This was posted 8 years 5 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Zoolz 1TB Lifetime Storage (500GB Active, 500GB Cold) - $64.99USD (~$88AUD) @ Zoolz


1TB of cloud storage through Zoolz. Utilises Amazon Web Services and provides AES 256 bit encryption. 500GB of instant storage and 500gb of cold storage provided. Allows the backup of external hard disks and network drives, and has iOS / Android apps.

From Zoolz Website:

On premises replacement option: Replace your prone to corruption externals, tapes, SANs and NASs
Ability to backup unlimited External (USB, eSATA, Firewire) and Network drives
Fully featured product with backup scheduling, bandwidth throttling, icon overlay, file retention, and more
Incremental: After the first backup, only new and changed files will be backed up
Block Level Backup: Backs up only block changes of large files such as Outlook PST
Preview thumbnails of your photos and RAW images
Durable and reliable: Your data will be stored redundantly over multiple facilities and on multiple devices in each facility
Deduplication technology: Files are compared against 3 levels of deduplication; machine, company, and global, before being processed to avoid re-uploading duplicated files

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closed Comments

  • How long exactly is this "lifetime" storage?
    I bought a lifetime license for a software (going to keep its name anonymous at this stage) but after a few years, the company switched owner and they are asking for new payment again. Thus I no longer trust this so-called "lifetime" deal anymore.

    • Similiar experience.

      I would be happy to use it if it is free lifetime storage nevertheless.

      • +1

        Yeah, I don't have 1TB data needed to be stored online, and uploading 1TB data would take ages with my ADSL2 internet connection.
        Google Drive provide free 15GB storage, also have iCloud and DropBox as well, more than enough for me. All for free.

    • +2

      As long as the Ponzi style lifetime scheme allows.

      • Thanks for your informed analysis.

  • Good question, I guess you can really only take these "lifetime" deals at their word. Doing a bit of research though and they have been around for a few years, and I expect they probably oversubscribe to a degree, realising that most people won't use the full 1TB storage. I think a lot of individuals and companies also use their pay per month / year model, so hopefully that would provide a sort of buffer for these deals they run. Still, if they go under in a few years it's cheaper than purchasing three years 1TB storage from a lot of their competitors. For the cost I decided to take the gamble.

    • How's the speed compared to Google Drive/Azure/Amazon Web Services/Mega? Those services exceed my 100 megabit bandwidth, very fast.

      • Couldn't tell you as my connection is pretty useless. I'll probably still be uploading photos in a week from now! But Zoolz do use AWS in the back end, so I expect it would be pretty decent.

  • +1

    I was looking at this only this morning except the one I saw was nearly half that @ $39 for life…

    • The link I had was from Stacksocial and it was a lot cheaper, but as they are an affiliate I wasn't allowed to post :( .

      • Yup it was $34.99 on Stacksocial yesterday. (It's gone up to $39 now)

  • Are there any Dana's?

    Or only Zoolz?

  • +1

    Wow 96% off? They really charge over 2 grand for this normally?
    Sounds like bogus.

    • It's the lifetime thing.

      But the problem with the lifetime thing is that so many services that offer "lifetime" go bust 1-5 years later.

      • +1

        these guys have been around a while
        never had issues
        I doubt they will be going any time soon as they offer many different services.

        • +2

          Have they been offering the lifetime thing for a long time? 'cause with most places that collapse they offer a good service for a while and then the lifetime thing starts happening when they're desperate for income before the collapse.

        • Dick Smith has been around for a long time too, but look where they are now :(

        • +1


          For the few years I have been with them, I signed up via a lifetime deal, haven't had an issue with these guys
          backed by AWS and they do offer other services, I can't see them going belly up anytime soon

          AWS is a HUGE advantage for these guys and their datacenter is in Sydney

          Obvious Caveat Emptor but in the last 3 years, constantly good upload / download speeds and none of my stuff has gone missing

        • @edfoo:

          Good point
          these guys are the real deal though
          they don't offer stupid prices and open numerous stores either

  • I got this nearly a year ago via stacksocial (for a bit less) and have been happy with it. Did takes ages to complete the sync (Optus cable - restricted upload speed), but now is all good. Just use it as a last resort backup for my photo library so wouldn't worry me if it goes belly up. Figured if it was still around after a couple of years I'd be ahead compared to just using AWS glacier directly, in particular if I had to restore anything.

  • I have zoolz, couldn't recommend them enough

    VERY FAST downloads
    haven't had any dramas yet

  • +1

    Just purchased from the alternative link above (…) - I was also given a prompt to receive a 10% off voucher for signing up.

    All in all, $35.10 USD for a lifetime of 1TB storage, still a bargain even if they go under in a few years!

  • +3

    Make sure you read this before signing up..…

    • +2

      Yep. The files are encrypted before leaving your pc. The file name is not though. They don't know what is in the files you upload, but they do know the names. Frankly, use this in the same way as any cloud service - if you put anything up there, don't treat it as your only or even primary backup, if you upload something private then encrypt it yourself first (or just don't use the cloud), and don't use silly names like *.torrent that a service provider might worry about and lead them to think you might be breaching the user agreement……

  • I may be wrong but I believe other cloud storage providers like Dropbox check files also, by comparing hashes of known torrents with that which you upload. If they find illegal or pirated content they can ban you too. Personally I wouldn't put complete trust any cloud storage provider, and would keep any sensitive content stored locally, or encrypt it before uploading.

    In saying that they could communicate that they can read filenames a bit more clearly, as promising end to end encryption does seem misleading.

    • Don't upload illegal material problem solved
      but in all honesty they are very transparent with their policies

  • Anyone know how to use the "Instant" Storage? Backups seem to use "Cold" Storage, and I can't seem to find how to change it to "Instant".

    • I contacted Zoolz support and have been told that only the Cold storage can be used for automated PC backups on this plan.
      The Instant storage can only be used by dragging and dropping via web browser, and there are limitations on file sizes. Makes the Instant storage not hugely useful.
      So, for anyone wanting this product for backing up their PCs in an automated fashion, keep in mind that you're only really getting 500GB, and if you're wanting to restore any data it will take 3-5 hours before the data even starts being restored. As long as you are OK with these limitations, then $US35.10 for lifetime subscription still seems decent.
      One other thing .. you can backup up to 2 devices with this subscription.

  • I've been using these guys for a year, and they're fine. They offer a lot of different services, mainly to business, so they look pretty solid.

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