This was posted 8 years 3 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PlayStation 4 Pro Discount On New Release Titles $39 @ JB-Hi-Fi


Good Evening Everyone!

I hope you all have your pre-orders paid off or are in the process of doing so for the PlayStation 4 Pro, launching tonight at EB Games stores across Australia.

JB-Hi-Fi is implementing this deal regarding Rise of the Tomb Raider, Skyrim: Special Edition, Dishonored 2 and Watch_Dogs 2. If you pick up a PS4 Pro console you will receive any of those titles for $39.

I have my pre-order with EB Games and have since phoned them, they will further discount their copies of these titles to $39. It's not a massive saving, but might drive those consumers to giving these games a go!

(Included a picture from my email as there was no direct link to the deal).

Happy Launch All!

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Thanks man! Any $ off is a saving!

    • At this awesome price, which of these titles are you going for? I'm thinking Skyrim and Watch_Dogs 2. I love me my open world games!

      • +1

        Dishonored 2 would be my pick

        • Played it at the EB Games Expo, it was the only title I sadly walked away from. I really wanted to enjoy it as the first was awesome, but alas I will pass on it.

        • @ThePriceMatchGuy:
          ? Early reports say its way better than the first.

        • @ScruffTheJanitor: Yeah, early reports. A month ago I played the game, each to their own though.

        • @ThePriceMatchGuy: Played a demo of the game

        • +2

          @ScruffTheJanitor: It was the final version of the game. I got to experience the first two missions in a vendor's experience. You'll probably have no fuss with it, I just prefer open world games with greater purpose.

        • -1

          @ThePriceMatchGuy: The game didnt go gold until last week.

        • @ScruffTheJanitor: Unless the developers lied to us then! Which would be very cheeky!

        • @ScruffTheJanitor: Usually games go gold with at least 4 weeks till launch. I doubt it went gold a week out. Not enough time to print and distribute worldwide.

        • @ruddiger7: It DOES have a 9gb day 1 patch on PS4 though, so performance etc should be improved.

          Still, these impressions are disconcerting especially coming from someone who liked the first game. I'd like to hear more about why you didn't like it.

  • +7

    In honour of jv, Price in title…

    • +1

      better? :)

    • +1

      Price in title

  • +1

    beats the EB 50% off deal…wonder if they will match it.

    • According to the thread, eb will match it. Thanks God

      • You mean the software? where does it say they will :) Just so im ready to go tomorrow

        • If you have had the games pre-ordered at EB Games they will happily price match.

        • @ThePriceMatchGuy: Hi mate. I have my Pro pre-ordereed and I don't have any games pre-ordered but now that I saw your deal I'd like to get them for that price. But it seems I can't….

        • @TLZ: You may still be able to get them for that price as technically JB's advertisement states that you can just pick those titles up with a PS4 Pro. If EB Games really wants to be technical regarding the deal, pre-order the game and pick it up 5 minutes later! ha ha

        • @ThePriceMatchGuy: Oh mine's preordered with EB. Tried Rise of the Tomb Raider on their site but it's a "buy new" now, not pre-order so I guess I'm out of luck.

        • +1

          @TLZ: Honestly I think you will be able to buy both games for $39. They will not sacrifice displeasing a customer over $10.

        • +1

          @ThePriceMatchGuy: I'll definitely try that tomorrow. Thanks mate!

        • @TLZ: Let me know how you go tomorrow bro! Would love to hear the experience!

        • +1

          @ThePriceMatchGuy: Unfortunately mine didn't and they have price matched on far more discounted prices for me in the past. Hopefully, others have had better luck.

    • They always match console deals at launch.

      • -1

        They will match this deal for their standard copies of the game, as JB-Hi-Fi is doing the same. @Putnum, you are incorrect. Unless a competitor is selling an identically stocked bundle EB Games will not match it. Fortunately this is an identical deal.

        • +7

          So they will match it but I'm wrong. Gotcha!

      • no they dont.
        eb match all game prices but not console deals.
        if they do u are very lucky

        in this case they are matching game prices

        • In the off chance the console deal is identical to a competitor but cheaper, yes they will price match :)

        • @ThePriceMatchGuy: I work at EB. We won't match bundles.

        • @noodlesfordaddy: You hearing what I'm saying chap? If the deal is identical (PS4 Console on its own) and at a cheaper price EB Games will match. How long have you been with the company for?

