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[PC, Steam] Hogwarts Legacy Standard Edition $26.98, Digital Deluxe Edition $29.98 @ Steam


Base game was A$89.95, now $26.98.

Hogwarts Legacy: Digital Deluxe Edition: Was A$99.95, now $29.98.

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  • +4

    Good game, worth the price. thanks

  • +7

    They recently added official full mod support in-game and release of using the ue5 toolkit to make them, so it got a lot more potential value.

  • +2

    Anybody have any opinions on how this game is for non-super fans? I liked the movies well enough and watched them multiple times, and read most of the books, so maybe aren't a totally casual fan, but was too old to ever have a fantasy about being in Hogwarts or anything, so am wondering how this holds up as an AAA game. Is it basically the same as every other open-world AAA game these days or does it have some unique gameplay?

    • +5

      I found it to be a fantastic game with really fun & creative combat. Storyline is pretty good too. For this money the game is totally worth it. I played this on console however now considering purchasing it on steam due to the mod support being added.

      • +1

        I'm guessing Joanne is JK Rowling? TBH I forgot all about her, but did find it pretty tacky that she was repeating a lie about a biological woman being a trans man beating up women in a boxing match without doing any research. Just creates unnecessary hate and danger for the woman, and frankly the author of HP of all things should know better than to engage in witch hunts.

        • -2

          "That ain't no woman - its a MAN, man" -Austin Powers

        • -5

          TBH I forgot all about her, but did find it pretty tacky that she was repeating a lie about a biological woman being a trans man beating up women in a boxing match without doing any research.

          The one who had a leaked medical record last November that alledgedly revealed a sexual development disorder that is only found in biological (XY chromosomes) males?

          As far as I can find, to date Imane Khelif's side has only attempted to file legal complaints against folks like JK Rowling and Elon Musk along the basis of online harassment and cyberbullying, not actual defamation.

          • -4

            @pj1351: For those who apparently don't understand the difference, you could file lawsuits for online harassment and cyberbullying based on just the subjective basis that the comments made were "frequent" and "insulting"/"damaging to reputation", regardless of the truthfulness of the comments.

            Meanwhile, in many countries (including Algeria), truth is generally a substantial defense against defamation.

    • +5

      it's basically like an easier Assassins Creed or God of War open world game but in the HarryPotterVerse. Standard dodge rolling, parry and attack combo style but with 20 unique-ish spells on top which make it at least interesting instead of left click spam.

      • +1

        Thanks. That sounds exactly like what I expected it to be, and tbh I should probably finish any of the other AAA games I've got with that near identical gameplay before buying another one.

    • +1

      For years before it was even announced I was asking for a game in the style of Rockstar's (the game publisher of GTA) Bully but set in Hogwarts so was really excited when this was announced.

      When it did come out, I enjoyed it but haven't finished it (though I really do mean to).

      Hogwarts (the castle) is really cool and definitely the highlight of the game, but leaving the castle the game definitely becomes a bit more of a generic open world game that just isn't quite as compelling and the game does lose steam a bit.

      Overall, I think it's a good game, but not a great game. At this price I would buy it if I hadn't already.

  • +4

    The second they remove Denuvo, ill be all over this purchase.

    • Didn't the empress remove it a year ago?

      • Steam page still shows it as included.

  • +2

    I keep seeing this pop up maybe one day I will buy and play it lol

  • Would love to try some of the mods

  • -5

    JK Rowling is now politically allied with Trump in case anyone was wondering where being an anti-trans weirdo inevitably leads you. This is a Bad Deal, giving fascist-adjacent bigots money is terrible for the world and the real cost of her having unlimited cash to incessantly signal boost anti trans propaganda is counted not in $ but in the lives of young trans kids who are killing themselves in the thousands because these rich and powerful sociopaths have decided trans people don't have any humanity worth recognising.

    • Unfortunately I don’t think most of Ozbargain cares 😔

      • -3

        I think most OzB do care honestly! Aus far less brainwashed and better educated than US and UK where the anti-trans moral panic is rampant and rapidly expanding. Anti-trans weirdos are always super quick to mass downvote stuff on OzB because they know that's basically all they have in this country. Little internet fights. The QLD govt pause on puberty blockers is the first and only time they've had a real win, and it'll get overturned federally soon enough.

    • I think shes just in support of one specific topic, bad or not.
      Its a stretch to call her politically allied (and to be honest, I didnt know she was a party member).

      Luckily, it seemingly hasnt affected her writing, her newer stuff is still fairly well written.

      • -4

        She hates and is committing her significant resources to eliminating trans people. So is Trump. They are politically allied. What else could you possibly call that arrangement?

        Are trans lives so meaningless to you that you reading a book you enjoy is more important than the fact she's actively cheering on and financially backing the genocide of an entire group of people?

        • -1

          They are literally just pointing out the biological realities of so-called 'trans people'. If anything they are sympathetic to this state of confliction/dysphoria.

        • -1

          I dont agree with her take, but can you link the arrangement, so im better informed?
          She just seems to have an opinion on a topic, I cant find what political party shes allegedly guiding.

          And no, I dont think someone enjoying a book says anything about their feelings on religious or ethnic cleansing. That would be an insane assumption.

    • counted not in $ but in the lives of young trans kids who are killing themselves in the thousands

      Is this like claims that thousands of trans people are killed every year "just for being trans", but when finally cornered into presenting any actual evidence of this happening, the best that people can come up with only a list of less than 30 homicides per year in the United States (out of a population of 335 million people)?

      … And then when you actually bother to investigate the backgrounds of those 20 or so homicides per year, half the incidents are directly related to drugs and gang-related activities, another quarter are commited by their own spouse (who themselves are sometimes trans), and virtually none of them can actually be tied to the victim being "trans" as the motive?

      As someone who's fundamentally center-libertarian in political orientation, unhinged and unstantiated claims like "young trans kids who are killing themselves in the thousands" (or the angry reactions to simply pointing out an observation about cyberbullying lawsuits vs defamation lawsuits) have done nothing but increase my skepticism for people who crywolf about "fascism" like yourself.

      • I was talking about suicide and you changed the topic to talk about homicides. If you’re that intellectually lazy that you’re unable to even initiate a discussion without immediately changing the goalposts and misusing data then I guess that’s where you are and no amount of convincing will discourage you from being a POS re trans people. If you can’t see a wholesale governmental attack by the most powerful person in the world on trans people as as fascism you’re a total moron.

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