Price drop on these 2 plus use code for $20 off :)
Microsoft Lumia 950 $329 Delivered (use code 3iumaz29w) Sold out
Microsoft Lumia 950XL $429 Delivered (use code ANOV5)
Microsoft Lumia 950 $329 Delivered, Microsoft Lumia 950XL $426.55 Delivered @ Microsoft Store

Last edited 28/11/2016 - 12:01 by 2 other users
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I really like my Windows Phone, though since even MS themselves rarely support their own phone I would find it hard to recommend
That's a shame. Back in the Windows Mobile days I owned quite a few and was really annoyed that despite having reflashable firmware is was very unlikely a device would ever see an update.
I was assuming since these were Windows 10 first party devices, they'd be supported well. Guess i assumed wrongly.
Thankfully the OS still gets updates… the app ecosystem though is a post apocalyptic wasteland of old and 3rd party versions of popular apps, even the first party MS apps are behind or not even on Win Mobile.
There are tonnes up updates coming through, not necessarily on the production channel but they do eventually make it there. I am on the Windows Insider Program (sort of an early/beta testers program) and there is a new version with bug fixes/small improvements every 2-3 weeks. While the program is for testing software, for me with my 950XL I have found it to be relatively stable and every update seems to be making it more and more stable, probably more stable than any other Android handset I have owned.
With that said, I would have to agree with spiritek, it is getting harder to recommend with a future not looking very optimistic.
Is it easier/better to use a windows phone with gmail/google stuff now? I had a windows phone briefly a couple years ago and couldn't get push notifications on gmail emails, and I think I wasn't able to delete emails from the notifications when I got them.
I don't use a ton of apps on my phone but it just seemed like a pain to use my gmail account, the one thing I do use a lot, with the microsoft phone.
I am not 100% sure as I don't use my Google account for email, but from the information I have seen previously seems to suggest it's okay.
I just had a look at my phone and in the add account section there is a Google option with the updated Google logo, so that may mean email sync is better.
The only service from Google I use is YouTube and for that I have installed the MyTube app which is FANTASTIC. It also is installed on my laptop and soon will be on my Xbox One when it is available.
I use gmail on a Lumia 950 and it works perfectly for email, calendar and contacts.
Hmmmm, thanks, I will have to look into it. When I had my windows phone I could add my Google account, but for email my syncing options were for like 15 or 30 minutes instead of instant which was really annoying.
I always found Windows Phone 8 the best for all emails, had no problem adding all of my gmail/outlook/exchange accounts to the built in mail client, and always got push notifications etc for all accounts.
All indications are that they will go for an emulation path for x86 with project "Cobalt" in Redstone 3:…
I wonder whether harvey norman will price match these.
It requires code for reduction so no. Hardly normal don't donprice match giving ridiculous reasons - the best I have heard is " we can't match officeworks because they are discount retailer"
Willing to consider at $99 and $129 #firesaletime.
I bought XL at $449 from the last post. The phone kept heating up and restarting. The plastic back cover doesn't feel good. Returned to MS and got my money back.
I also have the same model. It gets really hot when I'm using it heavily. Any chance you have a micro SD card at the back as well? I'm thinking because I ask to save apps, photos and videos to my SD card, it gets hot.
Lucky for me though my phone doesn't restart.
Phone gets hot because of the snapdragon model. Androids had the same problem.
It definitely is worth getting a alternative back such as… - they look awesome and feel great. Even adding the $50 the phone is way, way cheaper than an iPhone etc, assuming it has the apps you need.
No problems for me with 950XL - runs cool except normal bit of extra heat like all phones when fast charging or gaming. No restarts.
tempting on the sd808 version but the WINDOWS store.. just not sure I could live with it.
other then the lack of apps I actually really like windows OS .. hmm
I purchased 950xl few months ago when 499 at harvey. Great phone IMO. Fast, awesome camera and has the apps i need for daily use. I buy outright every couple years and with the sale of my Lumia 1520, it effectively only cost me 250. Bargain upgrade really and I cant justify paying 1k for the samsung/apple range for my needs. And in terms of not having the apps, I think the gap has closed the past 12mnths but again I am in my late 20s and don't need all the latest apps etc
You got rid of your Lumia 1520 for $249? How??
