This was posted 8 years 4 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

US $10 Credit Towards Next Purchase @ Amazon US (with MasterCard) - Use Mobile Browser

  1. Go to through your phone (use Chrome for best results)
  2. If already signed in, please sign out. Otherwise, use Incognito Mode in Chrome.
  3. Go to sign in screen (do not sign in)
  4. Then, copy and paste this link -
  5. We're sorry page comes up.
  6. Scroll to the bottom and click "Already a customer? Sign In"
  7. Sign in
  8. GET $10 OFF AT AMAZON.COM Come up
  9. Click "Change your 1-click setting"
  10. If you already register master card in your account, then you will get the credit. Otherwise, you should put mastercard info.

Thank you

Related Stores

Amazon US
Amazon US

closed Comments

    • +3

      Best first post that I have seen. Thanks OP.

      • +3

        OP left 15mins after posting, gonna be interesting coming back to this!

      • It's gotta be. Over 1000 votes in under 24 hours. Congrats sfc10! Give this person an OzBargain t-shirt.

  • -6

    Page not found.

    • Follow the instructions EXACTLY, I could only get it working on my phone (an iPhone in private browsing mode using Safari)

      All of the steps are important. You need to do all of them.

      Have you been waiting this long for the right deal as your first post? Or it's taken 8 months to crack it :) either way, great work.

    • It works though… when I checkout, it deducts US$10 from my order.

      • Yep, youre right, worked :) As others said, follow the instructions to the letter!

  • You should follow the instruction. I just did it few mins ago.

    • yep, works with inco chrome mobile only for me, did not work on inco chrome on desktop.
      so…do i spend the 10 on more vinyl, dildo/vibrator or a trezor or ledger nano…decisions decisions. or the steam link.

  • +2

    See the pic. I did it few mins ago.
    Enjoy the shopping

  • Followed all the instructions - worked! Thanks

    edit: you need to literally follow the instructions regarding signing in and out etc, and doing it on your phone.

  • Cheers OP. Follow instructions.

  • Yup, worked for me, but only when I switched to Chrome (which I don't normally use).

  • +2

    When does the $10 expire?

    • +6

      Mine shows 14 Jan 2017 11:59pm PT

  • Worked, thanks!

    • Thanks~

  • Worked for me - thanks!

  • Thanks worked 2nd time around after "following each step literally". Cheers OP

  • +1

    Worked perfectly when following instructions. Not sure how you figured it out but cheers!

  • +8

    Worked thanks OP! Division ps4 for $5.59USD

    To clarify:

    Not using the app, logout of app if logged in

    Go to through your phone browser
    If it already sign in, please sign out. (scroll to the bottom of the page and look for "Not you? XXX Sign out") 

    (I cleared all browser history also)
    Go to sign in screen (do not sign in)
    Then, copy and paste the below link…

    We're sorry paga come up.
    Click "Already a customer? Sign In"  (At bottom of page)
    Sign in
    GET $10 OFF AT AMAZON.COM Come up
    Click "Change your 1-click setting"
    If you already register master card in your account, then you will get the credit. Otherwise, you should put mastercard info.
    Thank you
    • +1
    • Yep, looked at the invoice, AUD7.85 shipped for Division PS4.

      Thanks OP!

      • Coming as $6.45 shipped

    • Do US PS4 games work fine on an Aussie console?

      • +1

        Yes, just if they have DLC you may need to get it from the US store.

        • Getting the DLC from the US store is not enough at times. You might need to set the ps4 as your primary ps4 to use paid dlc.

  • worked for me too, cheers!

  • Worked for me, thanks OP!

  • worked. Thanks!

  • it worked for me also.

    however, i had the $5 previous sign in bonus disappear from my account. It was there a couple days ago. Maybe it expired or maybe this new deal voided the other one. not sure.

    • Same. When I switched back to my Amex it reappeared…the $10 credit disappeared. And vice-versa.

  • Sometimes you'll still be logged in even if it shows the user and pass fields on the login page. Worked for me after logging out twice.

  • Worked for me, but no way to verify if I did get. It just said that $10 credit will applied once I make a purchase. Other than that.. all good

    • +2

      Add something to your cart then go to the last page but don't click "Place Your Order" & you should see
      Mastercard Promo: - $10.00

      Thanks Op, awesome 1st post.

