This was posted 8 years 3 months 21 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

5 Metre HDMI Cables $2.10 Each with Pickup - Rowville VIC (Deals on Bulks Buys from $1.63 for 300)


Hi all,

We have a few 5 metre HDMI cables left and they are clearing now on ebay.…

All 5 metre (no other sizes available) and prices as marked on the above link.

  • 1 buy (pickup only) $2.10 each
  • 10 buy (post included) $4.29 each
  • 30 buy (post included) $2.30 each
  • 300 buy (post included) $1.63 each

There is also 2 buy and 3 buy quantities available but as each cable weighs 360 grams the post is a expensive. Pickup is still the best option.

Pickup in Rowville, VIC or post on bulk purchases.



Related Stores

eBay Australia
eBay Australia
The Cable Connection
The Cable Connection

closed Comments

    • +4

      for what? - 10 pieces?

      Did you compare the price of a 5 metre HDMI cable on any other site before negging the total price?

      $4.29 per piece including postage - is there anyone selling quality flat HDMI in Australia (or overseas) any cheaper??

      eg: -…

      • -3

        Anyone interested in buying 300+ hdmi cables is more than capable of getting in contact with a chinese factory that makes them. Thus getting them cheaper than you're selling them for.

        • +7

          @Voltzy - I have been importing and selling HDMI cables for 10 years - I would invite you to show me anywhere you could buy a 5 meter HDMI for $1.63 including postage from anywhere in China?

        • -5

          where the hell is this 1.63$ cable including postage?

        • +1

          @millusions: 300 piece deal - do the sums :)

        • @millusions: the 300 cables order works out at 1.60 each or so.

        • -6

          put that shit in title, who's gonna bother?

        • +2

          @millusions: title is clear for those that bother to read ;)

        • @OZzieME:
          title should be more descriptive…or at least the description should.
          I was thinking, ok bulk means like 20-50..
          But no, its 300.

        • @Voltzy:

          Yep fair call 100% - I used all the space in the title I could.

          I will add more into the description to make it absolutely clear how much each option is :)

        • @OZzieME:

          Please share link of where you can get cheaper.

        • @cozmo:

          You cannot get cheaper - thats my point - perhaps you meant someone else??

        • @OZzieME:

          Sorry was ment to be at Voltzy

        • @Voltzy:

          I think Voltzy has reviewed his / her messages and decided to remove the negative vote.

          Not all of the blame falls to Voltzy however - my description could have been better too.

        • @OZzieME:

          Nah… mod removed the negs as they did not have a valid reason i.e cheaper elsewhere

    • +2

      i agree. it's misleading.
      minimum buy is 10 cables, price is misleading.
      minimum spend is over 40$

      • what are you guys seeing?

        You can buy 1 at a time……

        • -2

          sorry you stuck with a milliion cables,
          but nobody wants to buy 10 HDMI cables, imho.
          1 cable is pickup only - useless

        • +2

          PICK UP ONLY

        • @millusions: Unless you live in Victoria :)

      • +1

        His biggest selling point is the price per cable on the 300 bundle.
        But like I said, if I wanted 300 hdmi cables I would be in contact with the actual factories, getting them at just over material cost.

        • +2

          For an installer, a store / retailer this is a great deal - for the average guy off the street. probably not. But even the single and smaller multi buys are much cheaper than anything else on ebay with post costs!

  • +5

    Yeah it's quite a good deal

  • +9

    It's a good deal - don't know why you are getting negs from people who seem to have trouble reading.

    • +2

      Spot on - "Haters gonna Hate"

      Maybe they paid too much for the cables they have ;)

        • +20

          Actually - I am selling on behalf of a lady who was widowed when her husband suddenly passed away from cancer.

          The store was The Cable Connection based in Mulgrave in Victoria.

          Doing my best to help her pay the bills and clear all the old stock that was left when the shop closed

          But hey - don't let your comment get in the way of a good trolling story :(

        • +8


          It is unfortunate to hear the TCC is closed, if true..
          Decent place with resonabale deals, did many purchases

        • +4


          Very True - Warrick passed away suddenly about 6 months ago - this is the last of the stock from the shop

        • @OZzieME:
          There was a gentleman at TCC, Matt if I remember correctly, who offered me a very good deals (4yrs back), when I built my HT, I searched for everywhere, but none could come close to whatt Matt offered me. All stuffs are still going strong. But it is sad to hear it is closing down..

