Ozbargining My Engagement Ring! (+ Poll: "How Much Did You Spend on Your Engagement Ring?")

Well… if I'm honest with myself, I think my days as a single lad are numbered! I didn't really stand a chance though, she's just that kind of girl :)

My friends and family tell me not to spend too much on a ring; it's much wiser to spend $$ on a house or even a nice honeymoon! My parents think anything over 3k is excessive, my sister's husband paid just over 2k for his ring (though it's 'valued' at 7k). I know my girlfriend would just be happy to have a ring and doesn't expect anything extravagant.

But, though it's in my nature to be frugal (trust me!), I really want to make an exception for the ring! It seems a little silly, but I really want it to be something she can cherish and I want to go overboard (for once in my life!)

So I'm hoping to get her a very good quality (in terms of cut, clarity and colour) ring with a single diamond of at least 1 carat or maybe even 1.5 carats. Is that as excessive as I think it is? Maybe that's normal these days and I'm actually being stingy??

Nevertheless, I have my heart set on this (unless you can convince me otherwise!)

So, that brings me to the title of my post. How can I 'OzBargain' my engagement ring? Is there some sort of 'hack' where I can get a massive discount on a great quality ring?

So here are my thoughts, listed from worst to best (imo)

1) Generic Jeweller:
Not a good idea, retail prices, MAYBE I can get a special, but I'm skeptical.

2) Online trader:
I've heard websites like bluenile.com are pretty decent… do I have to watch out for import tax?

3) Profiting of another's misfortunes
Ok, it sounds terrible when I put it that way! But I what I mean by this is getting a second-hand ring. Or at least getting the gemstone and gold, to remelt into a custom design of my own. I figure that many gemstones from retail jewellers are recycled anyway. Gumtree or even the new 'Facebook marketplace' could be the way to go (as long as I can be sure that what I'm buying is genuine)

What's your story? What's your hack? What advice would you give to a 'young man in love' :P

In case this matters, I'm a 26yo teacher making just over 80k p.a. when you factor in a few 'side gigs' :)

Poll Options

  • 121
  • 241
  • 137
  • 84
  • 17
  • 41


  • +5

    Would you consider synthetic diamonds/ mossanite? apparently they shine just as/ brighter than real diamonds because they are man-made so they are technically 'perfect'. i wanted one of those but my mum just handed me down one of hers.

    • +14

      Moissanite is definitely awesome. Almost as hard as a diamond, discovered from a meteor, more brilliant and way, way cheaper. The only issue is that it is almost impossible to find in any jewelry shop in Australia so need to order online which some people are not comfortable with. What Debeers has done over the years to brainwash women into associating diamonds with wedding/engagement is a travesty. Try and convince a woman that diamonds are not precious stones and they will have none of it :(

      • +1

        Aha. while i do agree that diamonds are precious stones, i dont like having the idea of my partner shelling out $5-10k when we could put that towards a house, or a holiday! I was going to fly to Singapore and have it done at this place, ring + flights and accom would have worked out cheaper than buying an equiv from an Aust store. Big 'carat' sizes too :) . i think that there are a few shops in Aust that does Mossanite as well, something like secrets and moimoi?


      • +1

        Amen, they are incredibly shiny and look great. But i wouldn't want to be you trying to explain why you'd bought a fake diamond…..

        My wife saw these faux diamonds after our wedding and actually suggested we buy one and sell her engagement ring, but i don't think she was really serious about it

        • +18

          My wife saw these faux diamonds after our wedding and actually suggested we buy one and sell her engagement ring, but i don't think she was really serious about it

          Well done, you passed her test.

      • +2



        Bought from these guys 9 years ago.


        Proposed with a ring for the surprise factor from this website. Missus loved it so much and for so many compliments. She said she didn't want a proper ring after all!

        • Hey Newplace, how long was shipping for you? On the site they say super fast shipping but I can't find anywhere on how long to certain areas.

        • @knobbs: it was 9 years ago buddy. Can't remember. But I recall not being concerned.

          Message them to ask.

          Try promo code iluve14kss. It's old but may work!

