Playstation 4 500GB Slim Console for $339.15 at Target eBay with code CODE15
Target eBay - Playstation 4 500GB Slim Console $339.15

Last edited 19/09/2016 - 23:20 by 2 other users
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i would wait for the PS4 Pro console now
damn i waited too long
guess ill just go wait a bit longer
Is 500GB enough?
Nope, time to find a 2.5" hard drive (max height 9.5mm) and replace it yourself.
The reason is that PS4 OS/format takes around 90GB and major games are around 30GB and more for future. I guess my comment applies based on myself.
My PS3 was 120GB and I only used 60GB. Depends on how many games you play, and if you download or use a disk. You can also upgrade the HDD.…
Found this on eBay:
Western Digital WD Blue 1TB 2.5" SATA Internal Laptop Hard Drive HDD 5400RPM from futu_online for A$80.75I think it's kind of obvious but I'll just ask anyway - doing this WILL definitely void your warranty yes?
I heard replacing your hard drive with a compatible device does not void your PS4's warranty.
@newsynthetic: the article said so as well, but with no hard facts and no links to an actual Sony T&Cs, I'm just a tad worried about opening up the darn box.
No it definitely won't, Sony even tell you how to do it.
@kevinMario: "PS4 owners will be able to replace PS4’s standard hard drive."…
Says nothing about actual Sony T&Cs though.
I'm pretty sure that PS4 games would be quite a bit larger than PS3 games were due to the increase in game texture size.
Some new gen games install a lot of data to the hard drive compared with the 'old days' even if you have the disc.
and if you download or use a disk.
That is irrelevant on the PS4/XB1, since all games have to install the entire game to the HDD, whereas on the PS3 you only had partial installs at most.
Unless you don't play many games, or constantly uninstall/reinstall games, 500GB isn't enough IMO. Sony don't have external HDD support either unlike the XB1, so it's a lot harder to expand storage in the future.
I was concerned about 500gb when I first got my PS4, as I had to upgrade to a 1TB drive in my PS3.
Having said that 500gb has been fine for me this time around, and personally I won't go to the trouble of upgrading to a larger drive if I can help it (not worth the hassle).
But it depends on how you're going to use ur PS4.
If you plan on having a lot of downloaded games that are constantly on your hard drive then you might eat into 500gb very quickly. As with any hard drive, the 500gb doesn't literally mean 500gb - I think there's around 420gb that's available - but a google search will confirm that.
Battlefield 4 with all the premium maps takes up around 65gb.
One of the best things about PS4 (one of the significant improvements over PS3) is that you can play games whilst the games are installing - although having said that a lot of games need downloaded patches after installation, especially multiplayer games - but even so, personally I view it as very simple to install games - and I have a very high internet download quota - so for me personally I have no issue uninstalling a game in the knowledge that I might want to reinstall it a few months later. Whereas with PS3 I was very reluctant to uninstall games.
So 500gb does require more management, but it's not as hard as you might be thinking it will be.
Another thing to add, and this is opinion and a bit bitchy, I feel that the number of good games for the PS4 is way lower than the number of good games there were for the PS3.
Don't get me wrong, the PS4 is an improvement over the PS3 and i'd strongly recommend getting one, but for me the PS3 had loads of exciting great games - and that's just not the case for the PS4. There are a heck of a lot of remastered games, sequels to known franchises (several not improving on gameplay much), and games which just haven't achieved their promise.
My point there is that you may find that your library of PS4 games is a lot smaller than your PS3 library - that's what I'm finding anyhow.
My point there is that you may find that your library of PS4 games is a lot smaller than your PS3 library - that's what I'm finding anyhow.
It's been out for less time than the PS3 (not even 3 years yet), so that much is to be expected.
What were the best games in the first 3 years of the PS3? I remember things were not looking good during that time, and they were getting trounced hard by the X360.
@muncan: This guy is your typical Xbox customer. Loves his shooters, doesn't play much of anything else.
@lostn: No, that's a typical video game customer. The highest selling games every year on PS3/4 are COD, Battlefield, Destiny, and all the other shooters, not just on Xbox. Shooters are what sells on all consoles.
@MrFunSocks: You can't buy Halo or Gears on PS.
Sony doesn't have a real equivalent to those franchises. Uncharted is more of an Adventure game with shooting. The PS has more from first party studios than just shooters.
Shooters sell on all platforms, but if you play primarily shooters, you're more likely to prefer the Xbox. That also happens to be where they sell best.
You can't buy Halo or Gears on PS.
You can't buy Uncharted or Killzone on Xbox.
Sony doesn't have a real equivalent to those franchises.
But how is that relevant? The best selling games every single year for every single Playstation are shooters and sports, just like on Xbox.
That also happens to be where they sell best.
Apart from the fact that all the CODs and BFs (and Destiny) have sold far more on PS4 than XB1.
The PS has more from first party studios than just shooters.
They do, but they don't sell very well apart from Gran Turismo.
Fair point, probably.
I don't recall what was available in the first few years of the PS3 life cycle exactly - but I'm pretty sure the games were very impressive at the time - so much more of a leap from the PS2 to PS3 than from the PS3 to PS4.
