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Parrot Bebop Drone and Skycontroller, $695, Was $1399, at Harvey Norman


HN are clearing out the Bebops now that the Bebop 2 is released. AFAIK it's a genuine clearance sale (though I usually don't believe anything from HN). Here's a good Aussie review of the product - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqYE0JkJ37A Dont mistake this for the one they have without the skycontroller.

From HN - The Parrot Bebop Drone and Skycontroller features an extended range, high-precision joysticks and numerous function buttons so you can take your Bebop drone experience to the next level.

It looks like a good option, though I'll probably still go for the Phantom 3 Advanced that I've been investigating.

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Harvey Norman

closed Comments

  • I looked into this drone during one of the numerous $999 jb sales. It seems that it is only worth getting with the sky controller but it is plagued by bugs such as the big where it loses connectivity and the drone will just sit stationary until the battery goes flat. If this is over water bad luck.

    I agree with OP, great price but probably better off with the Phantom 3

    • The HN salesman I spoke to today claims it has a RTH function like the Phantom, but I haven't seen that mentioned anywhere. As I said, very skeptical of HN claims.

      • Like most French things, great hardware paired with crap software.

        • I was going to tactfully avoid mentioning the Frenchness. To be fair, the software stability control looks to be outstanding. In the youtube review the guy explains (and shows) that there are no gimbals on the thing, yet the image remains rock steady. The rest of the software I couldn't comment on from any first hand knowledge.

        • great hardware

          Like French cars? :(

      • Sure, trust Harvey Norman. Where they advertised the DJI Phantoms to be voice activated.

        • I already expressed my view on HN. The word "trust" didn't feature.

    • also it was showcased at a hackathon as to how much of a joke the security of these things are

      someone remote accessed it since it uses a fricken OPEN adhoc network
      he hijacked the connection by using a wifi blocker to disconnect the signal between the drone and the sky controller

      then quickly connected to drone using his wifi

      then uploaded a modified config file so that it would mess up and offset the gps coordinates and altitudes sending the drone rocketting up into the atmosphere and could have sent it flying to some restricted airspace via spoof to bypass any geofencing

      and of course could easily transfer off any data incl pictures and photos taken

  • All these drones going on sale after the announcement of the GoPro Karma & DJI Mavic. LOLOL

    • It's been this price for more than a month now. Been thinking about getting it by I bought the P3 instead. I think I made the right decision

      • You have chosen wisely Bjay. A P3 Standard kicks this Bebop's arse all over the field.

        • Was it the P3 standard though? Also, what's everyone's thoughts on the DJI Mavic Australian pricing?

        • @YellowKnight: I mentioned P3 Standard because that model is the closest in price to $695. As for $1699 Mavic, yes personally it is expensive, but that's pretty standard DJI pricing in new products now. I paid around $1700 for my P3 Advanced last November. DJI is obviously trying to undercut GoPro Karma's pricing here.

        • @edfoo: Mavic is $1k in USA, so with gst should be around $1,450 here. At $1,700 it's overpriced. GoPro just dropped their price on Karma in USA from $1199 to $1099. Mavic will kill them. GoPro stock price dropped 6% on Mavic announcement. The market knows!

  • you are better off even with a DJI Phantom 3 Standard I think, or go for Cheerson CX-20 and the likes if you are looking for a cheap modifiable drone :)

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