• expired

Download the Chrome Cashback Notifier and Get $1 into Your Cashrewards Account (11 Hours Only)


Our gift to you for Singles Day. Never miss cashback again. Simply download our new Chrome Cashback Notifier to receive $1 into your Cashrewards account within 72 hours. Available to both new & existing members. Ends midnight AEDT tonight. Enjoy :)

  • Available only to members that have not downloaded the toolbar previously
  • Existing & new members MUST be logged in to Cashrewards PRIOR to downloading the Notifier
  • Strictly limited to 1x $1 cashback per member

We've also extended refer-a-mate to December 15…

Note from the Cashrewards Development Team:

We can confirm that each and every link for the Cashrewards notifier that is clicked will earn our members cashback. You don't have to click any of these links if you don't want cashback from Cashrewards. We are not collecting any user browser history, and never will. Our members are free to choose whether they use the notifier or not. If you want to be reminded of the 1,500 stores we have on Cashrewards, then the notifier is the best way. The links are a simple notification to our members that cash back is available. It is up to our members whether they activate the cashback or not.

Finally, we are very mindful of our members' feedback. We listened when you wanted us to build the Cashrewards notifier, and we are listening now. The notifier is always in development with further features and enhancements being released all the time. Feel free to let us know what other features you would like it to have or not to have. We are here to help, and to make our members happy above all else. Thank you.

Mod: Be aware that this extension shows up when you do a Google search in your search results (see image). You can however dismiss this from showing up by clicking the x at the bottom right.

Referral Links

Referral: random (3774)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

This is part of Singles' Day Sales for 2016.

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • +1

    Do people who have partners qualify for this deal?

    • +7


    • +4

      Send TA a screenshot of your breakup text, needs written evidence!

  • +12

    Damn I added this two days ago:(

    • +9

      Same. This is pretty poor for those who proactively went out of there way to download this.

      • +15

        It's poor because you miss out on a dollar?

        • +4

          Yes, because I'm supporting their business proactively. Without a user base they have no business. This is the same tactic that ISPs use which also results in their customer base changing to the competition. They should be giving me $2 for my ongoing commitment if anything.

        • +3

          I should always get the best deals if I get in early.

        • +3

          @Trishool: You sound pretty entitled, honestly though you can't really compare the free service that CashRewards provide to a paid service provided by a Telecommunications company.

        • +2

          @tranqme: How is it free? They are getting my data, growing their business on it etc etc. For that I shouldnt even be given a dollar as a long time user and early adopter? Nothing is for free mate. Just like Google, your data is their business an in return you get their services for free.

        • @Trishool: What data are they collecting? You can stop using their service whenever you please if you don't like it.

        • +1

          @tranqme: free? You do realize they make money each time you buy something right? They give you a small cut of their referral bonus as an incentive to get them more money. You effectively work for them.

        • +1

          @d1s34s3d: Of course they do, but it's free for anyone to use, and if you call clicking on the Activate Now (assuming you have the CR Chrome extension) button work, then I feel sorry for your actual employer.

        • @tranqme: wow. If that's how you interpret a message I feel sorry for anyone trying to communicate with you.
          Here, I'll simplify what I said regarding work.
          You find what you want. You go to cashrewards and click through.
          They get referral money.
          They pay you a percentile.

          Making more money for someone/some company for a fee is work.

        • +1

          @d1s34s3d: That's the kicker, I don't need to do that with the new CR extension for Chrome, I just click one button and I'm saving money, and as much as you prefer to believe, I'm certainly not working for it.

      • +2


        This is pretty poor for those who proactively went out of there way to download this.

        How did you go out of your way to download this? Did you have to click a lot further than usual?

        • -2

          Yes it doesnt auto download to your browser. My default browser is not even Chrome. Being an early adopter also gets them early user feedback on bugs which in turn benefits them. A dollar for my data and time shouldn't be a big deal.

    • +1

      Yeah, got this on both my personal and work computer early this week.

    • +1

      Downloaded it just yesterday :(

  • +1

    Just did it. Where's my $1 mate?

    • +1

      "Simply download our new Chrome Cashback Notifier to receive $1 into your Cashrewards account within 72 hours"

      • +2

        I thought he was going to give me a gold coin.

  • +15

    Wad amongst the first few people who downloaded the chrome extension, and that made me lose out on the $5 and now this $1 incentive. So much for rewarding an early adopter🤔😒

    • +3

      Same as me. I downloaded it before both promotions and got nothing!

      Maybe TA could do something for us early adopters.

      • +3

        same as me :(

      • +5

        Early adopters typically get a shitty deal.

        • I sent TA a PM so hopefully he replies :)

        • +2

          @Sergeant Salami:

          So you want him to help you after you neg his deal, you are unbelievable.