          Edit: checked my email, was delivered using international priority shipping within 10 days

      • +1

        I found it pretty easy when I looked.

        I just got my gf's ring custom made to exactly what she wanted and they used mossanite and it turned out amazing and she gets comments about her ring alot.

        Cost 2000ish at the end of the day.

  • +46

    I like your writing skills. Many words but very readable content, well done.

    I've spent about $3k and think that it was a lot:)
    For OzBargaining - take a look at Costco, I've heard they often have quite good deals. They also sell $499k ring in Brisbane if you'd like to go crazy!

    • +11

      +1 on the writing skills! Didn't realise it until it was pointed out but it's very true!

    • +4

      I can feel how excited you are, love it! Look into synthetic diamonds if you don't mind! Good luck!

    • +9

      Well shucks sir! I've never been complimented on that before :) I appreciate it!

    • Why sell it for $499? can't even tell people you bought a .5 million dollar ring!

  • +10

    Heh I used a paperclip and saved $$$

    • +5

      +1 for your imagination.

      Hey OP, have you considered doing some sleuthing??

      Firstly find out her size, her rock preference, and style choice. Also ask her friends/family for info if you trust them with keeping it a secret.

      Also a good idea is to go overseas and pick up the piece from there. You can potentially get a better crafted jewellery, with higher carat count overseas. Also it wouldn't be "valued" at AU$7k…it would be AU$7k worth but potentially cost a third of that price.

      Think about it.

  • +35

    Write an extremely respectful letter to Mariah Carey.

  • +12

    I know my girlfriend would just be happy to have a ring and doesn't expect anything extravagant.

    Yeah right. That's like when girls say "nothing is wrong" or "Let's eat anywhere". Of course she wants a extravagant ring. She's not gonna tell you that though.

    I'd meet in the middle if I were you. $4-6K is probably a good price but obviously you need to do some planning…. Financially that is.

    Will your/her parents be happy to contribute to the wedding? Or is that on you guys?

    I would NOT buy anything like this on gumtree or over Facebook.

    I know a 'OZBargain hack' is to buy it in Australia, go overseas, go to the tax refund desk(this may take some forward planning to get her away from you so you can do this) at the airport and get some money refunded. Understandably this may not be an option.

    • +1

      Yeah right. That's like when girls say "nothing is wrong" or "Let's eat anywhere". Of course she wants a extravagant ring. She's not gonna tell you that though


      Plus you gotta make sure it's a better ring than what her friends husbands have given them. Sigh…

  • +17

    There should be an option like "I didn't buy an engagement ring". That's my case.

    • +23

      Hubby didn't buy me an engagement ring either, nor did I care for one. I only have a plain wedding gold band and have been married for over 15 years and have a heap of kids, lol!

      "Yeah right. That's like when girls say "nothing is wrong" or "Let's eat anywhere". Of course she wants a extravagant ring. She's not gonna tell you that though"
      This statement is not true of all women. I for one am one of those girls, who don't care for material possessions. An all round Ozbargain, kinda girl.

      • +9

        Of course I am jesting … but I can't help but wonder

        Which would be cheaper (it's ozbargain)

        …and have a heap of kids

        or an engagement ring?


        • +6

          Lol! true dat! . Let it be known he wanted lots of children and we got married very young :D

  • +8

    First I would discover whether a diamond ring is what she's really after?

    Also consider her finger size. If she has smaller fingers, getting a massive carat may look out of place. Clumsiness also plays a part too whether she will knock ring about.

    There's plenty of other gemstones you could use as well. Without knowing really how much you want to spend, personally I wouldn't spend more than 3k. Your thought that goes into it > the cost of the ring (NOTE: depends on girl)

    1) If you go local and find a good jeweller, it will cost more but the design will be more custom. They work to your budget. Maybe over 1-2k more than overseas

    2) online have a look at bluenile.com and jamesallen.com - spend some time on pricescope forums and get to understand those "4 C's" of diamonds etc. cheaper even with duty depending on what you get. Personally I feel a bit iffy handing over a large sum of money online

    3) I know some girls wouldn't even touch a second hand ring if they knew. If they don't know then no harm right? This would be the cheapest option but you don't have any guarantee on their claim of what the ring really is or quality.

