This was posted 8 years 3 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Tom Clancy's The Division PC/XB1/PS4 - US$16.03 Shipped (~AU$21.65) @ Amazon US

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Possibly the best price on this yet.

Physical copy.

Appears to ship to Melbourne for $6USD.

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closed Comments

  • +10

    Great price, plot of the game goes nowhere though.

  • +1

    While a great price, for a little bit more you can pickup a unknown game from OGS that you will probably play, still a fair price though

  • +1

    Excellent price. Always wanted this for MP.
    Thanks OP!

  • +3

    The latest patch and new DLC adds a lot to this game. They've righted most of their launch wrongs. Not sure how many hackers there are still though.

  • Would there be an issue with a US copy and DLC on PS4?

    • A true ozbargainer should have a US account anyway, so you can buy and download from the US account but play under your AU account if you don't want to lose your trophies

      • +1

        A true Ozbargainer uses their AU account, digital copies and PSN+ on 2 PS4s simultaneously with family/friends. :p

      • Depends on the game, but I stand corrected ✌️️

  • Is there a deal on the season pass? I want to play survival mode.

  • +2

    FYI, the game is that much of a dumpster fire, there is currently an average peak global player base of <4000 people (from originally over 120,000) on steam. Good luck finding anyone local to game with, along with the 200-300ms ping times you'll be stuck with, joining overseas servers.

    The current patch they deployed today with their 1.5 update has also completely broken the game (again) with no ETA on when it will be fixed. Previous broken patches (every single patch they ever released - not even kidding) have taken between 1-3 days to eventually fix. The game also STILL has a pages-long list of bugs, issues and game-breaking problems.

    I'd question if a $5 key from an online store is even a bargain at this point in time, given it's a multiplayer game with Titanfall numbers of players left playing it.

    • +3

      What about a single player campaign? Is there one and, if so, worth it for that alone?

      • +1

        Yes, and yes.

      • -5

        There is one & no. It's about 2-4 hours of gameplay.

        • +1

          Why are you outright lying about the game? What's in it for you?

        • +1

          @Mic Cullen: Game is well worth it for the 1-30 experience. If the post-30 game isn't for you no harm no foul. A hell of a lot more than 2-4 hours of gameplay. Infinite seems butthurt about the game which to be fair did have MASSIVE issues at endgame, but those are lessened now (though no true endgame still). FWIW, I've stopped playing at this point but have no qualms recommending it for 1-30.

        • @Scipio: Sorry bud, what are you referring to regarding '1-30'?

        • +4

          @fookos: The game uses RPG-lite elements, so you start at level 1 and then as you work your way through the campaign you level up. Level cap is 30, which you'll probably hit before finishing all the side missions and "proper" missions (multiplayer co-op instances - though they're very soloable on normal difficulty.)

          So it's worth playing through that and then you can choose to put it down or keep playing the "endgame" - though the endgame aspect is pretty repetitive and weak. Better than it was, but still not awesomesauce. Still, you'll easily get your money worth out of it for $20 even if you stop at the end of the campaign.

        • @Scipio: Thanks for the detail - much appreciated.

        • @fookos: No worries mate!

    • -2

      Thanks for that ridiculous report from the 1.3 days, which has exactly nothing to do with the game as it stands today. Your completely incorrect story has surely helped many.

      • -2

        Here's a bit of the coverage on the broken patch released last night which has still not been fixed today.…

        As for the player numbers, go check it out at Steam yourself. There was a peak player base of less than 1200 just a few days ago. The global count for the last 24hrs was just 7401 & to put that in perspective, The Division doesn't even rank inside the top 250 played games for the last day/week/month and today there was 11 MILLION active users playing games on Steam.

        • What about all the people playing directly via Uplay?

    • +2

      The single layer is worth $20 on its own - it takes 20-40 hours to beat and some missions are pretty fun.

      The multiplayer on the otherhand is where all the issues are .

  • +1

    Great game, community is still huge and has been growing since patch 1.4

    And you can't go solely by steam numbers because most people launch through uplay

    Survival dlc just launched yesterday and it's great fun (h1z1 battle royal style game mode)

  • +1

    This game is a terrible let down. Will never buy an ubisoft game at launch again. Got the season pass as well and it's done nothing for it. It's a grindfest and gets boring real quick once you finish the story. Pity as it showed do much initial promise.

    • +2

      It is because they fukd up the core components of the game and I doubt they could fix it now even if they wanted to.

      What makes a good shooter is a realistic or almost realistic damage model as then you get kill satisfaction and awesome moments along with skill actually mattering. Taking several clips of a machine gun to kill an enemy is never fun or exciting and can never equal an awesome moment, so there goes those intense battles or any form of emotion from the game.

      Secondly, because they grounded the game in reality (using tom clancy's name kinda forced this) they restricted themselves creatively quite a lot… no giant monsters or crazy shit happening here… just a bunch of dudes wearing beanies, yay ;(

      I could go on and on.. but whatever.. huge disappointment this game was, knew it would bomb after playing the beta.

      • +1

        "knew it would bomb after playing the beta."

        Yeah, thus it was the biggest selling game of the year. You really are full of crap.

        • -1

          The game sadly lost a tonne of money for the dev's, after it then became the most refunded game ever across all digital platforms. Steam alone had in excess of 50K refunds on the game. They changed their entire publishing guidelines and refund policy, based solely on the decptive advertising practices utilised by the dev's & publishers.

        • +1

          Sorry i didnt mean bomb in terms of sales… I meant in terms of gameplay, sustainability etc

      • +1

        Yep. Got seriously boring. PVP is broken and really should've been a lot like day Z was on pc. That's what I was led to believe. The DLC should've been more areas to explore. They should've listened to fans and heard what we wanted.

