This was posted 8 years 3 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Dyson AM05 $399 (or $299 after AMEX Cashback) @ Harvey Norman


Long time lurker, first time poster.

WIfe have been hankering for a Dyson fan for a while, figured the Amex cashback offer was a pretty good time to get one from Harvey Norman. To our surprise, the price dropped from $525 to $399 yesterday. Price is further reduced to $266 if you have 2 Amex cards to take advantage of the offer.

We topped up the payment on the second Amex to $300 with a Vpay card.

Hope this is of use to someone!

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closed Comments

  • +11

    No idea why anyone wants to dump 400 bucks on a fan, even at 266 it's only relatively cheap, no where near cheap in iteself

    • +15

      same reason someone dumps $1200 on a phone.

      • +7

        Or 100k on a car

      • +5

        Or $300 on a meal

      • +4

        Or 3K on a bag

    • You're missing the heater part, it's not just a fan

  • Damn, wish I had an AmEx. Spent $400+ on it a few months ago.

    • It's not too late ! :)

    • How do you rate the fan?

      • +1

        Haven't opened it. It's a gift for my parents in Xmax :D

    • Wow! I always assumed it would be deadly quiet. That was my only perceived benefit of these things. Looks like I'll stick to the cheap ones.

      • Well.. even without motor noise, there has to be airflow noise

        Generally they are bought because they are easy to disinfect (for places like hospitals etc)

  • +3

    How do you get $133 discounted using 2 Amex cards?
    I thought the Amex deal was a $100 rebate when spending over $300.
    Not sure where the other $33 comes from.

  • Same price @ Myer and Good Guys

    • +3

      Not eligible for $100 credit though

      • +3

        Gerry must be loving the people paying RRP!

        The best use of the Amex credit should be on things which are cheaper than elsewhere, not on stuff at full price.

  • -3

    These are terrible fans/heaters.

    Look great but that's about it.

    • Are you talking from personal experience within your home

      • +1

        Yeah partner had one. Horribly noisey and not great at either hearing or cooling.

  • +1

    I have one in the bathroom and it works great. Also have a 2 yr old roaming around and the middle does not get too hot.

    • $400 heater for bathroom…?? Really ;P

      • we take it out during warmer months and its just a fan for the bedroom. I don't know which other devices offer the same heat/cool and not be dangerous for our children to touch. Maybe there is a cheaper alternative, we were using a radiated heater before for winter in the bathroom but it got too hot and is really dangerous for a child to be around. Also used one of those target blower heaters I think it was $40 or so but it died or was dying after about 2 months of daily usage during showers. There was also weird burning smells from it.

        Making the decision to buy one wasn't easy, there are probably more alternatives now but when we bought the am09 last year, there wasn't many choices on the market that I was aware of.

        Anyway it has been used everyday almost and I think it is well worth the $, as long as it doesn't break within the next 2years.

  • I have one. I have Dyson cordless vacs so I thought this would be good too.

    BIGGEST WASTE OF MONEY OUT. DON'T BOTHER (and yes I meant to yell, so people would get it).

    There is no magic behind the design - fan heater in the base which is routed up through the 'blade' whoop de doo.

    Noisy, even at the lowest speed.
    Just a fan, not a cooler (stating the bleeding obvious).
    Yes, it does make heat (big deal).
    Very hard to make it tilt.

    Absolutely no better than a reasonable quality $40 fan heater. I'm annoyed with myself for having paid (the pretty good price I got it for). At tops worth $75.

    • There is no magic behind the design - fan heater in the base which is routed up through the 'blade' whoop de doo.

      That's not how it works. It uses the Coanda effect to draw in more air from behind the "blade".

      Try hold a balloon behind the fan. If your theory was correct and air is simply routed from the fan in the base through the holes in the loop, then the balloon shouldn't be pulled through the loop. But it is.

      • -1

        So I guess buyers are paying extra for… An effect?

      • I stand corrected, but it's still no better than a far cheaper one and actually worse than a lot. DO NOT BUY.

        • Sure, things like these are meant to be more form than function. Surely you would have realized before you bought it than brands like Dyson lean more towards design and branding than function.

          You won't put a $30 heater from Big W next to your $11,300 Eames Classic and B&O Beovision Avant TV. You'd pick something like this.

          For the rest of us who can only afford normal furniture, a heater from Big W would do the job fine.

          It's just like how a $15,000 Toyota Yaris does exactly the same thing as a $23,000 VW Golf. Some people would happily pay extra for design - the extra $8,000 might be insignificant to them.

        • I like quality items and clever design and technology. I thought given my experience of their cordless vacs that this would be similar, but it's nowhere near. It really just is blatant marketing to people like me that stupidly fell for their BS marketing.

          I think Dyson would argue that the form of their products follows the function (particularly the vacs).

          BTW - IXL Nipper fan heaters are really good.

  • why cant this tech be transfered to a wing desingn for electric aircraft?

  • +2

    I've had one since not long after they first came out (AM04).

    It's good and I like it, but I don't think it's really worth the money. I wouldn't say I regret buying it, because I'm a sucker for aesthetics and stuff like this.

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