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AmEx Statement Credits: Harvey Norman - Spend $300 Get $100, The Iconic - Spend $200 Get $40, Interflora - Spend $80 Get $20


Enrollments closed

Harvey Norman(offerenroll.americanexpress.com)

Spend $300 or more, get $100 back Maximum enrollments reached.

Save the offer to your Card and spend $300 or more, in one or more transactions, in-store or online at Harvey Norman by 30/12/16 to receive one $100 credit. Limited to the first 60,000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.

The Iconic(offerenroll.americanexpress.com)

Spend $200 or more, get $40 back Maximum enrollments reached.

Save the offer to your Card and spend $200 or more, in one or more transactions, online only at www.theiconic.com.au by 15/11/2016 to receive one $40 credit. Limited to the first 10000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.


Spend $80 or more, get $20 back Maximum enrollments reached.

Save the offer to your Card and spend $80 or more, in one or more transactions, online only at interflora.com.au by 2/12/2016 to receive one $20 credit. Limited to the first 8,000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.

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AmEx Statement Offers
AmEx Statement Offers

closed Comments

        • Yes i've enrolled it manually and got two confirmation emails. this is the AMEX Edge, cheers.

  • Oh wow. This is the best offer they've ever done. It's normally $50 back.

    I think I'll buy an iPad Pro.

  • +6

    Point of reference: We have 6 Amex cards (mix of genuine and bank issued) that I registered for using the manual link then received the rego confirmation email. Made a $1900 in-store purchase today and split it up across each card. Got the Amex confirmation email immediate on each card. YMMV.

    • +1


    • +1


      Lol I like that. As opposed to "fake"

      • Re "genuine" … by that I mean issued by Amex vs a 3rd party. The 2 bank issued were from 2 different banks.

  • emails from Amex after the purchase reads "If your purchase meets the offer terms" you will receive $100 credit.
    Sinking feeling they might back out of it :(

    anyone got different type of email after purchase from Amex?

    • +1

      That's their standard line for every confirmation email.

    • received the same email after buying egiftcard from HN , many have said amex will not know what you purchased , hopefully they honor it

      • It's hardly 'hopefully they will honor it'

        More like, hopefully they just don't care and credit you.

  • anyone know if Harvey Norman will be selling the PS4 Pro? (probably)

    it is not listed on their website, and I have not been inside a physical store for a while

    thx :)

  • -1

    does anyone know if a supplementary card can also get an offer.

    for example on my card i spend $300 and get $100 credit and on my wifes card she spends $300 does she get $100 credit too?

    thanks in advance

    • If it has a different number. Need to register separately.

      • thanks but this does not answer the question.

        does each supplementary card get entitled to the $100 credit upon $300 spend or is it once per credit card account?

        • each card gets entitled once, as long as it is registered separately.

        • @bluedufflecoat: thanks! that is great. I am going to get some supplementary cards for my parents and siblings and use them to buy my new furniture and save stacks!

  • Bought a baby car capsule, great buy at $355 once the $100 is credited from Harvey deal!

  • Thanks, perfect timing as have been looking at buying some spare kayanos from HN, just ordered 2 for $326 inc delivery, with $100 back. $113/kayano is great value.

  • HN one is a great ofder.

  • I bought my GoPro using my Amex card ytd night around 5:30 … still haven't got the confirmation email from Amex …. should I be worried. ????
    P.s. The transaction hasn't showed up on my credit card app yet , using the anz FF black card.

    • I spent on my ANZ card and didn't get a confirmation email, but my transaction had to be refunded a few minutes later. Neither the original transaction or the refund have appears in my ANZ app.

      • Why did it have to be refunded?

        • I bought a prepaid visa gift card, but when they went to activate it (which has to be after payment) they realized the card had expired.

  • Does anyone know if the Harvey Norman offer works if I make a purchase in person (>$300) at a BiG BUYS store (which from my understanding is still a HN store that simply sells certain products/brands)?

    • I'm taking a guess, but I would say "no". It's a separate company (eDeals Pty Ltd) trading as Harvey Norman Big Buys.

      Was also trying to see if they accept HN Gift Cards, but the only thing in the T&Cs is that they are accepted at any "franchisee". Dunno if BB counts as a franchisee.

      • Strange. The online Harvey Norman includes big buy items

      • +1

        Can confirm that HN giftcards are accepted at Big Buys (purchase made in Dec-15). Haven't had any actual experience with using Amex offer at Big Buys though.