        • +3


          Yep that was me! :)

          I sold the business in 2013 to Warrick and Bec who continued the business well until Waz's sudden passing about 6 months back.

          I am helping Bec clear the remaining shop stock after the store closed down at the end of August this year,

          Appreciate your kind words!

        • +1

          Oh Matt I can not believe my eyes. You might not be able to remember me but I bought my benq projector and HDMI cable from you when you were still in Scoresby back in 2011. Then you recommend Warrick as the installer and he did a fantastic job to setup my home theater system with a very reasonable price. Is Warrick the installer you mentioned before, who passed away 6 months ago? I do hope we are talking about the different person as he was such a great guy to deal with. Now we are about to move to a new home and I'm just about to contact him to remove/re-install my home theatre system.

        • +4


          Yep - same Warrick unfortunately :(

          He was diagnosed with Leukemia and 4 days later passed away.

          When I sold the business I moved on to working with BenQ (still with BenQ today) - and he took it and ran with it.

          The stock that is for sale on ebay is the last of the TCC stock.

          I will show Bec your kind comments :)

          If you want to give this post a kick along please give it a positive vote to help get it onto the front page

        • +2

          Things I do not want to see did happen. I felt sorry hearing this. Please pass my sincere condolences to the family. I only met him once when he spent more than half day to setup my home theatre system, and if I remembered correctly, he told me he does not want to work on weekends simply because he wants to be with his kids. I only thought it was a great thinking by then since my wife and myself had no kids, and now I can understand a lot more how important to have kids time whenever I'm able to (now we have two children), and what a great dad Warrick was!

    • -6

      Trouble reading?
      No I can read just fine. I just don't think its a good deal.

      • +2

        $2.10 pickup isn't bad. Problem with posting one 5m cable is that it will cost $8 postage … deal not so good then … unless you buy in bulk.

        • +2

          spot on - post in Australia is horrible!

  • -8


  • +4

    Bought quite a few cables a few years ago from this seller, still plugged in and working well. Fantastic deal if you are in Melbourne and can pick up. Title may be ambiguous, can't understand how posting a 5m HDMI cable for $2.10 with pick up from a suburb that is easy to get to if you are in the eastern or southern suburbs in Melbourne is spam.

  • +1

    OP when would pick up be available, thanks.

    • +1

      Any time from now is OK :)

  • +5

    It's actually a decent deal for pickup, people are just getting off on the wrong foot. OP maybe make it a bit more clear in the title (Minimum 300 piece) and adding the postage costs as well will calm the bad vibes and miscommunication here.

    • +4

      Yep added this:

      • 1 buy (pickup only) $2.10 each
      • 10 buy (post inlcuded) $4.29 each
      • 30 buy (post included) $2.30 each
      • 300 buy (post included) $1.63 each

      Pickup in Rowville, VIC or post on bulk purchases.

      and changed title to make it clear that pickup is $2.10 but there is deals for bulk with postage!

  • +2

    There is nothing particularly wrong with this deal, prices are OK for LOCAL stock

    However the wording of the OP and Title needs some serious improvement.

    Also, the OP needs to be more gracious when faced with constructive criticism. It shouldn't be "well, click the link and read", but instead should be "sorry I didn't realise it wasn't clear, I will edit it now - thanks!"

    Misleading titles and non-disclosed information annoy everyone on Ozbargain. Needing to click Thru on a posted link in order to get the price is always going to gain negative responses. Dealing with that kind of stuff is free, and the key to advertising of deals here on Ozbargain.

    OP wording should clearly state:
    $2.10 ea Pickup (Any quantity)
    $4.30 ea Delivered for 10 pack
    $2.30 ea Delivered for 30 pack
    $1.57 ea Delivered for 300 Bulk

    EDIT - I got called away while typing, so OP already done the unit prices

    HOWEVER, OP should mention what Ebay Best Offer will be accepted (a special for Ozbargain?)

    Finally - the chances that anyone would want even 10 cables is pretty remote. The OP definitely should consider making a price for 2, 3, 4,5 pcs including delivery.

