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Hillary Clinton Toilet Paper - US $2.83 (~AU $3.72) Delivered (from 11/11) @ AliExpress

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In the name of democracy, I thought I would allow you all to wipe your behind with Hillary.
Credit goes to Spackbace for his post of Trump TP

  • Material: Pulp
This is part of Singles' Day Sales for 2016.

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AliExpress 1500564

closed Comments

  • +21

    how is this one more expensive than trump ?

    • +32

      Supply and demand?

      • +9

        It can also remove a certain stains off blue dresses?

      • -6

        Shows Majority of people support Hillary eventhough she lost….

        • I take it that you're unfamiliar with what this particular product is used for…

        • Depends how you use it

    • Maybe it's a collectors item as most of it was already used up I guess :P

    • +18

      Its got 40% tax on it compared to 15% on trumps.

    • +18

      well, now that it looks like she may lose, she has to refund Qatar, Saudi Arabia etc their money.
      The money has to come from somwehere

    • +4

      Because you are actually going to use this one. Its made of a finer material to make it more pleasant…
      The trump one is just for show.

      • +2

        that maybe its public position but we all know its private position is that its really more like sandpaper

      • +17

        The trump one is just for show.

        That's "President Trump" now….

        • +2

          You're fired!

    • +22

      Half the proceeds go to the Clinton 'Foundation'

      • +10

        well something is going to have to prop the slush fund up now that she can no longer sell state secrets for illegal bribes

    • Savage

    • +18

      More people hate Hillary. She's a damn warmongering criminal.

      Trump is gonna win bigly!

      • +3

        Americans don't care about the warmongering. They care about the collapse of the middle class.

        • +1

          And even that's not entirely true. Most seem to be in favour of high income ineqaulity because of their false hope that, one day, they will be the ones at the top of the income ladder.

    • +2

      cos you can use it time and time again and it doesn't look any different?

    • Collector's edition now?

    • because you have to outbid the chinese and saudi government to get it

  • +23

    Where is the Hillary Clinton convict uniform costume?

  • +9

    I love when a women is between my ass crack

    • +29

      cute girl? yes. 69 year-old megalomaniac granny who probably has a dry reptilian forked tongue covered in poisonous barbs? don't want.

      • +4

        Who Gillard or Clinton?

      • Great for dealing with cling-ons.

      • Best wording of the day without explicit words lol

    • -8

      You love when a women? I love wear ewe learn you're English.

    • so you love getting pegged then?

  • +1

    Good find

  • +18




    Everyone who hates him needs to apologise to him. Omg my life is over.

    • +10

      Markets are crashing
      Americans are rushing to Canada

      • +44

        Canada builds a wall, makes the US pay for it.

      • +5

        haha ! my mate just posted a photo of himself with luggage with caption " Canada, here I come! "

        • +8

          Shame he's moving since it'll be better under Trump.

        • Classic stitch-up

        • Exactly.

      • +5

        Canadian Immigration Site is down: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/

        • They did it on purpose. Canada doesn't want any deplorables slipping through the net. They probably know that Trump will ruin the country, but hate Clinton more.

        • @niner: And what do you know to say that Trump will ruin the country? Big statement.

        • @niner: America the new Mexico?

      • +4

        All talk, bet none have the balls to move


      • +2

        Happy for them to do that, just as long as they don't bring their whining to Australia. Barnaby better slap quarantine on them if any of those celebs try it. Might have rabies.

    • +1

      There's going to be so many too faced ass kisses in Merica now for Trump, he's going to love it.

      • Those too faced ass kisses are the worst.

  • -5

    Klitons are loosing:) we need toilet paper with Killery crying:)

  • +12

    No deal, 12 rolls is $3.59 at Aldi.

  • +1

    Genius. But i still wouldn't want it touching my date.

  • +4


  • How quick can it be delivered? I'm building a new built exchange server to send to a remote office in two weeks, it'd make perfect packaging

    • Is it for a VIP?

    • +5

      You might want to be careful, what if the emails in the exchange server start getting deleted mysteriously?

  • these two posts (clinton and trump) are a voting campaign among themselves.

    • If only they were both listed at the same time!

  • +1

    Cheaper here? Also 5% of second one plus get 10% off when spending over $75

    • +27

      How are they less racist? If anything they are more tribal and in-group, hence more 'racist' then most Europeans, who tend to be the most altruistic group.

      And if we returned land… would we also take away all the achievements of Western civilisation? Is it not ironic you type this message on a computer?

