This was posted 8 years 4 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Steam Link US $30.66 (~AU $41), Steam Controller + Case US $46.25 (~AU $62) Delivered @ Amazon

This post contains affiliate links. OzBargain might earn commissions when you click through and make purchases. Please see this page for more information.

Looks like Black Friday has came early, what a bargain from for the steam link.

Perfect time to combine with the $10 off offer to bring the steam link down to US $20.66 (~AU $28) Delivered.

Steam Link
Steam Controller without case US $43.54 (~AU $59)
Steam Controller + Controller Case US $46.25 (~AU $62) Thanks Agret

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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Amazon US
Amazon US

closed Comments

  • +2

    If you buy both, you get free shipping. And with $10 off it comes to 44.98 USD~ 61 AUD. Or is there no free shipping to Australia?

    • +2

      No, there's no free shipping to Australia.

    • +1

      No free shipping to Aus.
      So it's $69 USD shipped to Australia.

    • No free shipping to Aus.

  • +1

    Seems like the price dropped right after you posted the deal.

    • The title includes shipping:

      Order Summary
      Items: $19.99
      Shipping & handling: $10.67
      Total before tax: $30.66
      Estimated tax to be collected: $0.00
      Order total: $30.66

  • Nice price on the Link…great device - it just works.

  • +5

    far better pricing than EBgames crap

  • +1

    Am I doing something wrong? It says no shipping to AUS for steam link
    EDIT: Ignore, just a glitch

  • +1

    $85AUD for x1 Steam Link + x1 Steam Controller including shipping.

    Just use that $10USD discount code (~$14AUD) and instead of using Amazon's AUD/USD converter, leave it on USD and use a credit card that doesnt charge international transaction fees (Bankwest, ANZ, Citibank etc)

  • Reviews advises that keyboard\mouse & PS4 controller via BT works!

    • I bought the steam link last time it came up.

      Plug in a PS4 controller with usb, it picks it up and it works automatically. I haven't worked out how to connect via Bluetooth though

  • +1

    In Stock.
    Want it Friday, Nov. 25? Order within 12 hrs 10 mins and choose Priority Shipping at checkout.

    Leaving Honolulu on Nov 24… noooo! 😢

    • +9

      1 like = 1 cry

  • +1

    Awesome, using the $10 coupon both delivered for under $85

    • +1

      Coupon doesn't come for me, after successfully getting to the coupon page yesterday :(

      Edit: looks like the $10 credit deal is dead if you didn't spend it last night. So I just bought the steam link and controller anyway. :D

      • Yep. Looks like the $10 credit has vanished from my account as it's not applying at checkout. Easy come, easy go I suppose. Guess I don't need a Steam Link then ;)

  • +2

    The steam link shipped for just over $20 usd. Damn. Even a stingey mofo like me couldn't pass on that, thanks!!

  • +1

    Thanks OP, got them!

  • Don't need it.. maybe I can get it to work over 4G while I'm away :D

  • +1

    has came early

    hehe. Yeah I should grow up.

  • Noooooooooo… I just bought it earlier this month from Amazon for full price! Awesome price.

  • +1

    Thanks, hopefully getting this for Christmas now.

  • Dumb question, but why can't you just hook up your computer to the TV via HDMI, isn't that the same thing without the middle-man?

    • +1

      This does it wirelessly.

      • +1

        Would it not introduce a lag though?

        I play mostly FPS games where you need a mouse and keyboard, so I'm guessing this thing won't really be good for me as I need a desk lol

        • +2

          Actually, that's why they introduced the controller - to try to make keyboard and mouse games more usable from the couch.

          I can't comment on how well it works, since I haven't even opened mine up yet. :/

        • +8

          Each to their own here..but I can't stand playing fps games with a controller.

          Tried it on the xbox, aiming crosshairs with a joystick annoys me more than a girl with short hair

        • +1

          The steam controller is different, with the touch pads mimicing the mouse. There's a steep learning curve, but apparently it works really well.

        • +1


          You dont like a girl with short hair?

