Bring home the Bacon with this once in a lifetime special.
A kilo of bacon for just $2.00 Wow! Don't miss out.
Dandy Economy Bacon 1kg $2 @ NQR (VIC)

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Theres probably a good 300g of fat in these economy packs. Still a good deal but not the best if you're watching your fat intake.
and sulphites
Perfect for keto then!
Came to say the same thing. Best thing I have ever done, lost 10kg and have more energy than I have ever known.
Do you think it has more to do with regiment and discipline than diet? Like a placebo. Any active person can eat whatever they like.
My thoughts exactly.Lost about 9kg since March without any specific 'diet'. Just trying to reduce the amount of processed foods and being more active.
Hard to say. I'm not exercising any more than I was though my job is a fairly active one.Keto has led to me eliminating most processed foods (for example eating a packet of Ritz with dip after work) and a lot of sugar (soft drinks being the main offenders for me).
All I know is I feel awesome and I that's from reducing carbs and not being concerned with fat at all.
Isn't bacon rather processed too though?
But getting rid of all that stuff would make a big difference, keto or notThat's how to do it. Exercise isn't the main way to lose weight. Cutting down on food, carbs especially, is the way to go.
What is 'keto'?
It's a lifestyle choice where you eliminate all the tastiest foods from your diet :P
@GnarlyKnuckles: it actually stands for ketones, which are produced by the liver to dissolve adipose tissue (fat) back into triglycerides and glycogen.
It's how you can survive without eating if you get lost in the wild, you body dissolves fat and muscle into glucose as the brain requires glucose daily.
Moreover, since you're burning copious amounts of muscle (breaking down muscles is easier than fat) it is of questionable benefit.
I mean, sure, a reduction of 5Kg may sound great, but its pretty awful if its mostly lean muscle mass.
@gearhead: it's literally the exact opposite of what you're claiming. The whole reason some people do it is that it preserves muscle mass much better than a low calorie diet with carbs.
Apologies. Got a bit confused with another method.This is a great read on Keto diets (the hows and whys):…(^^ It may say 'ugly' in the title, but that is from the POV of a bodybuilder. )
@gearhead: you're actually right. For some stupid reason the body decides that fat is lowest on the pecking order for fuel to burn. The exception is if you regularly use your muscles it somehow tells your body not to burn muscle.
I'm no expert, this is just information I've been told by my doctor and read online.
It's a diet usually prescribed to cancer patients and people with epilepsy. It's really not something the general population should be doing. Basically just another fad diet marketed to people as a "lose weight fast!" strategy. Forget about ridiculous diets, just reduce your processed food intake, and do a bit more exercise. You don't have to be skinny to be healthy. All you need to be healthy is to be healthy.
For some stupid reason the body decides that fat is lowest on the pecking order for fuel to burn. The exception is if you regularly use your muscles it somehow tells your body not to burn muscle.
Humans evolved to hunt and gather meat and vegetables, and to survive times of famine; not to continuously procure processed food by sedentary work.
Fat is a fuel reserve while muscle is a fuel consumer. Any muscle in excess of what is needed to perform regular functions needlessly wastes fuel by increasing the metabolic rate, body mass and presumably other factors.
natural animal fat is good
sugar is not
processed food is worsepeople need to stop demonising fat and realize it's the sugar and processed carbs that's making most of us fat. fats were what humans evolved to really survive on. We didn't evolve to eat toast/cereal for breakfast, rice for lunch and pasta for dinner. Those are things we put in our meals because we're trying to save money and eat as cheaply as possible :)
Anything in moderation is fine. "Sugar = Bad, Fat = Good" is far too simplistic and reads more like naturalnewz extremism. Also the science does not have an answer one one or the other:…
true but it's simply easier to think that when you want to cut down certain types of food, fat usually ranks as the number 1 cause. People think that way because the advertising in the supermarkets lead you to think that fat is public enemy #1.
The normie's rationale is that if I eat fat, I will get fat, hence, I should buy foods that are low in fat!
(and then the food manufacturers will be very happy that you bought the fat-free yoghurts, skim milks, dairy products and other junk foods with a 99% fat free logo on it)
and yes, as per the study, this too was found: (etogenic low-carbohydrate) and NLC (nonketogenic low-carbohydrate) diets were equally effective in reducing body weight and insulin resistance, but the KLC diet was associated with several adverse metabolic and emotional effects. The use of ketogenic diets for weight loss is not warranted.
There are many ways to skin a cat, as there are many ways to lose weight. Eating less is one of them and eating less of a particular food group is also one of them. I have undertaken KLC diet for about 6 months and saw pretty good results in weight loss, although it is a pain to keep up with as I had to cook almost all of my meals.
(and then the food manufacturers will be very happy that you bought the fat-free yoghurts, skim milks, dairy products and other junk foods with a 99% fat free logo on it
that are virtually always more processed, more artificial and higher in sugar than their ordinary counterparts.)
although it is a pain to keep up with as I had to cook almost all of my meals.
Double Quarter Pounders are pretty good if you eat the meat and cheese outta the bun without too much ketchup.
@Scrooge McDuck: I think reddit has comments on what to order from fast food places for keto diets. You can pretty much order patties (the ones with less filler) and cheese in a takeaway box!
'Good' is probably not the correct term for animal fats, but it's definitely much better than sugar.
I'm far from being a skinny dude (I'm comfortable though so eh), and I find cutting sugar intake by roughly 80% drops my weight off MUCH more effectively than changing to smaller portion/leaner meats and salads.
I kind of gave up on the whole diet thing though when I realised I was spending too much time obsessing about losing weight, and not spending enough time actually enjoying the nice aspects of existence.