      • +22

        How are they less racist? If anything they are more tribal and in-group, hence more 'racist' then most Europeans, who tend to be the most altruistic group.

        oh, didnt you get the memo? only whites can be racist, every other denomination can not be racist, its a black thing we just wouldnt understand apparently….

        • +15

          Don't forget, you have to be male to be sexist too. :P

    • Was it called Australia before the invasion?

    • +4

      Sorry… How is this relevent to the Hillary Clinton toilet paper?

      • With President Don, Clintons might be thinking about prompt immigration. Australia seems as good as any - hardly any tax on the rich and a bright career in company board membership and/or lobbying. Toorak has plenty of properties looking for a new multimillionaire couple. Weather is reasonable most of the time, and with sufficient air conditioning, they can get their traditional white Christmas at a flick of a switch. What's not to love?
        I doubt Hilary will mind seeing herself on toilet paper, as long as the deal is good; and I'm quite sure Bill won't either.

        • +1

          we have extradition treaties with the US, no way she can safely move here.

    • +3

      Have you returned the house and land you live in, to the aborginal community. or are you just another left hypocrite that beats his chest but achieves nothing?

    • +2

      SJW as fk

  • +10

    Very nice. Some hilary inspired fireworks would also be appropriate since she's all for bombing countries.

    • -2

      Yup. Trump sure loves those Muslim countries.

      • +9

        Not as much as Hilary. After all, she was receiving money from the same countries chopping heads and funding Isis.

        • +8

          she was also supplying weapons to terrorists as well all around the world.. trump is going to cut terrorists off.

        • +8

          @nosdan: Oh yeah. The world's biggest arms deal ever signed, to Saudi Arabia, was spearheaded by non other than Hilary Rodnam Clinton.

  • -2

    Time for Hillary to grab some of them fannies too I guess…

    • +11

      Time for her to realise she can no longer provide Saudi Arabia with arms or accept money from them.

      Time for her to realise that the majority of people do not accept a person who admits at wall Street speeches (which she gets paid millions for attending) that she's out of touch with the working class.

      Time for some people to realise that the world has bigger problems to deal with and that we shouldn't be caught up with comments on 'fanny grabbing'.

      We've likely just averted WW3.

        • +14

          What good would she do, get us into war? She did say that she'd treat cyber attacks from Russia as acts of war, and would respond militarily. Quite worrying since she has a personal vendetta and since they're nearly impossible to track. Trump on the other hand would like peace with the Russians.

          And yeah. An example of the good he would do is how he would impose 35 percent tax on companies that fire employees and send their jobs overseas. That's looking after the American people, and not corporations.

          And if your definition of 'working towards that position' includes accepting bribes from evil countries, supplying arms to them, killing civilians (Libya, which had a great standard of living and human rights record before the illegal invasion, which the people detested) then you need to re-evaluate life.

          I don't blame you for your views though. Just in future, try to read some other news sources, or at least think critically when receiving news.

        • +6

          Also, Hilary Clinton is quite the businesswoman with her Clinton foundation. You should check it out.

  • -1

    ..way too soon!!! …still in SHOCK!?!

  • -7

    $3 for a roll of toilet paper? Not a bargain

    • +2


      inc. revoke of your neg

    • +1

      Found a cheaper price of one with Hillary's face on it?

  • +8

    Damn! Looks like the Chinese are the real Capitalists in this game.

  • -6

    This belongs in the forums. In now way folded or scrunched is this a bargain

  • +3

    By looking at the upvotes for two deals, Trump clearly is everyone's favourite A$$WIPE for what you pay :D

    • +1

      Well it is a better bargain.

  • +2

    Lost for words. Truly a meme election

    • Y'all better pack up your bags, we're all gonna move to Canada, you hear?

      • I think Canada will be building a brick wall pretty quickly ;)

      • +2

        I saw where someone called them Snow Mexicans today.. :-)
        Oh and before some petty *&^% gets offended.. it came from a Canadian with a sense of humour.

        • +1

          Actually that is a good point. How come all these celebrities never plan to move to Mexico?

  • awaits for jv to comment

    • +4
      • +5

        What landed jv in the penalty box?

      • What'd he do this time??

  • +14

    If Trump wins I'm leaving the country. If Hillary wins I'm still leaving the country. This isn't a political tweet, I just want to travel.

    • +4

      Plenty of travel deals this week. Take your pick!

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