This was posted 8 years 3 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

DOOM and Fallout 4 £11.11 (Approx $18.74 AUD) @ GameBillit


Insane prices for both of these games! I know this is a historic low for DOOM, not sure about Fallout 4 however. I received my DOOM code instantly after I paid.

Must change currency to British pound to get these prices.

Doom - Out of stock

Fallout 4 -

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Finally under AUD $20 each for both games. Is this seller legit?

    • +18

      Hopefully he is, or else we're all doomed

      • +17

        Imagine the Fallout if he is not!

      • Yeah I hope so too, or else there will be a fallout between Mr Sheepie and me.

        Edit: firefly ninja-ed me :)

    • Seems to use the same payment checkout as humblebundle

    • +3

      Theyre legit, deals from them are regularly posted on reddit where only legit sellers are allowed

      • Reddit sellers are not always legit. I have been screwed over by one of the Mods of the Microsoft key seller pages as has one of my mates - sold me a non-working key and won't respond to messages.

        • +1

          I dont mean reddit sellers, this is just a subreddit where people post deals from legitimate third party website similar to ozbargain just games

        • @GossipGoat:

          That is what I am talking about too. A subreddit for Microsoft Key sellers.

  • I got my Doom key for $15 after applying the BLACK20 code at checkout. Awesome!

    • +1

      Isn't that USD $15, not AUD $15?

      • +1

        Yeah you're right.. ended up being AU$20.30 on my statement

        • +1

          I made the same mistake as you, forgot to change the currency from USD to Pound XD

  • Noo… I bought doom for 28. Jibbed!

    • Steam? Refund!

      • eBgames :(

        • I'm in the same boat as you man. Still, way cheaper than the ~80 usd steam normally ask for.

  • +2

    For the XB1/PS4 versions of both Doom and Fallout 4, they will all be $18 tomorrow at Target

  • No Paypal option?

    Safe to use credit details raw on that site?
    The Alipay option asks for lots of info

    • +1

      Yeah, no PayPal option is the only thing stopping me at the moment

      (Mainly because I don't have a credit card)

      • No debit cc?

        • Nope, only have an Eftpos card, which is useless for online transactions.

      • +2

        Personally I spent the extra 1-2 bucks and bought from Gamesplanet. Legit official reseller and paypal option.

    • Alipay is safer and better than PayPal. The money is not immediately sent to the seller like with PayPal, instead it sits in escrow for awhile so if you ever need to claim your money back it's an instant thing. It's ran by the owners of AliExpress & AliBaba which are a much much bigger operation/company than eBay/PayPal.

  • +2

    Fallout 4 so good :)

  • Guys, added Doom and Fallout 4 at GameBillet, used the coupon code BLACK20 and it took my total down to $30(US)/22.22 pounds/26.67 euros!

  • Tried it - got the key instantly good one Op

  • Is Doom Steam? I want to play this on PC, how much you reckon I could sell my PS4 copy for?

    • +1

      $15 if you lucky

    • Sell it on Scumtree

    • Yes

    • DOOM will be $18 brand new at Target tomorrow so i'd say you could prob get $10-15 for it on gumtree/facebook?

  • Thanks Mr Sheepie order went through without a hitch. (I just use AP Load&Go for these type of purchases)Downloading now to Steam.

  • $18 AUD for Doom, thanks OP!

  • +1

    no paypal dam.

  • Thanks, got Fallout 4 for $15 USD

  • was going to pull the trigger up until the payment page… no paypal, alipay not working only left with CC payment. No thanks.

  • Is fallout 4 any good? I've heard mostly bad reviews of it saying it's pretty boring and badly made? I hear Doom is awesome but so thinking of grabbing it. Thanks OP!

    • +1

      Played fallout for 5 hours and then sold it. Found it super boring. But then again I've found it hard to get into any Bethesda games

      • Yeah similar to what other friends have said. Huge hype and huge disappointment. Check witcher 3 if you haven't already.

        • This. Witcher 3 is the bomb!

        • @htrans: Bought DOOM and Fallout 4, of course also waiting for Witcher 3 GOTY to reduce to AUD $20 :p

        • @edfoo: I'm still deciding whether or not to get fallout 4. I haven't been a fan of the series but I'm willing to give it another go.

          I just got my hands on GOTY edition PS4 and just found out my old save file doesn't transfer, I'm forced to play it all over again..I'm loving every minute!

