A community initiative. 100% Free nothing to buy or commitments.
Free Single Doona wash for upto two kids until they turn 18 years. For e.g. If child is 6 yeras old you can wash doona for next 12 years.
Health Vic & Asthma Council recommends washing Doonas every two months to clean Dust-mites. So, one free wash every two months in 18kg washer.
Register Online http://www.greenearthlaundry.com.au/dust-mites
OzBargain 10 Deal - [VIC] Free Doona Wash for Kids until They Turn 18 @ Green Earth Laundry (Save up to $288 a Year)

Last edited 24/11/2016 - 11:30 by 1 other user
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The deal is for Melbourne only as the parents have to physically bring kids's doonas to wash. Please feel free to share with your family & friends who live in Melbourne.
saving of $288 per year seems a bit exaggerated.
Why just kids?
Thanks for asking why kids? There is an interesting story behind it -
We are parents to two great kids aged 8yr & 10yr who sometimes suffer from skin rashes and breathlessness. General medical advice at best is to keep the house clean or at worst to give anti-allergic medicine/panadol. Kids spend 9 hours in bed under Doonas full of dust mites and no one educates us to wash sheets every week and actual doonas & pillows every two months.
We as a business has taken this social cause up to spread the awareness about dust-mites and promote family health. Washing Doona on bi-monthly basis can be very expensive (upto $48 for two single doonas every visit or $288 yearly) we feel there could be no better service than to share with families this free gift of wash.So did washing the doona regularly cure your kids of the skin rashes and breathlessness?
It is one of the areas that has dust-mites with which we are directly in contact for nearly 9 hours so. Please find below link from health Vic that details about Dust-mite management.
I was just interested to know if your kids still suffer from the eczema and asthma as my daughter has the same symptoms and it turned out to be a food intolerance as well as sensitivity to dust. If they are still having issues I'd recommend getting this booklet from Royal Prince Alfred Hospital: http://www.slhd.nsw.gov.au/rpa/allergy/resources/foodintol/h…
Thank You very much. Every precaution & management helps. My daughter who is 8 yr suffers from breathlessness when she is sick i.e. her immune is down. We would to give her puffs then. Since we are washing doonas, pillows regularly as well as sheets on weekly basis her symptoms of breathlessness on sickness has reduced. As you rightly pointed out the cause of Eczema/allergy could be something else but I believe every small step helps. May be try cleaning bedding as per the recommendation listed on health Vic link for few months and see for yourself if it reduces the condition. I wish I could have helped if you were located in Melbourne.
Yes we clean bedding and the room every week and it does seem to help. I'd also recommend an air purifier in their bedroom as we found this also helps. Thanks for providing this service by the way, it's very thoughtful of you. We'd probably take you up on the offer if we didn't live on the other side of the country. :)
All of my kids don't sleep with a doona. They sleep under a pile of Men's size L clothes… couldn't have them getting asthma!
So who's actually covering the cost of this, the taxpayer?
The entire campaign is funded by Green Earth Laundry not the taxpayers. It seems unreal but we believe business has social responsibility and we will play our part to the extent we can sustain.
"Health Vic & Asthma Council recommends washing Doonas every two months"
… Well, I'm probably like a solid 4 or so months overdue at least. And here I was thinking washing the thing once or twice a year when there's a hot day for them to dry was me being proactive. Shame.
We didn't know about this fact till we got into Laundry business and were reading an article on dust-mites and how they lead to asthma, eczema & skin rashes.
This is the primary motivation to bring awareness about the management of dust-mites and providing free wash for Doonas that can't be effectively washed in domestic machines.I was just making a terrible joke, I definitely need to up the frequency that I change/clean sheets and doonas round here. Pretty good of you guys doing this though, so kudos I guess :)
Hello Everyone, thanks for your views. To provide more information
The entire campaign is funded by Green Earth Laundry not the taxpayers. It seems unreal but we believe business has social responsibility and we will play our part to the extent we can sustain.
The deal is for Melbourne only as the parents have to physically bring kids's doonas to wash. Please feel free to share with your family & friends who live in Melbourne.
We are really thankful for the families who have registered so far and joined the campaign to promote health among kids.
Location: "Ivanhoe Rosanna Lalor".
Melbourne only?