        • -4


          I ended up negging after I sent the message. I'm negging the use of ads in the extension, not TA. The spam isn't worth the $1 after knowing what the extension actually does! By the way, TA PMd me, he's an awesome guy. Couldn't do anything but he's a champion.

  • +2

    Got mine through the last deal, however it did take roughly 1-2 days so don't expect it instantaneously :)

    • +1

      Thanks for letting us know. Also that deal has no negs, not even a single complaint..

      • -1

        They are all sheep -_- They see one whinge and suddenly all jump the bandwagon over something so futile and can easily be dealt with. Welcome to the internet

        • I agree, tightarse has even said you just have to download it, normally OzBargainers are all over gaming the system. Also for those who use Bing you don't get any banners any way

  • +7

    The pop up is so annoying on the website.

    • +13

      Even when it's free someone has to complain.

      • +2

        There should at least be a "Leave me alone, I know what I'm doing" button though. There is now!

      • +3

        every pop up is annoying, regardless if its free or not.

        • +1

          agreed, end up deleting it already. just over 24 hours old

    • +1

      Use adblock to manually block the banner
      1. Click the adblock icon
      2. click the "Block an ad on this page"
      3. Click the banner when you go to google
      4. No more ads!!

  • +2

    owwh :( i just downloaded this 2 days ago…

    • +2

      same.. downloaded it yesterday lunch time

  • +1

    You just keep getting tighter, Tightarse.

  • +1

    Easy money!

    • +4

      Your retirement is looking a lot better now.

  • +9

    Next time a homeless bum says "gotta dollar" I will give him this url thanks TA

    • -3

      Cool, will you make a joke at his expense right in front of him or just do that on an internet forum?

  • +1

    I was paid within 24 hours after downloading it last time.

  • +2

    Free money!

  • +1

    Singles day? Can't see it on our calendar.

    • +1

      I must ask permission from my partner

      • +2

        I'm a divorce lawyer. Perhaps I can help? BTW my cashback rate is 11.11 percent.

  • +2

    When I click the "Download Cashrewards Notifier" button it says:

    Existing Member?
    You must be logged in to receive your $1. Log in to your account and then click the button below.

    Is that just a generic message to all users or is there a bug in your system that saying that I am not logged in, even though I am?

    • +1

      Log out, log back in.

      If still not working clear cookies (and active logins if available as a choice) and login.

      • +1

        It's still showing that message…

        I installed chrome specifically for this deal i.e brand new installation of chrome

        • +2

          I got it too but clicked the button anyway, will see what happens.

  • Available only to members that have not downloaded the toolbar previously

    as others have mentioned above, this is the reason for diminishing customer loyalty. We supported businesses from the get go and what do we get? "Thanks but new customers are more important".

    that's the reason i have more accounts than i can count for multiple websites - it seems i'm more valued that way.

    • +2

      Who gives a shit. It's $1.

      • +3

        it's the principle, not the amount. Unfortunately many businesses nowadays no longer subscribe to the fundamental principle of "it's cheaper to retain existing customers than to obtain new ones".

        • +1

          It's the breakdown of loyalty. Most customers are not loyal to one brand or business now days, they often go for the cheapest. And companies too see it less valuable to try retain customers that'll choose your competitors over literal cents.

        • +1

          This issue is totally worth frothing yourself into a rage and then continuing to use Cashrewards anyway.

          Demand justice!

        • @Diji1: rage? Discontent would be a better word. And yes i would - until a better alternative comes along.

  • +2

    Awesome! Now do I have to wait 90 days to withdraw my dollar?

  • +35

    Why can't it just do what it says instead of inserting ads into Google search results?

    I'd be careful with what other websites and details it is sending back home….

    Example ad

    • +4

      Oh nice.

      That violates Google terms of use for Chrome extension BTW (after the wonderful Lilyjade Google Chrome extensions saga).

      • +6
      • +3

        Could be pulled rather quick then. I don't really understand why they would do it, do they honestly think people want that? Instead of a useful extension, people will just remove it because it's annoying or it will be pulled by Google.

        EDIT: Reported to OZB for "Contains undisclosed malware/adware"

    • There is an X you can click on to dismiss or dismiss forever.

    • +6

      same here
      description states "Notifier" , but never mentions ads.
      Misleading TA. Not cool :(

    • +24

      Oh wow, that's not cool. Negging the deal for ad injections.

      Edit: 5 minutes later, TA goes through my post history and negs a deal that I had posted from a month ago. Bitter much?

      • +9

        Haha, who knew TA had a vindictive streak? Very bitter and sligtly salty.

        Edit: TA has removed his comment.

        • +10

          Comment unpublished. (Requested by Commenter)

          Lol he's clearly reading our comments. I wonder why he's so quiet here.

      • -1

        thats the result of not having much

      • +1

        wow how to get good PR 101 ha

        • +16

          Yep, I couldn't agree more. Absolutely shitty thing to do and I bloody hate myself for it. Totally unlike me to retaliate and stoop that low, but it's been a crappy day and every bad comment got to me in the end.

