• expired

Oppo R9 Plus 64GB / 8GB Data / Unlimited Calls / Unlimited SMS / 300 Int Mins / $50 per Month @ Woolworths Mobile


Seems like a pretty good price to me. Total cost over 24 months is $1200. Available in Gold & Rose Gold. Woolworths Mobile is powered by parts of Telstra's 4G network. Enjoy :)

  • 6" Gorilla Glass touch screen
  • 16 Megapixel front and rear camera
  • VOOC flash charge - 5 mins charge gives 2 hours of talk time
  • 0.2 second fast unlock using fingerprint recognition
  • Screen protector and clear protective case included

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Is oneplus under the oppo brand? Wonder if woolies will start offering the 3T next year

    • -2

      Nope, Oppo and Vivo is under the same company. One plus is another.

      • +5

        Oppo = Vivo = OnePlus.

      • +1

        BBK owns OPPO and VIVO. OPPO is the parent company of Oneplus. So, all three companies are under BBK.

  • +3

    This or $10 more for an S7?

      • -7

        What's the point by downvoting other ppl's preference?
        Ur samsung fun bois are even worse than apple fun bois.

        • +11

          Perhaps, people showed their preferences by voting you down and wanted you to at least tell us why you wouldn't consider S7 for extra $10 per month rather than you go on bashing Samsung for no good reason and call everyone who voted you down fanboys.

        • -7

          So go on bashing apple by downvoting most of their threads without good reasons is samsung bois' preference in ozbargain?

    • +15

      For $10 more I would definitely consider a Samsung compared to this.

      • What is your reasoning?

        • +1

          Better camera, cpu, better resale value, better design, better features, and not sure if the OPPO is waterproof or not, but the Samsung is.

  • Not bad. Price seems to be dropping pretty quick. They had the Oppo r9 for this price not long ago.

  • +3

    They need to get over 24month contracts, I know they love them but seriously?

    Everyone's getting to the understanding point that the only person getting the stick end of a 24 month contract is the consumer.

    • +1

      Yeah, but people still flock to them. When I sold sim only plans and no handsets 9 out of 10 people gave it a miss. Even after showing them the dollar for dollar difference.

      • +9

        bloody sad. I used to work at a place in SA called A&R computers, dodgey as and well known for it.

        I left after we started selling and pressure selling 24 month payment plans and rent to buy scams.

        They worked out if you have a $750-900 item, average joe of the street cant afford it, they dont get it. If they really need it they can get a low interest rate loan, end upp paying $150 to get the item on a payment plan over a year, fair enough.

        Then they started selling 24 month plans, rent to buys, they legally had to explain the total cost up front, despite it openly being disclosed that the store like telcos were gonna rip them off by atleast $500 to do this, people would still look at the monthly fee and be wrapped they were getting an expensive item in payments they wouldnt notice…

        Back then we also threw in internet with it, we'd claim their 500mb a month was worth another $30 a month so in the end they were coming out in front with all the bonuses (also a deal with a free 360).

        Anyone who could sit down and do the math in most basic forms would see it was a complete ripoff, but you distract people with ease of application, features and shiny distractions… they are easily lead.

        Now you can see why i didnt last there, can't have a conscience doing that stuff.

        Even with our nbn recently, sign up to the exact plan we are on now and get the modem for free, or go contractless and pay $100 for it.

        Had so many people go you are stupid paying the $100, internode are a great company best feed back you just handed $100 away in 2 years you will still be with them.

        If TPG decide to gut them we want an exit strategy, if we want to change plans we have options, most of all, we did not waive our rights which they make you do on the 24 month plan.

        Yet all my mates did? shows you how many people read the contracts…

        • Yeah that's interesting. I was reading about high interest car loans and why people took them and conclusion was they didn't see it as buying a car but a stream of payments. Could be the same psychology here.

        • +17

          @Icecold5000: I always got it taught this way.

          I'm going to hit you and it's going to hurt, you'l get a cool new phone thats shinyer than your current one and does a few more things but nothing life changing, it's a want not a need, you're getting the hit right to the face and it will hurt but you will get over it and you will have a toy that you can sell in a year meaning you don't have to get hit as hard if you want the newer one.