    • +2

      All constructive - perhaps the first posters could have made this clearer instead of attacking.

      The deal was clear from the outset but the wording was possibly not. Given a suggestion rather than an attack would be more constructive - but trolling is easy!

      Anyway you look at it the deal is a good one - post is too expensive in Australia to make a low quantity worthwhile offering.

      That said I will use your suggestions above as a better template for future posts - @llama - your advice is wise!


      • +3

        Make a deal for smaller quantities… you will get sales.

        Hardly anybody is going to buy 10 x HDMI cables, especially 5m long ones.

        And $14.95 postage for 10 makes it look expensive. Unfortunately, dumb arses here have NFI about actual postage costs, which is why Ebay encourages "Free Postage" so that idiots don't get hung up comparing with Chinese wholesalers.

        Work out what the (quantity) sweet spot is on the 500g satchels. Better - don't use Satchels, use 500g "OWN PACKAGING" which is cheaper. Something like:
        $7.00ea for 2 ($3.50ea + $7 post)
        $5.59ea for 3 ($3.25ea + $7)
        $4.95ea for 4 ($3.20ea = $7)
        or whatever

        • I only use satchels - If I have to go to Auspost it is not worth my while.

          $9.95 is the cheapest postage option

          I am doing this as a favour!

          …and already sold through about 250 cables so far … seems 10 is a popular number.

        • +1



          The satchels are already on hand to dispatch - I have no need to attend Auspost or use ebay as they are already in stock.

          You're right nobody cares - but you implied an answer was required so an explanation was given

          … plus direct contact through this page at 2 x 30 - plus direct contact through ebay of a 50 piece deal … 223 pieces!

        • +1


          Not my widow - it was Warricks wife and the shop was well known here in VIC as The Cable Connection.

          Most of the good stuff has already gone but there are still lot of good bargains left:


          There is some more shopfittings etc to come at the end of this month once the remaining stock is cleared



        • +6

          @llama: lmao stop trying to sound like a detective

          youre not

          change your name from llama to LMAO cause thats what we're all doing at you

        • -1


          lmao stop trying to sound like a detective

          Well, I have absolutely NFI what you are talking about.

          But thanks for the negs.

          I suppose it serves me right for trying to assist a less experienced eBay seller, who doesn't seem to know how to maximise their profits. Sheesh.

        • +2

          @llama: youre being accusational trying to call him out for the number of sales claimed, potentially making him look bad

          how is that "assisting" him with anything?

          dont try to hide behind "trying to help" when you arent

    • OK dad

  • +7

    great deal for me as I live local.Kinda sad reading some of the above comments that people are not smart enough just to move on if the deal is not suited to them, actually it's bloody pathetic to be honest

    • +5

      Couldn't agree more.

      Just goes to prove though … "never feed the trolls!"

  • +5

    Well you just can not please some people… this is a fantastic price… TCC were selling these for 12.95 each…

    Great if you live around Rowville if you need a new cable or two.

    • +1

      Spot on - even cheap ones on ebay are still more than double the price of these!! :)

  • +2

    Thanks for all the kind comments from those who have collected so far!

    Please know that your purchases are greatly appreciated :)



    • matt can you list what other products are for sale?

      do you have any Display port by any chance?

      • Hi fury,

        The easiest way is to go to eBay and click the store to see what else is there.

        I am out tonight sorry.

        Definitely no DP though :(

  • +1

    Got any optical cables? i need a couple of those and will prob grab some hdmi's too - cheers

    • I might have a couple - will have a look!

  • +1

    Hi Matt,
    Would it be possible to pick up only around the end of this month?

    • as long as you buy and ppay on ebay - why not!

  • +1

    Hi Matt,

    Could you hold a set of the HDMI over CAT6 converters? Will pick up later this week. Cheers

    • Can I be a pain and get you to buy on ebay please? trying to remember is getting tougher as i get older! :)

  • +1

    Sorry to hear this. Made some purchases back when Matt ran the place and also got some excellent HT advice from him. Shame to see the business go, especially this way.

  • +1

    Great deal, where can we pick up?

    • pickup is in rowville - today from now til 3pm

  • +1

    Thank you for posting this deal - purchased the 10 pack delivered. I'm tempted to buy the 30 however I could not find it on the site :( and I didn't want to do a Broden.