    • +1

      I called Big Buys yesterday and they said they accept HN gift cards. Seems like the best solution is to buy the gift cards from HN and then use them at Big Buys.

  • lots of info here on gift card and egift card. it would be great if someone can confirm:
    1. egift card purchased online also triggered the amex acknowledgement email.
    2. multiple egift cards and physical gift cards can be used in a single transaction later on (stacking), either in store or online.
    3. this one is a cheeky one, can we return a gift card with with proof of purchase to HN? (in the event Amex recants on the $100 rebate)


    • +1
      1. yes
      2. in-store : I don't see why not. Online - I'm not sure, I know some retailers only allow you to key in one gift card
      3. I doubt it
      • Many thanks for the quick reply. i ask Q3 becasue i can't find a lot info on the web including HN site. i sense you could be right on Q3.

  • Just bought a Moto G4 Plus 16gb for $399 before the cashback,
    Haven't received the AMEX confirmation email on my bank issued card yet, probably because my order is "under review"

  • The best price I can find for an iPhone 7 32 for a pricematch is Officeworks for $1059, has anyone seen it cheaper elsewhere please.

    • I think that's the cheapest. Big W has the same price (officeworks followed to $1059)
      I am planning to use 3 amex cards to buy one but contemplating whether I should spend $141 more and use 4 cards..

      • Thanks we are in the same situation. I did notice that people are suggesting buying giftcards, so maybe the extra on that would work, or a prepaid visa card? We are going to have a browse around later today.

        • I am planning to go on Saturday - will appreciate if you could let me know how you go.
          I would prefer to not convert them to gift card and then use to save small hassle (having said, it is definitely worthwhile if this is the only way to save $300)

        • +1

          @superbass: $300 or more, in one or more transactions

          You can always buy something else with the difference later using the last card before 30/12

        • @spk: Actually very good point. Thank you. I shall use 4 cards and look to spend $141 later on

      • Spend $141 to get $100 back? ($141 in value for $41 outlay) Seems like a no-brainer to me… ;-)

        • It is no brainer, but I didn't want to bought something that I don't really need. I will use 4 cards and look to spend $141 later as spk suggest above

  • Bought egift cards online, order being assesed
    Still haven't received any phone calls or confirmation.

    Spoke to online customer services they said it will take upto 24 hrs.
    24 hrs to do what?
    Anyone received any? How and what do they do?

    • I ordered $300 worth of gift cards yesterday which went through just fine - got the gift cards sent to me straight away

      So I decided to make 2 additional orders for gift cards last night using separate AMEX cards - still waiting for confirmation. I received the "review" email however.

    • edit: just got email
      They rejected the orders - no particular reason was given

      I think they have caught onto the massive surge in e-Gift Card purchases, and now it has been ozbargained

      • +1

        I got an email as well it's rejected no reason.
        Spoke to online order customer service stated email online security team.
        Sounds like it's farked

        • probably just have to go in-store and buy them

        • @Overtime2000:
          Yep just going to wait a bit and then try in store.

        • @SlipKnot: Rejected as well. Since I got the email saying that I'm getting the $100 credit, does that mean I won't be able to use the offer at HN even though I didn't buy anything

        • @bargainhunter8888:
          Hmmm thinking about the same now.
          Should've gone to the store. Damn it. Lol

        • I see no reason why HN should reject the gift card purchases (granted it isn't fradulent) if the credit. Whether AMEX gives us the credit or not is up to AMEX right?

        • +2


          I called up AMEX and was told that yes, even though your earlier purchase was refunded, you can reuse the credit card and as long as you pay over $300 in the next transaction, you can still get the cashback.

        • @cya:
          That's great news! Thanks mate!

        • @cya: you the MVP!

  • Come to think of it, it might actually be less hassle to do what some posters have done and spread the purchase over multiple cards. I went with the gift card route but if for whatever reason they decide not to approve (not sure why they wouldn't), I might just make a purchase with my two AMEX's.

  • Can we get multiple $100 cashback with a single card when spending multiple $300 transactions at Harvey Norman?

    • Save the offer to your eligible Card and spend $300 or more on that Card, in one or more transactions, in-store at Harvey Norman or online at harveynorman.com.au by 30/12/16 to receive one $100 credit. Limited to the first 60,000 Cards to save the offer.

    • No

  • +2

    Just bought the iPhone 7 Plus Jet Black 128GB from Harvey Norman using split payment of 4 Amex card, saved $400 if Amex not turn down the credit, fingers cross!!! SO HAPPY!!

