Credits to me2 for posting the deal in the other thread.
Credits to chino101 for posting for Buy 1 Kit, Get 1 Kit Free Redemption
I assume you get two plugs in the box? Hence why it is a kit?
You need at least 2 to work. Hence 2 will make a kit. The deal means you get 4 powerline adaptors
Are these reliable for online gaming? I get the random ping spike when on my wifi and looking to eliminate that.
I have the D-Link DHP-309AV kit. Modem is in the other side of the house, without them CSGO is basically unplayable with 300ping+ with random DCs. With them I get reliable 30-40ping.
I use the ones that I got from foxtel with my steam link and they're perfect.
been using my 37$ kit (by Dlink) for almost 2 year.
serious gamer here.
router is downstairs, and wiring is not possible. Fist night knowing the existence of powerline make me sleepless.
it works perfectly, (at lest in my case).
i think there are still many variable have to be counted. For instance, if your house has separate power loop for downstairs and upstairs, it might not work at all.
before i moved to this 2 floor house. I live in apartment, it still works flawlessly.
Each kit is connected via power outlet (not direct on the wall), even that wont affect it.
long before i still had ethernet cable in use, i getting like 55ms in perth (same game). now i having like 57ms ( 3 different house have been changed)
overall, if it works, it works flawlessly.
i do have some friend that it might not help at all.
Can also confirm I've been using powelink on my PS4 and have no issues with lag whereas I had lag and bad ping with wifi
Thinking……. Trying to justify buying this kit….
Verify that where you want to use em is on same power circuit otherwise they won't work. That's the prob with my potential usage plans; two different circuits.
Strange, mine go over a different circuit and still work.
I use 4 of them, and 2 are on a different network to the other 2. I only have 1 supplying the internet, so there's 3 clients, 2 of which are on a different circuit.
Mmm, could be right from what I've been reading in that adapters 'can' cross circuits so long as the breakers aren't 'isolated'? Don't fully understand the process suffice to say in 2 previous homes I've not had success and - boxes still tend to have a "needs same circuit" statement.
Probably state that because otherwise more people would have the problem you do but some would claim it's the products fault and want a refund, leave negative feedback etc.
When I bought it I was really worried it wouldn't work but pleasantly surprised, not sure if I was just lucky, or you were unlucky.
I have already got two Netcommwireless NP507 powerline adapters. Could I buy these D-link and add them to my network? Will the speed be afftected? Thought the NP507 is 600Mbps but this one is 500Mbps
Better flopping the netcom on Gumtree and use these 4,you can't use more than 4 on one network anyway. I have the netcom kit from foxtel free but it's design is crap, too bulky and make your 2 outlet power point into almost 1 outlet version.
Yeah I was using it too - it's bloody massive lol
You can have 64 devices, and 16 on the same shared key/network. That's from the AV 200's up to 2000's.
past 16 devices, you get into some issues. Also, they have QoS, so if you have netflix going through, it's likely to take up half of the bandwidth of those 16 on the same circuit/ PLC network.
and, you can mix and match devices, they just slow down to the compatible speed for the other devices to use. So, 1200's will work at 600 speeds, or 500 speeds, etc, and you lose some of the AV2 features if you jump down to the 600, or the older 200/500 speeds.
as for losing 2 outlets, yeah. the Dlink/TPlink passthroughs are less obnoxious, but not in any way compact.
The more you add the slower the poe network will be. Remember powerline adapters will act like a hub as opposed to a switch.
Do you mean EoP?
yeap, not sure why I keep thinking of PoE.
Cheers! got 2 sets :-)
Does anyone know what the 500Mbs is referring to?
Wouldn't the 10/100 Ethernet ports on this kit limit transfer speeds to 100Mbps max?
I would love to be corrected I have never understood it and haven't been able to find answers
I think the 100Mbs Ethernet is a standard, not a hard limit on the actual transfer speed. With good equipment and ideal conditions you can reach the 500Mbs, the theoretical maximum.
I am hoping it is something like that but it just doesn't seem right
Hopefully someone has a similar product and achieves speeds higher than 15MBps?
I have never seen 100Mbps Ethernet go over 100Mbps. It is a hard limit on transfer speed. 500Mbps is referring to theoretical including overhead and both up and down streams. From what I hear the overhead is significant. 100Mbps ethernet is full duplex and hence can handle 100Mbps up and 100Mbps down, total bandwidth in both directions being 200Mbps.
