Haven't Had KFC in a Little over 10 Years - What to Get?

A KFC just opened up 2 minutes up the road from me.

I haven't had this garbage in 10 years, but I feel like eating chicken. I have been a vegetarian for a number of years, but I'm ready to start eating meat again.

Nothing with too much fat/skin please.

Any recommendations? :D

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KFC Australia
KFC Australia


  • +42

    Don't. It will kill you.
    Consider moving.

    (Non Vegetarian, KFC eater.)

    • -1

      Agreed - if you're going to become a born again meat eater (I suggest you do - meat is so tasty and good for you) - I'd start with the best piece of Beef Fillet cooked to perfection and eat until you get the meat sweats!

      Or even a steak sandwich would be better.

      KFC is meat for people who don't want to eat meat!!

      Disclaimer - I eat a lot of beef fillet and some KFC.

      • -1

        I lol'd at the "meat is good for you" line.

        Red meat, such as beef, lamb and pork has been classified as a 'probable' cause of cancer. Source: World Health Organisation

        • +1

          These days 'anything' can cause cancer

        • @iamachampion:

          These comments are causing me cancer

        • I lol'd at the "meat being a probable cause of cancer".

          So disingenuous. There are a whole range of factors that may result in carcinogens being present in meat… e.g. charring, certain growth hormones etc.

          The bigger concern is the effect of red meat on cholesterol levels. Which is why red meat in moderation is an incredibly (tasty) healthy addition to the diet.

          Meat is good for you. /discussion

        • -2

          @gearhead: Modern studies have shown no correlation between consumption of cholesterol and blood cholesterol levels. Though a direct correlation has been found between consumption of vegetable oils and heart desiese.

          Vegetable oils are far worse for you than animal fat. Nut and olive oils seem to be the odd ones out (are not bad for you) but seed oils are now considered the "monster in you diet".

          Animal fat is not bad for you. Meat is not bad for you.

          Seriously do some research and read some modern papers/studies, the food industry has duped us for too long.

          Think about it in the simplest terms. Humans are supposed to hunt and eat animals, scavenge for available fruit and vegetables. Fruit was typically only available in seasons and for short periods of time (they fall to the ground and rot). We're not supposed to eat tonnes of fruit.

          Animals are plentiful and made up the vast calorie intake each day.

          We as a species have lived like this for 10,000's of years, only in the past 200 or so have we meddled with this diet and we're getting fatter and fatter as a consequence.

          I use animal fat (dripping, lard, butter, etc) exclusively in my cooking - my whole family has lost weight and become far healthier since we ditched the vegetable oils (especially margarine). I'm in my 40's an weigh in at about 70kg do not exercise anywhere near enough and consume plenty of animal fat, lashings of butter on my corn, potato, etc. I was 85kg when I ditched the oils and moved to fats - seriously.. And the taste!!!! So. Much. Nicer.

          I'm certainly not suggesting eating tonnes of fat laden fast food - that stuff will hurt you, but it's not the animal fat that's doing the damage. But normal every day real food (meat from the fresh section of the supermarket/butcher) and a balance of vegies will keep you trim and healthy (IMO and from my anecdotal evidence)

          A lot of recent studies agree with me, check 'em out.

        • -1

          @tomski182 My reply here: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/275293#comment-4180124

          Was meant for you :)

        • -1

          Yes we ate meat as cavemen, but back then we didn't pump them full of hormones and dangerous preservatives.

          Processed meats have found to be carcinogenic. You simply can't ignore the multiple studies independently commissioned by the World Health Organisation. Sure, you can reference a study that may say otherwise, but then I can find you a report that says climate change doesn't exist. The internet will always have the answer you're looking for.

          Lastly, as a human, you possess the consciousness to make a decision in how you eat. The hypocrisy that exists is when people say they are against animal cruelty, but continue to support industries and practices that induce harm and suffering. And there's also the environmental impact to consider.

          This is coming from someone who ate chicken wrapped in bacon for 30 years.

          If you are okay with how the animals are treated before they arrive on your plate, and you are making a truly informed decision about the household products you are consuming, then nothing will change your mindset and I've just exhausted my fat vegan fingers for nothing.

        • +1

          @tomski182: You'll note I specifically said 'fresh' meat and I purposely excluded any processed foods (that stuff is a 'food like product', not really 'food'). I eat some processed foods but I minimise my intake for the perceived health benefit.

          You should also note that the well publicised WHO report explicitly stated 'may' be carcinogenic, there are no conclusive findings in that report.