    • -5

      •Excludes purchases of Miele, Falcon, NEFF, AEG, Gaggenau, ASKO, St George, Fagor, De Detrich, Elica & Apple products.

      • +4

        Sure, so how does Amex know what he purchased? Did HN ring it up using their special Apple POS terminal?

        • -3

          Nah but he bought an Apple P.O.S ;)

    • please confirm once u have received the cash back as I also want to buy the phone

    • Yes, please can you let us know when you get the credits back on your account? thanks

    • Nice one. Which store did you go to? I thought 7 Plus jet black was hard to get in HN

    • +1

      Yeah. I just cancelled my 256gb Jet Black 7 plus order from the Apple Store today. Was due to be delivered on 14 Nov so had to cancel before they charged my account.

      Will order from HN but expect another long delay before they get stock. Will also get an Apple Watch for wife. Lucky we have 7 cards between us. 😄

      • how did u get 7 cards @@

        • +1

          I have 9. Should get some more!

        • @Turd: how? lol

        • +1

          @Bigbabo: Be a professional ozbargainer!!

        • +1

          I actually only have 2 but my wife has 5.

  • Anyone knows which HN Store in VIC sells prepaid visa gift card?

    • +2

      nunawading does, it called vpay, cost $5.5 to purchase and load $300 value into it, just bought one in Nunawading store, staff seems a bit unfamiliar about how to sell my the vpay, anyway I have not got the email yet. However I think this way would work, as the term only mentioned the gift card, this vpay thing is not a gift card, should not be excluded.

      • +1

        Can you find this at NSW store ?

        • Sorry not sure about NSW.

      • Thanks for heads up, did you try at Nunawading and get the confirmation email?

        • No I didn't get email for both my cards, not sure why

  • I know this deal excludes Domayne, but does it exclude Harvey Norman @ Domayne stores?

    • I would say so? or depends on the cc merchant machine. It should display "HARVEY NORMAN"

      • Just dug up an old receipt.
        EFTPOS docket has
        at the top of it of course…

        • yea I think that's fine I think.

          My one at harvey normans says HARVEY NORMAN A <SUBURB>

          But dont quote me on it. Try it for yourself and see? Good luck, if not refund?

  • Does anyone know if any HN sell prepaid Visa cards (not the VPay one which can only be used online)?

  • Thanks OP. got an Olympus camera with $200 off (using 2 AMEX) and $200 off from Olympus cashback

  • I would like to purchase a trampoline from HN: $625 including delivery. The HN page indicates that it is available online only (and in BiG BUYS stores which I'm not sure qualify for the deal). HN's online system does not allow me to use 2 AMEX cards. Any suggestions on how I can spread the payment over 2 AMEX cards? For example, does HN have a call centre I can use to make the purchase? Thank you.

    • +1

      Buy gift cards in store, then redeem them online?

    • What puffinfresh said. Alternatively you can just buy 1 gift card of $300, then use that gift card against your online order, and pay the balance with the other AMEX.

    • Angelbaby (in a post below) indicated that you can't use a HN giftcard (presumably purchased instore) for online purchases. Can anyone confirm whether this is true or false (as there is conflicting comments in this forum)?

      • Not sure about gift cards bought in-store, but the e-Gift cards bought online specifically say they must be printed and used in-store only.

      • True - I have store bought HN GC and they cannot be used online… unless the system has changed in the last 6 months?

  • Guys I just wanted to say "THANK YOU" for the tip to use 2 different Amex cards if you have them.

    I have 2 (Gold and Platinum) and just happen to be making a $1000 Harvey Norman purchase tomorrow. The $200 credit will come in very handy with Xmas coming up.

    Much appreciated.

    • you can't use HN giftcard online, can only redeem in stores.

  • I cannot save the deal to my Amex card. I did use the deal when they had the x$ cashback last time…

  • guys i think i stuffed up… i've got a couple of amex's and i've enrolled in the offer using one email address (by mistake). Havent received a email on the second card.. When registering am i suppose to use alternate emails? (i normally would, but stuffed up) :(

    • It shouldn't have an impact if you used the same e-mail address.

      • did you get a confirmation email on the second card?

        • Yes - 2 cards registered using same email - both emails received.

        • +1 you can register multiple AMEX cards using the same email address, only requirement for course is that the cards must have different numbers ;)

  • Made a purchased lastnight still waiting for Amex confirmation email. Usually they send the email straight after the purchased done.

    • Check your account, it should say redeemed

      • nothing on my account yet

  • Managed to save it after 5 attempts….

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