This was posted 8 years 1 month 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Windows 10 Professional OEM (32/64bit) £11.52 (~AU $18.7) @ Gamesdeal


After a Win10 key so was looking at past deals, credit to Darkness92 for the previous deal. Also credit to Nofighting for coupon code. Found that it has price dropped further, pay in GBP to get the best conversion .

Got my popcorn ready, can't wait for another round of ozbargain comments.

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closed Comments

    • +1

      Exactly. In fact windows 8 allowed OEM copies to be used on systems you build yourself. They just change the licensing back and forth.

      I would propose that Windows 10 without a license at all is fine for a lot of users (especially in a VM test environment).

      I agree regarding market penetration and dominance being a major factor for Microsoft being so lenient in this area. Their biggest fear is to lose even more user base to Linux or MacOS. I would imagine MS Marketing saying something like - 'Keep them in the Windows corral any way you can'. After all, if you can't attract a big user base by innovation and technical superiority, at least do it by making it easy for people to gloss over the legalities, but still have the license terms there so they can wave a big stick if required.

      Also, most of Microsoft revenue comes from OEM sales, so they still make money from these, just not as much of the cream as a retail sale gives them.

  • Thanks Op. Bought a copy.

  • Can I use the key on both my laptop and computer?

  • I just brought two new laptops including win 10 home version.
    shall I buy two win 10 pro ?
    what is the advantages?
    since I am not familiar with win… anyone can help?

    • +4

      No benefits for average user. Probability is that if you don't know the benefits then you will not need pro

    • +1

      Remote desktop is the one I can't live without. I don't want to go upstairs to install some software on the kid's computer or be jumping around between seats in my study to do stuff between laptop and desktop. Yes there are other ways to do it, but none that are built in and no fuss.

  • Sorry. Complete newbie here. We have a simple machine for Internet and word processing only.

    Current machine xp. And need to reinstall New of because it's not working anymore.
    Will this work.

  • I am wondering why the mod will allow posting link to sell illegal copied of software? Like this one is 100% sure illegal, yes the (home) user might not get fined but don't the website get in trouble for posting this?

    • +2

      OzBargain isn't selling it, why would it get in trouble?

      Mods have allowed it before on the basis that MS basically don't care about OEM distribution, and afaik the legalities are different in some countries (like Germany etc).

      • The TPP is an interesting document, and has yet to be enforced to it's full effect.

      • kickass torrent didn't host the files, why the founder go to jail?

        You have no idea how OEM key comes from MS, especially post Win8.

    • +3

      Because it's not illegal copied software, it's a windows license key

  • Just need to make W10 not a pos now

    • +1

      AKA Lenny the Pep

  • +6

    I'm not using mine if anyone wants it.


    • +1

      thanks m8, works perfectly

    • +9

      Looks familiar

      I believe this is a cough"master"cough s/n windows7

      • Looks more like a key from office 2k3 to me.

    • You'd likely get owned by the devil for using that one.

  • +1

    You can upgrade a lower edition of win10 to win10 pro for free by putting in the default key available on the M$ website, I did it last night with a new laptop that came with windows 10. The key was supposed to be used during the free upgrade offer for eligible copies of win 7 and 8

    • +1

      I'm going to try this. Do you have a link?

      • +2…

        Upgrade to Windows 10 Pro using the following default product key:

        • But of course you will not be able to activate that. It OK for testing.

        • +1

          @manic: you can activate it if you're upgrading from a lower edition of win 10. I don't know why or how, but it activated just fine. It was a digital licence on a brand new T460s if that helps.

    • +1


    • Edit: only works with already activated lower editions of windows 10

  • Can I use the key twice e.g on my Laptop and Tablet ?

    • No. Just buy 2. Its cheap enough.

  • +2

    Look, the OFFICIAL OEM version of Windows Home 10 in Australia through the distributors authorized by Microsoft costs about $130ex. Pro even more.

    So although you can argue the legitimacy of using OEM, it's actually a more than that. This must be a gray import copy or one of those mass versions manufacturers like Dell and HP have access to.

    Whether Microsoft turns a blind eye to OEM is a subject up for debate, and I don't care, but I'm 100% sure Microsoft does not intend or authorize these copies.

    Grab them before Microsoft shuts this practice down is all I can say.

    • +1

      This is not OEM key as the seller claimed, you cannot trust whatever cheater say. Most likely MSDN key.

    • I doubt MS really cares. They gave away free Windows 10 because they are moving away from making money from software sales.

      People joining their ecosystem so they can make money other ways I really don't see them clamping down on that. Sure they might go after the people selling it but it would be nuts to hit the end user given their new strategy.

      • MS sure don't hit the home user but they do sue business user using illegal copied software, like this one.

  • -7

    MSDN/TechNet keys aren't meant to be sold like this and just because they activate doesn't mean it's legitimate.
    I know you may get the feeling of being legit. I considered buying them in the past but what's the point in simply giving money to and supporting dodgy sellers.

    • This is an OEM key.

