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TPG ADSL2+ 500GB Plan $60/Mth Including Line Rental


$60 for 150gb peak + 350gb off peak and phone line included.

uploads counted

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Wow! This blows the competition out of the water. It is at least $10 / month cheaper than having the old $50 130 gig plan with a cheap as Telstra line and they have increased the bandwidth beyond imagining… crazy!


    TPG Home Phone is not available to any existing TPG customers.

    I hate when they have these conditions - makes me feel like it is better to be disloyal!

    • +5

      +1 why as a long time TPG customer can I not get the home line! Just changed over the home line and trust me, unless you bundle, home lines are not cheap or easy anymore. This would have been perfect but "old" customer.

    • +4

      i called them if you are a customer you can still get it, just means you have to cancel your current contract and get a new one. i'm out of contract already but don't wait to wait 2 weeks for them to process a new order.

      • they told me at least 20 days but I guess it's 1 month , it's very disappointing

  • i'd probably pay the extra $10 per month and make it 500gb no on peek and off peek. 350gb to use only between off 3:30am-8:30am would need some pretty serious downloading…

    • +2

      they should expand the off peak times as it's too short

      • Definitely. 12 - 9am at least.

  • +2

    Great deal, but I already have run out of things to download on 60+70gb ($50 a month)

    TPG are one of the best companies around when you understand how they work and why they use overseas support etc.

    • +1

      you need to look into newsgroups then..

      • Yeah once you get into Usenet, even 70+60 gig per month is hardly enough.

      • Finding what I want is not a problem.

        I used to use all my quota, but after nearly 2 years of having heaps of quota you have everything you want, so the only things you can download are new content.

        There isn't enough new content coming out for me to use my quota unless I start downloading all video in 1080p. Even then I don't watch too many movies.

  • +2

    WOOOOOOOOOOOO!! TPG DIDNT Screw me this time baby!! My exchange is included for the 500GB. TPG is now diamonds!

  • -8

    A one dollar saving?

    What's with the negs?
    Seriously this is just the 59.99 superfast plan bundled with a home phone for the same price. A home phone line that costs $1 a month.
    Sure there you don't have the minium $10 monthly spend, but if you require a phone lin it means you're gonna be making/receiving phone calls, and $10 isn't that hard to rack up. (Either way you'll be charged that $10 in the end after making calls.)

    Only thing different I can see is that If you want the $1 phone line with the 500GB a month you no longer can get it seperately, but bundled together. A total savings of $1 effectively.

    Geez, people here are quick to jump the gun and neg, and leave no explination about it too. Think about it, it really is just a $1 savings.

  • +2

    The 500GB plans are pretty limited in availability. They are limited to the same exchanges as TPG's "unlimited" plan (I can't get either).

    Also their "$1/month line rental" should really be called a "$11/month plan with $10 worth of included calls".

  • 5 hours off-peak??

  • +1

    No Ports No Ports No Ports No Ports


  • Can existing members that are on the $50/month plan singup to the new $60/month plan with phone line included?

    • +1


    • As stated in the 1st comment:

      TPG Home Phone is not available to any existing TPG customers.

      Probably due to the fact that it isn't a normal phone line but a VOIP service from your exchange to TPG. Hence why fax machines, Foxtel, back-to-base alarms etc don't work with it.

  • I looks almost like a Naked ASDL type of connection

  • +1

    I applied for this plan yesterday. And to those who don't know, you don't need an active phone line to get this, which is a big plus for me. Since i am moving into a new place where there is no active phone line, actually i have been told by Telstra there hasn't been active service since 2007, which means a technician visit is needed to the street which may cost up to $129. Glad i found this and saved on the phone activation and monthly service fee from Telstra:)

    • Good luck but if I am not wrong TPG will charge u back the line connection fee. U may want to get a CS person to send you a email saying TPG will not charge u for that to cover your 6.

    • are you sure? i was told i have to get a telstra phone line to give the $1 line rental stuff

      just be aware tpg customer service is really really bad, they could deny what they told you and charge you anyway

      • I did read this from the TPG website:

        There are two order types to get TPG ADSL2+ with Home Phone:

        1. Active phone line - You can choose to keep your existing phone number or get a new number from TPG.
        2. Inactive phone line - New TPG service connection and get a number from TPG. This involves a site visit.

        And i chose the 6 months plan, which should cost me $99.95. Hope i am not missing anything.

  • +2


    Read their terms and conditions! I was about to sign up to their $1 home phone deal until you see all of these conditions and going through their CSG waiver. Which is ok seeing as their providing such a cheap service UNTIL you get to the payment page where you see this "$20" phone deposit and I'm just thinking to myself, this all seems to be a bit too much.

    TPG Customer support is also VERY VERY bad, if your willing to sacrifice all this for very good value then do it, just wanted to warn everyone.

  • +2

    Who downloads 500GB of data?? If so, what are you downloading?!?!

    • +3

      Linux Distributions, Xbox games and hd downloads from zune … iTunes content. Pr0n? 500gb is not much when each HD movie from Zune is over 10gb.

      • That's 50 movies? How many do you watch each month ???

