Doesn't seem to be on sale in any other regions - this is the cheapest way to get GoW4 digitally. The standard version is HKD$209.50, and the ultimate is HKD$384.50.
To purchase it, you'll need to purchase HKD Xbox Live gift cards - I've used Play-Asia and OffGamers before. You can't buy the exact amount - for example, for standard, you'll need to buy HKD$300 for $53.77 and have some HKD credit left over for your next game.
You may need to activate a VPN link to HK to finalise the purchase on the Xbox store - I always do just as a precaution, but I know some people have not and it's still worked.
Xbox One accounts and games are region free (unlike PS4 games), and you can buy across several regions without any issues. Yes, things were different in the 360 days - no, nothing bad will happen to your account.
Remember by purchasing the digital copy of GoW4, you also get GoW1-3+Judgement sent through as XB:Live codes, and you get GoW4 as a "cross-play" title - meaning you can play on PC or Xbox!
Or $54 delivered locally for a physical copy, including the DLC as well
Have to really want the digital version to go through these hoops…