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Optus E8372 4G Wi-Fi Car Modem $29 @ Officeworks


This Optus Car WiFi Modem utilises the Optus 4G network to produce a WiFi connection, keeping you connected even when you're on the go. You can connect up to 10 devices to the WiFi at once so all of your passengers can be entertained while you focus on the road.

Combine with Optus $30 SIM Starter Kit for $10

More details here(optus.com.au)

As per Optus website

Up to 4GB of included data^ with 14 days expiry for use within Australia

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  • Site showing temporarily unavailable.

    • showing available to me

      • +3

        Just ordered 2

        CBF calling the store to check stock, buying 2 allows free same day delivery :)

        ill sit here in the air con while they arrive

        i should add ive only ever seen these go on sale 1 time at $49, so this price is a steal.

  • Does anyone know if this is locked to Optus?

    • -1

      it would be, most liklely unlockable but who knows what band support it will have

      • I dont think it is, ive bought prepaid USB Optus before and they wernt locked. I could be wrong.

        • it all depends, maybe not locked to a SIM, but locked to certain Optus only bands
          I could be wrong too :)

          it supports these bands on 4G 1800/2600/700/2300MHz

  • It looks like just an ordinary USB modem + USB car charger? Or is it a little bit different?

    • -1

      This has an inbuilt wifi hotspot, so yes its different, it also includes a 90 degree usb adapter

      • -1

        A hotspot is a physical location where people may obtain Internet access, typically using Wi-Fi technology.
        This is a given for ANY portable Wi-Fi dongle.
        Higher end Telstra WI-Fi dongles feature the ability to rotate 90 degrees.

        Besides including a 90 deg. adaptor, this unit is generic.

        • +2

          "This is a given for ANY portable Wi-Fi dongle"

          i disagree, most do NOT have wifi tech! including E3372 USB MODEM which is the equivalent NON car option of this modem

        • @abzolutely:

          You are abzolutely incorrect, the E3372 does allow people to obtain internet access, typically using Wi-Fi technology.

          This Optus Huawei E3372 USG 4G Modem lets you wirelessly connect to the internet on the go so you can browse the web, check your emails or stay in touch with friends. The modem comes with 4 GB of data so you can start connecting up to 10 devices wirelessly straight away.

          USB dongles do exist which network feeds your device via USB, as apposed to transmitting via Wi-Fi (hotspot).
          Where once this style of device was the norm in the main stream when such devices were fairly new to market, it is now more common for said devices to feature Wi-Fi (Hotspot).

          In summary

          so yes its different

          No, you are still abzolutely incorrect

        • +1

          @Cheap Charlie:
          Where did you copy paste that from??

          Im on the Huawei website and it definitely does not state that it connect 10 devices via wireless


          nor does the optus website


          lastly, first hand experience i bought the E3372 and i can confirm it doesnt have wireless!!

          Please do correct me if im wrong..

        • +1

          @Cheap Charlie:

          I can see how you were misinformed

          Office works website is wrong

          Further down it states only 1 device can be connected

          This Optus Huawei E3372 USG 4G Modem lets you wirelessly connect to the internet on the go so you can browse the web, check your emails or stay in touch with friends. The modem comes with 4 GB of data so you can start connecting up to 10 devices wirelessly straight away.
          This modem comes with 4 GB of data and is valid for up to 14 days.
          It can be used to connect you to the internet while you're out and about.
          The modem can be used to connect 1 device to the internet at once.

        • @abzolutely:

          I have said device which I utilise to network our devices at our holiday house.

  • Does it have an external antenna connection?

    • possibly would

    • Yes it does.

  • Is the device locked to Optus?

    If so, how easy is it to unlock?

  • +3

    Does anyone know if it would be possible to get a sim from optus and use it with data sharing? Already get 11gb on my phone but annoying to turn on wifi hotspot when get in car.

    • This is what i will be doing, and yes it should work ive done it with two other USB modems.

    • Nope. You need a compatible plan for the extra SIM as well.

    • +4

      Depends on your plan.

      If you are lucky enough to have the $5 Sim card Data Pool condition in your CIS then you can just pay once off fee of $5 and get a sim. NO MONTHLY Fees and Charges.

      There is a whole post on it https://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/2515156

      This is the plan I am on http://www.optus.com.au/opfiles/Shop/All/cis/Cis%20Documents/1418522_CIS_$60_My_Plan_Plus_12M_SIM_Only.pdf

      Look under the Data Pool section

      "You can also share your data pool allowance with mobile broadband
      devices on the same account by adding a Shared Data plan (maximum
      of 5 devices per mobile service with a one-off $5 set up fee per device).
      You cannot make calls with the Shared Data Plan."