Someone please correct me if I am wrong
I would assume the plugs can speak to each other at 500Mbps over powerline, however at each end they use 100 Mbps LAN
Essentially, yes 100Mbps is your bottleneck
that is how I understand it but to me it seems pointless
shouldn't it be advertised at the max speed the entire system works at?
Welcome to the world of selling networking equipment, where network speeds are all theoretical maximums.
Isn't that false advertising?
Wouldn't it be like selling an old school Pentium PC with 512MB of RAM and a GTX 1080 and claiming it is Virtual Reality capable?
I have looked at reviews with other AV500 500Mbps powerlink adapters who claim to get speeds of ~40MBps so clearly the 10/100 network port isn't a bottleneck in the way I expected it to be (although I still don't fully understand the naming)
Not saying everyone will get speeds like that, just that it seems possible
They are rated according to maximum theoretical speed. Ethernet is nice and reliable and pretty much always gets maximum speed. Much like WiFi, Powerline is an abomination that will only reach its maximum speed if you plug them in right next to each other and sacrifice your first born.
On back order now
Thanks OP, lucky I wasn't hesitated long enough, manage to buy 1 kit. Out of stock now…
I have a 32" smart TV in my shed at the end of the block to watch footy and cricket while I'm fixing stuff.
Wifi from the modem in the house doesn't reach the shed, so could I use this kit to get internet to my shed TV?
Theoretically if they're on the same circuit yes, however results may vary.
Wifi range extender? I've got a very similar setup to you. Shed about 30m from wifi. Range extender gives me a 5Mbps wifi connection in the shed, which is enough for twitch and pandora.
Just some feedback on these since I've been using them for a week or two now.
Have had no dropouts in my early 1970s apartment, and speeds increased for me as I was able to move my router to a more central location.
Couldn't recommend them more highly.
I'm just irritated I didn't know about the Wireless1 price before pulling the trigger 😂
Wondering what kind of speed are you getting?
My setup is a bit unusual as I'm not transferring through the power line adapters, but am instead using them to connect my router and my NBN FTP box. Thus my file transfer speed of 80mb per second relates to the router and not the powerlines adapters.
Internet speeds have been about 24Mbps on a 25/5 connection so quite reasonable.
That's a good configuration. Unfortunately, Many ADSL subscribers (including me) have all-in-one router + modem. The market of "pure" ADSL modem is very very small.
@whirlpool_guy: I actually work for an electronics retailer (a large one), and we sell 0 standalone modems for ADSL now. It creates a fair bit of confusion when it comes to upgrading to the NBN I find as customers often don't realise they can continue with their existing router/modem in router only mode.
These things should have a huge "YMMV" sticker on the box…
Running a pair of D-Link AV500 at home - Speed varies between 2-5MBps (bytes, not bits) - That's less than 1/10th of the theoretical max. It's OK for web browsing & YouTube HD streaming. However, copying files between computers is unbearably slow. Well, at least the connection never drops out. They run quite hot as well.
Home is less than 20 years old. The wiring should be relatively new.
Guess the manufacturers are dumping old stock as AV1200 / AV2000 plugs have been around for a couple of years.
It seems it's out of stock already
Out of stock however has it for $69 (plus $7 delivery for me in WA). Going to try getting Officeworks to beat this price as it works out a good deal still compared to other stores. Also if the performance isn't as expected (according to the reviews above), at least I'll be able to return it for a full refund.
Let us know how you go with the OW price match factor?!
Priced matched at doncaster officeworks just before. worked a charm. showed centrecoms $69 price and got it for $65.55
Yes it worked for me too - as fugu posted the price came down to $65.55. This is in Malaga, WA - showed low stock but I'd say they had about 8 units left.
Lady was a bit surprised that they were selling them for twice the price, she had to go to her own computer to double check.
I tried for a price match at my local officeworks, (nerang on gold coast), and they wouldn't do it as they claimed it was a grey import at center com. :-(
Did Officework also include postage (given Centrecom is in VIC)?
If anyone want to sell spare kit to me. can pay $30 and based in melb
Would these provide a wifi AP? Or do I need to look at another model
Not it doesn't have built-in WiFi repeater however you could plug in a repeater, or a flashed router. I'm planning to use this to create a WiFi repeater and switch using my TP-Link WR841N which has been flashed with dd-wrt.
