Get your next job done on through the page and we'll give you $50 off the total price if you hire before November 30th.
ServiceSeeking is a free online quotes service to source local businesses, tradies and service professionals. Need something done around the house?
Use our 1 minute form and get quick quotes from nearby cleaners, electricians, plumbers, builders, painters, handymen, photographers and more.
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Available Australia wide.
Expires 30 November 2016
Must pay for the service through the website
Offer available on first job only
Minimum Job Value of $200
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Interesting. I had been looking for a sparky just today, 1 rang out and the other hummed about coming out and asked for $45 call out fee.
Submitted the form on this site and had about 10 calls, SMS, and emails shortly after putting my phone down. Not exactly sure some were ideal based on the messages but I now have someone coming out on Tuesday, let's see how it goes.
Edit: ok so the emails are just notifications from the listing on the site, not from the companies themselves