        • +1

          Was always going to be an impossible task with the lead dev and most of his team walking out en-mass 2 days prior to the game getting released. Pretty much the entire dev team walked on the company over disputes with management and the game coming to market 18 months early. They all ended up together again over at the studio currently making the next Hitman game for the PC.

        • +1

          @infinite: true but then the game should've been canned or pushed back. The customer shouldn't have to pay for a broken mess of a game because a company can't keep staff.

        • @imurgod: couldn't agree more

  • Thanks. Got the PC version for $15USD sent to amazon locker near my house.

  • Will I have to have the disc in each time I want to play?

    • +1

      Consoles yes pc I don't know.

      • +1

        PC - no. It's a UPlay title.

  • Great deal tried to resist but after reading comments got it. Love the Parcel point saving too thanks OP!

  • What cheap item can I add so I can use the referral credit?

  • PS4 or Xbox version?

  • +1

    greater deal if you use this credit against the purchase.

  • As I have a horrible internet connection, I don't subscribe to PS +. I've had a quick look, and it appears the only restricted part is the Dark Zone multiplayer section. Is this the only part of the Single Player campaign that you can't use/go to?

    I'm fine with not going to one area if it doesn't factor in the game too much, but if the majority of the single player game still needs online access in the form of a PS Plus sub, then won't be suited for my situation.

    I'll be using the $10 Amazon credit, so I'm basically asking whether it's worth the $6US? :)

    Edit: I'm also not very good with FPS's on consoles, so hopefully they make it easy enough for n00bs like me.

    • +2

      For $7.43AU, I bit the bullet. Thanks OP!

      • +1

        Did the same

  • +1

    Pick up a copy at at the same price.

  • I've gotta make some decisions or I'll just keep buying games on sale that I'll never get around to playing. If you had to choose two games from Titanfall2, Skyrim Special Edition and The Division, which would you select. I'd also look at Watchdogs 2 but I can leave than another year and grab it when it comes down further.

    • +3

      Depends entirely on the style of games you like:

      Titanfall 2 (FPS) is getting great reviews, but has a short but good campaign (5hrs). MP is COD-esque which is where the legs of the game come in. All future MP content will be free, so no season pass, etc - a "once-and-done" purchase. It's like a better version of CoD: Advanced/Infinite Warfare, etc. Devs (Respawn) are ex-Infinity Ward, so it makes sense. Short SP campaign and then as much MP as you want to put into it.

      Skyrim (1st person action RPG) is a HUGE 1st person RPG where you can sink as many hours into it as you want to. Moreso with mods (esp on PC or even XBone) and even moreso with multiple playthroughs as different classes doing different things with different allegiances. It's also a 5-yr old game, and still has bugs/glitches that Bethesda never patched out because Bethesda. A single-player experience. It's also got all (I think) of the expansions packed in, so again - "Once-and-done" purchase. No multi.

      The Division (3rd person cover-shooter-looter-RPG-lite) has a very fun campaign that lasts a lot longer than TF2 which you can play cooperatively or solo - switch between as much as you like on the fly, but you always need to be online. Beautiful environments. Endgame (post-campaign) is fun at first but can then become grindy and/or feel pointless. MP (Dark Zone) is a nightmare of ganking. Devs are very active and mean well but only semi-competent at best. Expansion content is a mix of free updates and paid DLC/season passes with PS4 waiting a month after PC/XB. I put a ton of time into it and have now drifted away, though I had fun while I was active.

      I'm also interested in WD2 and Dishonored 2, but I figure my backlog is big enough to wait for the cheap GOTY editions in a year's time. Gotta finish part 1 for both anyway!

    • Skyrim Special Edition is the hands-down best choice. The game is truly massive. It's 100+ hours of original content just making it through the base game, then you have a heap of replayability in the way it works afterwards and there are 1000's of mods for the game, including at least 3 massive user-created DLC size add-on's that are new areas of the game and 20+ hours worth of mission content alone for the main tasks in each of them. On top of that you have mod's which can add 200 new side-quests, 100's of new weapon & armour types, new home bases, new gameplay styles, new magic/spells, new followers and side-kicks. You can also get mods that open up entire new sections of gameplay to play simultaneously to the main content, which allows you to join new factions, join civil wars, create an entire new economy and take over the kingdom via economic domination - the mods just add an insane amount of extra content and can change and add to the game like nothing else has before. The average player base for Skyrim on Steam has 500+ hours game time. It's truly unbelievable value for money and a really fun experience.

  • +1

    For what it's worth, I just bought this from Ebgames for $36 a couple days ago and have been having fun. Could have saved quite a bit but meh win some lose some eh?

  • Game summary - Diablo 3 R.P.G mechanic with Gears of War gameplay (it has instances like Daiblo 3, it has procedural dungeon session like Diablo 3, it is gear based RPG like Diablo 3, Bounties like Diablo 3 etc.).

    Great game at its current state and 1.5 patch rolled out last night. I would recommend also buying the season pass as there's so much content once you finished the campaign.

    Launch was shite, I lost interest after two weeks. Just resumed after reading about the latest two updates and DLC contents in the season pass. Fantastic.

  • Might pick this up for SP.
    What are graphics like on PC ultra/1080p?

  • Expired - now back up to $17.99 USD.

    Grabbed a copy yesterday :)

  • Still showing $9.99 usd for me.

    • +1

      bizarre, PC and Xbox One versions seems to be back up to $17.99. PS4 still down at $9.99

  • Cheers OP :)

  • showing $20 for PC and PS4 $25 for xbone

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