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AmEx Statement Credits: Harvey Norman - Spend $300 Get $100, The Iconic - Spend $200 Get $40, Interflora - Spend $80 Get $20


Enrollments closed

Harvey Norman(offerenroll.americanexpress.com)

Spend $300 or more, get $100 back Maximum enrollments reached.

Save the offer to your Card and spend $300 or more, in one or more transactions, in-store or online at Harvey Norman by 30/12/16 to receive one $100 credit. Limited to the first 60,000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.

The Iconic(offerenroll.americanexpress.com)

Spend $200 or more, get $40 back Maximum enrollments reached.

Save the offer to your Card and spend $200 or more, in one or more transactions, online only at www.theiconic.com.au by 15/11/2016 to receive one $40 credit. Limited to the first 10000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.


Spend $80 or more, get $20 back Maximum enrollments reached.

Save the offer to your Card and spend $80 or more, in one or more transactions, online only at interflora.com.au by 2/12/2016 to receive one $20 credit. Limited to the first 8,000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.

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AmEx Statement Offers
AmEx Statement Offers

closed Comments

    • Haven't tried it but genius !!!

      • Thanks

    • Minus "Low one off card price of $10"

    • Just wanted to add.

      The Prepaid Visa GC as you said costs an extra $0.45, but can be bought in a $500 denomination whereas the Visa Vpay is $300 max.

      Their system may show a Visa Vpay with a $500 denomination, but I can assure you that a Vpay voucher cannot be loaded up with $500.

      • -1

        vpay max is $300

        • That's what I said.

        • Can we reload vpay or it is use n throw ?

      • Totally agree with what you saying, but I haven't seen the new batch of VISA GC (the last batch expired in October). In the absence of VISA GC then VPAY would be an excellent alternative

        • Yep that's the last batch I myself saw too lol.

        • How can you buy VPAY. Do i have to go to the store ?

          Anyone received cash back yet ?

      • The VPAY card I have in front of me says it can go up to $500, FYI

    • Will try this. Thanks so much!

    • Genius!!!

    • There's no fee for reloading the Prepaid M/C?

      EDIT: nevermind. Just checked the Coles website. No fees for reloading.

    • Can you clarify point #3 please…

      '3. Load your Coles Reloadable Prepaid MasterCard for up to $1000 with Vpay GC

      Do you need to do that in a Coles store or it's done online?

      • Had the same question. How exactly do you load the prepaid mastercard with a vpay gc?

        • He means buying a Coles Reloadable Prepaid MasterCard which will cost you $10, thus my comment above.
          You initial load to the card can be done via cc and will not be charged as a cash adv.

        • @Turd: Does this mean your subsequent loads from additional vPay cards do get charged a cash advance ?

          Eg: if I get three of these $300 vPay cards, can I bank on being able to load $900 into the Coles Prepaid MC, or do I need to account for some sort of cash advance fee somewhere ?

        • +1

          @drsmithy: Subsequent loads must be done via BPay (From Debit, Savings accounts) NOT a credit card nor a Prepaid VISA Card

        • @Turd:

          So then the $10 is not optional, because you MUST buy a new card in order to be able to load using Vpay. But then you can't put $1000 on it per the original comment, since you can only use 1 vpay card, which only has $300…?

          So confused.

        • @zzyss: Correct. $1000 is a max you can put on the initial load of the coles card if u were to use a normal cc. So thus using the system max is $300.

          Thus my original comment of minus $10 applies. :)

          Pretty simple actually.

        • @Turd: Actually maximum initial load is only $100, so you'd need to buy three cards for each Vpay GC. That doesn't seem to be right. Surely there is another way?

        • @yycan: Initial is indeed $100 max. I would advise its better to use vpay pay water, council, etc. so you dont lose $10 coles fees

        • @Turd: Ah I see, you're referring to Coles gift Mastercard, not the prepaid reloadable Mastercard

        • @yycan: I am referring to Prepaid reloadable Mastercard. They do have the same website address, but in there you can choose where to go.

        • @yht: ahhh I see now, just worked!! Woo free money!! Literally hahahabhbahbahba Imagine 100 amex cards. THAT's $10,000 FREE!

        • @yycan: note Coles gift Mastercard cost $5, coles prepaid reloadable Mastercard cost $10 also Subsequent loads must be done via BPay (From Debit, Savings accounts) NOT a credit card thus vpay wont work for future top ups

        • @coolsteps: I've already loaded all my Vpay on to reloadable Mastercard via debit card method.