    Only you really know what she might be into in terms of her "dream wedding". Don't forget you're not marrying each other for the ring :)

    • +14

      "I have small fingers so don't get me a large diamond" said no woman ever.

      • +1

        Haha! That's pretty much what I said actually. I ended up choosing my ring and it has one very small diamond that sits flush with the ring. I hate rings with gems that stick up and catch on things, and I'm not into flashy. Mine looks more like a guys wedding ring, just teeny.

        • +1

          Same as my wife, but the joke is still funny 😊

    • +1

      Agree with this. Not sure what you are looking for, but understanding the 4 C's depends on what you are looking for. I went with option 2 shown above, but using different websites. Since then ive used Bluenile, which is a well trusted site but not the cheapest.

      For me, I got her a yellow gold ring, so colour was a low priority. Cut should be a high priority regardless, as that gives it the sparkle that people notice more than size or anything else. Clarity is important up to a point, once you get to no visible inclusions by the eye then its a bit pointless. And carat, maybe go look in some shops to get an idea. 1ct is probably bigger than you may realise.

      I spent around $7k all up. Dont listen to everyone when they say I paid $x and its worth double! I havent seen many insurance valuations that are different, which is just based on the retail markup in the jewellery industry.

      • i think online is a good way to go, but its a bit harder to get an idea what youre getting when shopping online (its easier in stores, because you realise its all pretty shiny and looks the same) and too easy to get sucked into all the research. but, i found jamesallen better than bluenile, because they have 360 degree views and good online chat with sales, where i only found top views on bluenile

        on clarity, one of the things i read was that some stones are listed as having some minor clarity imperfections and appear clear in photos, but in person just look kinda cloudy because of a lot of non-visible imperfections adding up. i ended up going for even lower clarity, but with a small but visible imperfection. and other than that one tiny thing dragging down the grade, the clarity is actually really good. paired with a really good cut and a yellow band, she still thinks its shiner than any others shes seen

        • Used James Allen and they were ace. Saved a small fortune on aus prices
          . Admittedly bought at close to 1.10usd but the quality of the diamonds and info is all there.

  • +3

    I ended up buying something with a few chips of sparkle for myself once we got engaged - cost in the couple of hundred dollars range. Pretty sure the Man would have gone for buying an actual engagement ring if I had wanted one, but since I didn't, we didn't. I did see a lovely old fashioned diamond sparkler in a Cash Converters one time well after we were married, that actually fitted and suited my finger, but my husband was very much against buying it, being "second hand". Not that I have a problem with that - I have from time to time browsed "estate" jewellery websites and think that if I was to buy one, it would probably be an early Twentieth Century heirloom piece, just for the sake of it.

    • +3

      Estate Jewellery… have not considered that! Thanks!

      • +3

        I add my vote for estate jewellery - an excellent idea, especially if she's into vintage. It's always going to be pre-loved, but the price:valuation is also usually very good (if you're really interested in that).

        My only other suggestion is if she wears rings now, take note of the setting - particularly whether she prefers a more flat setting. Speaking from experience, I prefer less "elevated" settings because they are less likely to get caught in clothes, or bumped - which could cause a stone to loosen or fall out, which has happened to me. And no, it didn't fall out straight away, but it got bumped often enough that it did eventually and I didn't notice it happen so I lost a stone.

  • +1

    Ah glad you ask ozbargain and not James packer or you'll follow him and blow 10 millions.

    • +18

      $10 million for Packer is the equivalent of us spending $49.99 on a cubic zirconia at Bevilles.

  • +4

    Quite surprised the lowest option is <1k

    • +8

      Yep there should be a less than $50 option.

    • +4

      I spent about $500, I think?

      I certainly considered that more than was reasonable, but splurged because I was in love.

      Got a lowish quality but very pretty and not-tiny (0.5 carat?) real diamond. Not as nice or ethical as a fake, but this way wife can say it's a real diamond to her friends.

      Once you spend the 30 seconds to find out about de beers and learn that diamonds aren't even proper gems you realise that only an idiot would spend thousands of dollars on one.