Yep. Just watch fed up on YouTube to see how greedy, malicious and self serving sugar co's are.
This is processed food
Lets be honest bacon with fat tastes so much better than bacon without
Economy bacon has more fat than me, a 135KG man.
Still a good deal though, I guess - if you're into eating more fat than bacon.
What's wrong with cutting off the fat and keep the good parts? If you throw away 300g you still have 700g left.
Nothing wrong with doing that. The bacon itself wouldn't be the tastiest I'd imagine, though.
You're right though, it's $2. Haha.
I mean… unless you're Opeti Fonua that's pretty unlikely.
Someone who isn't top level competition professional athlete level fit and 135kg would probably have 60-80kg lean body mass. Someone who works out with heavy, heavy weights regularly and has for 5+ years might get up in the 80-100kg LBM range.
The pictured Economy Bacon looks like the meatiest, non-fattiest type of bacon, short cut. Which is only ~10% fat by weight.
Even 6'4" legs like tree trunks Opeti Fonua is considerably more than 10%.
If I had to guess I'd say you were around 40%, give or take 10%.
It was a joke. A very average one, but still. Haha.
Let's not forget that pig farming is cruel.
Good price though.
Pigs are cruel too!
Don't tell porky pies
I guess people have never seen a pig eat a chicken then!
That's why some religious people don't eat bacon, they are thinking of the pigs…
I stayed in south Goa in a beach shack on stilts that had a drop toilet onto the sand below and the sanitation system was the pigs. Perhaps that's why it was outlawed to eat them?
that's shit
That's called recycling — it's the circle of pigs and poop.
@Scrooge McDuck: Sing with me now…
It’s the poo of the antelope
The poo of the giraffe
It craws into the earth and becomes the blades of grass
The grass is eaten by the cattle which comes out the other end
To make poo for the humans and start all over again
No, they are thinking of "cleanliness" and other human-centric issues. No big time religion (apart from possibly Jainism, which is not really big time anyway by most metrics) holds any legitimate concern for nonhumans animals, just hollow rhetoric.
No big time religion holds any legitimate concern for humans or animals, just hollow rhetoric.
Minor error fixed! ;)
This is a great deal OP, you've really saved my bacon with this one
that's dandy
Probably won't be Australian bacon.
That's probably a good thing. Most Australian bacon is awful.
Far better than the crap you get in the U.S
how much for a coronary angioplasty
More than $2, I can tell you that much
The treatment of these pigs must have been appalling (it usually is even with expensive bacon) to end up with bacon that cheap.
This bacon comes with a free feeling of guilt.
Personally, I just can't get excited over a $2 kilo of bacon. What's the catch, because there HAS to be one. Something is not quite right (pun intended). Animal husbandry zero? A diseased beast? I can't even with this deal, now that I have started thinking this through and how a kilogram of bacon could possibly be produced at this price. A strong Pass.
I can't even with this deal, now that I have started thinking this through and how a kilogram of bacon could possibly be produced at this price. A strong Pass.
If I bought it at $2/kg and sold it to you at $4/kg, would that make it more ethical?
Price isn't always an indicator of quality.
In majority of cases it can indicate you are getting something of substandard quality. NQR would be putting a profit margin on this so that puts the cost price into even more dire perspective. Anyway, each to their own, everyone has different standards, and will purchase accordingly. It's like the caged egg debate, some people draw the line, some give zero cares.
I bought tubs of yogurt there the other day for 10c. Does that mean the quality if bad? No, not at all.
NQR often has stuff for way less than it would cost to produce.
Suppliers obviously don't aim for their products to be sold so cheap but there are many reasons they would clear out stock at below cost to places like NQR
With bargains like this, sometimes I wish I wasn't a Muslim vegan.
Take a look at Lucent. Keep an open mind and watch it. Its a factual insight into one of Australias largest piggeries, the story is told from the farmers with footage inside showing how they are reared and cared for.
Just happy pigs going about their day to day lives.
It's a trap.
Published on 22 Jan 2015
Through a combination of hand-held and hidden camera footage, Lucent explores the darker side of Australia's pig farming industry, highlighting the day-to-day cruelty accepted by the industry as standard practice.Lucent is the result of a successful crowdfunding campaign initiated in late 2013. Narrated by Lindsay McDougall (The Doctor from Triple J), the film contains footage from over 50 farms and slaughterhouses across
Its not a trap. Its a reality that people dont know about. If they did they wouldn't perpetuate it. Most ppl consciously dont want to know either, but yet find it acceptable to just buy it shrink wrapped in the shop.
Much better to ooh and ahh over $2/kg bacon, and debate the taste….as opposed to the short life lived being eaten by other pigs (yes many turn cannibal, eating tails etc) living in filth and disease (think fly blown carcases in the aisles), before being killed and sent to market.
I find it weird that most bacon in this country looks pre-cooked and doesn't taste like bacon that you get in Europe or even New Zealand.
That's because most of the crap we get now is chemically cured, not smoked like true bacon or ham should be! :/
They use brine pump to cure it. Pack the meat into a vessel, inject brine at high pressure with needles. Water, salt, sugar, sodium phosphates and sodium nitrates.
Instant bacon. Well, not really. Still takes a bit of time, maybe hours. But you can produce a lot of bacon this way.It is cheaper and faster than traditional curing methods. This is the modern bacon we sell at supermarkets every day.
Agree. Used to work in a butcher shop when I was 15 and they smoked pork belly in a smoker. It's world's apart from the salted pork/crap you get at colesworth.
Costco streaky bacon is my go-to bacon now.
Processed Meat = Cancer - +1 Your ninja post beat mine! Bacon is what brings people together…
Bacon or Beer Can?