        • @ThePriceMatchGuy: If it's an individual item then it'll (normally) be matched, but by "deal" I assume multiple items under 1 price, which is precisely what we can't match

        • @noodlesfordaddy: If, for example Big W sold a PS4 with Uncharted 4 at $30 cheaper than EB Games and if EB Games was offering the same deal exactly they will. How I got my original PS4.

        • @ThePriceMatchGuy: You got a special deal then, because I've been at EB for 4 years now and have always been told we cannot match bundles.

  • +1

    Skyrim and Dishonored 2 for me. Providing EB come through with the goods.

    • Phoned 3 different stores, 2 in my local area and 1 in a different state. All said that if you have the games pre-ordered prior they will match.

      • Wait, so I have to preorderthe games? I can't just buy them when I pay for my PS4 Pro?

        • That's just what they said on the phone. I'm pretty sure you can pick them up for $39 with your Pro.

      • trouble is skyrim is already released so you cant preorder it you can only put a deposit on it.

        • Yup, for this reason disregard the need to pre-order. I believe they just said that for Watch_Dogs 2 only.

  • In the same boat at EB doing a trade in, thanks for the info, saved me $11 on dishonored 2

    • +2

      Happy to help brother! Voting this post to the front page will help so many more people! :)

  • +1

    Wonder what Costco will price the console at…. need to move my 2TB drive into it though, that could be awkward.

  • +3

    I'm sure soon enough PS4 Pro will be $499 + bonus games

    • PS4 PRO+VR+3-4 games for 899 or 999.

    • Does anyone have an idea based on the past how long it will be before the PS4 pro will be bundled with a game? I'm selling my PS4 1TB tomorrow to a guy for $350 and then was going to buy the Pro. I justs bought the PS VR so I'll upgrade in the next few weeks. Do you think there will be a Christmas special?

      • I would be very surprised if there weren't bundles with games before Christmas. TBH you could kinda consider this a bundle now anyway.

  • +1

    I'm waiting for the 3+ free games bundle for under $500.

  • +2

    Time to bring all my 'ultimate kids' tomorrow to JB.

    • wha?

    • I've used my $600 ultimate kids for the PS VR last week :(

  • Just called EB Games Hornsby. They said they won't match it. Could anyone confirm the same result or the opposite? It's shame I'd buy two games if they match.

    • +1

      Opposite. Called my local store and have put $39 on all 4 of them. Watchdogs 2 and Skyrim for me and the other two will make great Christmas presents.

      • I think just my local store then. Wondering others would ask the same question in store. Let's see how it goes tonight.

  • +1

    If you're buying one, might even be smart to buy the game if you want it or not, you can give to a pal for xmas, sell it, or whatever. It's a fairly significant saving for a AAA game.

    Also the games are, of course - entirely compatible with all PS4s

  • Any chance for BF1 and Titanfall being offered at this price? Get the lot

    • Just these titles unfortunately Muzzakus, albeit still good prices!

      • Bummer! But still good as you say. Cheers.

        • Like you, I really wanna pick up Titanfall 2. No Season Pass, All future DLC content free and a story mode! But wanting to wait for a sale.

  • +1

    This price is tempting,however,I can't help thinking that they all have PC versions and playing the latter could be indeed much cheaper,will wait for PS4 Pro comes with games like FF XV,Kingdom Hearts 2.8,Ninokuni 2 and etc.

    • +2

      Definitely won't come with XV. That's what the EB Exclusive Lunar Console is for :)

      • There are JB,BigW and Target to hope for,let us wait and see.

      • That's not 4K though is it?

    • +1

      I will only buy the PS4 Pro with exclusives. At the moment not really having the time to play might as well wait

    • Cant wait for FFXV. Wonder if they allow FFXV to be$39 too. If so, i'll definitely wait :D

      • Can confirm these 4 titles are the only ones that will be discounted to $39. FFXV just looks like it'll be $69 @ JB-HI-FI.

      • Last time I checked OZgameshop they still have XBone deluxe edition for 99 aud(free delivery),today JB gives 20% off for blue rays, you can buy FFXV CG movie for 12 aud under its 2 for 30 deal.

  • Are any of these Games PSVR compatible?

    • Tomb Raider has a basic mode where you walk around the mansion inspecting stuff.

      • THANKS @Phreakuency!

        I pre-ordered my PS4 Pro with EB Games and now i'm worried they may not price match JB HIFI (Chadstone Shopping Centre Store).
        And Now realised JB does Midnight Launch whilst EB do not :(


        Anybody picking up from Chadstone EB-Games tomorrow morning?