  • +2

    I spent $3k for the lot (custom made Wedding plus Engagement) and I have a $15 Tungsten Carbide ring for me.
    You have to get past the fact that Diamonds are artificially priced..

    • +3

      I've looked on AliExpress just not - $15 Tungsten Carbide for me looks great!

      • +3

        No complaints from me on the Tungsten Carbide…
        It's still as shiny as the day I bought it and it's heavy so people think it must be expensive.
        The only negative is the alleged "Emergency Services can't cut it off" problem if you break your finger.

        For that case, I bought a pair of vice-grip pliers and pre-set them to clamp slightly smaller than the ring. The ring will apparently shatter under pressure and being Vice-grips, they wont crunch my finger after the ring does disintegrate.

        • +11

          Do you take the pliers everywhere you go?

        • @ihbh: Attached to his belt of many things.

    • +1

      Wish I'd known that Tungsten rings could be had that cheap, definitely would have cheaped out and got one for myself and pocketed the difference.

  • +21

    I got a big bag of them for $2, each has a delicious cheesy flavour…

    • +6

      Might even last longer than some marriages lol

      • +1

        I'm saving up for the bag of burger flavoured eternity rings now… ;)

  • -2

    I personally would look towards secondhand and perhaps remounting a diamond, definitely more bang for your buck.

    I voted $5-10K because that is the range I would expect if my SO was earning $80K, perhaps even erring into the lower end of the next price range up. Being a bargain hunter though, I'd first try to find a $12k ring for $2k LOL.

    • +12

      A 12K ring for 2K is a 2K ring, it was never worth 12K.

      • -2

        You could say the same about cars. You're paying a premium because nobody's put their filthy hands all over it.. except for the maker and the dealer.

        • +7

          It doesn't have anything to do with handling, it is the fact that the ring is horrifically overpriced to start with.

          I can guarantee there is no car out there with a 600% plus markup on it.

        • +2

          They are no where near on the same planet. Don't be daft.

    • I voted $5-10K because that is the range I would expect if my SO was earning $80K

      Insane how easily we are manipulated by advertising into wasted enormous amounts of money like this…

      • -1

        Everyone's different, I'd rather spend it on a ring I'll wear "forever" than on a car for example. There is always an opportunity cost for everything. You just have to pick your vices, or live a very boring life.

        • +1

          You find wearing a ring to be less boring than driving? You must really hate driving haha

  • +6

    If you get swept up into the whole size/cut/clarity stuff you are already on the slippery slope to spending a bunch of money that could be deployed much more effectively elsewhere. I don't believe anybody has ever shown the least interest in the clarity or quality/inclusions of the stone, so I would not pay extra for the top end rocks.
    You can never win the "look at mine" contest as there are always people who spend stupid money on these things.
    Perhaps a non-traditional ring option?
    You likely have two options:
    1) go all out and get the biggest flashy rock you can and surprise her with your proposal
    2) consult closely with her regarding what she would like in terms of a non-traditional ring

    NOTE: there is no option C with a surprise non-traditional ring. That way leads to ruin.

    • +2

      Speaking of non-traditional rings, I've always wondered, what's the etiquette if you are presented with a HORRIBLE ring? One that's just not "you" or is straight up ugly.

      If you like the style I don't think that gem size matters all that much ultimately, but if you can't see yourself wearing a certain style, it's more of a problem.

      • +2

        Make sure it's insured the lose it?

  • +3

    Use Blue Nile (US jewelry shop) for my girlfriend at that time (wife now).

    Very decent price compared to here. The ring came via DHL (very fast).

    Perfect in every way. Quality of the diamond is top notch. Very good customer service too. They offer a free adjustment if it doesn't fit. You can always go for the ring gauge before buying but that will ruin the surprise. They send one together with your order in case you need the ring adjusted.

    As mentioned before don't try to get the top clarity, etc. ones. You or she might not even be able to tell!

    • +10

      I was sneaky and during one night snuck into the bathroom and pushed one of my girlfriend's (at the time) rings into a bar of soap. Brought the soap home and measured it up so I knew what size to buy.