          Or I can slap you over the head, once a month, for two years. You won't even notice me doing it after a few months, but your gonna forget about it and i'm gonna come out of nowhere. Its not gonna hurt as much as being hit in the face, but when you've had other hits happpen, its not gonna go away you know im gonna slap you and if you forget i'm gonna do it you get slapped a bit harder the next month.

          After a year your going to get numb to it, but a new phone will come out, and those slaps are going to be more of a weight then a slap, you want to do things, you cant, you want the new phone you cant have it because you still owe being slapped 12 more times.

          Ill offer you a deal at this point though, in exchange for resetting the slap amounts, maybe adding a ring to the finger im slappping you with i'll reset the slaps back to 24, but ill give you this years phone and take your year old one i've slapped you so hard for, you dont get any bonus from being slapped 12 times for it, but ill give you the new one.

          Oh you just want me to stop slapping you so you can get go to someone else and see what they offer you, fine but instead of hitting you hard just once, I get to beat the crap out of you just once to make you free, im going to beat you to the original value of the phone despite it being worth 1/3rd of that now.

          Oh you just want to take the rest of the slaps and leave with your phone good on you, oh now your all slapped up, your phone is now nearly worthless.

          Yes irish parents lol. Good lesson in there though, i've heard asians telling a similar version.

        • +1


          It's interesting about how you factor the new phone in. Are people who take up these contract deals so devoid of the ability to consider the future that they don't think about about fast tech moves that they want something now and are willing to lock themselves in?

          I've never brought a phone or even had the internet on contract because I dislike being locked into a situation where I have no flexibility to move countries or I could lose my and therefore my credit rating. Not really concerned abut having the newest though.

          Dropping a K for a phone is a lot so I understand where people are coming from so maybe its willed blindness?

        • @typhoonadventure: Honest question, but is it always better to get sim only + purchase a separate phone?

        • +2

          @jikijiki: yeah at youthgroup it's what we've always taught kids.

          You workout better either buying a cheap phone, or researching the hell out of it, purchasing a second hand phone with all the gear to make sure it's been well looked after, make sure it's covered on your home and contents insurance (in case you drop it… at home) and you will end up way ahead of it you go on plan.

          Your also less likely to have your phone stolen if you arent rocking the latest model, as much as the kids hate it but if your upgrading your phone every year, but staying a year or two atleast behind the latest models, your less likely to have it stolen and most of the issues with the phones are known (like the current iphone/samsungs that are having battery issues), repair costs also come down.

        • +3


          you need tldrs

    • +1

      Only true if you are on a low plan

      Tax deducting 70% of my $100/month phone plan is $30 off/month. Making my outlay $70/month for a top of the line phone.

      Doing that on a month to month $50 sim is $15/month off. So 35 + phone (1000 at least/24) = at least 76/month. And most new phones now are over 1k anyway making the disparity more.

      Granted the difference is chump change to me but it also saves the initial outlay of cash which can be put to better use

      TLDR: sim only plans are no better financially than 24 month plans

      • +2

        you can tax deduct outright phone as well.

    • you want cheap monthly payments, then you need to have a long contract……..

      You can always buy your phone outright and go on a 'cheaper' monthly contract.

  • +13

    ColorOS 3.0, based on Android 5.1

    No thanks.

    • +2

      Probably on par with Samsung's bloatware level to be fair.

      • +3

        i voted both you guys up fyi :D Some moron had voted down your most very correct statement, i assume a sammy fanboi

        • +3

          Thanks mate, I'm a card holding Android fanboi but not a fan of Samsung!

        • @goingDHfast: Android ftw, anyone with half a brain knows that (even the mega-marketing indoctrinated apple fanbois will eventually figure it out), and I mean that with no sarcasm.

      • +6

        nothing compares to Samsung's bloatware….

        • +6 votes (currently) does not do justice to that comment, it deserves to be +600 at least. On behalf of the ozbargain community I apologize to you :)

      • The difference is that there's heaps of custom ROMs for Samsung. Not a lot for OPPO.