          Regarding the 'consciousness decision making' - the idea of not eating meat due to the "animal cruelty" factor is an extremist view. The solution is to fix the production issues that cause animal cruelty. Expecting carnivores/omnivores to forgo a genetically desired diet is never going to succeed, ever. Your quest is doomed to fail because you're seeking the wrong solution to the problem. You're FAR more likely to have carnivores pursue your quest of reducing animal cruelty if you choose a more palatable goal - let us eat meat, but convince us to choose animal cruelty free choices (if such things exist). I already do this where I can or have identified - things like free-range eggs & chicken. These are solutions that we're happy to accept and pay extra for.

          I'm totally happy eating meat to fulfil my dietary needs - there's a cost involved there which is that animals must die to meet that need.

          This is no different than me being comfortable walking on the ground I step on - I literally kill millions/billions of small creatures and micro-organisms throughout my life by simply being alive, walking, drinking water, etc. Why do you place such a high value on animals you can see but none on animals you can't? It's hypocritical and bordering on cognitive dissonance to do so. Should we be wearing special shoes that limit the contact area with the ground to minimise the number of small creatures we kill as we walk?

          It's not accidental that we're carnivores. The world would not work very well at all if animals did not eat animals. It's how the system is designed/evolved to work. Attempting to make others feel guilt for eating meat is sanctimonious and pointless - put your energy into trying to fix the cruelty that you perceive - but killing an animal to eat is not cruel, it's how life works.

          For the record, we're still cavemen. Our caves are fancy now and our clubs are more dangerous, but we're the same humans that existed 10,000+ years ago and our dietary requirements have hardly (if at all) changed. Sure we're more educated, but education does not change biology.

        • Since when has pork been a red meat?

        • @Unknown1: It's not When, it's Who, and What, don't ask me Why.

          1. What do you consider as red meat?

          Red meat refers to all mammalian muscle meat, including, beef, veal, pork, lamb, mutton, horse, and goat.

          Q&A on the carcinogenicity of the consumption of red meat and processed meat

          Here is an Other

          Pork. The Other White Meat

    • +1

      Yes, stay away from it at 1st, try eating something light before jump into that

      else you will have stomach upset

  • +15

    What to get?

    Ummm…. Lipitor?

    • +2

      Fenofibrate can be considered first line management of hyperlipidaemia in the absence of hypercholesterolaemia.

  • +34

    Vegetarian for number of years
    Suddenly ready to eat "garbage" for no real reason after 10 years
    Account made yesterday

    That happened

    • +14

      Yeh really, what a load of BS this post is.

    • I used to be vegetarian (for 7 years). When I started eating meat again, I gave myself a week-long pass to eat anything I wanted. That included KFC.

    • +6

      Account made yesterday

      Is it against the rules to make a new account on ozbargain?

      Should all non-members continue to be non-members?

      • +4

        Because people make an account to ask what KFC they should get as a vegetarian lol…

  • +15

    "A KFC just opened up 2 minutes up the road from me."

    And just like that you are like fk it i want some chicken? lololol

    • +70

      Interesting to see what happens when a brothel and a tattoo parlour opens up in the neighbourhood.

      • +14

        does it start with "married for 10 years, but …"

      • +26

        Nothing with too much fat/skin please.

        • a little fat/skin never did anyone any harm :-) - don't know what your're missing !!

      • Same Thing, Runs straight there and asked for some old fashion fingerlicking all stars Box

  • +7

    Nothing with too much fat/skin please.


    Umm not sure if getting KFC is the most amazing meat to be eating haha, but depends how hungry you are, I think they brought back the all stars box which gets you basically one of everything from there and is priced well (normal chicken, popcorn chicken, chips, gravy, drink, bread, wicked wings and wrap. I'm fat as F and I have trouble finishing it, happy bout the price as well.

    Normally though I get the zinger stacker box meal, that will get you 3 wings and like a burger (plus chips and potato and gravy), its a lil spicy, and I usually don't eat spicy but I for some reason really really like this. Pairs great with cookies and cream crusher as well.

    I also don't mind the frappes they do there if you're looking for a drink.

    If you're really up for a cholesterol clog though the "double meal" is basically just meat between two other meats, so can't get much meatier then that lol. If you're looking for a cheaper price though, pretty sure they have a lunch deal which is chips, drink, potatio and gravy and popcorn chicken and 1 piece of chicken, not bad for 5.95ish.

    • +10

      "Pairs great with cookies and cream crusher as well." -

      You should work as a sommelier at KFC! 😉

    • +2

      Man if I ate any of that shit my (profanity) would be so fatigued and sore from having to squirt it all out like a hot water tap

  • +7

    What to Get?


  • +1

    hot and spicy 3 piece feed

  • +5

    Here's a couple of my faves you should try, 1 2 and 3

    • +11

      Gee. Is angelfire still a thing?

      • +1

        lol must be.

      • +4

        Check out the KFC geocities web page also.

    • I remember that first image from back in the day, when it filled the screen.

    • Why does angelfire not allow redirects?