      • +4

        Sounds like she never got the ring back…

        • +4

          pushed the ring into soap bar to leave an impression

          Funny when I told her this after the proposal, because i left soap on the ring and she remembered putting it on the next morning and wondering why it was soapy (to commit the perfect crime clean up afterwards!)

        • +4

          @singlemalt72: Suspiciously too clean in this case.

    • +1

      For blue nile because the ring is primarily made in USA you skip paying some import duty because of free trade agreement with USA.

      • Negative. If the total is over $1000, you pay import duty. Mine worked out around $400 for a $3000 ring from Blue Nile and customs held onto it until the tax was paid.

        • I bought a $6k+ ring from bluenile in 2012, i can't remember what the duty was or how much I ended up paying cause I don't have paper work with me. By default the duty is charged and customs keeps the item till you sort out the tax; unless you claim and exemption because of the free trade and that the item is primarily made in USA.

  • +9

    I was fortunate to have old family jewelry. Grabbed 2 1.5ct diamonds and a 1.8ct ruby and went to a reputable independent long standing family jeweller to get a ring, which we designed, to be made. Cost about $400. Ring "valued" at $14,000.

    Bought a fake engagement ring and wedding bands from aliexpress (for when we go travelling). Rings cost ~US$1.50 each delivered. Mrs altomic received more compliments on that rung from her friends than for the genuine one. FFS

    Just saying- aliexpress sells some very nice looking and well made CZ rings for less than $20. If I was getting engaged again I'd probably go down that path. Mrs Altomic was very happy with the fake engagement ring, it does look very nice.

  • +2

    What about a ring that contains both your birthstones? Cheaper unless you are both April.

  • +4

    Bought her a white-gold band.

    Gave her $20k to spend on what she likes. Not all girls are obsessed with flashy diamonds.

  • +1

    I made her an aluminium foil ring, then got her to choose her own. She bought all three rings on her credit card too :) :)

    • +3

      Are you my mate Tim? Haha, I have a mate who did this three weeks ago! #winning

  • +2

    2nd hand is best !!

  • +3

    My advise is to buy a diamond and then get a ring made. Buying a completed ring from jewellers will definitely have 100% markup on the diamond. Diamond rings are a huge money maker for jewellery shops because they know unsuspecting men will fork out horrible amounts of money for poor quality diamonds in a nice looking ring.

    In my extensive research when I went thought this process, it was always much cheaper to buy the diamond you want and then get a ring made for $200-500 depending on the design and size.

    I bought my diamond from Jogia Diamonds https://www.jogiadiamonds.com.au/ and I saved thousands based on the diamond I selected verses what the same diamond would have cost me in a retail store.

    What does your GF do for work? If she's like my wife and uses her hands for work in the medical field, consider that a big bulky 1.5ct diamond can be a nuisance. If not then you're fine :) but also be careful not to get a huge diamond that is super blingy that she might be embarressed about - depends on her personality which you should know by now what will suit her :)

    • +1

      She is a primary school teacher, I guess a big ring would get in the way. Thanks for the link, I will check it out!

      • +2

        I gather a teacher isn;t too hands on compared to a doctor or nurse constantly putting on rubber gloves. I kow a lot of nurses get rings with inset gems that wont catch on gloves or clothing or patients skin :) As a teach I'm sure she'll be fine unless shes the art/pottery teacher.. :P

        Theres an epic engagement ring thread on OCAU. Suggest you have a look. http://forums.overclockers.com.au/showthread.php?t=929440

      • Have you looked at bezels? They are low-profile and don't catch on clothes or scratch. SIL has this tiffany-inspired ring but I got it made by a friend and the centre stone is a C&C forever one moissanite. She gets complimented all the time.

        Edit: looks like Moissanico.com has something similar.

  • +3

    Learning about the 4 c's (Colour, Cut, Clarity, Carat) will help you when you're shopping as you can begin to see what effects these have on price and make good decisions about it.

    IMO size isn't everything; a bigger stone won't necessarily be more impressive than a smaller one with better cut and clarity as the level of 'sparkle' is heavily influenced by those two c's. If you get the opportunity, find a place where you can view a variety of examples IRL- it's quite surprising.