        • @rodinthink:

          I prefer long hair, looks way more feminine ;)



      • It does it over LAN, so it can be cabled too.

    • +4

      Its not so easy if your big gaming rig is in the office and your TV is downstairs in the lounge. This makes it feasible

    • +1

      I'm not unplugging a million things and moving my PC to the lounge room every damn time.

    • +1

      Yes, you absolutely can have a PC under your TV which is a gaming PC/Media Centre… this is what I do.

      However, if you have one gaming rig in your house, and it's not in the lounge, this allows you to get a SteamLink, and game on the TV, using the gaming PC in another room.

      It's quite cool, I tried it way back when I used to have a gaming PC in the study and an underpowered PC as a media centre… you can do it without the steamlink box, just over your home network.

      It worked far better than I thought it would, except it only had stereo sound, not surround.

      But I discovered that my kids were doing way more gaming than me, and that when I could game, it was usually when they'd gone to bed, so why not use the big tv and great sound system rather than using a PC in another room?

  • +1

    Thanks bought both including shipping USD60

  • I'm new to Steam Link and thinking of getting one. Is it worth getting the controller too? I have a couple of PS4 controllers but from a quick google search, in game buttons appear to reference XY and AB buttons. Would this then make the Steam Controller a better option vs a PS4 controller? Very excited to try this out, can't believe I didn't know about this already. Appreciate the post OP!

    • +2

      Once you know what the buttons are does it matter? When is the last time you looked at your controller

  • +1

    Just created my account so I could +1 this! I've been waiting to pull the trigger on the steam link and controller all year!

    • +3

      Haha, nice choice of username too.

  • +1

    Does this come with a power cable suitable for use in Australia or will we need to buy some sort of adapter?

  • +4

    The controller by itself is $35 but if you tap where it says edition controller you can get the controller + carry bag for $35 the same price :)

    • nice find, added :) It does add $2.71 in shipping fees though, but case itself is $14 so pretty awesome

      • Order Total:

        Comes to 83.83 aud in Google conversion

        On my 28degrees statement :

        PURCHASE -$84.29

        For both steam link + controller with carry case

  • 97 aud???
    is that ok?

    • +9

      Considering EB Game are selling the link and controller for $90 each - I'd say it's OK.

      • you do get $20 steam card from EB though, but yeah amazon still cheaper.

  • Steam Link is now $20 USD.

    Dear god it's dropping off the face of the earth.

    • +2

      $30.66 is the price with shipping included ($19.99 + $10.67 Shipping)

      • +6

        i'm an idiot

        • No, an idiot doesn't know when they were wrong.

  • Got the steam link and one of the only games i was interested in using it with which is Rocket league unfortunately has too much lag to be playable which is weird since Dark souls 3 seemed to work fine.

  • Can you play any pc game through the steam link or only steam purchased games?

    • +2

      You can add any software you like to steam as an outside purchase.

      Add explorer.exe and You can browse your desktop and type up a word document if thats your thing

  • Just bought the Steam Link, Controller and case for US$61.92 (including US$16.92 shipping and handling less US$10 MasterCard discount).

    Shipped to Melbourne and expected delivery is 8-13 December.

  • +1

    Great find OP!

  • +1

    I was waiting to find it cheap. Picked it up for $20USD delivered after the MC discount. Crazy price!

  • +1

    FYI. The steam link comes with plug and play power adapters for Australia, US, UK and Europe. It also comes with a HDMI and flat Ethernet cable.

  • +1

    Another purchase I didn't know I needed until now. Something else to eBay if I don't use it.

  • +2

    Steam controller is great, amazingly customisable, I use it for swotr and it easily handles my quickbars, camera, movement, targeting etc. there's a learning curve but it's worth it.

  • Amazing. Never thought I'd buy one but this was wasmy too good to pass up.

  • I already have a Nvidia shield — is there any point in getting this?