Gumtree. Then the buyer tried to immediately flip for a profit for $400. So mis informed lol
What was even funnier is I bought it retail from Harvey for 320 2 yrs ago on sale. And before that i sold my Lumia 925 for even the same way. I have had it good!
Yap,for the price of a flagship elsewhere, I can't justify buying them outright. Got the dock and the phone for 400, still within warranty.
I do miss my banking apps. It's much simpler to use on an android. But the camera, just wow. I keep going back to it.Trying to find a genuine battery to have as back up is hard though.
I tend to over research everything before i buy! to me the lumia 925 was the nicest quality and the old nokia camera features were the best.
my lumia 1520 i loved, awesome camera, awesome battery life and the screen was good for me as i dont make many calls and work at an office, so size wasn't an issue.
when buying the 950xl i thought the drop in screen size (albeit higher resolution) would have been hard for me but i was pleasantly surprised. straight away i enjoyed it more than the 1520.
i have found with the recent updates (i'm on 'release preview' insider) the battery has been really good, almost identical to the lumia 1520. i get through a day with quite heavy internet and sms use with about 40% left. i just charge over night so i haven't thought of needing a spare.
for banking i did hate that ANZ hadn't made a windows app but tbh i dont find the mobile website too bad on the phone.
the camera is fantastic! and the 2k video record with option to save 8mp photos is super handy too. i just miss the 'nokia' lumia apps that i had on my 1520. the microsoft branded lumias dont get them all i.e. action shot, best face etc.
have you considered a case with battery in it through ebay? or are you wanting to stick genuine?
Agree, the 925 was a sexy beast. The 830 should have followed this design tbh.
I also had the lumia 1520, great build quality and everything you've said. The problem with both the 925 and the 1520 was the non removable battery. I tend to keep my phone for at least 3 years, and by that stage I get a fair reduction in battery life.
I was on release preview…then fast ring…and had some overheating issues (much more than normal anyways), so decided to stick with stock standard firmware (ie, not even release preview).
The design of the 950xl feels…like it's a beta device. Like they're trying to do a final preview unit before they release the surface phone (potentially next year according to some reports). In saying that, the screen is great and it syncs my google calendar/gmail without issues.
The camera is just amazing. Microsoft/Nokia went with quality as opposed to quantity. By that I mean, instead of just burst shooting so that you "don't miss a moment" (like on other phones), each shot you take with the lumia is pure quality. I find the Rich HDR is the best thing on a phone, a true innovation. It lets you adjust the amount of HDR you want, or the amount of flash with Rich Capture. It's slower, true, but the quality is above and beyond anything and everything else on the market.
Oversampling is also done much better as opposed on the sony. Though, admittedly, the lumia 1020 is the best at this…
Others argue that "don't miss a moment", well like you said, you can set the camera button to take a video. You then simply choose an 8mp frame and save that shot! win-win. Ah yes, the lenses. Hopefully they add that overtime.
Yes, you can do some work around with banking apps; though I find the website slightly slower than an app on android.
I'd prefer genuine, just to be safe haha. Case with a battery makes the phone a bit bulkier, so I try to avoid those.
Did I mention Continuum? I'd better not digress…
I think the gap has closed the past 12mnths
It's not just a numbers, but features gap. The official CBA app looks like it was made alongside Android Froyo and wasn't updated since. Uber still missing core functionality like Eats. Spotify still not supporting Connect like every other version. FB apps (FB, Messenger Instagram) constant stability and touch issues because of the emulation layer, etc. and that's on top of the truly missing apps like Snapchat, Pokémon Go, Google stuff, etc.
I guess in my experience the apps I need function fine. But I understand your point and I know alot of people still prefer android/ios for those reasons. But it is always up to individual needs etc.
But for me I have found I like the 950xl and windows mobile
Umm the 950xl was released just as expensive as Samsung flagship models. Plenty of flagships after 12 months have lost over half their original release Price like the 950xl has now. This isn't just a windows phone thing, though windows phones depreciate fast compared to most and harder to resell. The s6 another 2015 flagship has often been sold for around the $500 Mark too according to ozbargain deals. The hp x3 is the phone you'd be looking at if you wanted a 2016 model windows flagship. And we all know how expensive that phone is currently.
Yeah from an ozbargain point of view it's always better to buy flagship phones between 6 to 12 months after release. Especially the less popular models like the Lumias and the lg flagships, as they seem to depreciate much faster in value than comparable more popular phones.