        • +1

          Dude. I dont spend my life watching movies alone man. There's other stuff I want to watch, games I wanna download - demos, what not. There's stuff my housemate wants to watch as well. I'm saying there's a lot of content to be gotten if you have the need. I'd rather have more bandwidth to use and not use it, than have not enough to use and ration it.

          What is with the one-size fits all mentality that people have nowadays? I blame Apple. Just because you don't see the need for something doesn't mean everyone in the world won't need it.

  • Anyone know what the minimum contract length is for this particular plan? 12 months or 18 months?

    EDIT: nevermind, it's 6 months.

    Tempted to get this next year when my current 12 month 180 GB contract ends and also ditch telstra.

  • never mind

  • Voting positive for the 150gb peak alone, best value on the market for non-naked
    350GB is pretty steep for 5 hours a day downloading on the best of ADSL2+ connections

    • Are TPG the best performing for ADSL2+ ???

  • +1

    Currently with TPG - they can't be beaten for dl, but if you play online games, their pings are pretty woeful - they recently changed their international service providers (or so the rumour goes) and have added an extra 30-40ms ping to USA for most customers - but if you don't play games, well worth it.

    You also can't get put through to tier 2 support, they have to call you back - back when I was with iiNet you could get escalated as soon as you sound like you know what you're talking about =D

  • Uploads and downloads counted on all ADSL2+ with TPG Home Phone plans.

    This is the kilkler for me. Most other decent ISPS do not count uploads towards your monthly quota.

    NOTE: this plan is only available at selected exchanges. Just did a phone number check and I am unable to get this plan.

  • +1

    I really want to sign up on this plan but it's not available on my exchange. Extremely frustrating considering the two exchanges right next to mine do have it!

  • +1

    That's some pretty heavy downloading during 3:30am-8:30am.
    Respect to anyone that can download 11GB a day (for a 30 day period) in 5 hours.

    • Don't forget it counts uploads as well (but depending on how much you upload it won't affect it that much).

    • That's only assuming that you live by yourself and you're the only one using up the quota.

      In typical household of 2-3 people you'd have to keep an eye on the quota.

      • +1

        It doesn't matter how many people use it.
        What he's trying to say is that it's gonna be hard to use up the 350GB a month allocated to the short 5 hours in the rediculous time of the day. Even with mulitple people using the net, you're still limited by the speed of your line, which will be the main factor when you try to use up all 350GB.
        350GB a month won't be that hard, if you're gonna keep a 1:1 ratio on your torrents. That's only 5.5GB each way, unless uploading will affect your DL speed, not sure on that one.

        I remember when TPG gave you really good offpeak times 12-12, I think a year ago or something.

  • Hmmm, it says "TPG Home Phone does not support Fax, EFTPOS, Back to Base alarms, Foxtel program purchase and analogue modems."

    Does this mean the included phone line is actually a SIP/VOIP job?

    • +1

      Scroll up a bit there's a link to whirlpool about it.
      Apparently it's a standard copper line to your exchange then it's voip elsewhere.

  • TPG Home Phone is not available to any existing TPG customers.

    Gay =[

  • is it true that with tpg u get tonnes of phantom drop outs? seems every day there's a facebook friend complaining about their disconnection issues. i'm moving into a new place soon, and would like a great plan like this, but need it online 24/7 with a stable connection

    • Why did he get negged without any answers? That's sad.

      I had some connection issues when I first got TPG. Called TPG, they blamed my router, blame my cables, blamed the Saints for murdering the Hawks tomorrow. But the issues just sorta went away. I had 3 days of bullshit performance with drops like every frickin' 5 minutes but after that no issues since 19 months. I have 2 friends who had exactly the same experience as me. A day or two of bullshit performance, then all good.

  • Rotten off peak network performance an non existent customer service are why i am moving away from TPG.
    Its hard to take advantage of offpeak when its only a few hours a day and is heavily congested.
    I'm on the 1500 35/45 plan and will not reach 45gig this month off peak even though i have had my computer running all night every night.

  • @virtual81, mate TPG do not market towards adsl users, there is no money in it as TPG have to use rent telstra equipment at the exchange, they have MAD adsl2 plans for enabled exchanges, im on TPG unlimited 24x7 and leeched over 700gb last month! so ur commented is not valid matey :-)

  • Just double check. It not the same offer as per topic but if I apply ADSL2+ with $1 TPG Home Phone Line Rental (90gb + 90gb) and I already used 80gb + 80gb so at the last day before monthly usage expire, I download the whole day say around 50gb, do you think it will allow it? so the next day when the new cycle start I still start from zero again. Please let me know. Thanks

  • I was thinking of switiching to TPG do they have good customer service? i read in the age that all the call centres are in the phillipines lol.

  • yes their customer service is in the phillipines and unless you want them constantly calling you dont bother contacting them, the customer service is not good.

    i have phoned several times in the past year they tell me its not in my area and it will be soon but they still keep calling me ……. what the?

    the only have adsl 1 in and they charge either $40 for 30gb slowest or $50 for 20gb fastest. seems like a bit of a rip off considering their adsl 2 deal is better.

  • -1


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