    • Only if you want access to steam and other pc games and apps on your TV or other monitor. Nvidia shield is strictly Google play store and some nvidia hub exclusives like Trine 2, Borderlands 1 and 2 etc

      Personally when I make my new PC build I am getting one asap to connect to my new TV (also waiting for a good superior deal to pop up)

      Ah the ozbargain / patient gamer lifestyle

      • Um nope - Nvidia Shield TV works with any games that is supported by GeForce Game Stream. In my games library, it supports No Man's Sky, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Civ VI, The Division

        I think Steam has better support for mouse/keyboard, so would be more suited to those type of games

        • Ah yep forgot to add the geforce game stream.

          Good feature for streaming games.

  • Awesome. Thanks OP.

  • +2

    God damnit I'm going broke this festive season, thanks for the deal!

    • +3

      I hear you! i have bought way too much off oz bargain this month! More for myself then the gifts i should be buying for others!

      Glad i got in when the MC discount was working thanks OP! Only got the Steam Link - got a whole bunch of different controllers i can already use so they should do!

  • Tempted to get a 2nd one for another room in the house, but I feel like I am being stupid.

    • Not stupid if it is going to make you happier or you are definitely or maybe going to utilise it. Like having two toilets in the house sometimes convenience and extra preparedness is well worth the investment.

      • :D I'm in!

        • +1

          For the price I would be in too but first I need to buy my computer haha lol

  • Oh hell yes. Thanks OP!

  • Damn, ordered without the case as I didn't realise it was available as a bundle for $2 more :(

    • +1

      Contacted Amazon, they let me order the case only and will refund the cost of the item + shipping. Couldn't have asked for anything better :D

  • +1

    Does this have any latency when connected to tv?

  • Was anyone able to use the $10 Master Card discount with this deal?

  • I contacted Amazon about 10 minutes ago, I was given $10 credit to my account. Ended up getting this for about $28 shipped to Australia!

    Item(s) Subtotal:
    Shipping & Handling:
    Courtesy Credit:

    Grand Total: $20.66

  • Steam Link out of stock?

    • Yea, you can still order though

  • I ordered this last week and it "shipped" last Thursday (4 days ago).

    Today I received an email from Amazon:

    You ordered the items below, but the package was returned to us by the carrier. We’ve issued your refund.

    They don't say why it was returned. There's nothing wrong with my address - it's the same one I've been using with Amazon for years. And after only four days I'm sure it would have still been in the US.

    Not happy. I better not lose money with two lots of currency conversion fees on my CC.

  • +1

    Just got mine today but im at work so wont get to test it out till tonight :(

    • Always the worst struggle! Haha

    • didnt have much time to play around with it but got it all set up nice and easy and played a round of rocket league which didnt seem to have any noticeable lag while playing with the steam controller.

      The steam controller is going to take abit to get used to thats for sure

  • Price seems to have gone up considerably unless I'm missing something

  • I'm really UNimpressed with the controller. I expected it to 'just work', especially with some of the bigger name games. So far I've tried a few:

    • Dirt Rally; wouldn't respond to input apart from updown in menus, Using Codemasters button mapping, tried a commuint one, didn't work when driving
    • Distance; wouldn't respond to keyboard apart from updown in menus, in game it worked ok-ish
    • Warframe: abysmal, using official button map and most menu navigation is broken, can open menus but not close them etc
    • Rise of the Tomb Raider; can look around, but can't move

    I honestly expected a better experience. Not sure why anyone would use one of these over a Xbox controller or (as I did) a PS4 controller. Not to mention the half big picture mode requirement and the Steam crashes.

    Is there something I'm missing? Because this controller is about 2inches away from being thrown under a truck. It seems like absolute garbage.

    • Shit that sucks. I was so tempted to grab the controller too but opted to try my ps4 controller. Hope you get it going a bit better than that. Did the ps4 controller go OK?

      • PS4 controller works like a charm, its what I was using prior to steam controller. I use DS4Tool 1.2.2 although DS4Windows looks pretty neat. Shows up as an Xbox 360 controller so if the game supports that then the DS4 will be a dropin replacement.

    • How unbelevably stupid. The reason the controller wasn't working in these games seems to be because I disabled Steam Overlay. Even more stupidly it will only inform you of this IF you are in Big Picture Mode which I don't use. WTH Valve?

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