This was posted 8 years 4 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Titanfall 2 $36, Battlefield 1 $52, Watch Dogs 2 $52 and More. PS4/XB1. Target 4 Day Gaming Sale


4 Day Gaming Sale coming up at Target. Some incredible prices. Credit goes to Benny Harford from a Facebook gaming group I follow. He posted the catalogue scan. Can't seem to find it on Target's site yet.

FIFA 17 $52 XB1/PS4
Titanfall 2 $36 XB1/PS4
Battlefield 1 $52 XB1/PS4
Dishonored 2 $45 XB1/PS4
Watch Dogs 2 $52 XB1/PS4
Destiny Collection $59 XB1/PS4
Call of Duty Infinite Warfare $52 XB1/PS4
Skyrim $45 XB1/PS4
No Mans Sky $39 PS4
Deus Ex Mankind Divided $35 XB1/PS4
Uncharted 4 $39 PS4
Rise of the Tomb Raider $49 PS4

PS4 Dual Shock controllers (excluding Cammo controller) - $68 each
PS4/XB1 Doom - $18
PS4/XB1 Fallout 4 - $18
Wii/WiiU/X360 Just Dance 2017 - $22
PS4 500GB SLIM console - $309
Lego Dimensions Starter Packs - $69
XB1 500GB S Console with Minecraft and Forza 5 - $365

And finally the COD Infinite Warfare price is a mistake - will be $52 not $59

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Target Australia
Target Australia

closed Comments

  • +35

    WOW titanfall $36 that's a steal.

    EDIT: Deus Ex is also a great buy :D

    • Does titanfall still have many users playing? I thought it was a flop?

      • This is the new one not the old

        • the new one is a bigger flop than the old, thanks to EA's boneheadded decision to release it in the week between BF1 and CoD:IW. How often does a big release game get sold for 50% within weeks of release?

        • Just a heads up to everyone in this thread;
          - The sale ends tomorrow
          - There is little to NO stock left for certain titles (Titanfall 2, Fifa 17)

          … so don't be sad, do what I did;
          - Goto your local GameStop EB Games
          - Pickup the title
          - Ask them to price match it

          Done : D

      • now there will be by the time the sale finishes

    • Costco Ringwood…

      Xbox One Games: Battlefield 1 @$49.98
      Titanfall 2 @ $33.97
      wATCHDOG 2 @ $49.98
      fifa17 @ $ 49.98

      • I hate going to Costco.
        They even have bouncers at the doors waiting to inspect you, before they let you in to their club.
        And they always give me the same excuse to turn me away:
        "sorry, you need nicer shoes buddy"

        Meanwhile, girls in thongs just walk straight through the door without a glance.

        What do they have that I don't ??

  • +16

    This is honestly ridiculous

    • +5

      It honestly is! I feel for anyone who bought titanfall at release! I will 100% be picking it up.

      • +10

        Nah, worth itat full price.
        One of my favourite games of the year.

        • +1

          Played the butt off Titanfall. Like, played it a lot. Got excited over Titanfall 2 and bought it at release… buyers remorse here. It's a nice game, but has lost its original feel and just feels like a COD/MW clone now, just with big robots. The single player is nice this time around, but the PvP element is not the same as Titanfall's original.

          That being said, for this price, its and awesome game. Kind of want to trade mine in and buy this copy instead. :D

        • are the servers still empty with everyone playing battlefield 1?

        • @furythree: Apparently :( pretty disappointed too, I enjoyed the first one but got over it when the PC servers became a ghost town

        • @pegaxs: Most of players didnt like the original Titanfall and that was the reason it was an epic fail. Why will they make 2 like 1 again?

        • @Gaggy: I have not heard that. All of the players I have all talked to have said the same thing. Loved the first version, second version doesn't feel the same.

          As for the first one being an epic fail is a bit of a stretch. I find myself returning to it as my fall back game when all other content has dried up in games I play. I don't like CoD or MW type games. So I still play Titanfall more than I play Titanfall 2.