    If you still have stock left over after the sale I'm happy to pay the difference and upgrade my order from 10 to 30 if the opportunity is present to help clear stock.

    I bought my current projector from The Cable Connection although I do not remember who had served me, but I remember the impression shopping at TCC had left me.

    The level of customer service I received was above and beyond and set TCC apart from other sellers who are there just to make a sale and have no real interest or passion in what they are selling.

    I noticed a few weeks ago that TCC was closed when I tried visiting the site and didn't know what had happened until reading the sad news you posted.

    My condolences to family and friends of Warrick.

    • Hi there,

      No worries!

      Pickup is OK and happy to put aside a 30 pack for you.

      Bring an extra $7 and the extra 20 are all yours :)

      please send me a message with your username



  • +2

    For people who are buying 10 if you received this add 10 cables to cart and you get 10 cables for $11 pickup

    • +1

      Cheers for the reminder. Forgot about this, as my student edge is linked to my spam email account

  • +1

    Thanks purchased a couple of spares. Sent through a message too

  • +1

    Front page baby!

  • +1

    Guys, why are you saying nobody wants 10 hdmi cables… great Xmas stocking filler!! Haha

    • +2

      Because the internet turns ppl into s#$theads.

  • +1

    I just brought 20 x 5 M HDMI Delivered.
    I should have read the Rest of the Above and could have saved a few More $$ But anyway.
    Purchased via ebay.
    My Condolences for the family.
    Myself having 3 Kids under 2 I would hate to think how my Wife would cope on her own.
    Lucky her mum around the corner.

    Clearance stock 10 pcs x Gold HDMI Cables 4K Ultra HD Premium 5 metre
    Item number 172347001316 $22.00 AUD 2 $44.00 AUD

    Shipping and handling $16.95 AUD
    Insurance - not offered ——
    Total $60.95 AUD
    Payment $60.95 AUD

    • Hi Mutanti,

      Really appreciate your order.

      Happy for you to cancel it and buy the one you wanted though - :)

      Whatever makes you happiest make us happy too!



      • $2.30 ea Delivered for 30 pack be awesome if they are still same cable
        If not let me know

        • +1

          Yep - same cable.

          Just go onto ebay, cancel the one you have ordered and buy the one you want:




        • +1

          OK will do , Just got to work out how to cancell order..
          I have ordered the 30…

          30 x 5 metre Gold HDMI Cables 4K Ultra HD Premium - Brand new in packs
          Item number 172390885791 $49.00 AUD 1 $49.00 AUD

        • +1

          I have also let a Friend of mine Know who Does TV Installs around Brisbane / Bribie as well.. Im sure he will get a Heap of you as well…

        • +1


          Too easy - order cancelled and new order done!

          …and your friend just ordered 30 as well - thank you :)

        • +1

          @OZzieME: my mate did not believe me about price. Said have I received them. LOL. Happy to help at those prices

        • +1


          Usually too good to be true is - but in this case at least 30 people have already picked up and more are coming.

          He will believe it when they arrive!

        • +1

          Delivery Arrived today.
          & Thanks

        • @mutanti:

          Cheers … :)

  • Hi all,

    Pickup is in Rowville today until 3pm - message me here or SMS o4l7 39l 79l for pickup address if you haven't already on eBay.



  • +1

    Picked one up and coudln't be more delighted! Thanks OP.

  • Thank you all for the positivity!

    Apparently you are all my "friends" as I just received this personal message from @Voltzy

    Voltzy on Sun, 13/11/2016 - 12:28 new
    Good work getting your friends to + your post and - my comments.
    You're pathetic. No wonder you only have 57 rep on ebay in your "10 years of selling hdmi cables"
    I hope you die a painful death you unemployed scum

    I appreciate you all helping out with this clearance.

    Still a few to go but the sale is going well thanks to you guys and gals!



    • +2

      You should report that to the mods. Scotty, Neil, Hamza etc. are great and have put effort in promoting this website as a friendly place.

      • will do :)

    • +1

      Geez voltzy, pull your head in mate.

  • I'm interested in buying 100, what is the cost of that if I collect?

    • +1

      send me a private message or sms on o4l7 39l 79l

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