  • +1

    LOL I once gave up being a vegetarian with KFC too. Three piece feed is usually pretty good.

  • +1

    Bought a zinger box.

    Never again. That's a lot of fat and salt. Boy oh boy…..

    • +16

      That's a lot of fat and salt.

      Unfortunately thats basically the definition of KFC lol.

      • +9

        I have it on good authority that the Colonel's secret recipe is: "Chicken, grease, salt.".

        Robots don't lie… ;)

        • +1

          Like much of Futurama, that joke was a bit more than it seemed at first:

          "In 1983, William Poundstone conducted laboratory research into the coating mix, as described in his book Big Secrets, and claimed that a sample he examined contained only flour, salt, monosodium glutamate and black pepper."

    • I wouldn't recommend KFC tbh.

      Even for ardent meat eaters like myself, I steer clear of KFC (unless it's very late and I'm hungry/any other expedient circ).

      If you love fried chicken, recommend going to some Korean joints that serve Korean friend chicken (lol "the better KFC") and grab a pint (or two) of beer. :)

      Or, if you'd like to treat yourself, perhaps try out something like "MeatMaiden" (Melb CBD) or "Meat and Wine Co." (Syd)

    • Must agree - the salt level in zinger meat is through the roof.

      I like fat.

      I like salt.

      But there is a palatable tolerance level for salt and they're off the charts!

      I do like zingers, but man the salt!!!

  • +2
    • +1

      Wow, i actually quite like the 'potato' and gravy. Im not surprised by the potato…..but the gravy……. im actually really surprised by the fact its made in store. I would have thought its made in a factory and shipped in.

      • +1

        It's made with the shit out of the bottom of the fryer I was told lol. Enjoy

        • +1

          It definitely was when I worked in KFC as a kid. They have these grease traps in the bottom of the fryers where all the chicken bits, crumbs, etc, drop down to. Thick sludgy stuff when it's pulled out. That was the least of my concerns when I worked there though.

        • @dazweeja:please explain

        • Do you want to watch how it's made?


          There you go. Prepare a sick bag just in case.

      • +1

        I used to make it when I worked at KFC, It looks like a giant ball of frozen poo when you take it out. Then you put it in a giant metal pot on a stove with some hot water and let it sit for 40m until it looks like someone ate one too many sugar free gummy bears.

        Divvy it up into the containers and BAM straight to you.

        I still eat it, It's delicious.

        • +1

          It does taste great, but damn, sounds gross.

    • God I used to eat just the 500g one by myself in one sitting….ahhh when I was MUCH younger

    • The former employee also shared tips on how to get free food if you leave your wallet at home.
      “You can ring a store half an hour before you go in and make up a complaint. Say something along the lines of ‘I just got a Big Mac earlier and the lettuce was brown and I had to throw it out’. Just be creative. They aren’t going to check the cameras or ask for a receipt unless you either ask for (a lot) of food or say something that seriously violates health code,” the former worker said.
      “They will generally offer a replacement, if they don’t, just ask for one.”

      haha nice.

  • +1

    Just stay away from KFC :)

    • +2

      The store looked shiny and new. :D

  • +12

    Yeah, honestly I don't wanna jump on the wowser bandwagon, but I have KFC maybe once or twice per year, and I regret it every single time!!!

    My vote is don't do it, there's better ways to get your chook on…

    • +6

      and I regret it every single time!!!

      I feel your pain

    • +1

      I have KFC maybe once or twice per year, and I regret it every single time!!!


      My Mrs and I have the exact same experience. When we step out after a disastrous meal, we think to ourselves "never again!"…

  • +4

    Save yourself the agony, go get a gourmet meat burger somewhere instead if you need a fix.

    • +4

      Went to Bar Luca in Wynyard, Sydney and smashed one of those Canadian burgers.

      So good.

      • Awesome! :)

      • +6

        Are they made from real Canadians? Rare find.

        • +1

          Yeah, the Blame Canada burger said Sorry to me after too.

      • +1

        Its fine, but not as good as Pauls….

        Plus the buns are really processed, American type white bread. Fine if you like that kinda shit.

        • Point me in the direction.

          If you're talking about the one in the Shire, then I'll pass. I tend to avoid bogan central.

        • @bezza:

          that's the one.

          I love Bogan Central burgers. And their Pineapple Squash. OMG…..!!

  • +1

    I would go and grab chicken fillets which can be purchased for I think $4 each and are full of bone-free KFC goodness… Ummm, also original/zinger burgers are pretty good!

  • +3

    Just buy proper chicken, cook it at home. Avoid the outrageous price and it will taste better too!!

    • +3

      This…so much this!!!

      I've started baking my own chooks again, all of the supermarket BBQ ones have become tasteless, and Red Rooter seem to be selling roasted quails (seriously, I can almost eat a whole RR chook by myself).

