As usual all RRP displayed on site is hugely inaccurate.
Free shipping with 2 or more items
Read/Write: 500MB/s / 450MB/s
960Gb - $309
480Gb - $155
240Gb - $78
120Gb - $50
"Read speeds of up to 21 Mbps and write speeds of 13 Mbps"
16Gb USB 2.0 - $4.95
32Gb USB 2.0 - $9
Micro SD
16Gb 40MB/s- $5.95
16Gb 90MB/s - $7
32Gb 40MB/s - $10 Sold Out
Good deal on the SSD's, but you can normally just get a 32GB usb 3.0 for $12-13 so $9 for the usb 2.0 isn't that significant of a deal imo.. e.g :)