      If you don't have this in your CIS then you need to pay $10 per month per sim for 1.5GB which gets pooled with your other data.

  • +2

    Why would somebody go for a modem when, for a similar price range, you can get yourself a 4G phone that can hotspot data?

    • Battery drain.
      If I hotspot my mobile phone it kills the battery.
      If you have a USB modem then it uses the battery or the car or laptop or whatever you plug it into.

      • +4

        Charge your phone in the car then.

        • +1

          haha.. yeah..

          Well I use my USB Modem to connect to my Surface Pro when out of the office.
          Its small, no extra cables to carry etc.

          Just my mobile phone, Surface Pro and USB Modem.

          I can do my work when out of the office and still have enough battery on my phone by the end of the day.

    • +2

      Me personally, I'll just leave it in the car and I don't want to risk a Li-ion battery popping in the heat.

      • This. I was too worried if I left a battery powered USB on I'd come back and the car would be on fire on a hot summers day.

  • So… this is a 4g Dongle with an included car charger, so they call it a car modem.


    • +2

      Marketing at its finest.
      Incidentally from the replys here it seems that a percentage of the population may not have considered powering a USB Wifi modem in their car.

    • Some dongles need the PC to set up some parameters, hence don't work without a PC or Mac, this seems to have the smarts built in, so like a wifi hotspot but without the built in battery.

      Would be nice to have a dongle that works with my TP Link router as back-up to my ADSL as I have Optus data sharing SIM anyway.

      ADSL is dead, and the SLA is 11 days to get the line fixed :-(

      • Come off it, if anything need to be set then it could be done on any phone, Ive got 3 different dongles, you put the sim in and turn it on, can be left in the car If I wanted too.

        Still sounds like a gimmick.

  • +1

    Is it compatible with all cars?

    • +3

      No, it works only in proton

    • +1

      The only requirement as far as a vehicle is concerned, is the usb outputs a 5V power supply.
      Some vehicles in the earlier days of USB lacked the ability to charge via USB only (Hyundai and Kia come to mind).

      In the event your vehicle had the issue mentioned above or lacks a USB output, its relatively simple and inexpressive to wire in a 12V to 5V converter complete with USB out as a hardwired option or of cause a cigarette to usb adaptor

  • +1

    Just my 2 cents.

    Isn't this wifi a better Optus 4G wifi up to 10 devices?
    It's self powered, 1500mAh - good for 4-5 hours.
    Cheaper - when on sale $24.50, portable, not reliant on power source, it has it's own battery.
    Not locked, have bought 2 so far.
    Intend to get another when it comes back on sale.
    Regularly on sale between Coles, Officeworks and Aust Post.


    • Agreed
      In the event the device is solely used in your vehicle it may be worth considering purchasing a longer cable and window mounting the device for potentially improved signal. Snake the cable under the roof lining and behind the A pillar trim as you would with a dash cam.

  • Just put a wireless usb wifi modem in a coffee cup and slide the cable through the sipping hole. Add some insulation to protect it from heat

    • +2

      or just buy a $29 modem, save your time to take advantage of other deals.

  • +1

    Purchased the 4GX MF910V from coles for $29.50. it includes 3gb data and locked to telstra. To unlock cost me approx $3 off ebay.

    Also bought a $30 optus prepaid from coles for $10. It comes with 6gb data, 3+3 bonus.

    Battery lasted over 6hrs. U can always recharge it in the car using a cheap 1A usb charger or have with u handy a xiaomi 10,000mha batt pack…

    I had approx 8 users connected but dev says upto 10.

    • Great price on the 4GX. When was sale?

      • Oh bummer. Finished yesterday. Part of their boxing week special.

  • Thanks Op! Bought one. It is unlocked!
    Just put a Telstra SIM and works out of the box!

  • http://www.officeworks.com.au/shop/officeworks/p/optus-huawe…

    This is only half the price, are they the same thing just without the car charger?

    • This one is E8372 4G Wi-Fi.

      That one is model E3372 for $14.50- no wifi.

      • thanks for the prompt reply, just placed an order for the E8372 4G Wi-Fi. Cheers

  • E3372 cheap as chips… can't believe been sold for as much as $49.90 http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Unlocked-As-New-Huawei-E3372-4G-4…

    Plus no sim.

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