    Plus when you start talking about really large single stones, the bigger the stone the less likely people will believe it's real, unless it's obviously flawed or cloudy and then it looks yuk anyway. Plus looking comically unbalanced and be inconvenient if she has petite hands. But hey, some girls are all about the size of the rock. If yours isn't, I'd strongly recommend balancing your stone budget more heavily towards a better cut with better clarity at the expense of size. Colour is up to you.

  • +6

    This is Ozbargain. I choose two return cheapie trips to Paris and a proposal on the Eiffel tower with a $1K gold, no stone ring.

    • +2

      Haha, a European holidays does sound much better than an overpriced ring!

  • +3

    One thing to note is white gold will need to be re-plated, sometimes yearly.

    Platinum, although a bit more expensive upfront, will not need re-plating and save $$$ down the line.

    • Good point :)

      Does anyone had any experience with durable, but inexpensive metals that look like white gold?

      • +2

        I have a white gold wedding band. it's been replated once in 13 years (and even then it didn't really need it but Mrs Altomic did it as a surprise- bless her).

        I bought our wedding bands from Mario's jeweller on Smith St, Fitzroy. I didn't really shop around before hand as I was living overseas and Mario's was recommend. for the 2 weeks I came back to Aus for our wedding. they were, at the time, very reasonable and helpful. the price - 13 years ago- was very reasonable.

        but you could get on aliexpress and buy 100 wedding bands for US40 delivered. wear for a year and then replace with a new one from the stash.

      • +1

        Silver? LOLOLOLOL

      • White gold is best if your after a white metal, the inexpensive white metals are generally very hard to work with, white gold is much easier to work with, silver is far too soft to be considered.
        Find a nice diamond, propose with that then take it to a reputable jeweller who can create the ring she really wants, the quality you get this way will surpass anything you will get for similar money from a shop.
        Then when it comes to wedding rings go back to the same jeweller for hers so she can get matching and ebay yours tungsten is good for guys due to durability.

    • +1

      You can get palladium white gold which does not require plating

  • -1

    Is there anything more classless or gaudy than an over the top engagement ring?

    Just get something that is nice. I don't think you can get too much for under $1000. People paying five figures are nuts and have ulterior motives I suspect.

  • +5

    I bought the diamond and band separately, just felt that I'd get ripped off at a shop.
    I used Jogia Diamonds and Larsens Jewellery for the band. In order of importance, I went Cut, Colour, Clarity and Carat - The better the cut, the better the sparkle. Also - take a look into the flaws (inclusions? or exclusions I can't remember what they're called), the polish, symmetry and the fluorescence of the diamond.

    I ended up with an excellent cut, F colour, VVS2 clarity and a 0.8 in carat - it cost me about 8k all up and I don't regret it at all. It was a big event in my life and it was worth the outlay.

  • +3

    I already had a joint bank account with the Mrs so technicLly she paid for it.. although i was working full time and studying part time while she was studying full time and working casual 😁

  • +9

    Go to Tiffany's in Sydney.

    I know saying that sentence will scare a lot of these guys off, but you know what… it does the exact opposite to women.
    They see that little aqua coloured box and know straight away its going to be awesome.

    I was earning $35k pa about 15-20 years ago. The LAST thing I wanted to buy was a $10k Tiffany ring.
    But if this girl is forever, that also means 'forever' in terms of brownie points and 'feel good' for you too.

    Don't worry about big flashy diamonds.
    Clarity and cut is just as important as carrot.

    Invest in a platinum band. Not silver, not white gold, PLATINUM.
    Then a small diamond mounted on top (the one I ended up buying all these years ago was e'tolle or something).

    You knock her out of the ballpark with a Tiffany ring mate. Trust me.
    Not Goldmark or any other retailer at a shopping centre. TIFFANY.

    Almost 20 years later and I'm still earning praise while she's sitting there at dinner looking at it.
    Fork out a little more now even if you can't afford it. I couldn't afford it.
    But the ring is soooooooo important.

    My wife is not a flashy, makeup, name brand, takes forever to get dressed type of chick. Very down to earth and almost frugal like me!
    And even she loved it.

    How long you been with her?