        • @yycan: thanks i just tried it again and it worked. got error on first attempt, maybe you need to wait 24hrs after activating vpay to be recongised. btw which atms can i use now to withdraw cash thats fee free? is it the rediteller atms and do i press credit or savings button? can you do cash out at checkout at a shop ie coles etc?

      • Thanks! You're the greatest. I stand to gain $950 :)

      • +1

        More info:

        • The max daily withdrawal per card is $300 (it's in the PDS). If you have multiple cards you could spread out the top-ups so you can withdraw more at once.
        • You can also withdraw for free from HSBC and rediATMs. If the machine says there may be an ATM fee, cancel and don't do it (unless you're happy to pay the fee).
        • You can top up a Coles Reloadable Prepaid Mastercard to $10k if you verify your identity online (actually do they still do this? not sure)
        • Yes, I just upgraded my account to 10k Just clicked some buttone instant upgrade.

        • @Turd: Ah ok. Good to know.

          Also one more thing:

          • Coles Reloadable Prepaid Mastercard is pretty much the only "free" (ok it costs a $10 one-off fee, but has been posted for free) card that awards you points on overseas transactions without surcharging you with forex fees/overseas transaction fees. The reward rate is 1 FlyBuys point per dollar (1 FlyBuys point per $2 for AUD transactions).

          Only until 31 December 2016 though.

        • Cheers

        • @illumination: That's good to know too!! WOW AMAZING!!

        • @Turd: it will check your credit history ?

        • @dumkaze: #cantaffordsydneypropertyanyways

        • So once u have loaded a $300 vpay card, you can topup with another vpay credit card with no cash advance fee?

      • To be clear, since there seems to be some conflicting info here in different posts, can you use multiple vPay cards to load onto a single Coles Reloadable Prepaid Mastercard ?

        Ie: I get 3x$300 vPay cards and load them each individually into the Coles Prepaid MC and can subsequently withdraw $900 cash (or just use the card to buy $900 worth of stuff) ?

        • +1

          YES YOU CAN

        • @Turd:
          How long does it take for the credi to appears in the Coles card?

      • +2

        Great, now we just need a list of stores selling either the Vpay of Visa GCs.

      • Which store did you go to to get your vpay? Anyone tried Sydney stores with vpay with msg from AMEX? Thanks

      • Did you select direct deposit or Debit Card in step three?

      • I think your point 5 is not quite correct. You get the $300 in cash but you'll also have a $305.50 charge on the original credit card used to purchase the vpay voucher. Amex then credits you $100 which means you have to pay off the remaining $205.50 with the $300 cash you got. You walk away with $94.50.

        Not nit picking here…just wanted to remind those reading that they still need to pay off the original cc.

        Thanks for the great tip!

        • I am sure everyone will understand that they will eventually receive $94.50 pay off after paying off the bill.

    • you win
      flawless victory!

  • First time AE card user. I dont understand what it means by limited to the first xxxxx who saved the offer?
    So there is a Save Offer button, and if you click on it, you secured the offer? i.e. you are one of the first xxxxx?
    No need to be the first xxxxx to buy stuff from store?

    So what if people just saved the offer but not using it, at the end they just occupied the place and wasted others chance?

    • +2

      Correct, correct, and correct.

  • +3

    received the $100 back on my Amex cards and bank-issued Amex card today. Bought gift cards. :)

    • gift cards from online or in store purchase?

      • online

        • After HN approved your purchases?

        • @phxsun: yes. They didn't contact me though… they just took a while to approve it, and the GCs came after that.

        • @bluedufflecoat:
          Good stuff. You must've been one of the ones who bought them early.

          I'm at a bit of a impasse right now as my purchase was declined by HN and now I don't know whether I can make an in-store purchase and still get credit.

        • @phxsun: why did HN decline your purchase?

          If you buy in store, I think it would still work.

        • @bluedufflecoat:
          That's what I'm trying to figure out. I got an email yesterday to say they didn't accept the order then after I spoke with the customer service girl, I emailed their online security team to release my order. Got an email back today just to say they couldn't facilitate the order. I've emailed back asking for a reason and I'm waiting for a reply now.

          I could buy instore but I'm not sure where the cashback offer sits if I was to make another purchase after this one was declined.