      Home baked chicken tastes so much better, and seems to go so much further than shop cooked; we now get several meals out of a single chook, whereas we used to knock off a whole Coles/Woolies/RR one in a single sitting! The other big win is the ability to stuff it with whatever you choose, so the stuffing can be a tasty adjunct to the meal rather than a congealed blob of meh! ;)

  • +1

    Get a family burger box or streetwise feast. Also the double crunch burger is pretty popular because it's the cheapest burger you can redeem free chips/drink

    As well every 28 days KFC have a new promotion where they have something cheap and something special. Atm it is the $5 lunch box and the double down.

    Don't forget to check that often stores have exclusive promos like the Wings Pack. The xpress app also has some good deals if you store participates

  • +6

    Start slow and try the coleslaw.

  • +7

    I hear the salmonella is quite nice this time of year.

  • +2

    A bucket. Sounds like you want to make up for lost time

  • +1

    Bezza, I totally understand you. I had my first KFC about 10 years ago and second - last year as I was very hungry and everything was closed. Nothing changed, same 'taste'. Probably I will not eat it again, even for free. Though I do realize that people love it a lot. It's just not my 'food'.

  • I like KFC but every time I have it (about once every two months), I always wonder why I bothered. "Can't beat that taste… of oil!" And they always stuff up the order, missing something or getting something wrong, or have run out of supplies. Every time! I always regret buying it after, but there is something which makes me do it again and again.

  • +1

    Assuming we fully understand your own personal taste buds, and you likes/dislikes of all available and various ingredients and flavour combinations….. I recommend …..go suck it and see. Walk into store, read the menu, ask 'what is in it', and then go to Hungry Jacks.

    • ask 'what is in it', and then go to Hungry Jacks.


      Hungry Jacks is heart disease in a burger. The fat content scares me. I'll pass.

  • +1

    I am sick of KFC as it's always greasy crap, but last week a friend got some seasoned chicken fillets, 6 for $10, best KFC experience ever, no bones either.

  • Frozen Mountain Dew

  • +1

    Double down burger

    • it's a rip off, more expensive than the Double Stacker but with less in it, not even a bun. The paper packet to eat out of is really awkward to use and hot to touch.

  • used to be a vegetarian for 8 years
    sweet chilli twister is what you want
    low carbs, plenty of veggies, and that crumbed piece of chicken is simply delicious

  • +2

    Hawaiian double

    who gives a shit if you have a heart attack while eating it. #yolo

  • +3

    I would advise to skip KFC and head for the local charcoal chicken. Alternatively, if you haven't had the other KFC (Korean Fried Chicken) you are really missing out big time…

    • +1

      Love a good Korean Fried Chicken.

  • You guys must eat well or something because every time I have KFC I want some more at another time

    Obviously don't have it every day but it's not that bad really guys

    • Not that bad? We only call it "food" because of it's constituent ingredients. :)

      In all fairness, when I've had KFC overseas (not the US), there is definitely stricter quality control.

      If you're looking for good friend chicken, check out the Korean stuff.

      • +1

        Oh yeah definitely Korean fried chicken ftw

  • +1

    Just eat anything from KFC and it will turn you straight back into a vegetarian

  • 10 YEARS!!! Eat everything they have obviously

  • I would recommend "Two piece fillet meal"

    They don't advertise it on the board, but you can still order it.

    You get, two fillets of chicken (same that are in the burgers). Can choose normal or zinger.

    In the meal you will also get chips, drink, potato and gravy (and a bead roll I think?)

    I don't like the potato and gravy so I ask it to be swapped for a coleslaw.

    This is a good way to get a good fillet of chicken with no bones or skin.

    Though, you are eating KFC, it will be tasty, not healthy.

  • Nothing with too much fat/skin please.

    If you aren't able to enjoy the fat or skin, then you're better off eating at another place that offers healthier food.

  • +1

    could one actually define kfc as being "chicken"?

    My take is more like a salty deep fried genetically enhanced hormonal oily substance that doesnt really taste nice at all

  • +1

    $5 lunchbox if its there

  • I had not eaten KFC for probably close to 10yrs either and indulged in the 9 piece for $9.95 a couple of weeks ago.

    It was very light on the 11 secret herbs and spices and severely lacked that irresistible golden coating and unmistakable taste they claim.

    I'll be waiting another 10yrs or for a relaunch of Ollie's Trolley.

  • Charcoal chicken chips…… way better than any fast food joint.

  • A box of 15 wicked wings

  • Buy some proper chicken breast from any supermarket and put it on the barbecue. Do not eat KFC, it's not chicken.

  • I had kfc for the first time in 15 years about 3 years ago, felt sick for days. Don't recommend. The chips are ok, but the sides suck, get tenders i guess.

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