          Metacritic has it at 86%, which isn't bad. So, it seems that "most players" seem to have rated the original Titanfall pretty high. And the reason they didn't make it the same was because people would complain it was the same. But the changed the feel of it to appeal more to the MW:AW/IW types (ie: 12yo squeakers)

        • @pegaxs: Its not a stretch my friend and dont go for the hyped reviews online. Very good ratings for Titanfall2 as well.
          The Titanfall game was selling for $10-15 after few months and still servers were empty. ( Proof, I owned the game and stopped playing due to high latency with Asian servers).

          Get BF1….

        • @Gaggy: Well, what I think is… insert some time wasting reply that will get dismissed and refuted with no evidence

          You believe what you want too and I will stick to what I know that contradicts what you say. I'm going to agree to disagree and leave it at that.

          And on BF1… insert another BF1 comment that will result in butthurt and half page reply

        • @pegaxs: Lol. Evidence? Check its price. It was cheaper for a reason. Sorry to wake you up from your dreamworld.

        • @Gaggy: "Yawn"

    • +1

      Get that up ya EB stooge! Hope you lose heaps of sales because of this.

      • Why would I care?

        • -1

          You cared enough to call it ridiculous. I call it a great day for tight arse gamers everywhere sticking it to EB and their rip off prices hahahahaha.

        • +3

          @High Score King: but the prices are ridiculous lol. I think everyone is agreeing on that. $36 for a new release game is crazy.

        • -3

          @noodlesfordaddy: Ok Mr EB Games Australia representative kindly tell me where the hell is the winner of the Gears of War 4 Harley Davidson bike competition?

        • +3
        • +4

          @noodlesfordaddy: It really seems like High Score King has an obsession with EB Games at this point

        • @noodlesfordaddy: There was no Harley to give away in the first place. What a sham.

        • +2

          @moneybaby: check his comment history…he truly does. he even follows EB competitions so that he can complain when he didn't win.

  • +4

    Wow, that's cheaper than the xbox games in the US Black Friday deals

  • Wow.. That Titanfall 2 price is awesome.

    • +3

      It's even better considering all future map dlc will be free.

    • $35 at Big W :)

  • +43

    Why not pc???

    • +8

      Don't understand why someone neg you? Yes, why no PC games?

      • +12

        Because stores hardly ever sell PC games anymore, because:
        1) Most users purchase online, not phyiscal copies.
        2) MUCH less PC gamers than consoles, more risk of stock not selling (eg. BLOPS3 still be on clearance at Target).

        • +14

          By far point number 1, not necessarily number 2. Issue is that there are so many avenues of purchasing games online for cheaper than in store.

        • +1

          WhitePC Power

        • I disagree. My local Target has 30 copies of The Sims 4 (and its expansions)….
          That is the ONLY PC game that they have, but still….good amount of stock :P
          Man I hate The Sims :/

        • @rodinthink: I think you have got the wrong end of the stick when they are talking about the PC Master Race ;)

        • Is there some way where xb1 games also can be owned for free on PC on the same Windows account?

        • @chyawala:

          Only MS games.

        • +1

          Most gamers are in their 30s who has money but no time. Hence console is the choice not PC anymore

        • @chyawala: Only select digital games from the Windows Store/Xbox Store. Microsoft markets them as "Xbox Play Anywhere". Games that come to mind are Forza Horizon 3, Gears of War 4, and the not yet released Halo Wars 2

        • The PC game market is larger than that of either of the consoles now.



          WoW, Dota2 and others generate quite a bit of revenue.

          But 1) is the big thing. PC games are purchased online. Even buying physical copies is often just about going online and finding the cheapest copy.

    • +4

      $47 on Origin with coupon titan20

      • mmm, why pay $47 when you can pay $37!

        • +2

          Maybe because you don't have to pay extra to play the game online on pc?

    • Because Steam

  • +2

    Titanfall 2 is being discounted everywhere but that's actually cheaper than the Black Friday sales in the US!


  • +1

    bf1 price is best so far

    • +3

      If only it was for masterrace too

      • +6

        They can masterbait instead.