    • Fallout 4 is one of my favorite games of all time. I have over 2 days of play time. Get it now.

    • +2

      Doom is amazing. Can't say the same for Fallout 4 though, extremely boring, and this is coming from someone with 200+ combined hours on FO3 and FO:NV.

    • I'm currently addicted to it.

      If you like Fallout 3 you will love it. This one you can actually play like an FPS a lot of the time without using VATS which makes it a less of a grind than than 3 IMO.

      Metacritic has a score of 84% from 38 reviews.

    • +1

      Fallout 4 is super boring, lots of randomly generated quests, scaled enemies, and a story which has the depth of a partially evaporated puddle.

    • I personally loved Fallout 4 and I highly recommend you try it.
      It is somewhat more linear than new Vegas but it does improve a lot of things.

      Honestly it's only the recent reviews that have been negative, when the game was released it was only met with high praise which suggests a little bit of hate bandwagoning. Don't get me wrong Fallout 4 isn't perfect and everyone has the right to say they didn't enjoy the game, but it's honestly not as bad as people say it is. A lot of people compare it to NV without realising just how rough and unpolished NV actually was, both are great games but suffer from different problems.

      My suggestion to you would be to play it for a bit and refund it if necessary. If you're super picky about being able to pick a "true evil" path or something that is heavily impacted by your dialogue choices than Fallout 4 isn't for you, but I still recommend trying it out. I have 174 hours clocked thus far and I have loved every moment.

    • Interesting. I enjoyed fallout 3 (although I ended up having to use walkthroughs to actually get to the end because of all the side quests).

      I hated new vegas (never finished it). But fallout 4 was probably the best of the lot. That being said the story was pretty average, but actual gameplay was good fun.

  • Thanks, got Doom!

  • annoying that there is no paypal but that adds to the cost for the seller
    the site uses stripe for processing payments
    which, to my limited understanding, means the site does not handle the cc details, stripe does.

  • Put an order through for 2 copies of Doom a couple of hours ago , credit card shows a charge of $37.48, but no codes or email and nothing is showing up under my order history.. anyone else having any issues?

    • 32 minutes ago, my order was instant.

    • I ordered 4 hours ago and still no key, card has been charged $21.30 AU. its in the order history as complete but still nothing. A bit concerned…

      • +1

        Actually I just got in contact with them, and they were very quick to reply and got it all sorted. They had to get in contact with their payment processor (Stripe).

  • +1

    Tip: Use British pounds instead of USD for better conversion rate.

  • Should put PC in the title!

  • Many thanks OP picked up doom for $15 using BLACK20, looks awesome!

  • +1

    Thank you so much, I just purchased for well under 20 AUD! I'm looking forward to playing this in 6 months when it finishes downloading!

    • Still on dial-up internet?

  • Such a good game

  • Thanks OP, just grabbed DOOM for ~$15Aud. Wow!

    • How did you get AUD $15? ;)

      • I just followed the above instructions from various contributors. Select the pound as the currency and use BLACK20 in the voucher box on the payment page. I also used a Citibank M/C so no exchange fees.

        The $15Aud is an estimate as I do not have the transaction showing in the citibank app yet. It is based on a GBP price of 11.11 and the current exchange rate with the pound.

  • Doom is out of stock. Just purchased it by CC (against my better judgment), received instant confirmation email, followed by a refund email. I now have to wait 10 days for a refund on something I thought I owned for a brief few seconds. Not terribly impressed or happy, but as the Germans say scheisse happens.

    • Report button above, report as part expired.

  • Got an order confirmation instantly, but no follow up email with the keys after 3 hours. Logged into the account and the keys were viewable against my account so no it works out. Fallout 4 was "Fallout 4 WW" (worldwide edition?).

  • Got the game, thanks OP… Now to wait 7 hours for the game to download :c

  • Same don't get an email with the key but log in to account, click link and it is viewable there. Activates on steam no issues.

  • silly question but i want to buy this but!)Fallout 4) I have been testing the game under another avenue! will i start again? loose my save game? can i copy paste something?

    • Ita quite possible to transfer your save file from your previous "legitimate" copy of FO4, a quick Google will help, I don't see it being more than a copy and paste of the save file, but make sure versions are the same.

  • 7

  • what are the current bargains on fallout 4 seasons pass? I liked the fallout series.

  • Not sure if BLACK20 works, but I used WINTERSALE for 20% off and got Fallout 4 for $15

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