• expired

Family Energy Rebate 2016/17 - NSW Residents $150 Credit to Energy Bill if Receiving FTB A/B


If your tax return has been finalised for 2015-16 and you receive family tax benefit, you can apply for a $150 rebate on your next electricity bill.

Before you apply

You will need to have

finalised your tax return for the previous financial year with the Australian Taxation Office or informed the Department of Human Services (DHS) if you are not required to lodge a tax return, and
received confirmation from DHS that you Family Tax Benefit A or B for the previous financial year has been finalised.

Note: Centrelink cannot finalise your 2015/16 Family Tax Benefit entitlement until your household tax returns have been completed by the ATO. This process can take more than one month.

If you have done both these things, you are ready to apply for a rebate. You will also need

your DHS Customer Reference Number (CRN)
your personal and contact details, and
a copy of your most recent energy bill.

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NSW Government

closed Comments

  • Is this a bargain ?

    • +7

      2 minutes to fill out the online form for $150 seems like a good deal to me.

      • but will i get check by ATO??

        • never try, never know

    • -7

      neg away. but why do people with families get special treatment?

      • -4

        Wish someone could have used condom that night….

        • I did. It broke. Then 9 months later you were born.

        • -2

          @dasher86: Surprise ur son was born the same day as me. I pity for him, as you dont like families and someone else would have raised him.

        • @Gaggy:
          Never said I didn't like families.

      • +2

        You have Howard & Costello to thank for all that needless middle class welfare. Now nobody can have a rational discussion on the topic because everyone thinks they deserve handouts…

        • +1

          I have still yet to get a grown up response from the neggers to why they believe they are entitled to this over people who don't have families.

        • @dasher86: We're still waiting on a cogent rationale from you to support your assertion that single people should be entitled to it instead of families…

        • +2

          I never said single people should be entitled to it.

        • @dasher86:

          The short answer is the government runs the economy like a ponzi scheme, it needs an ever expanding population to keep things running.

    • I agree, but not all families. Some families, like mine, pay a fortune in tax and the only benefit we get for it is arguably the security that comes from living in a country with its own armed forces. The rest of our taxes goes to spending that benefits non-working families, students, old people, …

      • +2

        i pay a fortune in tax and i am single.

        Where is my free electricity!

  • targeted to Family Receiving FTB A/B? so it is targeted

  • +3

    Do other states do this or just NSW?

  • +1

    government handouts are not deals.

  • Here we go again with these comments…thanks for posting OP!

  • +2

    Thanks for reminding me of this!Completely forgotten

  • +1

    I always like it when welfare dollars go to families with incomes up to $240,000. Really makes me appreciate how effective our welfare system is, especially when someone on a multiple of my salary can get handouts.

    • +2

      That's for families with 6 children, I believe children are expensive!

      • -2

        6 children, and a bimmer/merc on the side? Occasionally see a wrx too.

    • +4

      If a family had 6 children and had the capacity to earn $240,000 they would be receiving very little FTB as they are close to the cut of limit. Any nice car they own would be paid for by hard work not from their Ftb benefits. If i had 6 children to care for it would drastically affect the available time i had to earn income and i believe these families need support.

  • +2

    I love the last comment and newdad's comment, especially when you are aware of many who happily salary sacrifice or use their so called small business to get into the lovely welfare brackets, and going on holidays while we guys pay the fortune for them to enjoy and have no holidays junkets

    • Some do away with family trusts. :)

  • Guys does this apply to other states

    • No

  • +1

    I didn't know this even existed. Thanks for letting me know

    • +1

      You're welcome.

      I only knew about it from someone who kindly posted it here a few years ago. I was just submitting mine and thought I'd check here to see if it had already been posted for this year. It wasn't, so just paying it forward.

      • +2

        We need a government handout forum category.

        So many missed opportunities and "deals"

  • -1

    Are FTB A/B available to married couple with no kids?

  • Isn't there already an energy supplement payment included in FTB?

  • Families who already receive Low income household rebate (usually $235) only receive $15 of the family energy rebate as they are both capped at $250.

  • -1
    • Mentally-challenged remain on-grid for electricity.
    • Mentally-challenged waste time on so-called 'freebies' from the government in order to reduce the bleeding.
    • Mentally-challenged sign up to be Solar Slaves on the grid, generating power for the very oppressors sucking your taxes dry (in both hidden tax theft & non-hidden bill theft). So that the Oppressor can remain in power in the age of Cheap Solar.
    • Mentally-challenged continue to waste power indiscriminately, thinking that their horrendous waste is a basic necessity
    • Mentally-challenged don't know how easy it is to generate for their own basic needs today, let alone assess their horrendous waste.
    • Mentally-challenged don't think of insulation
    • Mentally-challenged rely on heating and cooling excessively rather than insulation and appropriate dress
    • Sky-high daily network charges well over a dollar a day. Sky-high usage costs too. Almost nobody notices the game being played.
    • Amongst the highest-cost electricity on the planet in a country that doesn't need to import energy. Nobody notices the scam. Nobody really assesses their choices.
    • Being paid a pittance for power you generate for the Grid while you pay several times more per KWh from the Opressors. As long as you can pay back your Solar System, right? And anything to reduce those bills, right? All-the-while the Oppressor benefits on your back while you are fed environmental propaganda and those bills just keep rising. Their Grid, their Rules.

    Yes. Like mice on the wheel.
    Nothing is free.
    Everything is super-expensive when dealing with the Oppressor.
    Whether you see it or not is another matter.

  • Thank you OP

  • Totally forgot about this deal.

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