget driving it back home
You underestimate me.