      • Best we can get is $60 at ebgames (Price Match target). That's how i bought it last week

  • +1

    Dont have either of these consoles yet but will buy B1 and Deus Ex
    Hope they dont release a decent bundle with either of those games in a few weeks…. lol

    Titanfall 2 any good? $36 wow… Why the sudden price drop though, its fallen off a cliff

    • +23

      EA sent it out to die unfortunately. Has been well received critically however they launched it right around BF1 and COD. If they had launched in September or waited until Feb/March it may have been a different story.

    • +4

      Movement system is the best in any shooter so far. Something just feels a bit off in BO3 and IW's movement. Titanfall 2 also makes far better use of it. Dont forget all DLC is free and NO Season Pass. Plus a brilliant and varied campaign that is also reasonably short. Great game. Abs must buy.

  • +1

    Awesome deals. Thanks OP.

  • +1

    was waiting for ebay sales but no need anymore thanks, hopefully ill be quick enough on the day

  • Ugggggh, any idea if I could pricematch eb games for a PC version?

    • +3

      You want to price match different products?

      • +2

        Yes. Spot on.

        • +9

          Try price matching a hard drive with this at Officeworks first.

        • @Orpheus: OMG genius!

  • +1

    Wow..bought titanfall at $69 !!!

  • +4

    This will be awesome more people playing titanfall 2 !

  • +2

    Only games on the catalog or other games as well?

  • +7

    omg its hapenning again,i just got a ps4, have not finished one game yet and already have a pile of shame because of deals..argh

    • I bought a PS4 last year, amassed a pile of games thanks to ozbargain…sold it all…

      I just bought a PS4 again, slim this time and I can feel the vicious cycle starting again…I'm dirty I bought doom for $27

      • actually 27 is what i paid, i thought it was 37 for some reason. ok i dont feel bad now :)
        if anyone is interested, kontrolfreek fpsfreak sticks for ps4 are 20 shipped here…
        I hope they work, getting my ass handed to me. dont feel to bad getting a ps4 instead of upgrading pc. the deals have been bloody good lately.

    • +17

      It does say starts 25 November…

    • +3

      Strange indeed.

  • picked up Titanfall 2 for $50 last week, & here it is cheaper lol. will definitely pick of BF1 for that price though

  • Dammit, bought TF2 this morning for $47 in the other deal……do origin price match? :)

    (edit: Looks like this deal is only for XB1? The other one was for PC)

    • +1

      Stress not. Also i think you need eyewear glasses as no where does it say the other one is PC. The catalogue page has it for Xbox One and Playstation 4 only. So there's nothing for Origin to price match since these in the Target sale are console game versions.

  • +6

    Amazing prices, can't help but thing Target is pulling out of gaming soon surely… it seemed that way a few months ago.

    • +2

      I really hope not I buy most of my games from there they always have fair prices

    • +19

      Not happening bro - this is just a 4 day promotion. Nothing more than that!

    • +3

      It could happen as the same person who ripped games out of Kmart is doing the Target restructure. So be prepared when prices start tumbling all of a sudden like what happened at Kmart when GTA5 and Destiny dropped to $20.

      • -1

        Interesting was not aware of this, is this person restricting Target globally or just AU as I think there a fairly big games retailer in the US aren't they?

        • +5

          Target Australia Pty Ltd is part of the Wesfarmers Ltd group and has no affiliation with Target Corporation US

        • @durd0008:
          Ha I had no idea of that either shows how clued up I am!

        • Only in Oz. And if we lose Big W that leaves JB-Hi Fi and EB Games with the whole market to themselves.

  • +1

    Wow these prices are crazy. Haven't played Tomb Raider since ps1 days so I'll pick that up and Titanfall 2.

    Even though I probably won't get around to playing them for ages

    • playing TR right now, its awesome. Just a bit below uncharted 4 in quality

    • Aren't the majority of PC games just console ports nowadays?

      • For sure. They almost always look better better on PC, but its mostly fps is just better with keyboard/mouse. Just look at overwatch console vs pc

        • Can't argue with that :)

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