        • +1

          The PS4 Pro and the PSVR are the same price Australia wide. EB Games is happy to always price match your games. I personally prefer to shop there because of their sweet EB World loyalty system, Game Guarantee offering and Exclusives. Not to mention I like talking to people who actually know a thing or two about video games.

  • +1

    Awesome! Looking forward to picking up my Pro from JB tomorrow, will probably get Watch Dogs for $39. :)

    • Doesn't release until next Tuesday, need to keep that in mind. Hopefully it doesn't need to be done in the same transaction.

  • I hope we don't get disappointed with the pro. Early youtube reviews are not awesome, not really much improvement for an average gamer. I'm not a technical person so probably won't notice anything amazing like night and day difference against the original. I won't be getting a 4K TV anytime soon so I won't be really taking much of an advantage of the pro. At least you future proof your console but then again they will release a slimmer version more likely sometime in the future or if they have plans to match the upcoming xbox scorpio. Oh well, they just want us to spend heaps, if only these games are cheap I won't mind upgrading each and every time they make upgrades but the sad reality is no.

    This is like getting an iphone, people get crazy over an "S" version even if no innovation was made with the product. I say, they must have marketing geniuses to get us to buy their products even if no drastic changes were really made on the previous one.

    • The improvements to PSVR games is a big positive to me. The improvements to 1080p games I've seen(ones that are patched anyway) whilst more subtle, is enough to make me happy with the purchase.

    • They made a mistake marketing it as a 4K because it's really a highly capable 1080p console with a consistent high frame rate. That's the biggest advantage over the Xbox One S.

      A lot of people thinks it's for a 4K TV only but you're wrong. Have a dig around the video reviews in YouTube. You'll get the idea.

      • Let's just hope there are noticeable differences. I can't wait to test drive the pro tomorrow. I'll remain positive for now. :)

      • Interesting as I watch some reviews and am now a bit torn. I picked up my Xbox 1s yesterday and have the pro on pre order but just wondering if it's worth it or just stick with the Xbox as I am not sure how better the games will be on my oled tv

  • Anyone in North Sydney that is grabbing a Pro today at JBHIFI by any chance? I'd like to give the cash to buy Dishonored + watch dogs :D

    Already ordered my PS PRO from gamesmen.

  • Local EB refused to match JB price on the 4 selected titles. Ah well. I'd already paid in full and JB is further away so bought them anyway.

  • Think you could buy a PS4 PRO and the games and then just refund the pro?

    • lol

    • pretty sure JB's refund policy isn't particularly generous

  • So I've found the deal on JB's website -…

    "PLUS choice of one (x 1) selected game at $39 each in same transaction."

  • EB all sold out. Unsure if JB does trade ins. going to have to try CEX for trade in and get the pro from JB.

    • they do

  • got my dishonored 2 for $39 at Chapel street store, just ask nicely

  • Guy at EB Bankstown price matched for me but he was reluctant at first.

  • So do I need to buy a ps4 at JB to get games discounted or can I get the ps4 pro and the. Get the games at JB

  • +1

    Thanks for sharing! they matched dishonoured 2 and the pre-order for watchdogs! sweet deal.

    • What did you show the people at EB to match Watch Dogs?

      • +1

        Just the picture the OP link us too. EB has a very similar deal atm. $50 each i think, so they had no issue matching Watchdogs. Although i had to pay the full amount instead of a $10 preorder i usually do.

  • +1

    My EB refused to price match on Dishonored. Came up with some excuse about how you can only choose one game at JB and that it was a bundle which means he didn't have to match it. A little annoyed but it's not the end of the world. Skyrim cost the same either way so I still bought that. $50 for Dishonored 2 is still a good price.

    • +2

      Actual EB policy is that we don't match bundles, and honestly he's right. And it's true, like he said you can only choose 1 game at JB, you can't really combine 2 deals from 2 different retailers into 1 and then cry when it doesn't go your way.

      • -1

        Firstly I didn't cry about it, I didn't make a fuss about it and I still ended up buying everything I wanted. Doesn't change the fact that there are people here who got the deal matched whilst I missed out.
        I also wasn't aware of the rule allowing only one game at JB. There's nothing mentioned of it here, and it wasn't mentioned on the picture in this deal.
        Plus I had no idea the JB deal was regarded as a bundle.

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