    If this is only a few years in, I'd wait until unleashing a Tiffany.
    But if this longer, and you kinda need to make a move because 'it's time'… Tiffany the hell out of it!

    Get her best friend/sister/mother to help you if need be (this is actually a great way to earn extra points from your harshest critiques!) You'll establish good connections that will be useful later.


    Edited: Just re-read your post. 26yo and earning $80k or thereabouts? Your budget needs increasing bud. Big time! She knows how much you are earning… $3k for a ring is too cheap. At least $10-15k…. or you'll regret it. Tiffany, Tiffany, Tiffany!

    You don't need to go crazy and spend half your yearly salary, but a quarter isn't asking a lot mate. This is how chicks think.

    • +1

      I went to Tiffany to get an idea of ring designs which is a great idea but I would highly advise not buying from them. 100-200% markup on diamonds compared to wholesale diamond prices.

      But visiting Tiffanys was good to get a feel for prices and designs, then I took a picture of the classic tiffany solitaire ring to a small jeweller and ask him to copy it which he said is a very common request. Saved thousandsssssss

      • +3

        How do you know what you're getting elsewhere though?

        Tiffany don't deal in blood diamonds. They won't con you into buying something that isn't what they are telling you.
        And forget about all these valuations being thrown around. A Tiffany ring comes with all the paperwork and valuer's certificate you need for later.

        Sometimes namebrand is important. A Porsche is a Porsche. A car similar in shape, as much grunt, and made to look like a Porsche, is still… not a Porsche.

        Sometimes, brand counts more than discount received.

        Yes Tiffany's is expensive. But there are movies made about this store that have been engrained into the female brain like no other. Telling her this no name wholesale custom made ring is worth $20k and you only paid $7k for it is… meh. So you got a bargain. Awesome.
        Telling her this is a Tiffany ring. Don't worry about how much it cost me. You're my forever and this ring is forever.

        BAAMMMM!!!!! It's in the grandstands!!!!

        • +3

          I agree that theres something to be said for that little blue box but the problem is, a $7k no brand ring is $30k in Tiffanys not $15k. The difference is enormous.

        • @Skramit:

          No doubt there's a huge mark up buying there. I completely agree.
          But that's another thing you are paying for.
          It's not just the hardware, its the logo too.
          And in this particular instance, the logo is so important its worth it.

          I don't think I've ever bought on brand name alone before, and I don't think I ever will.
          But I'm so sure on this one OP. Please.
          Even the chicks that "don't want anything expensive, don't spend too much" would secretly love a Tiffany ring.
          They'd never buy one for themselves, they are always thinking its far too extravagant.
          You buying it absolves her from that guilt.

          She knows its expensive. She knows its not a bargain. She knows you didn't pick the ring based on price alone.
          In 10 or 20 years, when you are earning even more and sitting there at the restaurant waiting for your meal to come, and she looks down and plays with it. That's when your future self will thank you. Over and Over.

          I'm there now mate. It was a huge expense back then. But I'm doing much better financially now, and I'm glad she's not wearing some cheap shit. I made a good choice!!!!

          Please OP. It sounds like I work for them or something. But if you're 26 and already earning a decent wicket, mate…. you've already got a green light. Go!!!!

        • +3

          @UFO: You sound like the most Aussie bloke ever haha! I have friends that would feel exactly how you're describing over that little blue box but don't lump us all together!

          I looked at Tiffany when I was shopping around and, without even seeing the prices, I didn't like anything that I saw there. Not that it's not amazing but it just wasn't my style.

          Also your comment on the platinum, once again don't lump us all together. I would be disappointed if my partner showed up with a platinum ring because he obviously hasn't been paying attention that I love gold rings!

        • +5


          In all my above rants I forgot the most important thing! Know your Mrs!
          My word yes!
          Take note of the jewellery she wears the most, look at the common themes… is it really blingy flashy, or is it more subdued? Are there certain stones/colours she likes?

          The reason I suggest platinum is because it doesn't stain, never causes people itches/rashes, and is nice and heavy (heavier and stronger than gold).

          But if gold (or white gold, or rose gold) is their colour… then go for that for sure :).

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