Or you can price match at Harvey Norman(harveynorman.com.au)
Reduce a further $100 at Harvey Norman If you have $100 Amex statement credit offer.
Original Amex deal
Or you can price match at Harvey Norman(harveynorman.com.au)
Reduce a further $100 at Harvey Norman If you have $100 Amex statement credit offer.
Original Amex deal
This is brand new product in the 2nd world online store, Also HN did price match for me at Auburn store today, HN customer care also happy to price match with 2ndworld for this product.
that's just being pure luck, HN is notorious for making excuse not to price-match, even against other mainstream competitors.
HN are (profanity) cats compared to office works ….. wanted to get Sandisk 64GB sd card price matched ….. said they wouldn't do it as the ad I supplied shows the new stock which is 80mb read and office works had old stock which is 48mb read, so they said not "exactly" the same product …..but they price matched the 8GB card I also wanted as Good Guys had the 48mb version advertised and office works has 48mb versions of the 8gb cards …….
Doubt HN would price match on factory seconds.