See all CATCH20 deals
To search all stores, use the 'search the sale' search box after clicking 'go to deal' and scrolling down. By default it shows items in Australia only, you can remove this search restriction.
Included stores:
- sportscraft
- jag_online
- saba_online
- fresh-cosmetics
- hardtofind_australia
- styletread2014
- jeanswest_australia
- princesspollyau
- amcalonline
- cincottachemist
- sunglasshutau
- zanui
- vision360global
- iceonlineau
- shoeboxshoes_au
- boutiquecellar
- crackawines
- graysonline-australia
- the_nile
- winemarket
- sonyaustralia
- mastore_sales
- dell_australia
- futu_online
- ausluck
- sydneytec
- kitchen_warehouse
- harveynormanonline
- shoesofpreyofficial
- shavershopau
- catchofthedayau
- gooddrop_au
- winecomau
- southcoastmusic_online
- discrepancy-records-au
- wowmusicstore
- pc.byte
- shoppingsquare
- sheridanboutique
- houseonline
- thankyougroup
- futuregear
- petersofkensington
- beginning_boutique
The offer entitles you to 20% off the purchase price (excluding postage) at Participating Stores on during the Offer Period, for up to 3 transactions and up to a maximum discount of $1000 per transaction. Ends at 23.59 (AEDT) on 13 February 2017. The total discount is capped at $1000 per transaction. Limit 3 transactions per person during the Offer Period.
I placed an order with them just after the code went live at 10:15am. Got a phone call to say they don't have any stock & the ad should have been taken down. Hmmm. Funny, seeing as the product is still up online. Clearly they didn't get to jack the prices up on time and now they just won't bother to fulfill the orders. Not cool. Be careful of these guys.