    • Not even sure they would ever release an update for Android 6.0 either.

      • +1

        Project Spectrum perhaps.

  • +2

    Available in Gold & Rose Gold

    Even with a case this would haunt me. What a shame.

    • +1

      Your joking right? I've got one with a case and do not notice at all!

      …then again I'm quite comfortable with myself and how I'm perceived

  • This is a pretty decent deal. Only really suits people that love a phablet size phone. 6 inch is too big for some people.

    • +1

      I just recently received the Xiaomi mi max as a gift, 6.44 inch. Initially it was absolutely massive, but after a few weeks use the screen size is beautiful, it surprisingly doesn't struggle to fit in my pockets and the battery life is awesome. Easily gets through two days with medium use.
      I can't even look at my old OnePlus one anymore without thinking how the hell did I use this tiny phone..

      • +4

        Just think of all those people with an iPhone 5/5s rocking that dinky lil 4 inch screen

        • +3

          Everybody is different and have their own preferences.

        • +7

          I've got a company iPhone 4 kicking around in the drawer I pull out to read e-mails sometimes… it's a phone for ants!

  • Just note this phone doesnt have NFC functionality

    • Had to google that. So basically just no phone tap payments. You can still turn the phone into a wifi hotspot and tether other devices to it right?

      • yes you can tether/hotspot, as that has NOTHING to do with NFC…..

  • +1

    Looks exactly like the iphone! How can they rip off the iPhone like this and not get sued.

    • +2

      Funny how you only said “iPhone” rather than a specific model of “iPhone”. Clearly shows Apple hasn't changed its design in years.

    • +1

      do you know iphone3 copied from sony's design, iphone6 copied HTC's design?

    • -2

      Yep even call it "rose gold"

      • +1

        Lol sorry apple didn't invent the colour rose gold. Happens to have middle eastern origins.

  • Do these plans include the data rollover that comes with their pre-paid sims? Can't seem to find anything about it.

  • +1

    You guys with 6" phones, which pocket do you put it in?

    • +4

      Mine's only 5½" but I tell people it's 6" and it lives in the left pkt.

      • Do you keep your keys in the same pocket or is it by itself?

        • Keys in the right

        • @nocure: How about wallet?

        • +1

          Don't carry a wallet, use my phone for all purchases

        • +1

          @nocure: Where do you keep your ID?

        • +1

          In the car

  • Is this a shuper AMOLED?

    • It is the same display on PS VR, perhaps?

  • +1

    Great Camera on this….

  • +1

    Thinking of getting this or an iPhone 6s on virgin for $55 per month. Hmmm.

    • How many GB is that iPhone?

      • iPhone 6s 32 GB but 2 GB data per month will not be enough for iPhone unless on WiFi all the time.

      • I was actually looking at the 16gb+$50 plan (4gb, $100 int, unlimited local calls/txt)

  • I nearly got it till I realised

    300 International Minutes
    To select destinations and numbers


  • +3

    I've had this phone for a couple of months. In hindsight, I'm happy I moved from a Note 5 to this instead of to the Note 7.

    The camera is especially good. Bigger screen with minimal bezel is good too. The speaker is better/louder than the Note 5 too.

    Disappointed that two bugs have still not been fixed in the recent firmware update though. A bug for Telstra customers only apparently, with handover between towers. It means that I don't receive calls or texts sometimes. Several times a day I have to turn on and off flight mode to reset phone/sms/internet connectivity. App alerts are also unreliable. So long as these get fixed, it's a really good phone.

    • +1

      In hindsight, I'm happy I moved from a Note 5 to this instead of to the Note 7.

      Well, duh. You wouldn't have a phone anymore if you moved to Note 7.

      I don't think this is an improvement over Note 5 though, unless you need SD card. The CPU and screen are inferior to the phone you 'upgraded' from.

  • If this was the R9S or R9S Plus I'd get it in a heartbeat.

  • Too bad the software of this phone is basically cancer

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