l3lazin » user profile

Member Since | 03/07/2009 |
Last Seen | 15/06/2012 |
Location | Sydney |
Recent Activities

l3lazin commented on £20 of Skype Credit for £10 - UK Offer However Looks to Be Redeemable on AUD Accounts
Going with the flow!!! Here's my link.... Used London City: E10 6FG and it worked.…

so most of it was basically sold before the sale? Was the savings any good? Is there still any stock or has most of it been sold already?…

WARNING... Read their terms and conditions! I was about to sign up to their $1 home phone deal until you see all of these conditions and…

man, everyone time I go to checkout to buy, it disappears!... Also will this work if I dont already have a Tivo eg. account activation.

fluidtek is like 45mins from where I live, but am wanting to know if they have anymore MX-5500 keyboard mice combos in stock. If anyone is…

l3lazin commented on Good Vibrations Sydney & Gold Coast and Soundwave Sydney And Brisbane Tickets $119 + $9.95 P&H
Yeah, thats the biggest BULL... as if 1saleaday.com.au would sell fake tickets?... They didn't b4 at field day, my mates tickets worked…

To get the sms you need to subscribe at the store then they enter your number in.

Also say you received an SMS and you get a further 10% off!

l3lazin replied to
zzyss on MYER ONE DAY SALE! 20% off Televisions + 10% off Gaming Consoles 17th December

If you were in NSW, go to Parra they'll give you 10% off!

l3lazin replied to
Nazrath on MYER ONE DAY SALE! 20% off Televisions + 10% off Gaming Consoles 17th December

Their still giving you the 10% off... but its still not worth it when compared to the EB Games offer... Confirmed in Parramatta NSW

Ok so they do sell the PS3 250GB but not in a bundle! so its $599 - 10% = $539.00 FAIL. Rather get it at EB for 599 + 2 games + play TV

l3lazin commented on Sanity CD and DVD Warehouse Sale. CD and DVD Discs $2 or 5 for $10 on Site Only Milperra
if someone could report back how much the PS3 is!

Will they have a discount on 3rd party items? You know how apple has their 14 day return policy, what do they do with their returns? Will…

I called up 5 stores in Sydney and none have stock! Anyone know of any in NSW that have stock?

l3lazin replied to
rodh on Windows 7 Professional Upgrade $49.95 for Australian University / TAFE Students

Oh nice one!... thanks rodh!!... So you might have to have it running but just choose clean install in the setup. Just didn't want my PC to…

l3lazin replied to
dy4me on Windows 7 Professional Upgrade $49.95 for Australian University / TAFE Students

haha yeah was just thinking, I don't want to install vista THEN install win 7 on-top-of that!!!

l3lazin commented on Windows 7 Professional Upgrade $49.95 for Australian University / TAFE Students
So can I do a clean install of Win 7? or do I need to install vista then win 7? Thanks for the help guys!! :)

Went to this place about 1 month ago with all these flashy signs about ed hardy etc and had absolutely nothing, I think it would be a good…

hahaha.. looks like Fluidtek have hit back at Mwave saying its an overseas version... and let the war of words and price begin.

l3lazin joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!