  • +1

    What to buy with free shipping ?

    • +2

      Amazon Deals Page

      My favourite Casio Diver comes to approx $50.00 (US$37.19) if you pick up from a parcel point location.

      • Or Casio Tough Solar approx $20.00 (US$14.69) delivered.
        Don't forget the referral link in the descriptions -
        Referrer and referee receive purchase discount of US$5 off a minimum purchase of US$10.

        • I thought the referrer credit can't be used to purchase products but only for the apps and digital contents?

  • That's free Shipping for Black Friday! Thanks OP!

  • It worked, and worked well with the Division.

  • Thanks. Got it ;)

  • +4

    How can we check the credit is there?

    • +1

      Add item to cart

  • Thanks OP!

  • Thanks

  • ty

  • It works, thanks.

  • mmm not working anyone else having any issues

    • Did you try chrome with incognito mode?

      • how do I get the incognito mode. I will also google the answer

        • +1

          Open up chrome, click the 3 dots on the top right of the screen, then click on 'new incognito tab'

      • ok worked out how to get incognito mode
        It isnt showing me the sorry page that people are seeing anyone else?

        • Once in incognito mode, did you copy and paste the link from above?

        • @montorola: yep but will try again

        • +2

          @montorola: Wow you have amazing helping powers. Thanks for your positive thoughts - It worked. Followed the same way this time and it magically worked

        • +1


          Good work! :D

  • Worked for me. When I went to the link first, it just said sorry, and no button. But when I clicked refresh then I got the sign in prompt at the bottom.

  • Cheers heaps. Followed instructions and it worked flawlessly.

  • Worked perfectly fine, thanks OP

  • Hmm mine appeared to work (it said $10 credit was added) but when I add an item to check out it only shows $5 of referral credit that I have available to use. Doesn't deduct $10 from the cost.

    • How much was your item? I bet it was $5, the $10 is only applied to the item, not shipping.

      • Nope it was like $200+ hahaha

        • You tried to pay with mastercard and not visa?

      • So this doesn't work for less than $10 items which typically don't have free shipping as you would end up paying almost the same price as eBay in those cases.

    • Worked with a different item (tried it on some random camera lens)

  • Thanks is there a way to check this bonus cash or does it only become visible once maki g a purchase and payment with master card

    • The latter

  • OP you are a patriot and a hero

  • +3

    T&C's state not applicable to digital content. Damn I was gonna get Overwatch for PC.

    • +4

      So that's why the code wasn't working.

  • -1

    Thanks OP, worked fine.

  • +24

    OP can throw their L plate in the bin.

    • haha ilikeit

      • +2

        Username checks out

  • +1

    Don't have mastercard :(

    • +8

      And you call yourself a Professional!

      Get a 28Degrees Mastercard straight away.

  • +6

    Happy 10th Birthday OzBargain…
    This is why I love you!

  • -6

    Looks like it doesn't work with Android Chrome. Used my iPhone and works like a charm

    • +7

      I used Android Chrome and it worked like a charm

      • Same, worked great

    • I used Android Firefox

  • I can confirm that this works. Thanks OP!

  • +3

    Get your Money for nothin'…

  • Awesome post! Thanks OP!

  • Tried but after We're sorry page comes up then when i scroll to bottom then there is no "Already a customer? Sign In" shown ??

    • right down the bottom?

    • Make sure you go to the sign in page first and then paste the url. Dunno why, but it worked for me.

    • I had the same issue. I clicked on the link in the OP then copied it to the sign in page. This fixed the issue. Give it another go.

      • I got it finally…I was making a mistake that not changing the desktop version of window on the phone.Another thing to note is that as soon as you paste the link on sign in page MasterCard logo page comes and on that page you have to scroll down to bottom to click already have an account..thanks OP

    • Haha, but a photo of Gerry would be better.

  • Thanks OP. Got on my Aus and US accounts.

    • same email ?

      • Nup. Different email. Only one of each country account. The only valid Mastercard is the same on both, but I have 2 extra expired ones on one.

  • Works on iphone safari private mode too.

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