Yep, I don't think I have ever bought anything soon after release. Always better value for money to wait a bit. There are people out there though that purchase the new iphone or galaxy every year for the joy of having the latest and "greatest"
In US for Black Friday you can buy 950XL and get 950 + Display Dock for free,…
Damn! Wish we had gotten this deal. I just bought the 950 but did want the display dock had it been bundled… still $329 is a decent discount on $399.
Even with conversion that's a really good deal. Of course how to get it here is a different question.
Yeah, I loaded up the webpage to see how it would go send it to AU but the 'State' option is all US and there's no Country field. Oh well.
So that means this is probably the lowest price we'll see these phones go down to… glad I snapped one up then. I don't particularly agree with that article… I like the Windows Phone OS more than iOS or Android so this is a win for me.
Using code ANOV5 brings the LUMIA 950 XL down to $426.55
I've had such a crappy time with my 640XL that it's hard for me to jump on this deal. My 530 was an excellent cheapo phone and sold me on the Win Phone environment, but the 640XL has had so many performance issues that I worry that it's the OS itself rather than the phone's hardware causing many of these frustrations.
Anyway, that's my two cents - hopefully the 950s don't suffer from these same shortcomings
Bought my wife a Galaxy S7 last week, and was impressed by some aspects - the premium feel, the apps!, the battery life, and the stunning camera. Yesterday I got a 950 as a replacement for a dead 930 (thank you HN Mt Gravatt) - and despite the less than "premium" look and feel, I still like it more. The thing sees in the dark (the S7 is just good), love the double tap to wake, the live tiles, the "snappiness" of W10. Not enjoying the average battery life tho'.
With the "apps" - I'm finding many apps are just skins for mobile websites. For example the Android BOM app is a skin over The killer difference - the pinned tile on a 950 opens almost instantly, whereas the Android app is slower to open and then slower to refresh.
Facebook on W10M is terrible - with marketplace groups you can't see the first post details, just the poster.
Also the "out of the box" experience with W10 is pretty indifferent - a lot of restarts, and it really only seems to work happily with the latest insider release (not trying one of the "rings").
$329 for a 950 is brilliant. You can get 2 of these for 1 GS7…
The FB app was ported and is not great. At approx 100Mb, one of the largest apps in the W10M store and consequently takes ages to load. It would be an improved experience if FB develop a UWP version of the app. Recommend use the mobile FB web page.
You must be using the Microsoft version. Get the Facebook app developed by Facebook. It still crappy, but you'll be able to view Posts properly in groups.
pretty sure I am using the newer one - the original MS one was pulled.
I was replying to willyroo. You can still use the Microsoft version as it comes preinstalled on the phone. It has the issue of not displaying posts properly in groups.
Can you use gps maps for offline navigation with voice instructions?
The Maps app on Windows Phone is great - yes offline, with voice, speed alerts etc. Great interface, maps are still based on Here maps.…
This is not even the cheapest yet, look at American what they get: FREE Dock and FREE 950 if they buy a 950XLWow. I am guessing those phones would not work here?
Microsoft .. doing its best to maintain disparity around the World!
Anyone know if you can stack codes i have a code and would love to try one of these as well to bring price down is this possible
My 640XL's camera is dying (cannot save pictures anymore)…was thinking to get a replacement. Is the 950XL worth the extra money over the 950?
Bite the bullet and just order the 950….I hope I am making the right choice.
You won't regret it!
Thanks OP, I bought the 950 when the sale was on but just received a call from MS saying they had run out of stock so they offered to upgrade me to the 950XL instead which I happily accepted so now I'm getting the 950XL for $329, hopefully I don't mind the extra size but coming from a 920 its still actually lighter 😊
I got the same call too!! But I am wondering if I should go for the 950XL or just cancel the 950?? What do you guys think…is 950XL better than the 950?
Its got the 810 processor over the 808 so its slightly faster but also some heat issues with this… but most other things are the same except the size of cause so if you're ok with the bigger handset its an easy decision and resale might be better but with windows mobile you're not going to get much really.
Thanks I am not too worried about resell value of the phone. I am more worried about issues with the phone considering I am going to use it as my main phone…
I find these phones quite tempting, and I wonder if Microsoft will manage to bring Win32 API apps to Continuum. As an Android dev by profession I was disappointed they cancellled the Android layer they were building.