Thanks for the deal, been looking for a new pair. For what it's worth, Optus sent me a pair of these exact power line adaptors and they went faulty within the span of a year. I was able to get a replacement pair, but they has become faulty within a year. Not sure if it's the power line adaptor or just my home's wiring that causes it. Still, this price, bundled with the BOGOF offer, make it hard to beat (especially when brick & mortar stores sell at ~$100+)
4 unit for that price, it is very good !!! even if it doesnt work, you can still sell it as second hand and wont lose much
I use Netgear AV-500 and they dont need to work in pairs. It can work one to many. You need to read the user manual with the different brands. I sold my old Netgear ones are I could use them both on the same circuit at the same time. I have one AV-500 next to the router and two others upstairs (2 floors up) in different rooms. Great setup, works perfectly.
says out of stock. Noticed that they raised their price on ebay.
If bought it from wireless_1 ebay, does the promotion work?
Definitely, they still send out a proper invoice with it. I did it on the last ebay 20% off deal.
can anyone recommend a reliable ethernet over power adaptor and a link where i can buy thank you
Does the adapter need to be connected directly to a wall socket on its own to work, or can it be plugged into a shared powerboard?
This one does unfortunately, it is a pretty chunky unit so it will block the second power point. To fix that I bought a pack of 4 mini power leads from Selby Acoustics for $24.95 delivered and I'm really happy with them.
Oh nice. These are super handy
I have a similar powerline adaptor and from memory it is advisable to plug them directly into the PowerPoint at the wall. You can put it into the 1st point on the powerboard, but beware your speeds may be affected.
I just plug the powerboard into the powerline adaptor and it's been all good.
Eg wall PowerPoint > powerline adaptor > powerboard.
Oh I see now the adapter has a 3-prong female power outlet on the back! Cheers!
Don't bother with the redemption offer, it's easier to swim to China and get the 2nd one half price in their currency.
They require you to take a picture of the receipt, cut out the cardboard box with the serial, register online with your details and post-mail the crap because you've go t nothing to do all day except waltz to the post-shop.
Thanks for breaking it down.
That's nothing for an OzBargainer we waste so much time for minuscule bargains for stuff we don't actually need, this one is easy as.
Nice product, work flawlessly
I received mine today. Thanks again OP.
You are lucky, I got an email said out of stock so they placed an order from their suppliers. Have to wait for few days.
I pulled the trigger very quickly on this as I know it would have sold out and I did need a couple of kits.
Well done! :)
@huhuu77: Yeah, I've missed out on many deals for thinking about it too much. :)
Shoot now and asking questions later.
I got the same email but haven't heard back since, any update on your end?
I got the shipment email just 10 min ago.
Anyone knows when they will get more stock or somewhere else is having the similar deal?
Thank you
wireless1 have these
D-Link DHP-309AV Powerline AV 500 Mini Starter Kit $50 delivered
Don't know too much about them and from first looks doesn't seem to be in the redemption offer. You may have to check with Google and D-Link AU
They may have a wrong model number, also these are 'mini' for some reason.
Back in stock~
Got mine and installed and unfortunately it is much slower than my AC wifi router going from my study (front of house) to lounge (back of house). So now this unit is useless to me :(
Powerline speed = 24mb/s
Wifi = 50mb/s
Your router is excellent! :-)
Back In Stock~~
I got it today, I have some questions
my house is brand new house
the internet is NBN 100M/40M
setup is easy, but it's just so slow
I try to watch the movie through media player
started from blu-ray iso, 40GB…lag, very lag, unwatchable
then reduce to 12GB file, still super laggy
then again, to 2GB file, still lag as hell, even slower than wifi.
what's wrong
also notice that once i plug this powerline in
my internet speed reduced from 100M/40M to 20M/1M
this is not right
brand new house doesn't neccessarily mean your wiring is completely free of noise.
Signal noise comes from household appliances. For e.g devices with electromotors such a fridge or a fan or air conditioning introduces ripples and noise into the electrical lines.
Try reading this article or considering upgrading your AV500 kit to a AV1200 one. This model is pretty good but bear in mind your mileage will vary.
Bonus Powerline kit arrived today.
yep, mine too
How long did it roughly take you? I sent mine through on 20/01 and still haven't heard back
Still waiting on mine……………… sent mine in the same day it arrived after purchasing same day this deal came up.
I received a redemption approved email on Friday 17/02 after emailing them a week earlier for a status update. Still waiting for my kit to arrive.
Possibly add 'Delivered' in title.