          I wish I could take the action back and start afresh, but I can't. All I can do is man up, apologise to ronnknee, which I've done via PM, and move on. If nothing more, I've learned a valuable lesson. Hope you have an enjoyable weekend. TA.

        • +3


          There we go you should have said that when you deleted your post.

          Good work

        • +6

          @tightarse: Apology accepted.

      • +3

        Wow, that's pretty low

        • +13

          TA cops a lot of undeserving shit in a lot of his deals often from the same people. Anyone would crack with repeated pressure, I know I have.

          I'm not saying what he did is right. I think a lot of people should stop joining the "let's hate on TA" bandwagon. He is a major contributor to this website and deserves more.

        • +5


          Agreed, fame can turn to infamy all too quickly. Hard not to feel you've been pushed into a corner around here sometimes.

          Hopefully the 2 people involved resolve the issue privately, and any outsiders let it be once it gets resolved.

    • +1

      I noticed the same. Uninstalled. I now think less of CashRewards than I did before.

  • +10

    So, what's to stop someone downloading the toolbar, getting their dollar and then disabling the extension in Chrome settings?

  • +1

    what the… I just did it last night???

  • +1

    doesn't seem to be giving me my dollar after downloading it?
    Edit: nvm, it says it takes up to 72hours to deposit. next time i'll try reading first..

    • +5

      You have now wasted more than a dollar in your time with this deal.

  • +7

    Extension inserts adverts into webpages when browsing. Would be nice if this was actually disclosed by the store rep in the description or on the download page. Who knows what other kinds of data this extension is also harvesting. Not worth it for only $1.

  • +1

    Forgot to login before downloading it……sh!t

  • +17

    FYI, not only does it display a banner on the webpages that Cash rewards is affiliated with, but it also injects spam on google searches.

    See here for screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/4Btl2

    • +10

      yeah I find it really annoying with the google search spam

  • +11

    inserts ads wouldnt use this.

  • -2

    I understand the frustration of "missing out on a dollar" due to being an early adopter, but I thought I'd just put this out there.

    A company is not obliged to give you anything.

    I feel this complaint is sort of similar to someone buying an airfare the day before a sale, and then saying "I've helped the airline plan with more advance notice and they punish me by offering a sale after I had bought my ticket!"

    They're not obliged to give you $1, to give you a sale. It's just unfortunate timing that you missed out.

    • +1

      sales and customer incentives are two very different things. For example, many years ago i purchased a macbook from apple the day before they ran a special promotion. I contacted apple and they agreed to refund the difference (a rather substantial amount). I was not entitled to it nor were they obliged to refund the difference, but they did so anyway. That's customer incentive - they made a conscious decision to keep me a happy customer.

      • I agree, but I don't think what you have said renders what I've said inaccurate/unreasonable.

        At the end of the day, us as the consumers have a tendency to look at this from the point of view of self interest (as do businesses, from a profit making point of view).

        I don't know how Cash Rewards are likely to respond if you ask them for $1, and you're also not likely to chase it because it's only $1 (as opposed to your Apple example, where as you said it was a "rather substantial amount")

        However to say that they "made a conscious decision" is giving them more credit than they deserve, I feel. They didn't seek you out to pass on the saving. You asked for it and they gave it (and good on you for asking).

        To be honest, if they didn't it would have surprised me greatly. I say this because their return policy allows you to refund goods bought within 14 days, so you could've refunded it and re-bought it.. which would make things significantly more inefficient from their point of view, and from your point of view.

        At the end of the day, Apple did a "good thing" - but there were easily ways that the same outcome could have been achieved with a little more effort for both you and them, which is why I don't feel it made sense for them to refuse.

  • +6

    taken over the kogan spam on my google searches. Not very happy with that

    Full disclosure would have been nice.

  • -1

    Just curious, pp install smthing on their computers and their browsers because:

    1. Want $1, then uninstall it
    2. They are ignorant, do no understand the implication of this action
    3. They trust the plugin and it's actually useful
    4. Savvy IT professionals understand about plugin and see no risks of installing it

    It's just $1 …

  • +19

    I'm quite disappointed with CashRewards over the last couple of months. Although $1 isn't much, it leaves a bad impression. CashRewards seems to be growing too fast and they're not looking after early adopters.

    Support takes over a month to get back me regarding missed tracking and some support tickets are completely ignored/unanswered. At the moment I'm still waiting for a cashback claim from April, which is over the 90 day return period.

    If you currently can't handle the amount of support tickets you are receiving why are you actively trying to grow your business? Wouldn't it be a better idea to take a step back and resolve the many issues you are currently facing? It just leaves an incredibly bad impression for everyone using your services.

    I have now claimed over $2000 from CashRewards and I'm not sure if I'll be continuing using your site in the future.

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