Resistance and Motorstorm were leaps and bounds beyond anything the PS2 had to offer. Same could be said of The Orange Box, Battlefield Bad Company.
Maybe I was (am) simply wrong, but I was expecting a bigger wow factor from a new console. There are impressive games on the PS4, but I personally feel that they're not overwhelmingly impressive. For example The Order had good graphics, excellent voice acting, but it fell apart in other areas. It was not as entertaining as any of the Uncharteds for example.
@muncan: Yeah, that's probably a big part of it.
Not just because of age and responsibilities, but also by becoming bored of similar experiences.
Do I really need to play another CoD single player campaign? Not really. They were great but I've played several of them now so I'm not desperate to play the next upon release.
At one stage I loved Tekken, but do I need to learn how to become moderately good at the latest button mashing game. Nope.
Recently i've stopped watching movies, and I hardly watch any TV programs anymore. I guess we run out of steam at a certain point, or can
You can't buy Uncharted or Killzone on Xbox.
They are nowhere near as popular in sales. Compare Killzone sales against Halo. Compare the online numbers of who's actually playing KZ to who's still playing Halo.
Uncharted is less an analog to Gears as it is Tomb Raider. You can go long stretches without combat in UC. There's exploring, traversing and puzzle solving. You're not going to go 30 seconds without a gun fight in Gears. That is its gameplay loop.
But how is that relevant? The best selling games every single year for every single Playstation are shooters and sports, just like on Xbox.
It's relevant because PS is not known for Killzone. Yes Killzone is on that franchise, but it's an obscure IP that gets little fanfare. Halo is a big deal. Aside from Forza, everything first party MS makes is a shooter of some sort. Sony's studios make more than shooters.
Without a massive disparity in hardware sales, the 3rd party shooters like CoD sell better on Xbox.
That is the console of choice if you're a shooter fan. Whereas if you like non-AAA Japanese games and other obscure things, the PS is the console of choice. You don't buy an Xbox for its amazing platformers or family friendly content. And Microsoft isn't in the business of making anything other than more shooters (and Forza).
Apart from the fact that all the CODs and BFs (and Destiny) have sold far more on PS4 than XB1.
This gen yes, purely because PS4 has double the sales of XB1. The more important figure which is software sales per console, XB1 sells more shooters. Every game will technically sell better on PS4 due to higher install base, so the figures there are misleading. It's what else is being played on the console that's not revealed in these stats. The important thing is, the non-shooters sell better on non-Xbox consoles. When you look at Nintendo consoles, shooters don't sell at all. On Xbox shooters are king. On PS, it's somewhere in between.
Last gen, it was no contest. The shooters sold better on Xbox.
They do, but they don't sell very well apart from Gran Turismo.
My argument was never about total sales but what people bought the console for. Shooters sell better but more PS owners play other things than Xbox owners do.
What's on offer is the point. If you buy a PS for first party games you could play LBP, Sly Cooper, Ratchet, or not. If you bought an Xbox for first party, you better like shooters. I don't know anyone who buys an Xbox for JRPGs for example. But that is what I bought all my PS consoles and handhelds for.
I don't know anyone who bought a PS purely for their love of Killzone. I don't personally know anyone who owns that game. I know people who love Halo though. Plenty bought an Xbox for Gears and Halo. Unlike Killzone, those are flagship franchises on the console. The guy in the photo is a typical Xbox shooter fan. And he's not alone.
Find me a PS3/PS4 owner whose collection consists of all the Killzone games, GTA, CoD, BF, and nothing else.
My collection has very few shooters. Uncharted are the only ones, and I don't consider that game a shooter. I consider it an action adventure with first person shooting. There are entire chapters with no shooting. With Gears, every 30 seconds it's a cycle of shooting. If I owned an Xbox, there are fewer options.
Depends how many games you play at a time.
If you're like me, it's only a few, or ideally, one. Then I uninstall the games I've finished and don't intend to go back to. 500GB is plenty.
But if you play lots of games at a time, and you play multiplayer games as well, that's more games that need to be stored at a time.
It's enough for maybe 8 50GB games.
I think it's nice to keep some games on hard drive to be able to jump in and jump out. I have the disk version of Drive Club but i'll probably get the downloaded version of it just so I can play it without having to swap disks over.
With the campaign games i'm just deleting them as the credits roll
Think I grabbed the last 1, thanks for sharing
Any ps4 pros available for preorder anywhere?
but they're at RRP. Best to wait a few days before release day to see what retailer has the best price.
I was going to buy an old one from Target this afternoon. Glad I saw this.
Anyone found any deals for a 500gb Xbox One S?
Missed this one, any more ps4 slim deals?
Back in stock! Got one thanks OP
Thanks, was just passing through and saw your comment, I'm now an owner of a new PS4! <3 OzB.
out of stock again?
back to stock again~~~
missed this one again….
Back in stock
I picked up the 1TB non slim console for $359 from ebgames if any one wants my receipt to price match… The chick I spoke to on the phone said all stores had stock apart from Cannington. Carousel had 10 left.
They're offering the 500gb for $369 but the dude had no problem giving me the 1TB for $10 less.
Almost bought a PS4 on the weekend, lucky I waited.