Fill you details to get a Free Shower Timers ~ Cheers
FREE Shower Timers

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Its a sample shower timer, i wonder how a sample works hmm interesting
it does say free shower timer until you get towards the address part then it gets all sampley
Please enter your postal address if you wish to receive a free shower timer sampleah..
I think it is because they are trying to sell to corporates, so you get one sample of the timer to see how it looks so you can customize it for your company…"Shower Timers are a great corporate gift idea. Thank your staff or clients while leaving a lasting impression."
haha yeah GREAT corporate gift idea. If we started handing this out to "clients while leaving" they would never come back, they'd be like wtf, are you hinting that we need to have a shower? lol
What, does sticking the suction cap on the staff or client leave an impression on the skin? lol!
Thanks, gave my last one away.
It looks like a timer with a suction cap on it
A freebie nonetheless
Can these things be used for egg timers or would that breach the Terms of Use ???
have a shower whilst it's cooking……
multitask :)That would void the warranty as you would be subjecting it to eggs-treme conditions.
That joke was BIBLICALLY bad! ;)
Hmm Biblically bad is ,
Q) How do you make a dog drink
A) Stick it in a blender
i liked your joke
I have 3 of these style ones (2 from herald sun and 1 from the melbourne water freebie), they usually either
a) fall off due to poor suction cup
b) stop timing and needs percussive maintenance to get going again.And occasionally the solution for b causes a.
"And occasionally the solution for b causes a."
At least you made me laugh.
shipping fee?
I just got an email asking for me to confirm my address so they can send me the shower timer.
Registered, received an email to confirm my address which I did.
I then received a phone call to re-confirm my details, during the phone call I was told the freebie would be immediately sent out.
I then (today - weeks later) receive an email saying sorry, we were over subscribed and cannot offer the free deal (fair enough), but please accept a $10 voucher.
I go to their online store and see they still have stock of the same product, and will sell one to me for $3.90 plus $11.05 freight = $14.95
After my $10 voucher, the same "free" product is now effectively offered to me for $4.95.
SORRY TODAE you've lost my goodwill and I won't be buying any more LED downlights from you for my home either ;-(
Same here
I guess at the end of the day it was a freebie, and if you get it great. If not.. move on.
Although I did decide to reply to the email to let them know I didn't agree with the process.
Got the same email
Can't get a "FREE" Shower Timer, ie, -without- revealing my credit card details…
Not worth the risk!
Same, no deal, my positive has turned into a negative, but the only people that will notice this are the people who got the email and will return to this thread.
Yeah got the same thing, they give you this coupon code for $10 voucher; showertimer11
Everything on there is overpriced, even an environmental bag, or greeting cards have $13+ shipping ea..
"You cannot revoke a vote that is more than 72 hours old." damn
They replied to my email and are going to honor the freebie, perhaps it was the line about tell all my friends what a 'great' experience I had with todae.
Not good Todae. At least you could have told people how many timers were being given out. Or how many days it was being offered. Sending $10 voucher that can buy nothing without forking out more. And I cannot believe that today (24 July) that website is still up telling people that you are giving out free shower timers. This is really bad.
Agree with everyone here. I think it is a scam.
Requested a sample, got an email to confirm address, then weeks later got sent out a sorry we run out of stock but this is a voucher which can not even be used for shipping.
So, a total lost of interest and confidence in this company. Plus, I will always warn people in the future about this company.Hi,
My name is Landon Kahn, Todae’s marketing manager.
I would like to explain the situation, the offer is not a scam but was over-subscribed. I do understand your frustrations though.
The website is a corporate website for orders of customised shower timers as promotional products for businesses and organisations. The “free sample” offer is intended for business people to obtain a sample before ordering customised shower timers - it is not intended as a freebie, but for businesses.
The offer is of course, a limited offer.
What happened was someone came across the site and listed it on various ‘discount’ sites including this one. We started receiving a number of free sample enquiries which we sent out. After a few days the situation hit critical mass and received several thousand requests per day and as it is a limited offer was therefore oversubscribed.
We could not send out timers to everyone (the thousands of people who applied), but did not want to disappoint people and decided the best way to do this is offer a no catch voucher to our store. Lots of people have taken up the offer and been extremely thankful for this.
In terms of the high shipping cost, I do agree our shipping cost is high. The reason for this is as follows:
We use a courier Toll Ipec to deliver the goods. Toll is an extremely reliable company and you can track your order. The way Toll freight works is freight is charged by how much it weighs…with a minimum of 3kgs (as stipulated by Toll Ipec). So this is why it is more expensive but they are reliable and we are able to track shipments, previously we have had other couriers/Aus Post lose too many parcels. So if you bought some more items the shipping would actually be the same, until they started to weigh more than 3kgs. We do not actually make any money on shipping, this is our cost price. If you are charged $10 to ship something, it costs us $10 to ship it to you.
Lastly, in regards to our pricing - the products we sell are environmentally friendly products and therefore incorporate the environmental cost of production; which most products don’t. Also a lot of our products are new technology and therefore enter the market with a premium price…it is the same with everything, e.g. when HD TV’s first entered the market they were very expensive but are now cheaper due to increased demand and decreased production costs…we hope our products become cheaper as well so everyone can use them. Our actual pricing in comparison to competitors is competitive, and in a number of cases, cheaper.
I hope this honestly answers your concerns, but I encourage further feedback and am happy to answer any questions.
Landon Kahn
Hi landonkahn,
I understand that your offer of Free shower timers was a marketing tool to attract more people to your website and your products.
I believe this offer of Free shower timer has to be honoured. Your excuse that you ran out of shower timers is not valid as just a quick look through your website shows that they are available.
$10 voucher that you offer doesn't make much sense as it only reduces the price of the product but not postage.
If I wanted to use this voucher to purchase a shower timer I would have to pay $6.25 for postage. This is absolutely ridiculous - $6.25 postage for a little timer!
And please don't tell me that you were using Toll Ipec to deliver all those Free shower timers.I hope you value your reputation and would do the right thing and honour your offer.
At least you should provide opportunity to use your $10 voucher to pay for the timer and postage. Otherwise, instead of desired result of attracting more customers you will get the opposite result of really bad publicity.
P.S. You are trying to justify high prices. How can you justify the price of Low Energy 11W Compact Fluorescent Down Light GU10 at $22.95??? I just recently bought some for $8 a piece.
Hi Bob,
Unfortunately there is a misunderstanding about the showertimers. It is not a "freebie" offer, we were not using it as a marketing tool to attract people to our website. The offer is for a sample, for businesses wanting to purchase customised shower timers so they can see the product before they order.
The site has been live for about 18 months and has served its purpose for businesses looking for promotional products. The site does clearly state the offer of a sample is for businesses, so it is an unfortunate situation.
We do have timers in stock, but only about 100, as I mentioned businesses purchase 'customised' shower timers so we order them as orders come in. Our stock of 100, is not sufficient to service the thousands of requests that came in.
Again just re-enforcing, the desired result was not to attract customers, it is unfortunate it has been perceived as this - the site is a B2B site.
In terms of pricing, I understand this however you need to compare apples with apples. This is a Megaman downlight and is a premium product, so is more expensive than the cheaper CFL lights available. Also we unfortunately do not have the buying power of Woolworths or Bunnings, so we cannot compete with them in terms of pricing.
Again, thanks for your feedback.
Landon Kahn
Wow great thanks :D