      • It may be 'OEM' but where does it come from? Does it come with install media?
        Technet keys without a doubt, but hey cheap windows lets throw money at them and neg anyone who speaks badly of it.

        • This price cannot be OEM key, otherwise the seller will lose money for selling, at the past only happened MS staff "stole" OEM key and sell it to public.

  • Can I use this on a Mac via bootcamp or VMware Fusion?

    • If you use it infrequently, you're probably better off just using Windows 10 without a license key all together. It will put a watermark down the bottom right, and you can't change some personalisation settings, that's about it.

  • great deal but website is terrible.

    I hope all the people complaining about this deal don't download tv shows…

    I can't get it to add to cart or even stay logged in.

    Edit* got it to add the pro 64 version somehow.

    Thank op.

    • +1

      add a game..then add windows versions and then remove game from cart etc

    • I don't download tv shows, I stream them.

  • Any thoughts on what would be better. I get charged 27.85 for student edition or should I get this??

    I'm a mac user and know little about windows but time I re-learnt it as thinking about swapping over

    • +1

      Student edition. This deal is better than pirating (because getting a pirated version to work is more trouble than spending $20 on this), but a student version is legitimate in all senses (if you're a student).

      • Thanks for the reply. Yeah see what you mean

  • How/where do you download the software? Or does the 'key' have a link to download from? Confused

  • Hi, Where to download the Windows 10 pro version to use OEM key ?

    • From Microsoft ….They have the iso, copy, install, ass the key and its clean and activated.

      • Thanks mate!

  • +2

    Transaction cleared via Paypal.
    Received notice via webpage that I need to provide my phone number for further security.
    Enter number, 5 minute countdown timer finishes and says there was an error.
    2 hours later and still no key in my email.

    • +3

      Same here my friend, i sent an email. waiting for a response now.

    • +3

      Same, but saw this is in the email:

      Orders placed between 11:00pm and 2:00am (GMT) will be delivered after 3:30am (GMT).

      It is currently 2:27am GMT

    • +1

      4:43 GMT still no updates.

      • +1

        Same, I still haven't received a key (have just emailed them though).

        • Got the code via email just now. (got the message about them having sold out wait till tomorrow first though)

    • im in the same situation too… waited about 30 mins so far.

      edit: Just got an email
      "Unfortunately we have currently sold out with this product. Would you mind waiting till tomorrow? Got informed that they will be in stock tomorrow.If you can wait, your patience will be greatly appreciated.
      Of course as long as we didn't deliver the key you can ask for a refund any time, if you don't want to wait any longer.

      We apologize for the inconveniences.
      Kind regards
      Your Gamesdeal Customer Service"

      • havnt recieved an email like yours sasquatch972. Perhaps ameno, sandman28 and i got the last few in stock. and for some reason they are taking ages to process. hopefully we hear from gamesdeal soon. will come back with any updates

        • i had sent an email to [email protected] due to the issue, so thats probably why i got the email.

        • @sasquatch972:

          just got this same email just now

        • @benboo:

          just received my windows code now and confirmed working, hopefully the rest of you all get the same.

        • +1


          just got my key as well. thanks

        • Finally received mine at 16:30 yesterday mate and the key worked fine :)

          A bit over 6 hours from purchase to key arrival.

    • +1

      5:27pm GMT received my serial key after 5 and half hours.

  • Should the real question be. Where did this website obtain these keys and are they stolen instead of OEM? you wont get in trouble buying them but it does bring up an ethical issue ie G2a etc

    some stories online about keys being revoked for being stolen so tread carefully. you are possibly stealing an individual key instead of a massive company

  • Anyone had any experience with using these on a Mac with bootcamp?

    • +1

      Should work perfectly. I used an OEM key for a Windows 7 install previously.

      Couldn't hack using a VM anymore. So shifted it to a BootCamp partition.

  • +1

    Whats the difference between this and the ones off ebay for $12?

  • Upgraded my Home to Pro just so I could access Group Policy editor to enable update behaviour back to user defined.

    Auto updates suck especially when they start downloading when playing Overwatch.

  • Windows 10 Pro… What I really want is a decent discount code for Dominos! (I'd buy that for a dollar!!!!)

    • You want to run a Domino server?

  • i bought a copy and get a code and activate mine. done. Thanks op.

  • +1

    For anyone who cares, you can use Windows 10 free of charge if you're a student and have a student email address and your institution participates.

    Why MS continues to use a convoluted system of distribution is beyond me. Is it free or do i have to pay $139 for Windows 10 when I buy a new computer? Wait, what? I can download it for free FROM Microsoft??!

    • How do I find out which institution participates?

      • I found it as part of the introductory package when accepting my offer. Otherwise anyone can check via this link

        Link is at the top of the page for uni/college and school/high school or some such…

  • +1

    Keep crashing with fatal error message during paypal checkout, Someone might reported it and apparently it was taken down.

    • I got same message but order went through. I was about to try again but I checked my email and order confirmation and PayPal receipt were there.This was at8:45pm AEDT

      • ahh…, Price changed to $US 17.67, thats why

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