        • @phxsun:

          I could buy instore but I'm not sure where the cashback offer sits if I was to make another purchase after this one was declined.

          The offer states to spend in "one or more transactions", so you will be fine.

    • Can I ask when you purchased yours online?


  • Has anyone succeed buying an iphone with amex money back? thanks

  • Bought an Apple Watch in store and received email confirmation from Amex a minute later

    • Thanks. I'm considering doing the same thing. Can you let us know when the credit has arrived in your account just to be 100% certain. If this works, I can get the Apple Watch for $381 when I get my RTS refund as well

  • +1

    How do people have so many AMEX cards?

    Are there no annual fee AMEX cards that people hold on to for deals like this, or are you borrowing cards from your spouse/relatives/neighbors?

    • Fyi: 1 primary holder can have 4 supplementary cards. Imagine wife and husband have each, total card 10 amex ( 2 primary 8 supps ).

      • That's crazy - but are supp cards free? I know my bank issued AMEX would charge me $55 for each additional card.

        But having 10 Amex cards across a couple, wow…Shop Small months would be a whole lot more fun.

        • +1

          You need to get amex issued card ( not bank issue ). All amex issue supps cards has different digit.

      • does supplementary card have same number or different number?

        • Depends on the issuer. Westpac and CBA (and I don't know who else) issue supp cards with same number.

          ANZ, AMEX, NAB issue with different numbers.

    • Amex Discovery (Blue) is free as one example. And they often have fee free promos, so just get them whilst on offer.

  • Hi, is anyone here have purchased Visa prepaid card in Sydney? I have been calling around seems no one have it, only vPay.

    • Can you please explain the difference between the visa prepaid card and the vPay card. Will it make a difference to getting the $100 back?

      • vPay is a virtual card that can only be used online. The pre-paid visa is a physical card.

        • Thanks for the info - do you think it would make any difference to the AMEX offer?

        • +1
    • Which ones had the vPay?

    • Which HN in Sydney has the vPay?

  • Data point: Online Amex portal is now showing as the offer being 'consumed' against Harveys for each of our Amex issued cards. I have the message "Redeemed with Card" against each card when I look at the offer. (and a purchase made on the weekend against a Dan Murphy offer for 15% back has just credited).

    • +2

      Yep that's normal. it changes to "redeemed" once you have redeemed it, nothing to worry about.

      Sit and wait for your free money!

      • Oh yes sorry, I should have said … All is tracking as per normal, so even after splitting up a sale across many cards, all looking good. This has been a great offer and I wish I had more cards.

  • Got a $300 VPAY card, no issues and email straight away! So good!

    • Can you get it online or only instore?

      • Only in store as far as I could tell. But it was only a 5min drive for me so I didn't look too hard into getting it online.

        • are they available on the counter ? are they different than the Gift card ?

        • @dumkaze: Yeah at my local (Bundall, QLD) they were on a giftcard rack just behind the checkouts, along with the typical array of giftcards (Event, Steam, Xbox Live, PSN etc)

        • @theguyrules: I will try to get some tonight… thanks

    • One vpay require One email address to activate :( Imagine 10 vpay voucher

      • Yeah its a weird system

      • Really?! That's a stupid system. Now I have to get some throwaway emails.

  • Hmm I'm now having the issue that the item I want to buy is more than $300, and most websites don't let you split payment across 2 cards.
    Might have to lose $10 and put it on a Coles Reloadable Prepaid MasterCard.

    • How are you meant to use up all the credit if you have a small amount left over?

      • Yeah good question actually.
        Trying to work out what to buy with it.

  • Anyone with an ANZ FF Black Amex get confirmation of their credit?

    I used 2 x Amexes and only got confirmation on the non-bank card. I did get the initial manual enrollment confirmation for both cards however.

    • what did you buy — gift card or Vpay ?

      • I bought an xbox and some games, split over two transactions.

        It hasn't posted in my ANZ account but has in my Amex account so maybe I need to wait a bit more.

    • Neither if my amex got confirmation letter, don't know why

    • +1

      Yes. ANZ FF Black, received confirmation.

      • Awesome, thanks. I'll report if / when i get confirmation. Waiting to open my XBOX! Haha

        • Took 6 days for the transaction to post but came through yesterday along with the $100 credit.

          Got the 1TB XBOX One S + FIFA 17 + Battlefield 1 + Media Remote for $405! Happy camper

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